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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] Flattery (Seirath/Aleyath/Riders/Flits/Everybody)

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 3:59 pm
Outside of the drills they attended with the rest of Sparks Rising, both O'len and Aleyath had kept rather suspiciously to themselves over the past few weeks. Prior to that, O'len might have been named one of the top ten most cheerful young men in Western Weyr, but his current preoccupation was almost a tangible thing, a specter that clung to his back and slowly leeched his good spirits away.

Aleyath, on the other hand, was far less troubled. The simple excuse for his awkward behavior was that he was finally growing up, though he wouldn't have thought to blame it on that. Throughout the entirety of his relatively short life, Aleyath had been positively captivated by metallics, but there was a notable difference between admiring the way they twinkled in the sun and feeling a spreading warmth in his chest when they chuckled at his sarcasm. He had a vague suspicion he could be doing better somehow—telling funnier jokes or being more courageous or something—but he was at a rather frustrating loss as to how to proceed. He was poised to bring it up with his rider on this, the rare sunny day when O'len wasn't brooding, but that was before he caught sight of the one dragon he had never had a problem complimenting. He would have dove for Seirath had the human on his back been elsewhere, but instead he descended as gently as he could manage, pushing only a small gust of air at his sister as he landed nearby.

Spotty, dotty, shiny Seirath! Hello! Are you busy?

O'len peered over his dragon's shoulder and gave the green a nod of greeting.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:26 am
Sun was all but baking into the speckled and darkly green skin of the little dragon laying on the beach. Today had been some kind of break, one that both she and her rider had agreed upon since they had been working overtime studying and training and pushing it to the absolute maximum in regards to everything at once. Seirath would have rather spent some time taking care of herself or her lovely rider who seemed to be rather exhausted of late and finally, after some time spent overworking one another, the small green had finally convinced Amra of her own health. Even if it was in the form of her taking some time to sit and relax while focusing on cleaning up the room she had neglected a bit in her own head. Ten minutes was all she claimed to need, but there had been a lot going on and a lot that the pair had been learning.

Ten minutes hardly seemed adequate any longer.

Leaned against a tree only an arm's length from Seirath, Amra had her arms settled loosely on her crossed legs and her back straight as a board with her head held high; the expression on her face was just as blank as always but it was a bit softer as she focused inward on cleaning and maintaining her own mental faculties. It had been at least a few candle marks since she'd been all but drug out her by her own dragon but already the Room was looking much cleaner and much more organized. She would certainly need some time to get in and clean up Seirath's own, but the little one kept it in such a disarray that the rider almost couldn't look at it each day. In fact it took a lot of mental fortitude to get in there and clear things up but she never chided the little green as it was the room she'd created just for her. If she wanted it this way let her keep it that way.
So deep was her concentration that she never even heard the arrival of a fellow weyrling, but Seirath was never one to miss a compliment personally, especially such a sweet one. Slowly she opened her eyes, a deep blue-ish and purple hue thanks to the pleasure of being awoken so kindly, and raised her head from where she'd let it lay against the warm sands so that she could glance over towards her clutch sibling. Darkest of browns with flecks of sparkling brightness, if she'd been able to confuse him for a bronze she might have, but Seirath had known her dark brother all her life and had always been been thrilled to hear his voice, for it often carried such sweet compliments.

My darkest and most sparkling of brothers, what brings you to the beach on this lovely day with your rider, are you training to outfly us all? You darling overachiever you. Seirath crooned, sending a mental caress down his spine as she spoke to him with a voice like silk. Opening her mouth she gave a chiming creel of joy to see him, to hear him and that was enough to have two pale gray eyes open a bit, still lidded heavily as Amra glanced without moving at O'len and Aleyath. Not the type to reach out even if she was intrigued by every weyrling that trained beside her, the former spy reached in and grabbed the information she knew of him, held within it's own shelf as she had built with each weyrling that flew for Sparks Rising.

Not his normal expression....

Oh do leave be, all of us are feeling the effects of being so far into our training that it's all we do. the green flicked her tail so that just the tips landed on Amra's hand gently and stayed there, her words for her rider alone at this point. The motion earned her an inward smile as the rider simply closed her eyes once more.



Lonely Phantom



PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:05 pm
Despite her nearness, O'len didn't register Amra's stealthy presence until Seirath's tail brushed her rider's hand. He found the woman intriguing and intimidating in equal measure, and after he slid off of Aleyath's back onto the sand he slowly approached, not wanting to disturb her quiet time any more than they already had. He nodded once and smiled faintly while Amra's eyes were open to see, then peered out toward the lapping waves. They reminded him of home, of a time when things were simpler.

