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[PRP] Panic [Ali'Dido x Yaika'Tongo]

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Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 6:18 am
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Travelling was in his nature, so to take off from the pridelands once more wasn't an unusual event for the lion. The unusual part was the lioness, waddling, alongside him. Ali had never actually been around for the pregnancy, not during any stage, and while he was a confident lion he suddenly felt in a constant state of concern. His single golden eye would flit around in search of possible danger, but always land on his beloved Yai.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly. The world had ears on them, he was sure of it! "We can take a break if you need one? Are you hungry?" He wore his concern and the tones of his voice let it all out. To strangers he would have bothered composing himself, but this was Yai. He had never had to steel himself for her, not unless he was leaving. This was not a goodbye though. It was different from that.

"I have some meats, dried, in my sacks I can pull out for you. Or if you'd like fresh I can hunt?" He offered in rapid succession to his earlier questions. "You'll never want for anything anymore." He made his quick promise, one he knew he could keep from now on. The doting husband, that was his primary role now. He planned to fulfill her expectations of that role and wasn't going to wait until they reached the Bahari to do it.

"Please let me know as soon as anything feels off."

Finally he had gotten everything out he needed too, the trip really wasn't that far. He knew they would make it and yet he felt jittery as all get out. Inhaling slowly and exhaling in the same slow pattern a couple of times seemed to settle his nerves and he continued on as calmly as he could, but with excitement boiling beneath the surface.

A new home. His new family - what more could a lion ask for?
PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 6:56 am
Saying goodbye to the pridelands had been difficult. She had visited her relatives on her way out. The most difficult part had been saying goodbye to her mother but, after a little hesitation she had left with fond wishes and goodbyes. Tears had been shed but her old life in the pridelands was behind her. She was moving on, moving forward with Ali.

Leaving the pridelands had terrified her. Even knowing she was going somewhere with Ali, her mate, her lover, he owned a piece of her soul and no one could take that away. Leaving though had been a bit of a shock. Even though they had only been travelling for a short while, a few days maybe, she was surprised at how the landscape changed. The world was different out here. It was strange then, thats eh felt safe. Every time Ali looked at her, her heart rose in her chest and skipped. She had felt this way for such a long time that seeing him every moment made her wonder if there was something actually wrong with her heart.

It was a silly thought. When he looked at her offering her the world she let a soft giggle roll over her lips. Despite the extra weight she was carrying she felt okay. He rpaws were sore but she didn’t want to worry Ali for a moment, she felt fine..

“I’m not very hungry.” She murmured a little frown creasing her brow. She glanced around and rolled her shoulders uncomfortably as she pulled to a stop in a way that felt like an emergency. The babies in her belly had been extra active since early in the morning. She hadn’t mentioned this to Ali. She had simply assumed they were enjoying the walk and the sound of his voice. His words always caused some sort of reaction in her swollen abdomen and she thought this was simply because they enjoyed the sound of their fathers voice just as much as she did. “Ali..” She squeaked her muscles tensing most uncomfortably her belly hardened as her muscles contracted. No, it couldn’t be not out here. The fear in her eyes flashed quickly slackening her face. “Ali, help.” He sniffed, slowly sinking to the ground.

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 7:21 am
The world is perfect.

His final thought as he regarded his mate with another sidelong glance that eventually shifted and pulled to stare ahead as they moved. Yai, for her part, had been unusually silent and though he assumed it was because she had a lot on her mind he wasn't exactly prepared for what came next.

Not hungry? A brief thought that died out quickly as the tone of her voice changed and she stopped dead. "Yai?" He barely got out her name before he watched his completely healthy, just moments ago, mate collapse to the ground with words that he had never wanted to hear, not from her and certainly not here. "Yai!" He bolted, though she was mere feet away from him, and managed to remove his bags simultaneously. Had they been closer to the Nil'nocere - the healers pride - he would have thought to take her there, instead they were on their own. Exposed to the elements and the wilderness.

It couldn't happen here.

