To say the pride was in turmoil was a little bit of an understatement.

Ciro'mekaitso, one of the Captains of the pride, wanted, no, needed to find a way to help them. It was not only the clan that were suffering, it was his family as well. While he knew he wasn't the best father figure in the world, he was still one, and could not bear the thought of losing any of them. The Viking life was a tough one, but the children should have at least been given a chance to make their own choices. It may have been careless to think, but if when they grew, and were killed in action on a Viking mission, Ciro could find solace in that. However, if his children could not make it past the point in life where they no longer needed a parental figure in their life, than he would feel guilty of just being a god awful father.

It was strange what was going on. The pride resources seemed plentiful still, water and food wasn't lacking. However, whatever was affecting the members was coming from something Ciro had yet to pinpoint. While there was sustainable resources, the one thing the Captain found lacking was a team of Reavers. Whether they had been taking care of their families (what Njia was currently doing), or taking care of themselves.

This was likely why, standing at the borders, were a small group of adolescents. Two females he recognized, and a male who had just begun growing his mane. He was unfamiliar to Ciro, although the wing markings on his back were reminiscent of his former thrall Ruka. The girls he had known in passing. Both were grandchildren of Astrid. The paler girl from Astrus' litter. A frown was placed on Ciro's maw at the thought. He knew the father, briefly. He had warned the lion to not mess with Astrus. However, it looks like he words were useless. Damn thing was apparently quite a fertile creature after just one meeting.

The other girl, daughter of Astrid's Sunniva. He had been around the dark female when she was younger, but she was quick to get out of their parents den, unlike the Astrus or her brother Kristanf was.

"Ayanga, Runa." Ciro called their names.

"Aldan." The male introduced when the Captain did not mention his.

Ciro nodded, thankful for the greeting. "Let me be the first to admit you are not my first choice in a team. You are but mere freeborns, and I would rather have you tag along with a Reaver for a more personalized setting. However, with how the pride is going currently, we do not have that luxury. Get to know each other well. They will be your partners, your life savers, until we make it back. Our time frame is unknown on when that will be." Ciro hoped it wouldn't be long. He wanted to get back to his family just as much as the freeborns did. "And if that bothers you, you can turn around and leave right now with no judgment against you." He concluded, turning away from the children as he looked out of the lands.

None moved. Maybe it was the bluntness of the statements, or just the fact it would just be the three of them with a Captain.

Regardless, they stayed put, awaiting orders. Ayanga shifted on her paws. Runa scoffed, tail flickering behind her, and Aldan stood still, watching the male carefully.

Ciro glanced towards the adolescents once more, shaking his head. "Let's head out then."


All Vikings were different. Some were quiet, some were loud. Some were large, others were small. One thing Ciro found out on this particular mission was that each of his freeborn wards had something special about them. For example, Runa seemed to sense when someone would approach. Ayanga, had begun muttering the night of their departure about something looming in the distance. And Aldan…Well, Aldan might have been the only normal lion of the bunch. The only thing with the male was he was quiet, always thinking. When Ciro would try to ask what was going through his mind, he just smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

Already three days had passed. The hunger pains that had plagued the group when leaving the lands had long since passed. Only tired feet complaints echoed in the air.

Ciro had to resist rolling his eyes as the complaints. "You will get used to it, don't worry." He told the group. Night was quickly approaching, and the group found themselves in a wooded area.

"Where did you say we were heading to?" Aldan had asked from his silence at this time.

The Captain turned his attention to the male. "There's supposed to be a pride of healers to the North of here. I have never been, but once we locate it, maybe we can find something to help the pride."

A few ohs emitted from the girls, and Aldan just nodded. "Why don't we just get the Gods to help?" He asked quietly. He knew his lineage. He was of God blood. He knew Gods lived in the pride. He had found the godlet cub while wandering in the lands, and had brought it to another who had openly admitted his heritage in front of him.

Ciro shrugged. By his actions, it was obvious he did not have an answer for Aldan. If the Gods wished to help their pride, then they would make themselves known for it.

No other questions were asked that evening.


The band of lions had decided to rest in the small clearing. Woods surrounded them on all sides. Ciro liked the idea of taking watches, so each member could get some shut eye.

In the middle of the night, while Ciro was resting, Astrus' daughter approached him, nudging his shoulder.

"I don't like it here." The pale female said quietly. "Something's wrong. We should get going." Part of the female wished her sister was here. The two were special. What she saw in her mind, Sakari was able to follow up and finish. If she was out here, she would understand what she was babbling about.

Ciro didn't know. "What's wrong?" He questioned, ears flickering. A yawn released from his throat as he blinked the sleep from his eyes.

The adolescent's comment seemed to rouse the other two. "What's going on?" Aldan asked, shaking his head.

Runa was quiet. Her pink eyes narrowed. "Someone's coming." She announced, the feeling riveting through her body, fur starting to stand on edge.

Ciro's gaze flickered between each of the children, rising to his feet with a sigh as he stepped in front of them. Runa's visions had yet to be wrong. "How far?"

The chocolate female frowned. "Right there."

The Captain's eyes narrowed as he saw the group falling out of the shadows. A large male in lead with markings that seemed to shine in the moonlight. Two more males followed directly behind him, and then two others from there Ciro couldn't quite make out.

"Are you Friend? Or are you Foe?" Ciro called out, his voice deep, no-nonsense while he stood in front of all three adolescents.

The lead lion stepped forward, a glint in his eyes and a smirk on his maw.

"Depends on who wants to know."


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