Kristanf was still on his Viking. He had met a rather pleasurable female in the Mwezi'johari lands, and was saddened he couldn't take her as a thrall. He had to be careful. He had learned many things in his life along the way when it came to these outings. Anyone found in Rogue lands was free game, but if you mingled on a border or within a pride land, you run the risk of being chased out or killed on site. If you happened to steal said pride member, you also put the pride in danger.

Kristanf was a wuss when it came to confrontation like that. So he just opted to mingle all night before leaving by dawn.

His attention was distracted when he saw a familiar creature. Where had he seen that bird before?

She seemed distracted, and the small rumble in Kristanf's stomach meant this might be an easy hunt. He lowered himself to the ground, stalking up to the preening bird on the rock. His body slinked and wiggled, before his hind end pushed off the ground to launch at his lunch.

Gwen squawked, feeling the pressure of another on her, tackling to the ground. She tried to get up, but a large paw had caught her right wing. Any little tug sent more pressure from the lion above.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Wait." Gwen started, her free wing pushing uselessly against the Reaver. This male. Oh hell. It was that same male who had caught her a few months back. Ciro was there to help stop the male from eating her, but she knew the Captain wasn't around. He was probably still caring for his young cubs back in the land.

"I know you. You're that bird...the bird from that cave! Ciro wouldn't let us get you, but now...Now look at things. You left Ciro, only to end up in this predicament all over again. Such a shame." The large lion had one paw pressed against the wings of the Falcon, the petite bird struggling, trying to get free.

"Ciro? Ciro wouldn't be happy to know you caught me again. You should let me go before he finds out." the avian struggled some more, frowning.

"No need to struggle. I am no longer part of Ciro's group, so he won't be coming to the rescue for you. I guess that is okay though. Last time I meant to share you with my sister, but I can just keep you for myself. I've never had falcon before...I wonder what they taste like. Besides," The male started. "If he's not out here, he wouldn't know you and I had this little meeting right?" The Reaver said thoughtful, his claw pushing harder into the wing, hearing a snap.

In turn, Gwen cried out. "You are making a mistake." She said quietly, pain radiating in the mortal form. "You don't want to do this. Ciro will find out."

"Oh...and why is that?" Kristanf asked, eyes narrowing. "You know I was really hungry that day, and was denied a meal. I am quite famished now too. He can't find out if you are digesting in my stomach." He licked his lips, the avian struggles started to die down.

She was stuck. She couldn't transform with the lion on top of her. And even then, she didn't know if that would cause whatever he had just snapped problems in her god form. It was definitely something she hadn't experienced before. The pain radiated in her shoulder down her wing. It was sharp.

"I'm not an avian. I..I'm a goddess." She confessed, trying to push the male with one last burst of energy. "I can show you, you just...need to move." She begged, beady eyes looking into his pale ones.

Kristanf clicked his tongue as if to speak. He considered his options. She was likely lying. The only gods he believed in were the ones his pride worshipped. Besides, those Gods wouldn't go parading around in such a small form.

"I don't believe you." He released the wing though. It was broken, the snap confirmed that, so that meant she couldn't fly away. " are going to be so good," Kristanf went to swipe at Gwen. She was quick, but not fast enough. She gasped feeling the sharpened claws hit her chest, right above the red and blue shapes, as she felt the wind rushing past her. Her eyes closed until the wind died down, replaced was the feeling of cold under her feet.

How...How did this happen?

Gwen was back in the Haven, but she wasn't in her Avian form. Instead, she was in her God form. She looked up, spotting the soul above from the fallen mortals fly by. She reached out towards one, the pain she had felt in her broken wing mimicked her right leg. A god wasn't suppose to experience tthis...right? There were suppose to be immortal.

Well. Maybe not completely immortal. A wound could kill them. If she was in this form, it wouldn't have been so bad, but her bird form had taken the brunt, and in teleportation she had managed to morph back unconsciously, spreading the wound larger. She felt liquid on her chest, large claw marks had slashed their way the majority of her avian form, and in turn correlated to her goddess form. She was bleeding, badly.

Her vision was fading as her paw dropped. She smiled briefly. With one last thought, she saw the glow of her the red portion of her necklace. She whispered words into it, bringing her injured arm to remove the jewelry from her neck. She lay it next to her, watching the radiant jewelry fade, before her eyes turned back to another soul entering the realm. She let the soothing glow of the soul to put her to rest.

Back on Earth, Kristanf was practically hugging the ground. What...Where? Where did the bird go? He looked around, there were feathers. There was blood. But there was no bird? He looked to the sky, a cloud darkening nearby. Rain, in this part of the land? The Reaver frowned.

So much for that easy meal.


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