The cream and brown colored female gave a yawn and looked over towards Nokuthula and Mthunzi who were napping not far away, the silver and white lioness looking so peaceful as she slept while the black female just sorta sprawled out there. It was crazy the bonds she had formed with plenty of the other pride members and she glanced around to see Yimvelo and Chikomborero not far away as well, except the two of them were awake and chattering to one another.

Chiko turned to look over and smiled, giving a wave of her paw for her to join the two of them. Inkedama got up and moved closer and Yimvelo gave her a bright smile. "I see the other two are still sleeping?"

"Yea I guess our late night hunt wore everyone out. I mean I just woke up not long before you." Chiko said with a laugh.

"It wasn't that bad was it?"

"Well, we did bring down a pretty decent meal. It just took us longer than expected." The other brown female said.

Ink gave a little shrug, "It was a rough go of things but at least no one was hurt. Besides we're all fairly experienced huntress's so the odds something was going to go wrong was quite slim."

The other females agreed and gave a nod of their head.

Morringhast Fluffed up in the nearby tree, "Well, if it wasn't for me none of you would have found the poor beast." He was a little ruffled that they hadn't acknowledged his hard work.

Chiko laughed, "Well Morringhast, you're right. Though aside from that you didn't have to work quite as hard as us. We do thank you though." The Vulture seemed to appreciate her words enough and went back to his silent watching over his companion. She was definitely not a graceful sleeper for she was rolling over and landed right on Nokuthula who awoke with a startled growl but quickly stifled it when she realized that no one was actually attacking her. Mthunzi opened one of her red eyes to peer at the silver female and gave a yawn.

"That was my bad. Sorry." Rolling the other way she got up and shook the dust from her pelt and Noku gave a sigh, she supposed it was time to get up and join the rest of the awake crowd.

"Did everyone rest well?" Mthunzi asked as she glanced at everyone and looked up towards her vulture companion. "You're doing well aren't you Mori?" She liked to nickname him much to his dislike. "Yes, I did. Thank you." At least Mthunzi cared about him, then again she was his bonded.

Noku gave a laugh and got up finally moving over towards them. "We going to haul this thing back to the rest of the pride now? Or send Morringhast ahead to have them come and help take it apart." Everyone turned to look at the dead water buffalo that laid not too far from where they all stood. It had been older and thus had wandered from the rest of it's traveling herd and had mistakenly gotten stuck in some muck. Though during their little hunt it had managed to get free and give them a good run for their money but they had taken it down after some time.

While it wasn't too old the meat was super tough it was a little on the tougher side but that was fine. It would do the young cubs well to munch on some tough meat, get their jaws strong, which would help prepare them for when they had to take down prey later in life.

"I think with all of us together we could take it back no problem. We could actually try and take what we could instead of hauling the whole thing but really it's up to all of you." Chiko said looking it over.

Between the five of them it was possible they could drag it back. Yimvelo twisted her lips in thought. "Well, the whole thing is quite useful to the pride so I think we should do our best to drag it as far as we can. Then we can just bring cubs out here or just bring back chunks."

To be honest while there were plenty of scavengers it wasn't like it was going to disappear over night. Morringhast fluffed his feathers, "I could fly back and let them know that they should be expecting food."

"That would be a great idea." Ink said.

"Yea, that way they know that they should probably start heading this way to help....." It would be the least they could do given they had spent most of the night taking it down. But it was their job so Mthunzi wasn't exactly worried about it in the end.

"I would vote to leave some of the stuff but to be honest, we'd end up using most of it if not all of it for things. When was the last time we had a kill this large?"

Chiko made a good point but they could try and drag what they could. Between the five of them it truly shouldn't be that hard and with the Vulture volunteering to fly ahead and get some more help.

"So it's settled then? We're going to drag this bad boy as far as we can and hope it's close enough that the pride won't have to travel too long to get to it?" Mthunzi asked.

They weren't that far out as it was and to drag for a short time would cut down any travel time by half.

"I think that's fair and I believe it's settled unless anyone want's to input anything else?" Noku said looking at each of the other lionesses.

Yimvelo was pretty set on the idea and just got herself mentally prepared to start pulling. "Alright Morringhast you can fly ahead now." Mthunzi said with a smile towards her companion and the black bird gave a nod and took off into the sky.

"Alright ladies, let's get this bad boy hauled back to the pride and feed some hungry cubs."

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