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Sky Clan Nvwati Contest | CLOSED

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Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2018 11:29 am
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Sky Clan Nvwati Contest

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Welcome to this little contest! The Sky Clan has been without an nvwati (a medicine man and one who helps the clan spiritually) for quite some time now and the current alu'nadi, Samira, has been tasked with naming one. Finally the Sky Clan has been blessed with cubs and she has selected one of the males to take on the mantle. He will be trained as he grows to fill the gap in the pride, but not without some potential drama.

Starts: 3:00 PM EST 5.11
Ends: 3:00 PM EST 5.25
PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2018 11:33 am
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Colored by Lithiasaur
Donated by Syrius Lionwing

This little guy has been blessed with the honor of becoming the future nvwati for the Sky Clan. Samira has hand-selected him to be taught the ways of the nvwati to fill in the gap that has plagued the clan for so long. Once he becomes old enough, he will assist Samira in overseeing the clan as a whole, although he will always defer to her as the leader. Spiritual issues will be handed to him, as well as any sickness that comes their way. Due to his heritage there may be some more traditionally-minded Ela who aren't pleased to see a rogue-born lion taking on the title, just as they weren't pleased when a joining rogue became alu'nadi, but he will have to face problems like that head-on to be taken seriously.

User ImageThe current alu'nadi and the one who chose the boy to become the nvwati. She has met some resistance from the older members of the clan due to the fact that she, a joining rogue with no bloodlines in the pride, came to bear the title of leader. It has been a full year and some change since she was given the role and most of the grumbling has settled, although she's sure there are those who still hold a grudge against her simply for not being born in the pride. She is well aware that her selection might bring those grumblings back to the forefront of the conversations in the pride, but she is ready to face them once again.

Porphorios and Lesia
User ImageUser Image
The boy's parents. Both are joining rogues, just as Samira is, and are the first to have cubs since she has taken the title. There are three boys and one girl all together in the litter. They are quite the couple in terms of appearance, breaking far from the traditionally neutral-pelted pride. Joining rogues are becoming more and more frequent but it doesn't mean everyone is happy about that. Their family name is Dikanodi, meaning color.

User ImageThis little guy belongs to Syrius Lionwing. For sibling RP, shoot 'em a PM or DM! He is going to be a bit jealous in his youth that his brother was picked for the position of nvwati and not him, but he'll grow to support his brother and won't hold a grudge against him for being selected. Lots of RP potential there for sure!

Will fill in with other siblings once they arrive.


Offensive Hero


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2018 11:33 am
How To Win

This contest is going to be a bit text-heavy. The position of nvwati, while not the main leader, is still a very important role within the clan and should go to a fairly active player. This doesn't mean that you RP every day and have ten plots going at any given time, but that you can RP with someone if they request it or participate in ORPs and clan/pride METAs as they arise. I'd love to bounce ideas for plots off of whoever wins as well to try to get the Sky Clan more active as a whole. I do reserve the right to rehome the cub if the winner disappears for six months or if the winner is found to be multi-accounting. This cub must stay in the pride and within the Sky Clan, which means any potential mates must be within the clan itself as males will leave their home clan to join a female in hers. Please fill out the form below to enter.

1. You've overheard some of the older pride members making comments about your parentage, saying that someone born from rogue parents shouldn't have been given the title of nvwati. How do you react? Do you confront them? Do you approach Samira? Do you figure it out on your own? Something else?

2. One of your brothers is jealous that you've been selected to be the nvwati when you are older rather than him. It's a bit hard to play with someone who is mad at you for something you didn't have any control over! How do you deal with it?

3. Samira chose you before your eyes were even open to become the Sky Clan's nvwati. You've been raised since then to start taking on the responsibilities the title requires, which means a lot of studying and listening. You're just a cub, though, and you want to play with your siblings but are frequently taken away to learn more about your future. Do you mind learning? Does it bore you? Are you nervous about the responsibility that's been put on you? Are you excited for it?

[b]SoA Name:[/b]
[b]Personality:[/b] (I prefer paragraph form but a list of adjectives will do as well. Please list positive and negative traits)
[b]Do you have any Ela? What clan? Are they on pride lines?:[/b]
[b]Please link to one current RP:[/b] (Can be ongoing or recently finished)
[b]Please pick a prompt and reply as if it were an SRP:[/b] (This doesn't have to be 1000 words long like an SRP, but please have it be more than just a few lines.)
PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2018 12:23 pm
One more just in case  


Offensive Hero

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 7:11 am
Proud parents <3  
PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2018 11:13 am
Not entering, but the alu'nadi of the Earth Clan is rootin' for this little guy!  


