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[PRP] Brand (Azzan and Chausika)

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Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2018 2:13 pm

Chausika would have never imagined that her life would turn out this way. The black lioness had never wanted to be part of a pride, never yearned for the company and safety one offered. Being a Tarnished meant that choice had been taken from her, she had to stay in the Ukuhlwa’Izwe to serve her sentence. However, once freed there was nothing stopping her from leaving and continuing her life as a rogue.

Chausika would have never imagined she would become part of a pride; nor could she believe she had found someone that made her want to stay.

Deciding this was her home now, the dark female had another choice to make; the path she was going to choose in order to prove her worth. The life of a Shield did not pave the path to glory; but she cared very little about titles and fame, Chausika wanted redemption. A warrior she was not, though she was trying, she knew her limitations and her strengths. She had been a rogue for so long, patrolling borders, investigating the outskirts; that was her calling. If battle so happened to find her then, so be it.

She did not see it as settling; there was no shame to be found in being a Shield, not when she looked back at how far she had come. All that had happened since that day she had first met Azzan, when the land was still barren and abandoned. It seemed so long ago. Had she really become the Outlander that Katiti had sworn to make her? Who knows. The thought made her smile; before the scratch too close to her eye made her grimace.

The Ukhlwa'Izwe wore scars like badges of honour but they sure did string, She shrugged it off, trying to ignore the dull ache as she made her way back to her den. Chausika was unsure if she still had to sleep so far away from the pride, but it is what was familiar and nobody had told her otherwise. Adapting to her new role was going to take some time. As a Tarnished she felt no shame; there was no respect to be had, now it was different. Suddenly, she had something to prove.

To the Pride, to the Monarch’s Soul and to Azzan. Most importantly though, to herself.
PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2018 5:41 pm
It was a sight to be seen, the Ukhlwa'Izwe in all of its thriving, unrivaled glory. Azzan couldn't deny the truth of that now that he had stood atop the Queen's peak and stared across the milling numbers of their pride, reunited and stronger than they had ever been. Of course, just because it was beautiful did not also mean that it gave him a fair amount of unease.

Life had been simpler before, when he only needed to mind himself. Now it was full of drills and training, stress and socialization. His world had grown and become something so much greater than he had ever imagined; certainly he had hoped, he couldn't deny it, but now that he was faced with a greater number of trainees than he ever could have imagined he wasn't entirely sure he'd known what he had been hoping for all those years.

It was with a heavy conscience that he found himself plodding through the outskirts of their lands. He had never thought that he might feel out of place among those that were meant to be his true kin but he did and of course, the part of him that carried that burden felt sick from the guilt of it. He could not bear another moment of the clamor that was his once quiet, peaceful -

Azzan stopped in his tracks as a dark figure moved in the peripherals of his vision. He brought his mismatched gaze up from where it had been studying the peculiar patterns of the dry, cracked clay and settled it upon a figure he would have known anywhere. She was another phantom of his guilt but not quite.. the same.

And today she was sporting a fresh, new wound.

"Has that lion been picking fights with you again?"

For whatever reason, the thought of that filled him with an intense bout of anger. Did no one have any shame? Tarnished were not playthings or whipping boys simply for the sake of it.

Z o m b i k ii


Eloquent Lunatic

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2018 3:36 am

The familiar voice made Chausika stop in her tracks, knowing very well who it was before she even spotted him. Katiti was right, he was like a phantom moving around the lands, silent and always present. Her gaze drifted to find him, before settling on his own unique eyes. He did not know yet, did he? The dark lioness shuck her head, and though on another occasion she might have remained silent to play with him; it was late and her body ached too much from the duel. She wanted to sleep, to be outside her physical form for a short while so the aches would dull and fade to memory.

His concern made her smile, but she really did not want to talk about Kufutwa, maybe another time. Though if she was to come across him, it would be her to pick a fight. Their last confrontation was interrupted but she would not be denied a duel if she challenged him. His pride would not allow him to talk away if a challenge was made.

Though her voice was once again her own, her words were stuck in her throat. For a moment she thought she had forgotten how to speak altogether, that the muscles had rotted whilst unused. How long had it been since they had a chance to speak? There was so much to say. ”No.” The first word was soft, a chill running up her spine like she half expected the wrath of the Seer to rain down on her; alas, no lightning parted the skies.

