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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] supplies!! [ f'ell&teth + aerden Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 4:26 pm
Are you done yet? Are you done???? The brown had just barely touched down on the ground when he started badgering his rider, who merely raised an eyebrow from where he sat upon his beast. I want to be done, so we can go play or sun or eat. F'ell slipped off his dragon and onto the sand, reaching up to unbundle a satchel he'd tied to his saddle. Teth responded to the movement by shaking and pulling the bags just so slightly out of reach.

"Teth." The rider spoke, his voice cracking a little with disuse. He frowned and cleared his throat, continuing on mentally. We just landed. There's no way I've made my delivery already, so you'll need to wait patiently. The dragon settled, allowing for the bags to be untied and draped over F'ell's shoulder. Teth looked positively pathetic, his wings slooped and his head low, prompting a sigh from his rider. He reached out and patted the brown's neck, sending him a small bump of affection. Tell you what, when I get done we can go and take a swim together. Would you like that?

The noise Teth made to show his approval was the send-off F'ell needed, and the teen started towards the healers with his delivery in tow. Being out and about for painting supplies could often come in handy for the healers, as herbs were just as likely to be around the areas he was harvesting. His arrival in the healer area was announced by clearing his throat faintly and looking around, hoping someone spotted him before he had to speak. Honestly F'ell couldn't remember the last proper conversation he'd had and he was't sure he wanted to break the streak. " ...... "

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 4:37 pm
Aerden was working diligently by sorting supplies, not even realizing when someone had entered. It was only when he'd heard the soft sound of someone clearing their throat that he jerked upright, his eyes immediately landing upon the young man standing inside. A rider, judging from the knots on his shoulder. He immediately strode over, smiling a little awkward.

"What can I get you?" He asked quietly, ready to assist wherever he could. The man didn't look injured, but he certainly wasn't about to judge. Or... maybe he had another reason for being here?

Aerden waited patiently, watching, waiting.



Territorial Friend


Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 4:54 pm
Well.....shards. This wasn't someone F'ell recognized, someone who he'd dealt with before and was able to just hand things over like normal. No, this was someone new and also someone who'd addressed him and now he needed to talk. Teth wasn't anywhere around to do the talking for him (even though he could hear the dragon babbling to a tree, or something) and he doubted this person would very much appreciate the sudden appearance of a voice anyway.

So, sadly, he was going to have to speak. Honestly F'ell could have just handed the man the bag and been done with it, but what would have happened if the items inside were placed somewhere and forgotten? They were fresh and needed to be used within a set period of time or he'd wasted his own time. Shards.

". . . . .su....su...supplies." The sound of his own voice sounded so weird to his ears, and beneath the hair that covered his eyes and most of his cheeks he was wincing. Rough and gravelly, with a hint of hesitation as he spoke? Not exactly a great way to start things. "For...the hea....healers."

He should have just gone swimming with Teth.

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2018 4:32 pm
Oh. Aerden immediately reached out to accept the satchel, listening intently even as the man fumbled with his words. It didn't take him more than an instant to realize that the dragonrider wasn't used to speaking (only now did he recognize the knot upon his shoulder), and he bowed his head with gratitude.

"Thank you. I know they will use it well." His lips quirked into a smile at that, his appreciation genuine as he looked over the smaller man. "Do you... bring supplies often? Ah--" He hesitated, shaking his head ruefully after a moment. "Don't feel like you need to respond. Sorry. I... talk without thinking sometimes."

He bowed his head again, a faint flush spreading over his cheeks. Sometimes, he was an idiot.



Territorial Friend


Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2018 4:43 pm
F'ell winced internally at the question and at the man's clear attempt to be kind. It made things more awkward, to be honest, and F'ell found himself reaching out to grab his dragon. Maybe if he could convince him to come over he'd knock the door in or something and F'ell would have the excuse to leave and pretend this conversation wasn't going to happen.

Sadly, Teth was currently napping on the sands. Just that quickly his dragon had outright betrayed him to the warm of the sun and there was plenty of bitterness to be had.

"I.....p.p..paint. So when I go, I br..bri..bring back herbs." His voice held a little more confidence this time around as he answered, absolutely refusing to take the man's charity and his bowing and the weird respect someone was showing him just for the knots on his shoulder. From the looks of it this newcomer was far older than he was and it was....silly. "Al..so. No...nnneed to bow to me. I'm....I'm not anyone s...spe..special." Just a normal rider, really, just barely out of weyrling training. "Yo....you ar...e...new?"

He likely wasn't new, but F'ell had the observation skills of a stone in the dark when it wasn't something he cared about.

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2018 4:58 pm
A painter... an artist. And so, thoughtful as he was, he collected medicinal herbs for his Weyr. Aerden studied him for a moment admiringly, reevaluating the small dragonrider with an appreciative look. 'I see. That's... very admirable." And the words were honest, leading him to bow towards the other once more. Anyone who worked to benefit others was worthy in respect of his mind.