Aleyath wiggled a little as he took a seat, his tail curling forward over his skinny forelegs. See, this was exactly what he had been getting at! Why couldn't he sound the way she did when he greeted other dragons? It was more than a hello. It made him feel.

How do you do that? he asked with whispered incredulity, ducking his head in apology and dismissal as soon as the words were said. I... I'm not trying to outdo anyone, especially not you, Seirath. I just... I like to move. I need to. Flying's the best thing there is. It also takes his mind off of... well... hm. He forced the words to stop. There was no need to yammer on about his rider's supposed problems, simply let the green know what they were up to and why. Distracting from drama. Quashing unnecessary regret. Honestly, who cared about O'len's unplanned hatchling? Lots of humans had them.

I would've left you alone, but I've got something I've been trying to figure out and I think you can help, so... Aleyath ducked again, this time in deference. Oh Great and Wonderful Seirath, teach me how to be as cool as you.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 5:03 pm
A smile spread over the little green's face which went on to color her body language as she rose to her feet languidly. Her body moved smoothly and the effect of her joy slid down her spine to the end of her tail which she used to smack square across her lady's shoulder lightly before pacing her way over to Aleyath. Sparkles of blue and green flashed across her purple eyes for his praises and her curiosity for his request was almost palpable as she circled around him and brought up at his side after she'd finished looking at him. Every one of her siblings was made of something beautiful and here was her wonderful dark brother before her wishing for help with something? What was a siren to do?

Oh dearest brother, every dragon has something they excel in, it would appear flying is your own joy as singing is mine. Seirath sent him a mental caress from jaw to chin and gave a quiet trumpet as if to express her words even further. It wasn't as if she weren't at those trainings along with him, the green had seen her brother's skill at flying, the joy that seemed to pass through him when he was up there. Flying takes the mind off of just everything doesn't it? It's a wonderful feeling to be up there, the wind passing over skin, the shivers of delight that slide down the entire body from nose and head knobs straight to tailtips. At that she lifted her tail and twitched just the tips of it playfully with a sweet laugh.

Of course she could tell that there was something he wasn't telling her, something that might have been bothering either himself or his rider, possibly even both, but that was neither her problem or her concern. For there was a more pressing interest that called to her attention and that was his mention of her help. Aleyath, if there is ever anything you need all you need do is ask sweet one. I can always make time for you. Especially if he were going to come to her with such beautiful compliments. Not that she would vocalize that.

To her credit, Amra hadn't actually ignored her dragon's slap to her shoulder, rather she'd finished cleaning in a more rapid manner before she hazarded to open her eyes once more. Casting a sardonic look over at her dragon for her motions and the way she was acting and still prodding her mentally to interact, the woman rose to her feet and dusted sand off the long skirt she was wearing. Stretching with all the grace she possessed as a dancer, she twisted and glanced over at O'len where he was standing, hesitating a moment before she moved to join the shorter man. One hand rested on a hip as she looked out at the waves slowly creeping up the sand and pulling back out. It reminded her of a dance, it reminded her of how life moved and a dragon's hearts could beat so beautifully in time. "No matter how many times I see it, I always remember the first time I met the ocean." Amra's voice was nearly as deep as the color of her skin, her voice just a bit above raspy given how little she used it, but there were times that it was the best way to communicate. What she remembered of O'len was not this expression, or this silence, but he didn't need to speak of what bothered him, she didn't need to know.

Once her mother had taught her that she'd need to listen with more than just her ears.



Lonely Phantom



PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:03 pm
The brown smiled too, though it was noticeably less practiced and therefore less warm. Thankfully his mental response made up for that. He projected chipper curiosity as she circled him and pleased approval at her words. What she said was true, though he wouldn't have phrased his love of flight in quite the same way. He might have said swoopy or light or simply fun.

Childish sentiments, just like his compliments.

He paused, eyes an acidic green as he pondered his thoughts. Okay, so. When I'm talking to older dragons... golds and bronzes, you know... I want to be more... special somehow. Like I'm worth talking to. It's nice to make them laugh, but I think they're doing it for the wrong reasons. Or maybe just reasons I don't want. Cute, hatchling reasons instead of interesting ones. And I thought you might be able to help because you're very good at talking, but you're also wonderful and I always want to tell you that when I see you. I mean it. That wasn't me practicing or anything. So, I figure you must get that a lot. You must hear dumb things all the time and be very good at separating them from the things you like. Aleyath tried to school his eyes back to blue like he sometimes could when he was trying to lie, but they remained pale with uncertainty. He really hated sounding so stupid.