”This was my parting gift from Katiti.” She tossed her head to the side, long strands of red falling from her face to reveal the shallow claw marks trailing across the soft flesh near her eye. Something to remember the wicked woman by, a physical reminder of the pact she had made and the life she had traded for her own.

Then she rolled her shoulders to show the marks that Ruka had left behind, still fresh, hard to see on black fur in fading light. "Everything else; from earning my brand.”
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2018 3:14 pm
Azzan wasn't much more than the pride's gargoyle, stone-faced and quiet, ever watchful of his territory. Even a gargoyle could be surprised though, stone or not.

At her first uttered word, his eyebrows rose about mismatched eyes and only settled as she suggested that Katiti had released her. He should have known she wouldn't have opened her jowls without having been freed; she'd not even given him so much as a parting goodbye when he had left her behind with the Seer. It was just such a shock suddenly.

He schooled his face back to calm and leaned forward a bit as she offered up her collected prizes, examining first the scar from the red devil herself; it was a gift in its own way. All scars were worn with pride, even those meant to be a lesson. The other, though smaller, was the one that was more interesting to him though.

"You're staying?" for the second time in the space of a few short breaths, Azzan felt himself overcome with surprise. Not just that, however, but also a great deal of confusion. His eyebrows furrowed into a deep, curious 'v' above his gaze and his head tilted, just so, as he tried to make sense of what she might want here. All the girl had ever asked for was to be let go -

"You.. could leave, you know." Did she not know? Had Katiti not told her? No, he knew the dark female better than most did, even for all his absence since she had been Tarnished. She had clearly chosen to stay within the Outlands. "What is here that matters to you?"

Z o m b i k ii


Eloquent Lunatic

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2018 3:37 pm

A low chuckle rumbled in her throat; he was clearly surprised she was staying and truthfully, she was too. The dark lioness had no reason to stay; the decision was not logical, nonsensical. All she ever dreamed of was to escape, to return to the distant lands that haunted her dreams; away from the dust and clay to find the green grass and oceans again. Though now when she thought of those places, they all seemed so lonely. This land might be a waste, but…

”Yea..” She shrugged like it was not a big deal; like turning her back on what she wanted, meant so little to her. Maybe she had seen enough in her short life? Returning to those beautiful sights would only be reliving memories she had already earned and experiences already lived. Besides, Azzan was as handsome as those horizons.

It would be a waste to leave. At least that is what she was telling herself.

His next question made her laugh more wholeheartedly, the nervous chuckle turning into a rumbling in her chest as she shook her head. Knowing full well that she had gone insane in Katiti’s captivity. “Who knows.” She mused, silver eyes raising to look at his stupid, clueless face.

The amusement faded as she looked away, her heart in her throat, beating quicker with the look of curiosity and confusion on his face.

”Maybe you were right all along, there is no escape for me. Not from you.”
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2018 4:08 pm
A lot of things happened in that moment - Azzan's tongue dried and clung to his mouth like sand paper, his thoughts banged around in his head so quickly that he could not grasp a single one to make sense of them, and every muscle in his body ran with a chill so deep he felt it in his soul like the snow he had heard rogues speak of in passing.

Of course, outwardly, he mostly just stood there staring at her like a knot on a log.

The older male continued that peculiar, dazed stupor for the span of a few heartbeats as he tried desperately to reason out exactly what she had meant by her words. He wasn't foolish enough to think that he could stop her if she wanted to leave, so what did she mean? What could she mean? Reason seemed to be returning to him much quicker than his bodily functions, trapping him like a prisoner inside of his own head as he continued to stare at her dully. It was odd to him that it felt suddenly like his heart was in his throat, gagging him at the same time that he so desperately needed a drink of water.

What under the ancestor's eyes was wrong with him?

With her?

He studied her as she looked away from him, wondering why she was suddenly so shy. Certainly she couldn't mean..

Scar help him, he was wholly unprepared for the conclusion his brain settled on. For a very real moment he simply considered turning to leave and refusing to face this but all he could hear in his head was Katiti's laughter as he found himself drawn to her silent pet again and again and again.

