Another Lioness had some cubs around the same time as his first litter and his son had made fast friends with Say's son which was rather fascinating to him, since he liked to think him and the other Inselelo as friends of a sort. At least acquaintances.

His white and silver son darted around in front of him while his red hued friend chased after him. It was wonderful to see the children growing up happy and healthy. Though he knew in a short amount of time they would have to leave the pride and strike out on their own. Sib knew just as well as Bal that they'd be leaving the pride once they were young adults, able to take care of themselves.

He wasn't sure how he felt about it just yet but he was also young still and the concept of leaving his mother, sisters and friends behind was a little too much for him to process just yet. Bal felt the same way, they just wanted to be cubs while they could and enjoy what life they had with their mothers.

Budek waved his paw towards the to males, "Bal, come here. I have something for you. While it might seem rather selfish of him to only have one to give to his son but at the same time he could have kept it for himself. So really he was giving him a forever friend to guide his way once he was left to go out on his own.

Though, if he was being honest, if he was to be challenged and beat he wouldn't have an issue taking the males that had to leave along with him. He would prove a valuable asset to them, either that or Say if he was beat out as well. Perhaps the two of them would be beat out together and they could take their children somewhere they could prosper.

His time was limited and he wanted to at least give the young males some form of guidance before they were to leave.

"What is it father?" Bal said moving closer to his father, Sib not too far away curious to see what he wanted to show his friend.

He had talked to Liyana and convinced Avani to give him one of her vulture chicks, while he knew they wouldn't be staying in the pride he knew the chick would be well taken care of by his son and they would make a great team together. Growing up as children into adults together was going to form a bond so strong that nothing would separate them.

"Look here." He motioned with a paw and the two young males moved closer to see what the adult was showing them and there in some dried grass was a fluffy little vulture chick, his eyes wide as he peered up at the trio with a small chirp. "Is he for me father!?" Eyes wide Balulekile looked at Budek and the male beamed at his son. "He is. Sorry Sibusiso, I wasn't able to get one for you as well." Sibu gave a shrug, "It's okay! That's really awesome Balu! What are you going to call him?"

Balu got closer to the chick and looked him over and the chick chirped and moved a little closer to the cub. "I think Bandile. Do you like that name?" He asked the chick and it chirped at him in agreement. "Is he too young to speak yet?" He remembered when there was a time he couldn't speak.

"Probably, but he'll be going back to his mother here soon. He's not quite old enough to leave her but once he can speak he will be." The adult said and Balu gave a nod of his head, that made sense.

"That would have been like trying to take one of us from our mother before we could speak." Balu looked over at Sibu and could only fathom how something like that might have gone. "Can we take him back to his mother as a group?" Sibu asked wanting to look at the other chicks, they were cute.

Budek smiled and gave a light laugh, "Sure we can do that." He got the boys ready and saddled his son with a small leather contraption in which to carry the chick. While it was able to do some things on it's own, it wasn't quite strong enough to hold on for that long of a trip back to the parent. Bandile chirped gleefully in his little hammock around Balu's neck and peered out from the warmth that was surrounding him. It was quite comfortable and made him a little sleepy but he'd never been away from his mother like this so he wanted to see as much as he could so he could tell his siblings about it later when he was actually able to tell them.

"Thank you so much dad, I can't wait till he's old enough to fly so that we can do things together." Looking over at Sibu, "We could go find all sorts of things." He hushed his tone down just a little because they weren't supposed to be going off and doing things on their own. They still did anyway.

That's what cubs did.

"Oh yea, that would be fun! And Bandile can be our lookout can't you." Bandil looked up at Sibu as the redish brown male spoke to him and chirped. "I think he agrees!" Balu said gleefully.

Budek smiled and couldn't help but laugh at the cubs. Liyana and Avani came into view quickly and the adult Vulture ruffled herself up at first but was pleased to see that they were bringing one of her sons back to her and the chick chirped happily to see his mother not far away. Liyana smiled and looked at the cubs and the adult male.

"I'm assuming everything went well?" Liyana asked and Budek gave a warm nod of his head. "Here is your baby back, I've named him Bandile." Balu beamed at the adult vulture who was caring for her other chicks.

"Bandile, that's a good name." Avani said as Balu put the chick back in the nest and it chirped up at him as if he was sad to say goodbye. Which Bandile was, he had liked the little trip but was happy to be home.

"If you need anything budek just stop by." Liyana said warmly and Avani gave a nod of her head as well.

"Alright boys, let's go find your mothers." And everyone parted ways.

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