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Reply [IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands
[PRP] Waterside Birth [Ali x Yai x Yawo x Afina]

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Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 9:08 am
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The weather was perfect, laughter and chatter nearby had subsided for the most part and the green lion couldn't have been more relieved to have reached the beaches in time for what would come next.

The birth of his cubs.

He knew the views of the pride and in the back of his mind the thought burned about how he might go around asking this lioness to marry him. Marriage was a vital part of the life here and he had every intention of going through with that, of course right now wasn't the time to do that. He would plan for the act later, but it was all his excited brain could process.. next to the fact that soon he and his mate would be watching a group of cubs squirm. How many? Was the next thing to cross his mind, how many could she possibly be carrying? There was no earthly way to tell and his thoughts were utterly useless, but he felt just as useless.

"Let me know if there is anyway I can help."

His offer was hollow, but meaningful. His single golden eye didn't dare leave his mate for more than a moments time. In the moments he would look away it was when he heard a sound. Paw steps were silent on the sand, but voices were not. In fact he would argued that they carried quite well. A single female voice could be over heard, not far away. His green ears swiveled to hear what was being said, but the words were lost with the motion of the ocean.


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The ocean was active following the rites. Cubs and adults alike had entered the waters for a taste of what approval or disdain might feel like. It was a wonderful thing to watch and Yawo enjoyed it from season to season though she hadn't had the chance to participate with young ones herself. Her chance was growing close though, a lion had portrayed his love to her in the sweetest way and her worries of never having a family faded slowly. Since she had less to worry about, beyond her normal job stresses.

"The rites went well." All things considered the pride might still be considered in pieces, not whole. With the king missing the prides decisions fell to herself and the other leaders in their respective fields. This wasn't a complete shock, but never in her life did she think it would actually happen. The rites had been a way to keep normalcy at it's peak to help avoid the constant chatter of negativity surrounding the situation they found themselves in. There wasn't a way to completely ignore it, but for the time being everything almost seemed normal, usual, and cool as the water that accepted a number of young lives today as her own.

She sighed softly, still completely unaware of the scene that she may enter at any given moment.

Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 1:31 pm
Ctrl F Greenie

Yai looked up at her mate, she wanted to smile at him but she could only manage a strained sort of look. “I’m tired Ali.” She whispered, her dark blue eyes looking up at the green male that was her mate in life, her soul mate through thick and thin. They had managed to get here. Managed to get to the beautiful sea despite going in to labour on their trip. Her contractions were coming along much more quickly now but she already felt tired. More to the point, she was worried. She was fairly certain she had to start pushing at some point but all of the advice she had received seemed to have simply escaped from her mind.

The new world they had come to smelled beautiful, strange, but wonderful and the soft sand felt so warm and welcoming against her back. Propped against a small dune the dark female shifted her gaze between her handsome mate and the view of the crashing waves. She shifted uncomfortably as another pain shot down her spine. She was close and she knew it, the first of their children would come in to the world soon. How many would they have? All she could truly answer was more than one. A growl rolled over her maw as a pain shook her whole frame and she decided it was defiantly time to push. It was time for The eldest of their children to enter the world.


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Afina smiled at the pale female. Though the other female hadn’t been born here she was a highly thought of lady. It was nice to walk and chew the fat with another that was in a similar position to herself. Her mate had always been the stoic quiet type so it was quite difficult to air her grievances at him. Love him though she did girl talk was all important.

She had been born here and having descended from various, lions across the savannah she was large and sturdy not unlike her firekin ancestors, though she certainly had a less muscular more sea blown look to her she was still a large female from a very old family within the pride.

With the rites come and gone and her own belly swelling with cubs she knew soon enough girl talk was all she would have though it would entirely center around cubs. When her babies were born, she knew she would settle in to a single minded-ness that would not allow many in. Her cubs were the centre of her world when they were too young to look after themselves. This was her third litter and while she was definitely pregnant her belly hadn’t swollen quite as much as on previous occasions, this of course led the blue lioness to think she was having a smaller litter. Perhaps this would be her last. She wa sharply young any more after all.