Sweet Kitten

15,000 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Cool Cat 500
  • Grunny Grabber 50


PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2018 12:26 pm
SoA Name: Dohi Dikanodi
Meaning: “Peaceful color” in Native American
Personality: Dohi isn’t the type to hold back his words. Sarcastic and blunt, he often comes off as stricter than he really is, and seems to walk around with a chip on his shoulder. He would come off as intimidating to others… were it not for his clumsiness. He’s a massive klutz that is unwilling to admit to it. Dropped some supplies? The wind knocked them out of his paws. Fell into a hole? Who dug that – he’ll chew their ears off! That said, he cares a lot for his fellow Ela and has a soft spot for cubs. In fact, he’ll willingly let them ride around on his back while he works.
The title and duties awaiting him when he’s older will make him unsure as a cub, and he might be prone to lashing out when pushed about the subject. He’ll grow to accept it during adolescence though, and will come to ignore any uncertainty from the more traditional-minded Ela.
Do you have any Ela? What clan? Are they on pride lines?: Yes, one in Bird Clan. He’s on the pride lines.
Please link to one current RP: Link
Please pick a prompt and reply as if it were an SRP:

A small purple-and-peach colored form trudged its way into a set of bushes before flopping down with a pout. He wasn’t the most hidden creature in the world, but the leaves made him feel like it, and that’s all he cared about at the moment. Dohi was tired and grouchy and, admittedly, kind of sad. The last thing he wanted was for someone to try and talk to him.

His siblings had all gotten to go out and explore while their mother was running some errands, something he had originally been planning on doing as well. It wasn’t often he got to play with his siblings after all, and it would have been nice to feel like a cub again... but then he’d been reminded that he was to go with Samira for training that day.


Dohi had grumbled about it, earning himself a scolding for his attitude, and then grudgingly made his way to Samira’s den. He wished now that he hadn’t paused on his way out to look longingly back at his family. He wouldn’t have had to hear his brother’s sneering words, he thought with a cringe. Those parting remarks had been on his mind all day, and he was sure that Samira had noticed his inattention, judging by the amount of times she’d tried to coax him into telling her what was wrong.

There wasn’t anything she could do about this though. Dohi wished he knew what his brother’s problem was. It’s not like he’d had a choice about any of this! He still wasn’t even sure if he was the right person for the job...

Dohi sighed. Now that he was free to spend the rest of his day however he wanted, he honestly didn’t want to be around his siblings anymore. No, he thought with a scowl, that wasn’t quite true. He didn’t want to be around his brother, specifically. If he was going to be a butt about this, then Dohi didn't want to be around him. At least until he smartened up.

That left the rest of the day, er, night for himself though. He debated trying to track down one of his parents, before shaking his head and curling his paws underneath him. He just wanted to sleep. It had been a trying day, with memorization and plants and meeting people and ugh, yeah, he just wanted a nap. Here would be a nice spot too. No one to bother him, no one to jeer at him - just silence and peace.

Dohi’s eyes slowly closed. He’d just take a short nap and then head home. No one could fault him for that.

... He would regret it later when he woke to a search party out looking for him. Sleeping through the night and causing his parents to panic had not been part of the plan.
PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 1:28 pm
SoA Name: Achak (Dikanodi)
Meaning: Spirit (in Algonquin)
Personality: As a cub, sometimes he feels overburdened by the heavy expectations placed upon him, leading to his sometimes failing at tasks because he gets too much inside his own head, and not wanting to appear indecisive or weak, not always properly considering all the facts before deciding how to tackle a problem. The unfortunate results make him question if he is even capable of being what his clan needs.

As he grows into adolescence and adulthood, I see him getting more comfortable with things as he accepts that it really is about doing his best, and to stop focusing on what he thinks others want him to do, or expect him to do. Humble, his youthful insecurities may make him more inclined to listen to the input of others, but ultimately make his own decisions as to what is the right path, whether it be in treating the ill or a spiritual concern.

To sum up the waffly paragraphs before, for cub and adult, a list of traits in my mind:

Cub: Positive Traits: Dutiful, compassionate, hard-working. Negatives: Insecure, Easily influenced by popular opinion, afraid to ask for guidance or help for fear of disappointing others, and struggles to form deep friendships with others, as he expends a great deal of effort in trying to act like a future nvwati, and so makes it difficult for others to get close.

