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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands
[PRP] Hunger for Murder [Some folks x Jaddis]

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Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 9:58 am
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Stuck at home, helping to raise her grandcubs. This was not the life Sabia'deimos had seen for herself nor her children. Had she considered things fully she would have slaughtered the females or encouraged them to not have children at all. Instead she would have pushed them towards reaving. Zjarri had mentioned to her, in private, that she could have grown soft in her older age. Something which she refused to believe at this time or any other. Feeling the burn of desire to flee the lands once more and go a-viking was what spurred her to be up at the crack of dawn.

"Kuaminiwa, let's go." The harsh call to an open den wasn't hushed by any means. She wasn't the only lioness up and she was shocked to find the male asleep. He had approached her about potentially joining her band - even if he knew that she often times only took on females - and she had been vulnerable enough to accept. It meant she could get out of this place for a couple of weeks and brush off the cub life briefly. "Kua!" She huffed after repeating a shortened version of his obnoxiously long name. How did his mother scold him with a name like that? Her ears pinned back and she waited for a moment longer before hearing the shuffles of a weary lion finally getting out of bed, satisfied that she had gotten him up she moved on. There was one other she intended to bring along - aside from her normal crew.


The name was swirling in her mind. The lion was her half brother and seemed to hold no contempt for their mutual parent. Unlike Sabia who had nothing, but contempt for the mongrel. Angra Mainyu hadn't been a father to her, no, he had attempted to train her for something that never came to fruition. So she became a pieced together lioness, a proud one. She had earned her way to this point in her life and she wore the damages done to her body physically and emotionally fairly well. "Chern?" The name was shortened immediately, no given attempt to say the full thing at this point. She didn't have too. Her golden eyes peered into the den to find he was up and seated with his back to the entrance.


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"Good morning." He said, turning to face her, he had been up for some time and was struggling with the idea of what they were about to embark upon. Chernabog had been with the Vikings for long enough to have his young children grow into adults and take on the world themselves. It was an impressive feat, if he could say so himself, but a lot of the burden had fallen to the lioness that chose to follow him here with them. All but one had made the journey. One of his little girls was out there and he had yet to find her, but found solace in the fact that she was indeed safe. Some signs had shown that she was found alive and not dragged away, but walked willingly. It was enough to bide him some time from growing worried sick.

The lioness, his sister, didn't breathe another word. She wasn't interested in speaking this early in the morning - only gathering. Or that was the feeling he got from the way she gave a half smile at his attempt of a greeting only to switch gears and turn away. He didn't hesitate to follow her graceful stride and nor was he surprised when a disgruntled Kua joined them. They had met briefly before the planned trip and he liked the lion well enough. There was something buried in his history that made Chern very aware of the lion.

"Good morning." He repeated himself to the grey lion and this time received at least a look over the fluffed mane. Followed by some attempt at conversation.


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"It's a good day to die. Or so I've heard." He rolled his eyes dramatically as he spoke the phrase he had learned to be commonly said among others born here. There wasn't a chance he would fit in, not one, if he didn't at least try for some sort of normalcy. His approach to the lioness was a planned one. He had joined the pride under the premise that it's leaders were male, the primary gender was male.. only to discover that some Captains had been made female and the Warlord was a she-demon herself. He hadn't made these feelings known to anyone and for all purposes had played the part of dutiful freeborn attempting to move up in the world, but there were plans.

"Did she mention where we are headed?" He queried the lion. To which he received a shake of the head. "Damn." He mumbled. The roguelands weren't a place he fondly recalled. Many days he spent starving and often times he found himself exhausted. Had he not been so driven, to the point of being mad, by his desires he would have likely not taken up the chance to return to the roguelands.

"Maybe we will find out soo--"

His speech of hope was broken by the sudden appearance of the lioness in his field of vision. She had been walking silently beside her half-brother for most of the conversation and was keenly aware of what the lion was saying. For his part he grew quiet and simply stared ahead.

"I had planned to tell you where we were headed, but now I haven't the faintest reason to disclose it." She said to the grey lion. Smiles were lost and her eyes darkened as her brow furrowed beneath the skull mask. He didn't cower or make any move of getting away. This was a first for her, but she brushed it off and simply turned her back to the pair of males before heading towards the borders. The rest of her crew would be waiting for her, possibly even the Warlord to see them off. She didn't hold her breath about that one anymore though.

Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 11:20 am
User ImageJaddis had mostly always been a lone god. The way he looked and his domain pushed others away. Mortals in his presence felt hunger and eventually starvation. He very rarely flew, choosing to walk the land instead his bone thin form moving slowly, carefully as if each step caused him pain. When he remembered to breath, which wasn’t very often, the sound echoed around his chest and seemingly off each of his visible ribs in what seemed to be a final death rattle. He had never died though. He lad lived longer than many immortals as well as countless mortals. His domain after all was one of death.

Yet he was and had always been a benevolent god. He very rarely used his powers and only those who had pushed him over the edge gained his ire.

Above his head a vulture soared, the bird followed him pretty much every where. He was a useful companion and seemingly was never bothered by the hunger he felt. He supposed it was because where ever he went he found famine and quite often the death that it brought. He had always been able to sense, to feel mortals that were suffering from a famine. He often made a bee line for these creatures. They deserved his time while they either faught and gained the chance to live or quietly went on to their next life.

There was always somewhere for him to go and so he travelled at a slow, determined pace the roguelands placing miles on his paws.

User ImageAyunav dove from the sky, his dark wings spread wide as he landed upon the thin gods spine, his claws held tightly tot he gods back. Despite the fact that Jaddis looked like he would break with such a large bird on his back. The vulture knew this would never happen. The god was much tougher than he looked. “Lots of lions near by.” The colourful faced vulture stated simply stretching his wings as if he might just take back off though he decided to settle himself upon the gods spine.

Jaddis simply grunted in agreement. Everyone he was approaching was fit, healthy, living, they didn’t need his help, yet his paws were taking him in their direction, perhaps there was something beyond the band that needed his help.  

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 11:49 pm

Internal turmoil festered beneath the surface of his otherwise calm exterior. Grouchy, sure, but not nearly as defiant as he had wanted to be. Leaving the lands under the leadership of a lioness was beyond foul for the grey lion - he had just escaped this treatment! Escaped was a loose statement.. fled while the pride disbanded? That was far more accurate, but it was neither here nor there.

She to go.

Before him he saw the bobbing of the lionesses head and the way the skull mask wove behind her ears to come to an intricate tie off. The legs of the pelt she wore bounced almost casually at her sides like an adolescent female was coming along for the ride. The bangles were the worst of it. The clinking sounds made his ears twitch and pelt stand on end. Pale eyes closed briefly, he didn't need them for the lioness hadn't quite grumbling about this or that since they had left the border and entered the lands where they were free once more. No rules, no protection - ..no protection. Kua opened his eyes and narrowed them slowly, staring directly at the back of her head. The whole while his companion had been humming some form of tune.

"Could you stop that?"




The sudden voice startled him from his carefree thoughts. His half-sister had been grumbling on ahead of them and so he lost himself in that sound before a tune had popped into his head of his own making. Much like he might have been alone he started humming away on their journey. "Stop humming?" He snorted softly at the request and was one step away from rolling his eyes at the male, but instead he silenced his actions and looked towards the sky. Overhead he heard the caws of crows, a momentary distraction from the unpleasant company, but it only lasted so long. This time the interruption came from the sudden pause in his sisters step.

"What is it?"

His voice was silenced by Sabia looking back. Piercing golden eyes gave the silent command to shut the hell up. There hadn't been a sound, but the band seemed to listen without hesitation to the quiet command of stop moving and listen. His ears perked and eyes gazed about sharply. With a quick glance he saw the Kua was doing the same, but not nearly with the same determination, more like mere curiosity? Chernabog stared a moment longer and saw something odd.. had Kua's stared lingered on the lioness ahead of them? His half-sister?

The stares stopped and Chern moved on, but a terrible feeling settled in his gut.



Returning her eyes forward she carefully moved forward - truthfully she had heard nor seen a damn thing, but she was testing the group as a whole. Of course the new members faltered and hadn't realized the silent commands given meant stop everything, but they learned quickly.

Not quickly enough. The snide thought remained with her, and her alone. She was bitter that her friend hadn't been there to see them off, Warlord or not, and Azazi wasn't around to vent too. This trip was rapidly spoiling her mood.