“Yes, the rites went well, with some..” she paused for a moment her ears twitching “Did you hear something?” She raised a brow at the pale lioness tilted her head curiously. “I think someone may be in distress.” She frowned and started to trott towards the noises, upon topping a small dune that was apparently hiding the couple, she looked down upon them both curiously. “I don’t think I recognise you two. Are you okay?” She queried, her golden eyes searching the two for an answer though she could not fail to notice that the dark lioness seemed to be in labour. “Yawo, I beleive we have some little lives coming over here.” She called, sliding down the dune happily.

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 9:45 pm
The strain on her face broke his heart, but warmed it at the same time. This strain was something she would go through more than once, or so he dreamed. "I know you are." He said softly and positioned himself at her head to try and bring what comfort he could. Should he have been where the cubs could first see him? He didn't question his decision for long - he couldn't. A pair of voices over the waves stirred up a weird fright in him that was culled as his mate made a guttoral sound akin to a growl. The green lion hadn't truly known fear in his life until those brief moments until a couple of lionesses peered through and the blue one approached them.

He couldn't speak at first, bewildered by their luck! Ali watched as the other lioness made her way over and could visibly see the excitement the pair of them had. Both had a very seasoned sense about them that immediately calmed him. "We're okay-ish?" He stressed the ish for the two lionesses and peered back down to his mate. "She is fine beyond the small predicament of narrowly missing giving birth in the roguelands." Ali tried for a small smile, but the concern had wore him down and like his mate he was growing weary.

"Can you help us? We're both rather new at this."

Admitting this made him nervous, but the salt he smelled on their pelts eased his mind. Part of his heart warned him against strangers and so he didn't dare leave her side.


The blue lioness had become her fast friend in time and Yawo valued their time away from the men in their lives as well as their duties. This chance to freely chatter about things going on in a light hearted fashion wore away the concern she had been feeling as of late. Still when the lioness stopped midway through her words and broke away Yawo felt her heart jump to her chest. Was their king there? Hung out in a dune and awaiting medical attention? Her mind raced briefly until she over heard Afina call out. Little lives? She had known Afina was pregnant, her third litter, but this was a little soon and she sounded so calm!

"Afina.. are you al-- oh my." Her words were interupted much in the same fashion and a grin broke out on her face. "What have we here!" She proclaimed with pure joy. Cubs were a blessing! These two being alone out here and facing such a thing however, was not. Her blue eyes sought out the engorged belly of the lioness that was clearly in pain. Without hesitation she went straight into action. "Afina, you're far more familiar with coaching or at least being coached - will you help her through it?" Yawo wasn't as familiar with birthing, but she definitely wasn't familiar with how to coax the female through possible fears or feelings. What if something felt odd? Afina would be able to put that feeling of worry to rest immediately.

"The father and I can welcome these bundles of joy into the world. They should see their parents first afterall." The pale lioness mused softly, purring now. She'd been around cubs for most of her life. She had paid into becoming an alchemist for those new generations. The things out there that could hurt them was numerous, not to mention the elderly. Adrenaline pushed her to call shots, but she did seek out Afinas eye for confirmation they were making the right moves.

Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 2:42 pm
Ctrl F Greenie

She couldn’t fail to hear the growl that emanated from her mate. For a moment she was terrified. What was going on? Why did Ali sound angry? For a few seconds she couldn’t process his grumble until the two lionesses padded over the sand and came to a stop before them. She thought she heard strain in his voice, but her fear quickly flittered away when he spoke. The two lionesses smelled of the sea. They were obviously residents here and that clearly settled Ali’s nerves. She hadn’t failed to notice the tense feeling in his muscles.

Her dark blue eyes searched the two lionesses carefully. She was vulnerable, she couldn’t move any further and the cubs were so close that they were going to be born here, in the open. The two lionesses seemed to be experienced though and the blue female was herself clearly pregnant.

“I..Please..” She managed though she stopped immediately as a pain shot through her and her body told her it was time to push.

Afina nodded at her friend. The alchemist was correct of course. She had gone through this particular procedure before and she had always been surrounded by other lionesses to help her through and look after the cubs as they were born. It could be a long process. Though it was obvious to her that the dark female was about to start pushing.