Adult: Positive Traits: Compassionate, patient, and willing to do what he thinks is right even if no one else agrees. Negatives: Can sometimes still be reluctant to ask for help, not wanting to impose on others, and as a result feels like a bit of an outsider even within his own clan. While it may not be blatantly obvious to everyone, he is also incredibly stubborn, with a temper that, while hard to rile, can make him inflexible and unforgiving if pushed hard enough.
Do you have any Ela? What clan? Are they on pride lines?: Yep! I have two living Ela (one on pride lines), and a third, deceased Ela (she was also on pride lines).
Please link to one current RP: Uhhh, I have had a few recent, but how about this one?
Please pick a prompt and reply as if it were an SRP:
I am going to go with prompt #1 smile

Achak was moping about, having struggled, badly, in his efforts to begin learning all that being the future nvwati entailed. He wasn't sure why he struggled so much - he was convinced he wasn't unintelligent (even if he'd never say that aloud!), so he didn't understand why he seemed to do so poorly whenever he was tasked with any sort of test about what he'd been learning.

Not that anyone had ever said so to his face, but he could see the surprise and disappointment they tried to keep from him. It wasn't as though he never got it right, but it happened often enough to make him question if he was the right one to take on the responsibility, even knowing he was some time away from that even being an issue.

It was in that frame of mind that he overheard a pair of lionesses, talking in hushed tones. He didn't recognize either one on sight, and the lighting was dim enough that he wasn't sure he would at a later date, either. From the sounds of their voices, though, they were older, far older than the current alu'nadi, or his own parents.

"It won't end well." The first lioness spoke softly, voice a frustrated hiss. "I knew it was a mistake when they promoted a rogue to the position of alu'nadi - not that I have anything personal against Samira, but she cannot possibly understand the traditions of our clan with so little history."

"I agree," her companion replied. "And now to compound that mistake by giving the position of nvwati to a cub born of two rogue parents?" She shook her head, looking disappointed. "I know things have had to change over the last few years, but when you are talking about the spiritual leader of the clan, it's setting him up for failure. And in so doing, they risk losing everything that makes us Ela'wadiyi."

Achak felt their words strike him, like a series of blows to the chest. He was amazed that they couldn't hear his now-labored breathing, as he fought down his own temper. Wasn't he spending all of his time learning all he could to be a good future nvwati?! And just because they hadn't been born in the pride, his parents hadn't embraced the ways of their new pride any less than the older members.

The only thing that stopped him from confronting the pair was fear. Not of the lionesses themselves, who hd not even been particularly unkind in their doubts, but fear that, by speaking up, he'd somehow prove them right, that he was so far removed from what he should be that he would fail them all.

Instead, he backed away slowly, the same way from which he'd come. As he did so, his initial rush of anger at the hurtful words melting into hurt and more self-doubt. While he didn't think his parentage had anything to do it, maybe they were right - what if he wasn't the right choice?

But if he admitted that, then he'd be letting Samira, and to a lesser degree, his parents, down. And he didn't think he could do that. Besides, there wasn't anyone else who had even been brought up as a possibility, something that added pressure on him to get things right.

His breathing began to settle into a more normal rhythm as he made his decision. He'd just have to work harder, and try to act like a proper nvwati (whatever that was...), so that he was what the clan expected, and needed him to be.


Tipsy Hoarder


PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 8:18 pm

SoA Name: Kawani
Meaning: Month of the Flower Moon
Personality: Sorry it's more of a list D:

  • Bright
  • Inquisitive
  • On the quieter side
  • Very pensive
  • Loves to see cause = effect in nature

  • Visual learner - good or bad
  • Of few words - could be good or bad, depending

Do you have any Ela? What clan? Are they on pride lines?: 4; 3 wolf clan and 1 bird clan. 2 on lines
Please link to one current RP: Link
Please pick a prompt and reply as if it were an SRP: 3~

Kawani could feel the sunlight hit his face. He wasn't supposed to have any trainings today, but he somehow still woke up just as the sun crossed the edge of their den. He blinked shallowly, turning to try and bury his face in the fur of a sibling cuddled up beside him. He felt his lower lip almost instinctively droop, saddened that his plan of sleeping in today didn't end up coming true - as much as he tried, his brain was already turned on and thinking about things he'd learned the day before.

