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Reply [IC] Deserted...
[PRP] Dawn (Azzan / Chau)

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Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2018 3:50 pm

The black lioness had to admit, there was a tiny chance that her celebrations might have gone to her head. In the same circle of the sun, she had been freed from her servitude and earned her brand, the relief and joy she felt was indescribable. She had transformed from being trodden down to believing she could achieve anything; even claim the Prides stoic protector as her own. It was not until the next morning that she realised what she had done and the weight of the decision actually hit her.

Oh how Katiti would laugh. Chausika would have laughed herself if that would not have woken up the battle warn lion by her side. It was before dawn, too early to be awake by anyone's standards, but she was finding it impossible to go back to sleep; her mind was too preoccupied. The dark feline was used to relations in the Roguelands; the past males in her life often said hello and goodbye in a matter of hours. Azzan had stayed with her; that in itself was strange and unusual.

She did not know what to say.

Curled up by the rusty lion's side, using his mane as a pillow to support her head, she finally dared move. Her face nuzzled downwards until she could feel the base of his skull under the mass of thick fur. It was a gentle attempt to wake him.

“Duty calls, brave warrior.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 6:39 pm
Azzan's thoughts were turning faster than his body could will itself to wake and before he could be bothered to move, he released a loud, displeased groan that he managed to over exaggerate just for her sake. If there was one thing to be said for the grizzled warrior after so long it was that the mornings were most assuredly not his favorite.

"Not yet," he mumbled as he shifted to roll on his side, flopping dramatically over. It shifted her head to lay against his shoulder and let him look sidelong at her through a brilliant, red eye that just barely peeped open. "Those Unbranded can wait just a breath longer today. They could use a little lesson in patience anyway."

As he finished his low, gravelly mumbled, his wide jowls parted and drew in a breath on a yawn. It had been a very long time since he had woken up with another body next to his own and even longer since he had decided that it felt alright to remain there. Something about Chau was comforting even if she had, thus far, been only a cyclone in his life.

After a moment of consideration, he lifted his head and nosed the tuft of her hair affectionately.

"Good Morning."

Z o m b i k ii


Eloquent Lunatic

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:41 am

Chausika did not struggle as Azzan rolled onto his side, her head sliding from his neck onto his shoulder without resistance. A soft smile reached her eyes, reminiscing on the few weeks they had spent in each others company before the reforming of the Outlands. The rusty male met the day with the same reluctance now as he had done then; it was as endearing as it was familiar.

The superiors tardiness seemed to be a running theme within the Pride, Katiti often made Chau wait for her just because she could. She supposed Azzan’s status gave him the same power? After all what lion beneath his rank would dare complain? “You are not setting a good example to your subordinates, General." A quiet, tired laugh escaped her maw.

"We might have to rethink this arrangement if I am going to be a distraction.” Her words were playful, a fact that was illustrated with a sarcastic roll of her eyes. Until the vibrant, red glimmer of his own caught hers and held them in place.

The air filling his lungs made her head rise with his rib cage; the once rogue was still reluctant to move, happy for now to be nothing more than dead weight sprawled across his body. The dark feline was very content watching him and sharing proximity, more entranced than she dared to admit; a trance that was broken as his nose found her tuft of hair that hid silver eyes.

It made blood pool under her skin, taken back by the tenderness. He had confessed himself, he was not good at these things; so the effort was not unnoticed, nor would it be unrewarded. “Good morning.” Chau pushed her face against his own; stretching his jowls and making the skin around his eye wrinkle. An affection she could not deny him. Neither could the black lioness deny herself the first lazy morning she could take advantage of since the pride’s rebirth; she could not remember the last time she had stayed in her den past sunrise.

A proposal that he was making it hard to protest.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 8:39 pm
Chau's gentle nuzzling was met with a low, deep rumble of a chuckle through his chest until it was, at last, firmly cut off by a resigned sigh; she was not wrong, he had duties to attend even if laying around in the den with her was much, much more appealing.

A wide yawn cracked his jaws before he moved, slowly so as not to make her tumble in the wake of his withdraw, and pulled himself up onto his feet. Both front paws stretched out long before him so he could sink into a stretch that popped his hipbones and, not for the first time, he cursed his aging body. Soon, he knew, he would get to retire from his position. He could lay around with her then - if she still wanted.

The thought made him smile weakly as he turned to look down at her, his dark lioness sprawled comfortably against the redstone of the den floor. Would she want to stay with him once he was old? Would she want to remain with him at all? He thought so but he never did know these things.

"I do need to get going before Ebbe loses his stripes - do you want to walk a ways with me?"