Taking a deep breath the deep blue lioness settled herself next to the couple. The female was frightened. She couldn’t blame her. They were’nt from here. She didn’t know their faces or markings and they didn’t smell of the sea, that salty scent that wafted off of everyone that lived by the shore for more than a few weeks.

“Its okay sweetheart. We’ll help you. I’v done this twice before so don’t you worry we’ll get you through it.” She smiled at the clearly doting father. “You just stay close young fellow okay?” She wrinkled her nose and carefully lifted her paws and placed them on the dark lionesses abdomen. “You’re really close sweetly you need to start pushing or they will never come okay?” She gently pawed at Yai’s abdomen a gentle massage that had been preformed on her during her previous labours.


Yai smiled weakly at the lioness. Her words were loud and clear. Push. The gentle massage on her aching abdomen felt nice but as soon as she started her stomach once again tensed and she gritted her teeth. She could hear Afina talking to her through a haze of pain ‘Don’t fight it, push’. All other thoughts dropped away from her and she pushed, hard.

The pain subsided for a moment and she looked down and there, in the sand, damp and wriggling was the first of their children. A perfect little bundle of herself and Ali. She knew she couldn’t rest though and even as she admired the first of their children pains started up once again.

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Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 7:41 am
He was protective, but not rightfully so this time around. Ali watched the pair move in fluid tandem preaching that this wasn't likely their first time. His observational skills had failed him when he had thought it was necessary to protect his currently vulnerable mate - the blue lioness was pregnant. Had he not already been at ease this would have done it. A pregnant lioness putting herself in harms way, so to speak? It just didn't happen.

Everyone sensed the calm, amongst the storm.

Ali's attention was grabbed from his thoughts and concerns as the pale lioness barked orders in a curious fashion. It was clear she sought guidance from, likely, the more experienced lioness. It wasn't simply the orders, but the words from his mate. She could no longer complete a sentence a he was dumbstruck by the amount of torturous pain she was enduring - was this normal? Considering how calm the other females were there was nothing to be worried about. But really? His thought was emphasized by a sudden change of pace.

The lionesses spoke fast. Directions were passed onto his mate as he sat there with her, helplessly. "I wouldn't have anywhere else to be." He said and was shocked that the sound of his own voice seemed odd, out of place, and quiet. His throat had dried up and all he could manage to do was look down to his mate, a single golden eye moist as he watched the pain wrack his mate in waves.


Yawo gave a small smile to Afina and a larger grin to the expectant mother. She had settled herself in a way to ensure the safe entrance of the cubs. Unfortunately their home was that of grit in the way of sand. It could be tedious to have the little ones cleaned up if they are covered in it.

"Here we go, a boy!"

The moment was there and gone - these two were officially parents. No matter the number of cubs following this boy their world would be changed forever. Her blue eyes moved from the wriggling bundle of joy back to his parents. It would seem the dark lioness would be ready again any moment. "He looks nice and healthy." She remarked to Afina, and the boys parents. Reassurance was automatic, she would want to know.


"A boy?"

Ali wasn't prepared to hide the shock in his voice as the first cub was born. He couldn't move, nor feel his paws. This was it, their world was new! If his mind wasn't going wild with the thoughts of how many may be coming he would have thought on his life - why hadn't he simply done this to begin with. Fortunately they shared a bond that withstood time and time allowed them this opportunity to begin a family together. Starting with the young boy.

"You can do this, Yai." He spoke softly, purring. "He's so handsome."

Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 3:44 am
Ctrl F Greenie

Afina smiled and looked at the little cub, he mirrored his fathers colouring though he clearly inherited his mothers wing like markings. She did enjoy seeing cubs be born, she had seen many born in her life time and she had cared for many to.

These little bundles would be her new charges. “That’s it hunny, you’re doing well.” She paused only for a moment to help their new son gain a place at his mothers side. The first drink of milk was all important for a cub. She knew herself that their first drink gave them a lot of strength that had been lost during labour.

“And again now hunny, I know you’re tired but you need to push okay?”