O'len watched Amra as surreptitiously as he could manage, eyes barely shifting to occasionally bring his periphery into focus as she stood and stretched. He didn't often think about how he moved or how he came across, but her languid grace brought to the forefront how clunky he must seem to some. Comfortable enough in his own skin, but lacking any sort of poise or economy of movement. He looked at her properly in acknowledgment, then turned back out toward the ocean.

"I've always known it." There had never been a time when he hadn't lived near the water, so close that he had failed to register it as something most people didn't see every day until he was in his teens. Sometimes he missed its ever-present lap, but Western was close enough to the shore to suit. "Was it a long time ago? When you... met it?" Wariness crept into his thoughts as soon as the question left him, and he added a hasty, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," just after. He didn't quite know why he was backing out of asking an innocuous question, just that personal stories felt tender lately.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:56 am
This... was not going to be easy at all. No, Seirath could instantly tell any all of the reasons that she enjoyed Aleyath, sing them a song of beautiful hide and his open personality, but it was that open personality that allowed the words and laughter of others to settle into his two hearts so deeply. While she herself was guilty of doing that to many a male dragon, her brothers were special and they were hers to protect, though the siren was quite comfortable twisting their emotions to her own needs depending upon the situation. Her brother needn't know that if he didn't already though, the sweet one.

So it is the attention of metallics that my brother's hearts are drawn to, is it? They are brilliant in their own ways, each shining like beacons to draw others in. Personally she wasn't as interested in the largest of dragonkind like some of those she'd encountered, though golden ladies could be lovely the greens were more her preference and always would be. Never overlook a green dragon and Seirath certainly did not. Time for a different approach then, if 'cute' was the offense of the hour that rankled skin into feeling less than worthy. Well then you simply need develop an interest in yourself, Aleyath! You're a very special dragon but what makes you special? Is it flight that lifts your hearts above the clouds? Are you drawn to the sparkle of metallics because your eyes catch on the glitter of other things in life?

There was always something that made a dragon unique and he certainly was unique among his fellow clutch mates who all bore personalities of differing strengths and effects. What was there to speaking with sparkling dragons after all? Older dragons were no different now that they'd grown than any in their clutch, they all had interests and desires. What Seirath had to pick up on was what Aleyath's desires were and she knew just the way to get into them if her lady had been paying enough attention in the past months. A mental jolt was sent her way as Amra denied her the chance to reach into their Room.

This one was for the little green to discover on her own. Connection was half the battle with a sibling when she would soon enough be flying in a wing alongside dragons who had been fighting Thread since it's return. Her rider was hardly cruel though and an image of a map flashed through Seirath's head briefly before dissipating, a clue that she wouldn't overlook.

Light gray eyes blinked at O'len's question, not in surprise but in curiosity for that being his response. He'd always been more open though, at least more than she was, so the next words he spoke actually brought a gentle smile. "My mother owns a caravan so we never stopped moving for very long. One day when I was seven or eight we stopped by a beach near Southern Boll and I got to see the Ocean for the first time." A wistful note came into Amra's voice as she spoke and she couldn't help but look back towards the water once more. There were a lot of things about Pern that were beautiful, but the ocean was one of the greatest parts of it and it seemed that since she'd Impressed to Seirath she'd grown even fonder of it.

A thought wormed through her mind and after a moment's hesitation for his concern with his own personal question but she had already given him a bit about herself so... it seemed fair to ask. "Did you grow up around the water yourself that you've always known the ocean?" She tried to take the edge out of her normal tone since he seemed so hesitant and anxious about questions, whether is own or just hers was a mystery.



Lonely Phantom



PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 10:46 pm
Aleyath bowed his head at his sister's initial comment, the acknowledgment of his fascination a great deal more embarrassing when it came from someone else. He was drawn to metallic dragons, but when Seirath said as much, his interest seemed far more illicit somehow.

But she spoke of... an interest in himself? Aleyath sat in silence for a little under a minute, eyes whirling slowly at first, then almost feverishly as they finally crept back toward blue. It was true that he didn't know all that much about himself, hadn't taken the time to analyze his likes and dislikes beyond whether they brought him happiness or sparked irritation. Maybe the green was onto something. Surely if he knew himself better—why he liked metallics so much, for example—well... maybe he could get them to value him rather than humoring him.