"Okay, let's move." In an almost military fashion she picked up the pace again and this time with a destination in mind. Their first day was nearing its peak heat and she had no intentions of being without shade. The savannah outside of the pridelands themselves were dry, and lacking just that - shade. Sabia scanned the horizon in hopes of discovering an opportunity for some rest. The band would need it just as well.

Not long after her search began, it ended. "There!" She called out to her band and saw the small sea of ears rise in her direction as she glanced over her shoulder. "There is shade and if I'm not mistaken, water." Her eyes returned to look ahead of her and sighed happily. Things were starting to calm down now and her mood was improving.

Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2018 2:34 am
Perhaps it was fate that he found the shade before they did. Rather than approach the band though he had settled himself in to a laying stance. Hiding his wings he lay still, as if he was in fact dead. It was easy for him to do his dead eyes staring out in to the void. It had been a long time since he actually felt the need to actually breath so layoung perfectly still was like second nature to him. He lay, and waited. Perhaps he would choose to live, to reveal himself to the small band of lions. Perhaps he would simply play dead until they left. A decision would be made on a case by case basis.

He had preformed this little act on more than one occasion. Despite the fact that he looked like a walking skeleton he was still a god, he could be far more powerful than most any mortal, deadly if he needed to be. He was far from weak. Arising from death was fun though, and he did enjoy watching the mortals squirm when the body they thought was done rose and spoke. For the moment he would allow the lions to approach and see what they wanted. Undoubtedly a drink. Probably a share of the shade that his prone body now occupied.

The colourful vulture perched upon the seemingly dead lions side. He had seen Jaddis do this particular act before. The stillness of hos body attracted flies swiftly and his own presence, a vulture, here to clean up, simply communicated the fact. In this particular instance he’d fetched some carrion from another kill and he sat gulping the spoils, casting the scent of blood in to the fresh air.

As always in any place he stayed his presence caused a hunger, a need for food that emanated from him. The famine that’s as his domain.

Ctrl F Greenie

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:58 pm

The stopping and starting of their pace had only helped to infuriate the pale lion further. Unbeknownst to him the anger showed in their stop as he unsheathed the claws on his front paws and sunk them into the soft dirt beneath them. His eyes had darkened as well and had he not already had a plan he would demanded she leave them be right then and there. His dark companion was all but forgotten in his silent rage, even as the set of eyes found his claws and made a small sound.



"Kua, are you alright?"

The question was hushed, but his eyes weren't on the pale lion. His gut told him to be aware and to be prepared for what might happen. It also spoke loud and clear that his sister needed to be warned of the lions possible intentions. He received no response and it worried him further. The pale lion was openly staring at his sister and only seemed to shake it off when she finally shouted about a place to rest and lay low until they began their move once again.

"Kua, are you alright."

The questioning tone in his voice faded to make way for a more demanding one. His brow furrowed and his eyes left his sister to peer at Kua intently. Still the pale lion seemed lost in broken thought and paid no attention to him or his surroundings - very nearly tripping over a stone. I need to warn her... he has become unhinged.



"Would you two stop flirting back there?"

Her attentions had been focused on one thing - getting the hell to that tree and settling in for some rest until the evening came. She had noticed what about to be carcass nearby and looked to be a lion. "Unless you want to end up like that sorry looking creature over there, hm?" Her golden eyes darted from the lion carcass and peered at an uninhabited area straight ahead with a wonderful watering hole nearby. "Now. Those of you assigned to it, get hunting. The rest of you set your things up - we have a long and sweltering afternoon to deal with." She was firm and barely waited for the individuals to break away and deal with hunting. The pangs of hunger were loud - much more forceful than she had felt them before. Odd.

"Chern, come with me. We will set up over here."

It was clear she had little to no interest in the pale male. Her brother was also showing signs of distress an odd look for him. Ever since he became a father the looks of concern grew and grew. Though she had only known him as a father, perhaps he was like this before as well.

Once away from the group and listening ears she finally spun around and narrowed those golden eyes at him.

"Care to tell me what's going on?"



"He's violent."

The answer was simple and spoke loudly to Sabia, he could see the cogs turning in her head and she gave a simple nod to him that addressed his concern. He knew she wasn't foolish, but truthfully nothing could be done for it unless she killed him herself. Of course there was no need - in her opinion. It wasn't the first time someone thought about trying for her life - she remembered a captain she had killed.. those loyal to him would have her carcass left for rotting out in the lands - often times he heard those rumors and shuddered.