Ali witnessed the plain fear in his mates eyes and he felt himself naturally become composed. He would have to pull at all of his strengths to get them through this, but he knew nothing of birth or labor. Was this it? Could they make it further? How would they move? He peered around them briefly, but couldn't seem to drag his attentions away from her. So instead of looking for materials to help them he settled with something far more simple.

"It'll be okay." He encouraged her to roll to her side and placed a paw on her neck, running it from below her jaw to her swollen belly. Ali was surprised to find her belly was hard where it had been soft. Water. These thoughts were coming at random. "You should try to have something to drink." He finally managed to get out.

Then a memory occurred to him. Something he had seen in the past - wood put together with vines and leather to create a sled. He held the pleased surprised gasp in and focused on her for the time being, but an idea was forming of how to get her from here to the beach. At least there they would be born in their new home.
PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 7:56 am
The dark lioness looked up at her mate as he carefully rolled her to her side. His touch calmed her a little, though she was unable to hide the fear in her eyes. She felt so exposed out here. She had no den and the world was so unfamiliar to her, a place she had never been full of unfamiliar scents and creatures. It was the fear of the unknown that made her roll from her side, in to a more upright position. “We can’t..stop..” She gasped her legs felt like jelly though and trying to push herself to her paws proved to be a fruitless exercise. Her heart was racing so quickly she really didn’t know what to do. She had never been a mother before she had no idea how to handle it.

Ali’s touch and his calm exterior partially broke through the unsettling feeling as she tried to remember what her mother had told her, what other females of the pridelands had informed her of. How the birthing process went. She wouldn’t birth straight away. There would be pain and pushing and a time of great inactivity afterwards. Not here though. She didn’t want to do it here.

“Ali..” She spoke softly, her gaze finding his one golden eye, as she tried to catch her breath. “Not here Ali..Please.” She squeezed out her words, she felt so tense exhausted suddenly, but she had to move, she had to get up. Their cubs couldn’t be born out here in the open with so little protection.

Tightening her jaw the dark lioness tried once again to pull herself to her paws, but her muscles just wouldn’t obey the pain and tightening of her stomach wrenched at her whole being. Her education in child birth, the words of the other females of her former home leapt from her mind. She couldn’t remember what to do.

His words slowly invaded her confused mind, water. They were going to water. She looked at her mate, his scent extinguished all others, his voice invaded her fear, the look on his maw, pure composure. He was such a good male. The blue eyed lioness panted heavily and tried to carefully calm herself. Ali was here. It would be okay.. “It’s... its going to be okay..isn’t it Ali? Please?” She whispered, she could feel tears sliding down her cheeks, she wanted to be brave, she really did, she knew Ali would protect her and their cubs.

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 2:58 pm
"You're right."

He admitted to her as casually as he could. They couldn't stop, his mind was racing, but he wouldn't let her in on his fear. Ali wouldn't allow her to feed off of it, not when she needed him. "We will make it there Yai." He cooed to her softly as he watched her contract once more, muscles tensing and everything about her looking abnormal even if it were likely perfectly normal. "Those cubs won't be born here, I promise you." He suddenly felt so weary, but imagined that she felt just the same or worse. It tore him apart when she tried to stand and failed. She was a strong lioness, but birth had such an effect.

"Yai, I need you to be strong for me, just for a moment." It was time to spring his plan into action. She needed to keep moving, but he had to be her legs. This was the least he could do. If she had the cubs here he would never be able to forgive himself. But truthfully he had been aware of that possibility and even peered at the sizes of his bags. He would have to remove a number of dangerous objects, but to carry little stowaways? No. He thought to himself firmly.

"I have to step away for a second, only a second." He said slowly. He didn't start moving until he was sure she would stay put. "Please just try to relax, I have a plan. Everything with be okay. We're so close to smelling the salt air and feeling the cool waters. The cubs will wait for that. They will wait for your body to be at peace." He spoke confidently, but secretly hoped the world would work with him here. Nature needed to be on his side for this.

His first course of action, after leaving his mates side, was finding a sturdy looking tree. When one came into view he almost wept. "The gods watch over us." He mumbled, closing his single golden eye before continuing without hesitation. "Okay, not to manufacture this.." He spoke quietly to himself as he worked. Claws at the ready he tore into what happened to be a fairly old and rotting tree. The bark itself was easily removed and thick enough to hoist his mates body onto. The makeshift carrier wasn't complete, but nearly there.