Yes. He bobbed once in jovial affirmation. If I know what makes me me, I can talk about that stuff instead of babbling about nothing. So... um... I suppose I like to fly because it's never boring. Lessons could be so dull. Every minute I spend in the sky is always different. And some of the reasons why I like golds and bronzes are because they're so bold and free. Not that I want to be one or anything. He had heard they had all kinds of responsibility at other weyrs and... bleh. It's just a feeling I get when I see them. Like they could go anywhere and do anything they wanted. And they're just so... He sighed through his nose. ...pretty. Aleyath blinked slowly, amused and still a touch self-conscious. I guess that's not fair to them. They're not fancy baubles.

O'len nodded. "Indeed I did." With a small bit of effort, he relaxed a touch, silently assuring himself that this was no more than an innocuous conversation and no one was making any malicious judgments. Probably.

"I'm originally from Black Sand Hold. Minus the pirates, it was a lovely place to grow up. I could swim almost before I could stand, and the tourism trade ensured that I met many different kinds of people." She must have done so as well, always being on the move. "I never would have guessed that I was amassing personal stories to keep a dragon entertained."

finally aaaa <3
i am a horrible
PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:52 pm
Laughter seemed to light through the air, dancing around like lights as the little siren's eyes danced bright purples and pinks at her brother's answer. No, more the last part of the answer. Still she laughed all the same, a bright tone to it rather than anything dark, for she wasn't judging the way that he viewed metallics or himself, but she found it all rather funny. To Aleyath the golds and bronzes that flew through Western's sky and indeed all of Pern were treasures that he hadn't needed to find. Already there for him to admire and confuse himself over even further as they simply went along their daily lives, ignorant to her dear brother's plight. Laughable as it was, Seirath's tone became deadly serious as she locked him in the facets of her seemingly dancing eyes, the sparks mimicking the way her laughter had danced that betrayed how happy she was despite it.

You hardly give yourself the credit you deserve, my strong brother. Look at those wide wings, your love of flying that keeps you moving and searching for new opportunities. Aleyath, you can go further and faster and longer than most of us. Certainly further and longer than any of your green or blue siblings and far faster than even our smallest bronze brother. There was pride in her tone as she spoke the last part, buffing him up as better even than Helsinth. In her glowing eyes he was far superior to any metallic, but still it had to be his own voice in his head that showed him that path. It just means that you can fly and search for anything your heart desires for as long as you wish while the rest of us cannot. And if it's a fancy bauble that you desire to search for then you truly need just look for the correct one.

One of her clawed hands waved a bit as if to clear the tone she could hear in his voice, there was no room for that sort of temper around her, she simply wouldn't allow him the opportunity to be so cruel to himself when she knew better. The hearts that beat within the Aleyath I know are far superior to some of those same dragons you speak of. It's time that you view yourself as the shining treasure you are and look for a dragon who might possess the qualities to keep up with your adventurous spirit. Why should the wind itself be tied down to a stone when there are sweet breezes and rolling storms out there to ignite their deepest desires? Seirath's eyes sparked red across purple as she spoke of storms, disappearing quickly as if never there, an impish tone in her voice. Far more beautiful than any deserves, my sweet brother Aleyath deserves the best in life and the opportunity to search it out as his hearts wish most.

Within herself was a rolling storm, one that only a few of her precious siblings would ever see, but someday she might show them all the dangers of loving a green that belonged to all.

Much better, there was a degree of tenseness that eased out of O'len's body as he spoke, seeming to let the comfort of the familiar places aid in that. Possibly, it was hard to tell with him but she could almost tell. Almost imperceptibly Amra relaxed herself, muscles easing as she listened to his words and the rhythm of the waves that took her back to a place that comforted her as well. "Black Sand is beautiful, even with all the interesting types that can run through there each day. Once or twice I was lucky enough to visit it before Thread started to fall again, but the people around there were some of the most colorful of all." Well, she wasn't counting Bitra, but really who ever would count that place? It was a constant swaying riot.

At the last statement he made a grin played across her dark features and seemed almost to light her face up, if only for a brief moment as she kept laughter from erupting out that might give her away. "Oh, the more they can see and be entertained by the better, right? I swear sometimes Seirath is greedy beyond all belief with what I've seen and done in life. Everything I've seen and all I am, as if she didn't have that already." Still, there was a decided separation that Amra had to keep between them, though their bond was as strong as iron, she didn't want to fall into Seirath and never see the light of her own heart again. Hearts... now. All these months and still she felt the little green meld into her more every day.

I'm the woooooooorst. The wooorst~! XD <3 I'm so sorry this took so long!


Lonely Phantom

[IC RP] Western Weyr

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