Boma'madini had prepared, she nested, she shifted the very Earth for them, and she was so very afraid. The cave she sat nestled in had light from above pouring down through cracks and crags in the earth. She'd spoken to almost every single mineral in the area ensuring there would be no cave ins, shifts, or disasters - it was going to be a safe place. The cave, more like small hall, was covered from floor to ceiling in a shining smooth surface, which on further inspection was crystallized quartz she had coaxed from the earth itself to line her den.

There were statues, altars, ruins, all pulled from around Africa, she had to - was compelled to bring them here. The life growing within her was hers, they belonged to her, and she wasn't going to allow anything bad to happen to them. The statutes, made by foreign hand and paw were to honor them, to show them how much they will be taken care of. A chthonic ritual, of gathering, of offering had been done here.

The pain and anguish the feeling of them moving inside of her brought to her was foreign, yet familiar. The goddess knew these lives would never fade, never be pressed into the mortal coil, and it shocked her to feel so strongly about this. There were so many blank places in her memory - and she knew the birth of mortals was apart of that. She knew she wanted to bring life into this world so badly, but feared them leaving, feared them dying and never reliving life upon life with her. What if something was wrong? As it had gone wrong so many times before? It wasn't, it wont be. These were not mortal lives, they would not fade and pass through the gates she feared most atop the mountain.

Boma'madini knew it was time to look through those old memories, to find the Goddess she avoided so fiercely. Dalila'abadi had promised once before to restore her fractured memories to her. Boma feared she was a terrible soul at heart, a selfish, horrible being, and that in this life she had tried her best to be kind to others, help them, and show love and acceptance to those she found. She held no anger towards anyone, but feared that she should toward herself. Boma ran from anything that brought forward and inkling of memory or pain.

She could not run from this, could not escape from them. They were her blood and would be until she took her own soul out of the stream of reincarnation. She welcomed them, feared them, could not wait to teach them and learn from them.