"I..." Aerden hesitated. "I am a Candidate. Not new, but I... am not seen often." After a long pause, he gestured towards the ruinous scars on his neck. "I was saved by the healers here, two Turns ago. I owe them a debt I cannot repay. I spend much of my time here."

After his lessons, of course. There was no breaks for him. Only work.



Territorial Friend


Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2018 5:47 pm
For a moment, just a very brief moment, F'ell had a strong debate about pushing aside his bangs so he could look at the scars closer. There was a small thump in the back of his chest, likely his heart pounding at the sight before him, and never more than now was he thankful that his face was generally inexpressive. "I....see. I.....just....arrived at th the Weyr....a little less than tw...two Turns ago." He could only imagine how long the man might have been holed up inside the infirmary if he had those scars; the injuries were likely nearly fatal and thus it made sense F'ell had never really seen him before. "I....im...Impressed my fir...firs...first time...Standing."

His words were getting a little more confident so long as he spoke slowly and picked his way through this conversation as though he were navigating a patch of briers. Slow and steady would allow him what he needed to do, though all the while he was nudging at a certain sleeping brown to wake up and join him. "You...I...do not think...you were...on the sa..sands the same time...as me." F'ell would have remembered him, if only for the scars. "I...think you are better...than...me." He motioned at the area around them. "Fo..for help...helping them like this. I....I...just do it...be..because I am already o..out."

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 4:35 pm
Aerden's brows rose when the rider spoke a bit more, nodding thoughtfully. So they'd arrived around the same time... funny thing, that. Of course, the mention of managing to Impress during his first Hatching was enough to earn another look of admiration, and the redhead offered an awkward, if genuine smile. "I see. And now you fight Thread." There was no spike of jealousy from him at the thought as much as it was a longing. He wanted to fight more than anything, but he could be patient.

"No," He confirmed. "Still in the infirmary. It was a while until I was healthy enough to just... walk around like normal." Which was still a miracle, all things considered... but Veena wasn't a Master for nothing. His expression was politely bewildered at the next statement, glancing about at his surroundings. "Ah.... But you can fight. You actively protect what is most important." Aerden's smile was a little crooked. "I don't think anything is more selfless than that..."



Territorial Friend


Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 4:48 pm
F'ell snorted. He was nothing as great as this stranger was making him out to sound, and even though he knew that fighting Thread was huge and helped out Pern, for him it was just something that needed to be done. Thread threatened to destroy so much and if he was left without then he'd be bored and angry. "Fighting is....sca..ry sometimes. I...don't...like get...get..getting hurt, or...Teth hu..hu..hurting either. Fig..fighting is...expected of...us. It...it isn't like I...have a choice to...say n..no." Maybe it sounded like he was complaining and being selfish, but he did come to the Weyr to Impress and help fight thread - it just wasn't like he enjoyed the aspects of it or saw it as something amazing and selfless.

Talking like this made him seem so petty, and were he the type to be concerned he might have noticed it. "Bu...but. If...figh..fighting...protects....people like you...and others, then." He paused, trying to pick at his words as he felt Teth stir in his head. All of his nudges seemed to be working and the brown was waking, despite the protests. "T...Teth...would be sad...if we...we couldn't he..help. He....loves people."

PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 3:32 pm
His only memory of being in flight during Thread... it was terrifying. To willingly fly through the skies with the ravenous silver strands plummeting from above without any sense of pattern... Yes, he could only imagine how scary that would be. "You could have left." He pointed out gently. "Or. I imagine you could have. I'll admit, I don't know much about how Weyrs treat those who run away." Still. He didn't get any sense that the man was attempting to be humble.

His lips quirked again when the other mentioned saving others... and then a name. "Teth?" His dragon, of course, and Aerden mentally shook his head at himself. "Ah. I don't have much experience with dragons, either... but the few I've met have been nice." They'd carried him, after all, but he'd certainly never been spoken to or had much other interaction. "Is he nearby?" He'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious to meet this curious stranger's partner.



Territorial Friend


Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 7:48 pm
F'ell gave an ungracious snort at the remark he could have 'left or gone somewhere'. There was nowhere to go when Thread was falling, and he doubted Teth could have survived very long without the constant company of fellow dragons. The rider would have been fine, he didn't need someone at his side at all times, but the brown? Teth's need outweighed most anything else F'ell wanted. "I....will not leave. I must....do what is right. Eveveven if it-"

Before F'ell could continue talking there was a massive commotion outside, the sound of something getting knocked over and knocked into. Apparently there were also people around as the teen could hear their upset voices, and he sighed as he knew what was coming. The rumble of movement was getting closer, and closer, and F'ell looked towards the man again. "Lo...looks like you-you are going to me..me..meet him right n-"

Again his words were cut off, though this time it came in the form of a massive brown dragon head peeking inside the healing hut. With eyes whirling a mixed shade of green and blue, the dragon opened his mouth and grabbed at F'ell's side. The rider's clothing was quickly taken into his jaws and more or less the teen was yanked away as the dragon backed up and pulled him with. F'ell, to his somewhat credit, looked mildly surprised as he reached towards the stranger in the tent, as if he could actually be stopped from going if the man held on to him.