Z o m b i k ii


Eloquent Lunatic

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 2:39 pm

The dark female slid off the old warrior's side as he moved, instantly mourning his absence. Silver eyes watched him as he stretched, pointed ears picking up every strain and creak that echoed in his bones. She had resisted the urge to yawn the first time, but the second was too much to resist; hers was quieter, her maw sucking in air as her head turned towards her shoulder to be polite. Her eyes closed as her jowls stretched and when they opened again she got onto her feet.

Unlike the lion, her muscles were already loose and ready to go; Chausika was still blessed with her youth and a body that was nimble and fresh. The female gave very little thought to Azzan’s age and was unaware that the gap between them was as large as it was; despite knowing he had spent years in this land alone. Not that it would have made a difference, she was a stubborn fool who had already decided that this was what she wanted.

The Shield’s claws stroked the red stone a few times and then she was ready to go. Her attention settled on the light that was flooding in through the entranceway all too aware that the Pride was going to talk if they were caught leaving together; but then again, the Pride was already talking. She offered him a gentle, tired smile before she nodded. “Of course I do.” She finally replied, raising her brow as if to suggest her answer should have been obvious.

The lioness brushed his side as she walked ahead, one last touch before their duties began. It was her first day as a Shield; no doubt she was going to be put through her passes. Chau stepped out into the blazing morning sunlight, squinting as pale eyes adjusted to the rays. Her den was not as central as most; as a Tarnished it only made sense for her to linger on the outskirts. Maybe now she was free of the title that would also change in the near future.

Chau felt a soft laugh rumble in her breast, looking back towards the male that she assumed was following. “I am sorry. About everything, Azzan.” She shook her head. “Not about last night; but all the trouble I caused before. For everything I said. I was afraid and I acted irrationally because of it.” And all the trouble that was to no doubt follow.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:55 pm
A deep, amused chuckle followed Chau out of the den as Azzan made a slinking stride out and into the glaring light of day. He was accustomed to it by now; their pride was so close to the desert wastes that it seemed there was very little vegetation near the redstone and each tiny fractal of sand set it ablaze. Not for the first time, he let his mind wander as he drank in the beauty of his homeland and listened to Chau's pleasant voice like a lion hypnotized.

It was with some strain that he pulled his thoughts back to the surface, realizing belatedly what she was getting at. There was a frown plastered on his maw as he quickened his pace and brought himself to her side - and then passed it. He circled around to face her and planted himself cleanly in her pathway; his face was too serious, too bold, but somehow full of an underlying concern.

"Do not apologize for the things you have already paid for, Chau. You are a lioness of the Ukuhlwa'Izwe and there is no longer a soul within these lands that need hear those words on your tongue, do you understand me?" He shook his head, making his thick mane shake around his dual-toned eyes. He half-turned, then, but swept a lingering mismatched glance at her over his shoulder before he fell into step again. Oddly, he almost seemed to be smiling.

"There are not many souls that would take such a sentence and come through the other side with fire still in their heart. It is why I like you."

Z o m b i k ii


Eloquent Lunatic

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 1:28 pm

Chau’s passe slowed as her path was cut off by the rusty male. Judging by his expression, the black lioness was expecting him to sold her, so much so her ears flattened against her skull for a brief moment. Though, when his words reached them, her ears perked back up; her face alight with surprise. Not for the first time, he had caught her off guard and her skin flushed under dark fur.

“N-no, only you needed to hear them. It was you who I slighted and to be honest, yours is the forgiveness that means the most.” The dark female might have repaid her debt, served her punishment; but redemption did not mean it was behind her. She had said some awful things to him, things she would take back if she could. Alas, they had already been said; words fueled by fear and anger that now weighed heavily on her heart.

It is why I like you.

Silver eyes shot up to meet his face and it was her turn to stand before him speechless. Azzan, the creature in this Pride who had the most reason to dislike her, was again proving to be the kindest towards the once Tarnished female. Chau put one paw in front of another and spurred herself to motion so she could walk, closely, by his side. For a moment she just appreciate the proximity, steadying her heart after such a tender admission form the Claw; then-

“There is so much I wanted to say when my voice could not reach you.” She mused for a moment, every so often letting her gaze wander from the road to look up at her large companion. “I know things have not played out like you expected them to.” She paused, thinking about the Prince and his siblings. There was a time where Azzan was next in line for the throne, even though that now seemed like a lifetime ago. “Are you happy? Azzan?” Because Ancestors above, if anyone deserved to be it was the Pride’s silent protector; the one that had haunted these lands when they were lonely.

If there was any role she could play in ensuring it; then she would gladly do so.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 4:43 pm
It was silence that met her first but not the awkward, weird kind that stretched too long. Instead, it was filled with a short, breathy laugh and a strange, endearing smile that Azzan could not have hid even if he wanted to. He had to look away as she continued even though the smile did not break, taking the chance to gather himself by staring at the termite mounds in the distance and letting his unruly black mane fall a bit into his eyes.