The blue lionesses words were so encouraging and she was right, she felt exahausted. Her words managed to batter through the haze though. She looked down at their first child, a son, she admired his tiny little green body, how could something be so small and so beautiful? She felt his little body nuzzling against her side and while she wanted to continue to watch him, she knew this wasn’t over yet.

She turned her blue eyes on Ali and managed a smile around her pain and tears. “We’re parents.” She whispered before she set herself back to concentrating on the task at hand.

Her abdomen once again tensed and in quick succession she liberated two more little bundles from her body a girl, then a boy. The dark lioness smiled, she felt so exhausted but they were theirs. There was no mistaking the colours and markings that belonged to them both, they were perfect, the perfect mixture of them. “Ali, they are so beautiful.” She choked unable to hold back the tears that rolled down her cheeks, she was just so happy. She felt a calm wash over her, perhaps she was done, they had three babies, three beautiful little bundles. She wanted to watch them but she could feel the call of sleep washing over her. She could admire them later. She really wanted to sleep, she could feel her eyes drooping.

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Afina looked at the big green male and smiled. “Keep her awake there lad. She’s not done yet.” She purred her paws still gently massaging the lionesses stomach “You’ve done so well lovey, just stay awake a little longer. I promise you can sleep after this.”  

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:28 pm
Ali was at a loss. He watched helplessly as the blue female, having not had time for names, took care of their son in a way he hadn't of thought. He watched attentively as his son was placed with care within mere seconds following his birth. This must have had importance because the lioness had been so diligent about it before she began speaking again. Her tones were soothing, setting even his mind at ease once again. Even if his heart beat heavy in his chest.

"You can do it." He echoed the praise of their saviors.

"You're so strong Yai." His voice was so tender and soft spoken. He had never been so in love with someone, never been so in love with someones. These cubs entering their lives were going to be showered in it. Ali felt sure that Yai felt the same way.

"Yes we are Yai." He replied to one of the last statements she could manage to get out before she was tense once again and in what seemed to be a fell swoop he witnessed the birthing of another couple bundles. His eyes watered slightly in pure joy. "They are absolutely gorgeous, just like their Mother." He spoke softly.


There it was, at least one name. Yawo had been monitoring the birthing of the cubs closely, any number of complications could occur and she was constantly in fear for the pair. But things seemed to be smooth sailing for them thus far, for that she was grateful. Had the ocean truly been angry.. things wouldn't be going this well for a couple of strangers - no? Her hopes for something unrelated distracted her briefly, but not long enough to miss a couple more bundles slipping free from their mothers womb.

"So beautiful." She echoed their mother. The way their father spoke to their mother was beautiful as well. She peered at them blissfully before realizing that Afina was right - there would be more. Yawo quickly shuffled the cubs to Afina to place by Yai's side.

"Ready." She uttered, but knew that whether she was or not, the cubs would come.


"More?" Green brows rose in slight shock. He wasn't displeased, but had felt the way Yai's body had relaed, surely it knew better than the lioness. He didn't know any better though and simply braced himself to hold Yai a while longer. They may end up sleeping on the beaches if they continued as he saw her eyes flutter slightly.

Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 7:05 am
Ctrl F Greenie

Yai looked to ali, she felt strangely calm, the voices of these strangers, his voice, soft in her ears. She was so tired yet they had found home. She gave a nod, his words willing her to stay awake, to stay focused. She didn’t really have much time to do any thinking. Her body was doing her job for her she just had to stay awake.

With a couple of successive pushes she liberated their final two daughters.

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For a moment, she thought perhaps she was day dreaming, they were identical, two tiny girls baring Ali’s wings. She laughed and cried at the same time causing a sort of hiccup to escape her maw. They had twins. She breathed a long, slow sigh and closed her eyes leaning happily against Ali. She couldn’t feel afraid, or worried or anything else, she was simply, happy. They were parents. Everything else would come later.