With some force he managed to puncture holes into the edge, not close enough to break under her weight, but enough that the leather strips he had wouldn't bother her - he hoped. Tying wasn't going to be easy, but the strips were long and thick enough that he managed that as well (after a frustrating few tries).

"I'm coming Yai."

The whispered promise was echoed by his launch into motion. The leather straps were fitted on his forearms and made for easy pulling - for now. Once she was laid on the carrier he didn't know what they would encounter, but he was willing things to work and hoped he had done enough to secure it. The walk back to her didn't take long at all as he was nearly at a running pace.

"I'm here."

He spoke quickly and began to get into a position to help her. "I need you to try and move onto this carrier. Be careful, take your time." He smiled softly. The thought of cubs coming was exciting, albeit frightening.
PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 3:23 pm
She knew he would never leave her without a good reason. He had promised that he would always be there but when he raced away she felt her heart contract. He would be back, he was coming back. She shifted uncomfortably, she felt so exposed out in the open. She couldn’t even get to any where to hide, she was completely alone unable to move let alone run and Ali had gone.. He would be back. He was coming back. She couldn’t help but be frightened she was in pain her swollen belly relaxed for the briefest of moments and she let out a sigh of relief. Though the relaxed moment was short lived she thanked it for it’s moment of clarity, the heartbeat without pain let her breath and find the direction Ali had gone. She could still smell him on the breeze.

The dark lioness rolled on to her side and closed her eyes. She had to be calm now, Ali would be back before long and he would fulfil his promise. He always fulfilled his promises.

After what felt like a lifetime of pain his footsteps pulled her awake. She wasn’t sure if she had slept, she felt dizzy and sick, everything hurt, but, with the short time she had been alone, eyes closed, trying to stay still, trying to remember other females advice, she found a moment of pure clarity. The cubs were on their way, but, she had time. Her waters hadn’t broken and though she was in pain the contractions of her abdomen were far enough apart that the children in her womb were actively kicking. She thanked the gods for this, it meant they were okay, their movement confirmed they were on their way just, not at this second.

The lioness smiled as best she could at her mate. She blinked owlishly at the device he had created. She couldn’t help but laugh, a gentle, silly laugh, though it felt dry in her throat. Her Ali was so inventive. “I think they are on their way Ali.” She whispered as she managed, to carefully creep her way to the carrier. It was a slow process, each step daintily taken, she had to pause, just the once, while her stomach hardened, but a few deep breaths later she managed to roll carefully on to the device.

She hadn’t even thought about why he was asking her to do this, she’d simply done it. She was so dazed she hadn’t the brain power to query what he was doing. What ever he did it would be for the best. There was no one she trusted more than Ali. He would always come through for her.

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2018 8:32 am
Had he known the stress it put on her to see him go he might have hesitated, but knowing what needed to be done to ensure these cubs were born in a proper place was higher up on the priority list. Ali just wanted both his mate and their cubs to be in their best situation.

"Of course."

The response was minimal as he watched his mate struggle, at his command, to the fix he had in place. The contraption held as she rolled onto it and Ali - not realizing he was holding his breathe - released it in one slow, quiet motion. "We aren't far off, you'll smell the salt in the air very soon Yai." He smiled to himself as he sturdied his shoulders to take the burden of her weight against his own. The walk would be grueling, but worth while to see her face when she first sees their home to be and of course to see the birthing of their little ones.

"Tell me if you need me to stop." He said as he finally got himself into motion. "For anything." He finished his sentence and pressed forward once more. Concern was evident on his face now that it was hidden from her view. His thoughts were whirling with all of the possibilities, but he had to trust that Yai knew her body. There were also the tips and tricks of her family, as well as pride members that had offered up advice. Had he not loved the Bahari so much he would have considered the possibility of the pridelands as a home, but the ocean was home to him.

"You okay back there?"