"!!!! He-hey heeey!!"

pls save him
PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 3:13 pm
The former mercenary immediately tensed at the sound of trouble, instinctively reaching for the blade at his hip.... that he'd left in his room. As a Candidate, he had no reason to wear the weapon, and it wasn't the most soothing thing for a patient to see! Still, he regretted not having it, looking tensely at F'ell when the man didn't seem concerned in the slightest. His dragon? His dragon was making that much noise?

Suddenly, an enormous, toothy maw clamped itself around the young man's clothes, and Aerden let out of a shout of surprise, lunging easily over any furniture in his way to grab the rider's hands. His own arms immediately strained, using his significant strength... but he felt his own boots sliding and skidding as he was easily pulled along, like he weighed nothing at all.

It didn't even occur to him that this was normal and okay. All he'd seen were teeth, and his brain had immediately gone into danger mode.

Aerden's brain: /error sound


Territorial Friend


Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 12:51 pm
For his credit, or bragging if he wanted, Teth wasn't even really trying when it came to moving the two men. He was large and strong, probably the only two good things he had going for him, and it took no effort to pull F'ell and his tag-along completely out of the tent and almost into the air. If it wasn't for the sound of F'ell's clothing being ripped by sharpened teeth he'd likely have tried to lift him up that way, as a canine would a toy. F'ell's not to subtle slaps at his jaw might have also been a sign that this wasn't okay, and the brown released the pair rather unceremoniously onto the ground, with his rider landing atop the cling on.

".. . . . . .. .. " He hurt, a lot but probably not nearly as much as the poor fellow who'd been reduced to a landing pad. Groaning, and ignoring the stares of the gather crowd, F'ell managed to push himself a bit off Aerden and roll to the side into a more sitting position. "Teth, you....a**." F'ell wheezed on the words, trying to get air to properly roll into his lungs. He turned and looked down, softly tapping Aerden's face. "You....okay...?"

But!!! But!!!! You called for me, so I came!! And I brought you and your new friend!! You promised you'd be quick anyway, and you always keep your promise!! I came to pick you up too!! Is your new friend okay? Are you okay???? Seemingly deciding he was going to ignore being scolded, Teth followed the actions of his rider and bent his head down to nuzzle at the poor candidate. Mine, I think you hurt him. F'ell's answer to Teth was a boot to the neck.

these two i'm sorry
PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 3:54 pm
He'd never seen a brown dragon so big before, still half-gawking even as he held tight to F'ell... who was smacking at the beast's jaw almost impatiently. Suddenly, the huge force vanished, leaving Aerden falling hard onto his back with the smaller man on top of him. He managed to grunt, trying to force air back into his lungs even as he stared up at the sky with no little amount of shock. He was vaguely aware that the rider was speaking... and managed to blink a few times when his face was tapped. "Fine," He said hoarsely, gritting his teeth as he forced himself to try and sit upright.

Before he had much time to think, a huge snout was gingerly nosing at him. "He's... yours?" He managed, placing both hands on the soft muzzle. Obviously that made sense.... and now he felt like an idiot, fearing a dragon. Dragons couldn't--wouldn't--hurt people.

Judging from the man's kick to the beast's neck... well. Aerden could tell that the dragon could barely even feel it. How bizarre. To think such a huge creature was attached to such a small man... It was awe inspiring.



Territorial Friend


Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 4:14 pm
Teth shrugged off the kick the same way a person would shrug off a strike from a child, and he continued to nuzzle at the man who was now touching his snout. A few heavy puffs of warm air washed over Aerden as Teth seemed to be doing something, though whatever it was passed away as the dragon's eyes world bright blue with a sudden delight. Oh, I like you!! I like you a lot I love you!!! The brown shoved his head against the candidate, all the while making mental kissing noises as he showered his new best friend with the ultimate affection; if he had actual lips they'd be puckered and slobbering all over. You smell so good!!! You smell like Mine!!

It's because you dropped me on him. It's your fault. F'ell's lungs still hurt, as did his back and everything else. He'd have a headache on the morrow, not that his dragon cared or understood. "This is....my Teth." It was likely obvious by the fact the dragon had called him 'mine', or that he was able to slap at him and kick him without someone running up and screaming him down. "He.........." What was he going to say? ".....He's large." Such an obvious statement, but what else was there? Calling Teth...unique wasn't a stretch but.

I didn't hurt him on purpose!! I wanted you to come back and swim with me!!! Can he come too? Do you want to come swimming too??? Do you know how to swim???? Why are you marked up??? Are they like my markings?? Before F'ell could warn him off, the massive brown had started his questioning of the poor candidate. Really, deep down, F'ell liked when Teth did all the talking since it prevented him from having to do any speaking of his own.

[IC RP] Western Weyr

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