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Nayaka|| | [Leader] The pride leader is not a rank that is passed down through a blood line. Instead when the pride leader dies a temporary leader is chosen. The temporary leader will rule until a new one is found and has grown to adulthood. (1/1)

Ksana|| | [Second in Command] This rank is chosen by the leader and changes whenever there is a new leader. This is the lion/ess that provides advise to the leader and assist in leadership duties. If the leader dies (under any circumstance) the second in command becomes the temporary leader until the new leader is ready to take the position. They will keep this title though if they become the temporary leader. (1/1)

Rahasya|| | [Mystery] This rank is one of the most secretive in the pride. The pride members know about them, but they do not know everything the rank entails. The rank will never all be in the same place at the same time, of fear of being ambushed and killed. They will usually leave secret notes to each other if needed. Their main duty is to guard and protect the leader as well as the most valuable history the pride has found. If the leader dies, they are the ones who must find the cub that will become the future leader. After they have found the future leader (and they all agree) the cub is then put in their care (alternating who is taking care of the future leader) They will set up a lesson plan for the future leader. The final job the Rahasya do is get rid of any undesirables in the pride. If there is a pride member who is causing trouble they will discreetly execute the pride member without allowing other pride members to witness. The best candidates for this job are pride members who will put the pride needs above their own. They must be able to make the tough decisions when the Nayaka and Ksana cannot. Finally, they must be in decent fighting condition. Usually they are the most skilled fighters in the pride. (5/5)

Lead Seeker|| | The head seekers are the ones who recruit and train seekers. When a seeker returns they report to the head seeker who will then match them with a scribe. Seekers will always report to the head seeker before they leave the pride and when returning. (1/1)

Seeker|| | Seekers spend the majority of their time in the rogue lands and other prides, collecting information (about prides/gods/important events/ect). An ideal seekers has a great memory and a drive to learn. (6/∞)

Head Recruiter|| | The head recruiter are the ones who pick and train recruiters. They are also in charge of deciding if an outsider is worthy of being welcomed into the pride for a trial period. Recruiters will always report to the head recruiter before they leave the pride and when returning. (0/1)

Recruiter|| | Recruiters go out to the rogue lands with the purpose of bringing in new blood. They seek out potential candidates. If they find a good candidate, they will inform the head seeker.(7/∞)

Lead Scribe|| | Organizes the scribes and pairs them with seekers who need their information documented. (1/1)

Scribes|| | Scribes will take the information that the seekers have brought to the pride and carve it into stone tablets. When they are not writing down information, they are organizing the tablets into categories. (5/∞)

Head Hunter|| | Typically the most skilled hunters. The head hunter teaches adols how to hunt, organize and lead hunting parties. (0/1)

Hunter|| | All adols (minus the future leader + seers) will be hunters. Some will choose to remain hunters, while others will seek out a different rank. (this is the default rank for adols and adults)(9/∞)

Blessing|| | Blessings are seers. All seers, no mater what type of feline or age they are, will hold this rank. This rank is highly protected and are seen as one of the most valuable aspect the pride has. Unlike other pride members they are usually expected to stay within the pride. They spend most of their time meditating, trying to trigger a vision. (8/∞)

(side note about this rank) If you character is a seer and does not want this rank, they can pretend not to have vision, though if the Rahasya find out, the seer will be forced to become a blessing. Non-seers can pretend to be seers in order to gain the blessing ranks, however if they are caught they will be punished)

Head Guard|| | The Head Guard is in charge of managing shifts. Guards will report to the Head Guard to find where they will be stationed at. (1/1)

Guards|| | Guard the Nayaka, Ksana and the blessings. (6/∞)

Lead Stoneworker|| | The head stoneworker manages the sculptors and stone tablets. They work close with other higher ups of the pride to decide what needs to be made. The head stoneworker also pairs stoneworkers to projects that they are suited for. (0/1)

Stoneworker|| | Stoneworkers can create sculptors of famous historical figures. They can also carve into stone tablets depicting important events. (5/∞)

Head Teacher|| | The head teacher will organize the teachers and go over what they are teaching to the youth of the pride. (0/1)

Teachers|| | Teachers watch the cubs of the pride and teach them about the pride. They work with scribes to get what information is most valuable to the young of the pride. They also take time to educate outsiders once they have been in the pride for a while. (6/∞)

Nava|| | [Young] This is the default name of cubs in the pride (unless their are seers or the Nayaka) (0/∞)