He asked casually, but the stress in his voice may have been heard if she was aware enough to pick it up. However, as the question was asked he lifted his nose to the air and there it was. Salt. He could have fallen to his knees in relief if he wasn't pulling his mate behind him. Instead he sighed and pushed himself harder.
PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2018 9:42 am
She heard his words but a lot of them rolled in to one ear and out of the other. She could only really concentrate on one thing and that was moving. He was moving her. The breeze on her ears calmed her as she moved without ever moving.

She couldn’t help but laugh. She barely even noticed the strain in Ali’s voice as he pulled her along, for a moment her pain forgotten she simply enjoyed the ride. At least until her belly reminded her that she was close to giving birth.

“I’m okay.” She calls at the big green male, the first scent of salt rushed over her and she looked up confused. “What is that smell Ali?” She asked between a deep gasp. It was a smell she didn’t know, it smelt strange yet welcoming.

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2018 10:48 am
The laugh he heard was music to his ears. He could hear how tired she had become and the reaction to whatever pains she was about to experience, but for that moment he was in blissful peace. It was what he needed to pursue the sandy shores of their new home. Fortunately he knew of a small section that would be far less active, perhaps a lioness or two might be around, but at this point he was prepared to deal with that and accept their help - on the flip side he was prepared to figure this out on his own just as well.

Before answering his question he inhaled deeply and sighed quietly - all while still in motion. The ocean was home to him. "That smell, the salt in the air, is home." He spoke dreamily of the area and wore a silly grin. "We are so close now Yai, if we can smell it this strongly we must be mere moments away."

He didn't realize how right he might be.

Not long after that small chatter from Ali he spied the jungle, which he wouldn't enter, but near it, far off, was a possible coastline. He could hear the screeches of water birds, laughter, and splashing. Laughter meant there were some folks at the coast, but hopefully not many to make this a public spectacle. Of course he knew the beaches were popular, so it was a possibility.

"You'll see the sand soon." He spoke softly and warmly. His love for this place only lost to his love for Yai and their soon to be cubs. Soon he felt the warm welcome of sand between his toes and suddenly Yai became easier to pull as the sand parted ways for them.

This was it.
PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2018 11:11 am
She could hear his laboured breaths as he pulled and she wished she could get up and walk. She felt a sort of calm, a serenity that the initial shock of going in to labour certainly hadn’t given her . The new smell, and the simple phrase, ‘home’ lightened her spirit and she felt suddenly calm.

The change in movement as they hit sand and the sound of the great ocean hitting the shore made her ears twitch. Such strange sounds, the smell here was so distinct. This would be home.

She closed her eyes gently and reached a paw out to touch the sand as he pulled her across the pale grains. The feeling of the sand was strange too. She had never felt something so soft in her life except for maybe furs.

“Ali stop.” She whispers, opening her blue eyes she rested her gaze upon a small sandy area, dunes with long grasses flowing with the salt flavoured wind. Waiting for him to stop she slowly, carefully got to her paws and settled herself on to the soft sand, using the gentle dunes to lean her back against. “It is perfect.” She whispers her eyes fixed upon the foamy shore. It seemed her stomach had decided to stop roiling for a moment so she could look out and see her new home. “We’re home Ali.” She purred settling her head on to her paws, she knew this interlude would be brief she could already feel their new cubs becoming active once again. They would not wait, but, for this shortest of times, she could rest and simply stare at their new world.

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 8:23 am
He'd grown deaf to the world beyond his mate, but enjoyed the way this naturally felt like home. So when she spoke those two faithful words 'Ali stop' he didn't hesitate. This female owned him and could command him in ways he wouldn't admit about. He turned to watch her reaction as she had a moment of peace to fully grasp where they were. Ali was ecstatic that the pain had subsided long enough to allow her this blessing and the proud smile he wore couldn't have been hidden.

"Yes we are Yai. This is where our time apart grows smaller, you won't have to wonder when I'll be home. Or think of what our family life might be like." He smiled warmly and approached his mate. He knew that his words likely would fall into line with her pain, but he said them nonetheless. In his mind they were safe now - of course he hadn't a clue about what had befallen the pride in his absence and that the King was currently missing, assumed dead. All of that would be discovered in due time - not that he knew the royal family personally by any means.
[IC] Rogue Lands

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