For the space of just a breath he looked like his youthful self, ruggedly handsome and unsure of his actions. Still, the smile never failed.

"I have what I want," he said at last as he turned his head to look down at her again. It was hard for him to explain his belief in the fates his ancestors weaved or the fact that he had realized, much too quickly, how little he liked to be in the spotlight. Ashiki had been born into her role and so had her son - he could not claim half the charisma that ran in their veins and even if it had been a shock at first, because it definitely had, he knew his place was not King.

The Claw stopped, drawing up short of the training grounds he could see in the distance, and reached out with a front paw so that she might pause with him. What ever he wanted to say, whatever words were on his tongue, seemed stuck for the space of a few breaths. It was such a stupid thing to be so afraid of what she might say but he realized he was. For the first time in a long time he wanted something for himself, not for his pride or his Queen or his blood, but for him.

"Chau, it is very soon so please forgive me if this is too forward, but would you.. take the marriage oath with me? I know how I feel and I know that it is not going to change."

Z o m b i k ii


Eloquent Lunatic

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 5:41 am

Silence was something Chau no longer feared, regardless of how long it lasted. Living life as a mute had taught her to be content with being present in a moment rather than trying to direct it or clutter it with needless chatter. Silver eyes watched her companion, the way the folds and lines in his face moved with his expression. It had answered her question before he even spoke and a wave of relief came over her. She had worried for him; even when she should have been worrying about herself.

For a moment she was completely enamoured with the way his mane danced before his words caught her attention again. At his first sentence, she smiled, nodding her head and letting out air that had been held in her lungs for too long. It was all she could have wished for; better than she dared of hoped. She had been released from her title and servitude, Azzan was accepting of his role and her affections, things were-

Then she was stopped mid-stride; admittedly so lost in her own thoughts that she could have very easily tripped over his paw. It was luck alone that spared her that embarrassment, but now the spell was broken all she could do was look at him in mild confusion. This was where they said goodbye then? The black lioness could not help but wonder if this meant he was not ready for them to be seen together? She let her head tilt to the side, her brows furrowing as she waited for him to speak.

His hesitation only fanned the flames of her paranoia and she felt her heart sink.

When the words left his maw it was her turn to remain silent, the look of confusion on her face deepening as if she had not heard him properly. Her eyes told a story then; jumping from confusion to shock, anxiety to relieve, happiness and a few things in between that she could not describe. It was only a few short seconds, but she felt like she had been silent for an age. Her rogue heart had found a home, her travels were at an end, she could find no reason to deny him this. She did not want to deny him.

She opened her mouth to speak, but her first attempt resulted in a soft exhale of air. Had the Earth moved from under her paws? She suddenly felt unbalanced. On the second attempt, she found the words. “That is very forward Azzan.” The black female stated, trying to look as serious as a playful misfit could manage; which was not very. The lioness had no intention of being gentle with him or leaving him to his duties without distraction; he should have known her at least that well by now.

In a move that was probably too bold given that they were out in public, she leaned into his side so she could talk into his ear. Her neck and legs stretching as much as they were able so she could reach him. If he really did feel that way, there was no reason they could not be seen together. No reason why she should hide now enamoured she was by him. “Find someone who will hear our Oath. I should be back from my duties just after sunset.” Her face found his dark mane again, its scent filling her nostrils as she spoke words quiet enough to be his alone.

“So the next time I wake up next to my handsome Claw and look into those beautiful dual eyes I can say he is my mate.” Her tail wrapped around his briefly, silver eyes closing as she allowed herself a moment for her heart to settle in her chest.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 5:24 pm
Azzan wasn't the type of lion that anticipated something with dread in his belly, he was not a soul that was prone to anxiety or anxious behavior, but as he waited for his words to sink in he could not deny the fact that he regretted them just a little. To make matters worse, her first words were all but chastising and then that look on her face..

His ears flattened just a little before she was there, suddenly, winding her smaller, darker form along his bright fur in a successful attempt at dissuading all the worry and fear she had spawned in him within the space of a breath. It made the Claw laugh with relief even as his eyes shut and his weight leaned into hers.

What was the point of caring what others thought anyway?

"I will have a clergy member by sundown, do not worry," he said gently, speaking with his eyes closed, "by the eyes of the ancestors, I promise tomorrow will rise with you as a part of my family."

It was enough. He didn't need the pride or a fancy title, he needed only his duty and her. With a reluctant sigh and a sad smile, he unwound himself from her and gave her a passing, gentle lick on the cheek in goodbye.

"For now, though, I need to get going before Ebbe ruins our wedding night on purpose."

Z o m b i k ii


Eloquent Lunatic

[IC] Deserted...

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