..had she known something he hadn't?

After what seemed like ages, too long for any lioness to have awaited an answer like the one she seemed to be playing at, he opened his mouth.

"Chau," was all he managed at first, the first time he had spoken her name aloud since she had been silenced. He wanted to tell her that she was being foolish, that there were so many other, more capable lions that she could have been seeking out, but he knew what it felt like to be tied to something that was inescapable. He loved his lands despite the tether they put around his neck and if that was even a fraction of how she felt in this moment he could relate.

She was the only soul in his lands now that didn't make him feel out of place and if he were truly and utterly honest, the acknowledgement that she was staying had been a shock and relief all at once. He wanted her here. He didn't understand it beyond that, but did it matter?

"I am not.." he paused, struggling, and shook his head to clear his thoughts. His gaze traveled up to the stars that glimmered overhead, tracing constellations of ancestors that he knew better than his own face. Whether or not they gave him peace, he did find his words at last. "I am not very good at.. feelings."

He sighed and dropped his dual gaze, settling it on her again with more resolve than he had felt in a long time.

"But I am loyal and I think that I could make you happy. I can try, anyway."

Z o m b i k ii


Eloquent Lunatic

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2018 4:53 pm

Finally, she could exhale.

The black lioness could not put into words what she felt in that moment; it was like the sky had become clear after days of rain. Like a cold winter had finally broken and she could feel the sun again. It was peaceful; calm, like the hard times, were behind. None of that was true obviously, she was sure there was a lot of struggle to come. Right now though, she could not find the effort to care about all that.

Azzan, on the other hand, sounded so stressed by the whole ordeal. “You sweet talker, you.” Her voice was soft, the smile on her face meant to make him relax just a hair. He did not give himself much credit; she had his own way of showing he cared. She saw it in the looks he gave her, the way he had apologised before she handed her over to Katiti, the way he sought her out in a crowd. No, she did not need him to be good with feelings, she just needed them to be there.

The rogue had learned a lot about the lands in the time she had spent here, Katiti had taught her a lot, Azzan had taught her just as much. Maybe, finally, she had found something she could teach him.

The female, finally, after making him wait for about the same amount of time he had made her wait for (he should be ashamed), took a step forward. Standing her ground she straightened up and puffed out her chest, her nose was an inch away from his as she just looked at him intensely in silence. She had had practice, clearly.

In the end, the dark female could not keep a straight face, it started to crack the second her eyes found his. ”Lower that guard, brave warrior. I am not going to bite.” She lowered her head slightly, leaning forward, stroking his throat with her face as her nose nested in his black mane. It was softer than she expected, huh.

Then her maw opened, and she pressed her teeth into his throat gently.
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2018 5:10 pm
Azzan's heart was beating a frantic mile a minute, thundering within his chest so hard that he was certain it would break free of the cage that held it if it did not make him go deaf first. Beneath the pounding of the blood in his ears, he heard her words, playful and teasing in a way that made his jowls part and his jaw slack.

He was not prepared for this Chau, the one that wanted him, and he most certainly did not feel like a warrior as they stood face-to-face. For the first time in a very long time, the older male felt all of his confidence draining from his bones until he was nothing but an overgrown cub, as baffled now as he had ever been by the female gender in moments such as this one.

It took everything he had not tense as she leaned into him, as he felt her face press into the dark fur of his mane and seek out the tender, sensitive flesh of his throat beneath it. It was a gesture so oddly, impossibly affectionate that his brain nearly short circuited - at least until he felt her teeth graze his throat beneath the mane. For a wonder, he laughed, and the spell seemed to finally be broken.

"Ahh," he churred at her, mixing his words with the sound of his sudden endearment, "you promised."

His head lowered so that he could settle the weight of it against hers, forcing her face to nuzzle in the crook of his neck. When he spoke again, the words were soft, though as playful as a stiff like the Claw could manage.

"Oathbreakers must be judged too and I wonder what the sentence will be now, hm? Maybe I can convince Katiti to let me keep you for myself this time."