Their father would be proud.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:13 pm
Remaining still as death the elder god listened as the lions passed him by. They seemed intent on something, he wasn’t exactly sure what but as time ebbed on and the sun set he decided ultimately he would wait for them to move on. His interest wained further as the group simply seemed to go about its business, hunting, setting up a camp of sorts. It was rather boring to him but the moments stepped by easily. His age had given him much patience and time dripped by swiftly for him, he had been known to miss out on whole mortal lives after all.

Still he listened intently to the creatures around him catching the odd whispering voice, or loud bark of an order. He had no need to sleep so he simply lay in a death like state, the moon rose and the stars woke.

The vulture tired of his charade when Jaddis did not move to frighten the mortals so he opened his wings and flew in to the tree above the starved gods head. Settling in to a light doze until the evening cooled the air and he watched the lions go about their business.  

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:21 am

"Go ahead. Sleep."

He ushered the group in a hushed whisper that most wouldn't hear because of his distance. The lion had plans for the evening, plans that would require most to be asleep, but certainly not all. If his patience grew thin, which it already had, he wouldn't wait much longer than he already had. The lioness he had been watching was speaking with her brother again, Chernabog. She had removed the pelt on her back, but still the mask was in place. Rumor had it that the only lioness to see her without it was the Warlord herself! And maybe another lioness.. but again they were only rumors.

Then she laid down - Chernabog had left as well.


He whispered to himself once more as he witnessed plenty of others surrounding the lioness curl up and sleep away there exhaustion from the day. Though he had travelled the same distance he had the effects of adrenaline pulse through him. His mind wasn't on the way his muscles screamed at him or the sighs he made as he sat and waited. He didn't plan to even dare move an inch, not until the breathing lioness was softly moving in a rhythem that suggested she was asleep.

Time past slowly.. but soon it happened.

"She's asleep." He muttered and slowly stood. Once standing he tried for a better look at her, but couldn't seem to see her pelt properly in the darkness. Nor did he care. He'd seen the mask, saw her speak with her brother. It was enough for him to identify his target.

He would kill Sabia'deimos.

Watch her perish before her loyal group of reavers and take what consequence would come, but in his mind the act was rightful - and if he completed his task the males should appreciate it! His lip lifted in a silent snarl and he wasted no more time waiting. The time to do so was long past and he was prepared to take action.


From a safe distance he watched the lion with what was likely a dumbstruck look on his face. The pale individual moved with such grace, much like a lioness out on a hunt. "He couldn't possibly.." He began to speak, but was hushed by a slow paw and sharp stare.


Each paw step propelled him closer to wanting to leap forwardand find her warm, sleeping form. With each paw step he fought that urge, which became easier as he spied more and more lions sleeping around her in a way that suggested their loyalty and her status. It was dreadfully obvious that these lions needed to be shown who should be in charge - not a female, but a male. He sneered and pressed forward.

Soon he found himself just a few steps from her slumbering form. The power he felt pulsing through him was astounding. He had never felt anything quite like it and it fed to him that he was doing to write thing by curing this group of their pitiful leader. "You'll die tonight Sabia'deimos.. "Captain Killer"." He sneered as he made a mocking sound of her voice for the title that was bestowed upon her. Something he had learned early on and made his hatred for her truly grow. Kua found himself just sitting and staring for quite sometime...


"What is he doing?"

The question was posed out loud, but of course there wasn't an answer. His hushed urgency was stilled by the comfort of what sat next to him. He stared hard at the situation and wondered what had truly gone wrong in this lions life to be sitting there today with a cracked smile and staring at the slumbering form of a lioness. Just that alone spoke loud and clear of danger ahead.


Sitting had done the trick - stilled his furiously beating heart. The stillness had nothing more to offer him and so he stood once more, excited once again, but this time with a purpose. "Your band of vikings will know true strength with my actions." He smiled largely without an ounce of hesitation he rolled the slumbering lioness to her back - not making a point to check anything to identify her, why should he? The lioness rolled easily under his strength with the mask still in tact.

That damned mask.