Afina smiled softly. Yaika was so tired, this was a large litter for one who had never done this before. As the two girls were birthed one after the other she helped to clean and move the babies to their place at their mothers side. “You did good girl, have a rest now.” She smiled at Ali and gave a nod to the doting father “Don’t think I needed to tell ‘er that do you lad?” She chuckled softly “Congratulations.” She paused and smiled at her friend gently “Yawo, can you go and find a couple of guards. She’ll probably be asleep for a few hours. Once she wakes we can move you all to a den. It’s going to be a nice evening though, no rain so you should be okay out here.”

The blue lioness touched each of the new blind cubs gently “You’re truly blessed to have been born here little ones. Welcome to the Bahari’mtoto.” She purred settling herself in to a more relaxed position “I’ll stay until she can move.” Taking a deep breath she wrinkled her nose at the green male. “You should rest to. While you can these little ones are going to be a paw full for you.”

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:48 am

The green lion exhaled slowly as his mate gave one last burst of effort to two identical bundles of joy. Ali was beyond ecstatic, and couldn't help the sheer bubbly way he said 'twins'. Suddenly, as it had begun, this stressful moment in their lives was over. Yai fell almost limp against him, becoming the sweetest looking dead weight.


The single thought described how he felt, and Yai wore the same face. He couldn't manage a single other emotion as the small bodies squirmed - he barely even paid attention to their helpers, but couldn't ignore them for long. It was the blue lioness, Afina, that spoke first and giving his mate comforting words.

"Guards?" He pressed lightly, but then understand why, it was likely they wouldn't soon be moving the weary mother. "Makes sense. Thank you so much, for everything." Had he any doubt in their joining the Bahari.. this would have washed them away. They would be protected from here on out and he knew that he wouldn't have to worry much loger. Though based on previous history he would be worrying about those cubs for the rest of his life.


"That's brilliant Afina." Yawo responded nearly immediately and stood without hesitation. She imagined the way Yaika might be feeling, there was no way she could move.. not even if she wanted too. The Bahari would take over protecting the new family, Yawo had no doubt in that. "I won't be gone long, I'll send them your way and get to the Bumani to confirm a space for this beautiful family."

"Congratulations, Ali." The she had picked up during all of this was used with minimal hesitation. "Rest well, Afina is right, these cubs won't let you rest for long."


"I'll rest when there are guards." He answered protectively. This brood was his to protect and love, but he was extremely grateful to the pair. These two had done most of the heavy lifting - next to Yai - and he wasn't sure if things would have been so smooth had he done them on his own with her. Everyone was safe and accounted for though.

"Thank you, both of you. I know Yai would give me grief for not thanking you two enough." He chuckled softly and gazed lovingly at his mate. He was sure they would discuss a way to make it up to the two giving them aid.

Syrius Lionwing
PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:24 am
Ctrl F Greenie

Yai listened quietly as her mate spoke to the two females. She was tired and her ears were full of the new sounds of this place. Sloshing waves, strange birds and tiny meetings of the cubs against her side. She opened her eyes momentarily to smile at Ali and gaze tiredly at the wriggling bundles nestled against her side. He was a good mate, she heard through the haze of exhaustion as he thanked their new companions.

She would certainly make it up to them. Closing her eyes once again the dark lioness pressed her nose deep in to her mates mane, and with a long tired sigh she finally let sleep wash over her. She would have plenty of time to admire the cubs later, for now there was only one thing on her mind, rest, rest here in their safe new home.

Afina smiled at the protective male. She couldn’t help but admire his dedication to his mate even though he looked tired. She gave a nod. “They won’t be long.” She rumbled looking at the exhausted female and her new brood. She wondered what they would name these tiny fluff balls, especially the twins, she had never had twins herself though she had many cubs over the years. She pondered if this litter she was carrying now would be her last but that wasn’t really a now to think about sort of thing.

“You have a lot of little names to think up.” She watched as Yawo’s tail disappeared. She was glad she hadn’t been on this stroll alone, she wouldn’t have made a very good messenger, it was hard to run very fast when pregnant, she knew she wouldn’t be too long giving birth herself.

“Welcome home.” She breathed settling her own chin on her paws to wait for the guards to come and watch over the new family.

Syrius Lionwing

[IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands

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