Eloquent Lunatic

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 3:47 am

The dark lioness thought she would be the one full of nerves, but had found bravery for both their sakes. Her relationships so far had been found when crossing paths with other rogues, hellos and goodbyes were usually said in the same night. Thankfully, it meant she was used to being direct with males. A skill she thought would never come in use; then again, she never imagined herself trying to seduce a male like Azzan. Loyal, fierce, dutiful Azzan, who had been alone so long it seemed all his social skills had dried up in the relenting sun.

Chausika knew he could never care for her as much as the land they stood on, his true love and calling. Second place to such a devotion did not seem like a loss or anything to get jealous over. Land could not keep you warm at night; or whisper mischief in your ear.

Silver eyes closed as she felt his weight lean on her, her face burying itself deeper into black fur; until it was unclear where she ended and he began. The only thing stopping her from disappearing entirely into their similar colouration was her red hair that popped in the dark backdrop. The black female took in a shaky breath, getting used to his scent filling her nostrils so strongly.

The little minx had wasted no time since she was released, fighting a duel and claiming her man in mere hours. Katiti would be proud of the Outlander she forged. The thought annoyed her a little. Poor Azzan; the last name Chausike wanted to hear that moment was Kat’s, she could forgive him though - he would learn. Or she would bite him again.

She opened her eyes finally, trying to talk as clearly as she could with a mouth full of mane. “You're my superior now, keeping me in line falls on your shoulders.” Something that she would probably have to get used to more than him, separating whatever this was to the role they both played in the Pride’s military. Once Prince turned Captor, turned General; if nothing else the rusty male knew how to keep a girl on her toes. “Good luck.” She added on the exhale, but it was unclear if she was alluding to keeping her in line, or surviving what she had planned for him.

The sound of his heart beating filled her ear and only encouraged her to continue her advances. The black female ran her cheek over his throat, her neck twisting so her gentle stroke could continue to his shoulder. “You do not need Katiti to bind me to you.” No, her own impulsive heart had already done that to her. Her face continued to trace around the muscle on his shoulder before her feet moved, tracing the path to his ribs to his hips. She ran her own side against his as she worked her way down, her back arching as she leaned into him.

In the end, her tail flicked at his nose playfully. There was a purr bubbling her throat as she came back up his other side, giving it the same attention. Silver eyes investigating the markings on his shoulders as she went. It was unusual, though the Claw was a male with quite a few unique features. The real surprise came with just how well defined he was for his age. Suddenly she was all too thankful to have fur dark enough to hide the rush of blood to her face and shoulders. Small blessings, she supposed.

When her face had finally come full circle, she pulled away; continuing to walk in the direction she had been before she was stopped.

The dark female looked over her shoulder to see if he was following. “Unless Outlanders are so old fashioned, you won’t return home with me until we’re wed?” This Pride was one that partook in such a tradition? She had been in contact with many Prides, and each one had their own way of handling such matters. Funnily enough, it was never something Katiti mentioned. Besides, if Kufu would be so bold, she would believe the Outlanders were not as prudish as some.
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 2:52 pm
Azzan wasn't at all prepared for the creature that Katiti had released into the world; had Chau been so bold before or had the Seer fashioned her into a lioness of the Outlands in the short time than she had been bound to her? His jaw clenched as he felt her trail the length of her body down his side and though every bit of his instinct told him to turn and look, he let his gaze drift up to the stars instead, praying that the ancestors gave him the strength to survive this hellcat he had somehow attracted.

But by Taka, it was difficult.

He grumbled low in his throat as he felt her tail trail along his shoulder at last, leaving him suddenly without her touch. That dual gaze dropped to follow her as she slunk a few paces into the darkness that hid her so well, only to meet her silvery eyes as they turned to find him. His heart, for certain, was close to breaking every one of his ribs in an effort to reach her.

Until we're wed..

The sound of her voice pounded in his skull, beating his thoughts a million miles a minute. She was utterly and truly honest - she wanted him and this unlikely bond he had created in her and for the life of him he could not understand why. Even still, he couldn't think of anything to deny her - hell, he could barely think of anything that was intelligible at all. Chau had claimed him and his heart and soul were answering her call; he didn't need to answer with reason.

"No, we are not so old fashioned," he said lowly, taking his first step forward, and then the next, until he could brush his shoulder along her flank. "Lead me home, girl."

Z o m b i k ii


Eloquent Lunatic

[IC] Deserted...

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