"It shall be my prize." He said out loud, but quietly enough not to wake anyone. "I'll be the Captain Killers killer." He tore the mask from her and in the same motion as setting down the paw clinging to his prize he raised the other and targetted the throat with all intentions of murder. The impact of his claws to flesh drove him wild, the first bit of tearing was tough, but as his claws found their way he grew impatient and threw back his paw for another blow. By this time his 'opponent' was awake, but not alert.

She blinked.

Were they... pale blue?

Blinked again.

"Keep your damn eyes open!" He shouted. The shout started stirring vikings to their paws. All were groggy and most were staring at the scene centering them. Their leaders mask had fallen to the side - temporarily forgotten by the murderer, but not by the members. He heard the ocean of small gasps erupt and forgot the color of her eyes, but they were not blue of any variety. It was too late. The wrong lioness was dead.

He sounded a roar of agony and frustration, blood coating his paws and the ground around him. To his right he heard the slow walking of paws and he grew silent.


"You tried, and failed."

The words were slowly spoken as though they were hand selected among others to be the first thing she said about her potential death. "In all of my years I had never had someone take me for a fool. Not the way you have." She smiled smugly as he turned to face her, not truly moving, but enough to see her eyes were that piercing gold. "What did you plan to do? Take the band for yourself?" She queried him, a brow raising and Chernabog moving to side with her.

"Well you wouldn't be the first to come up with the plan, but the first to actually execute it." She almost sounded proud of him, but disgust boiled beneath that feeling. She had killed her fair share of Captains in her time, but none were caught off guard, none of them went down without a fight. She appreciated that everyone ought to have a chance to fight for their life - this was undeserving of entering Hel.

It was a display of unchecked rage.

Unbeknownst to her.. the lion might become immediately punished for his actions and inevitably punish the pride he had proved himself too.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:15 am
His dark eyes watched. If he had, had any idea what would happen he probably would have risen. He would have stopped what was about to happen. By the time it was over a lioness was dead. Her warm blood filled the air, he listened to the lioness speak. She had set up the swap.

The male lion though, he had killed indiscriminately, he’d killed not caring who was before him. The skeletal god rose from the grave beneath the tree. His battered wings materialised slowly, his body became massive, tall and gangly, his lips sewn tightly bled profusely, hot red blood dripping from his mouth and splashing in large wet droplets on the ground as he moved. He took a breath, a breath that rattled off the sparse trees, a breath that sounded like the last gasp of a dying creature. A true death rattle.

He moved slowly and deliberately in to the crowed of lions, his dark, dead eyes fixed upon the murderer. “You.” He spoke his voice echoing off his rib cage. He moved slowly deloiberately, his anger, his ire expanded his natural powers, the feeling of famine rolled off him in waves. “You, all of you! You are filth. Conniving filth.” He shifted far faster than anyone would think a lion in his state of starvation could move, a paw connected with the pale male lions forehead, the killer, the murderer “You, YOU will starve and your pride will hunger!”

He looked around at the gathered lions his battered wings spreading wide “You will all starveeeeee.” He rumbled his massive tattered wings beating downwards sending a wave of air across all of the lions present. “Run now, leave this place.” He looked at each of the faces, he would remember each and every one of them. Their pride would know his punishment.

The vulture had seen many things on his journey with Jaddis, he had never seen him so angry. Ayunav cawed and flapped his own wings. Nothing good could come of this. He had never seen the god present his true self before, he had never seen the god use his powers.  

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:04 am

Shock had been plastered across his maw, eyes wide and silence replaced his questions. The swap had worked, the body of a lioness as crimson as his sister lay dead before the clearly irritated pale lion he had just spoke to not long before. Dust hadn't even settled yet as he watched his sister walk gracefully to the scene, not caring as her paws stepped onto the blood soaked soil and.. was she appreciating his work? His eyes didn't deceive him - she even seemed proud.

"Sabi-.." The words were lost to a sound that sent shivers down his spine. A breeze? That seemed to rattle branches.. a dying creature? His ears pinned back and he saw a number of others do the same. "What was that?" The question came out as a whisper when he finally managed to wet his mouth enough to speak. When he finally caught sight of what had apparently made these sounds he was taken aback.

The slow, purposeful steps of the god had his full attention, but it wasn't him that he was speaking too. "Kua.." He spoke in a quick whisper, but when his pink gaze was pulled from the god he saw that the pale lion was also peering at him.


Failed. The realisation hit him like a wall. The pale blue eyes of the now deceased lioness stared up at him through the mask. They weren't pleading or frightened - they almost seemed at peace and it enraged him even further. He turned at the sound of Sabia'deimos and spied her, maskless, and amused. She pointed out exactly what he already knew and he sneered.

"It won't happen again." He managed to get out, but it was all he could manage before the god emerged. From that point forward his mouth was dry and he couldn't stop staring. The god was ill looking, gut shriveled, and ribs visible. He felt the dead eyes stare at him, but not just at him.. in him. A shiver followed his spine and Kua felt his fur stand up in various places as fear began to settle in firml.

You. The word echoed and he swallowed hard. Anger could be felt in the air, thick enough to cut through! He suddenly felt weak and fell to his rump as he was addressed. His pale eyes glanced around, briefly, to discover that others had either done the same or fled.

I will starve.

The meaning was evident right away. He felt the pangs shortly after the words. Hunger, unsatiated hunger and thirst. He gasped again and very nearly keeled over right there. Even as the god opened up and spread those nearly dead wings he couldn't move away, not an inch.


"Kua, cmon."

The god had made his point clear. The breeze had rushed over him and his fear was over powering. His only strength was in trying to get the blood stained lion to his paws again to run. He glanced at his half-sister who was standing very near to them and appeared to simply be in awe. A twitch in the corner of her eye very blatantly told him she was nervous at least - good. It wasn't healthy to have no fear.

"We need to move.. NOW!" Finally he managed to get the pale lion to his paws and attempt a very slow pace from the scene. Others had already scattered, not taking a second glance at the god or questioning his demand. Leaving was simply their best option.

"Sabia." He said firmly as he began to get some distance between Kua and the god. She hesitated in his step to turn away from the god, but succumbed to the urgings.


The corpse had risen. That was what was going through her mind as she witnessed the full image of the god that approached them. His words weren't lost on her, they would feel his wrath. Se shivered, but only becuse of the reminder provided.. Tras Bothair. The god she had met before, the sinister voice he had used to make her shake next to him. All of that seemed empowering now, when it had been frightening before. Standing before the god now she had wanted to press forward - perhaps her own insanity helping her to ignore his absolutely terrifying preformance.

Of course her half-brothers shouts brought her back to sanity and she realized just how bady this situation had gotten. Zjarri is going to slaughter us when we get back... Her thoughts were impulsive as she considered the outcome and weighed the moments, but their first priority was escaping with their lives.

Pulling her eyes from the god was likely the most difficult thing she could have done, but she managed. Upon doing so she saw the misery Kua was going through. The pain he was in. She had begun to feel slight pangs of hunger, but nothing of what he was likely going through. Ha. She made a small smile, grabbed up her mask and ensured her pelt was secured.

She wouldn't leave without the items she valued.

One last look back displayed the god in an overwhelming fashion. He was larger than before, or was that just how he stood? His wings, tattered, were raised and paws firmly planted. If she had had more time she'd have been able to count his ribs through flesh, but time was wasting away. Her band was already paces away and she picked up her own pace.

They would escape, but only under one definition of the word.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:18 am
Jaddis watched as they scuttled away like rats. He turned his dead eyed gaze on the body that lay in the dust, blood soaked in to the soil near his paws. His anger boiled near the surface, this anger washed off him in waves that would make those near by start to feel hungry.

His eyes darted to the red lioness, his head, blank eyes burning her image in to his mind. She was as much to blame as the male who had committed the murder, she was clearly the leader of this band of ruffians.

As they departed he watched where they went. He stood silently his breathing laboured, the sound cascading off every tree. He opened his torn mouth and breathed a bone rattleing roar. Spreading those tattered wings, whos membranes had long since faded away, he rose in to the sky following the despicable beasts back to their home land. They would all know his wrath, they would all know the pain and suffering they would see the error of their ways. He would make them.

The massive vulture called out a warning to those that vanished in to the darkness, his voice dry and cracked. “You’ll regret your mistakes.” He watched as the god of famine rose in to the clouds. He would follow. Where Jaddis went food was always plentiful for those who were scavengers.  

Syrius Lionwing

[IC] Rogue Lands

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