His little head wobbled up, squinted eyes staring blankly towards the entrance of their den. He let out a yawn, with his pudgy cheeks bulging at the sides. His head bobbled back and forth, looking over his sleeping family. They seemed to have gotten used to him being picked up early for instruction, because none stirred now.

It was weird - even though it was his day off from training, he was still thinking about going out and about, exploring the area and observing some of the older lions. It had been a learning curve during some of his training - Kawani was a visual learner, and absorbed so much more from simply watching others interact. Some of the things he didn't understand yet; Samira said that he would understand more as he grows bigger. It was a frustrating process, especially when his fidgety paws wanted to take a break and chase a passing butterfly or hare. Ultimately, though, he knew it was something he wanted to do - to benefit others who need it.

His little legs were a little shaky, but Kawani slowly pushed himself up, swaying slightly in a still-half-asleep haze. Even though it was his day off, he didn't want to waste any time when he could be learning more. Taking slow steps, he made his way out, heading on to explore and observe some before his siblings woke up.

After all, he'd have to squeeze in a play session. It was still his day off, after all.
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 8:32 am
SoA Name: Bodhi
Meaning:Awakening, enlightenment
In Buddhism, the word Bodhi is linked to the state of nirvana, where the soul is free from hate, greed AND ego. Siddhartha Gautama, the wise sage who was the founder of Buddhism, was sitting under a Bodhi tree when he attained enlightenment.

Neutral Traits:

Negative Traits:

Do you have any Ela? What clan? Are they on pride lines?: Yes. Wolf, Shadow, Sky, Mantis and Earth. The only lined one I have is my female who is shadow clan.
Please link to one current RP: https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=25219951
Please pick a prompt and reply as if it were an SRP:
3. Samira chose you before your eyes were even open to become the Sky Clan's nvwati. You've been raised since then to start taking on the responsibilities the title requires, which means a lot of studying and listening. You're just a cub, though, and you want to play with your siblings but are frequently taken away to learn more about your future. Do you mind learning? Does it bore you? Are you nervous about the responsibility that's been put on you? Are you excited for it?

His brother was jealous.... WHY?! He couldn't fathom what his brother was so bent about when he was able to do anything he wanted, whenever he wanted. He on the other paw had to stick to a strict cycle of learning and training so that he could take a job that he never had a choice about! He was a little upset because he'd been training and studying so much lately that he just hadn't had the opportunity to just live for a moment and be a cub and it was frustrating to him. He was actually quite proud to be chosen for such a special honor but he was still a cub and cubs had needs of their own.

The learning part of it was actually fascinating to him and he truly enjoyed everything they were showing him and paving him into. The fact one of his siblings was jealous was just a last straw to some building up tension he hadn't realized was there. Today was that day and instead of listening to what was being taught to him he was staring into the distance, thoughts of what he COULD be doing on his mind. His relationship with his siblings was strained because of this, let alone his relationship to his parents. Was he a stranger to them? Did they care?

Did he care?

These things raced through his mind and he wished he could be out there playing for once. Just a day, one day. Maybe even a few hours. It felt to him all he was doing was course after course, lesson after lesson and he wanted to be a brother to his siblings, a son to his parents.

It was when the moisture ran past his lip that he realized he was crying. Taking a paw he wiped his face with the back of it, the fur taking up the moisture from his face and he cleared his nose with a little sniffle. Did it truly mean that much to him? Was he truly wanting to feel like a family with his family that bad?

While he knew this was a great honor and that he would have great responsibilities it was a great deal to put on such a young boy. While he was doing his best to be as good a pupil as he could there were days like today in which he wondered what would have happened had one of his other siblings been chosen. Would he have been jealous in return? Would the roles be switched right now?

These thoughts made his mind clear and he realized what he was feeling was normal, or was most likely normal and that what his brother was feeling was also normal. For he was jealous of his brother in return. He knew he'd have to talk to Samira about this in a little while. As sad as it was, he spent more time with her than his own mother and had grown a form of attachment to her in a way that made her neither mentor nor mother to him. It was a grey area and it was strange. He loved his parents dearly but this separation from them while he studied was having an effect on him that none of them could have every truly suspected would happen.

He was becoming and would be a very independent young adult in the future after all his training was complete. A level mind with hopes and aspirations, kind words to anyone, regardless of their nature. He would truly amount to being a truly Gifted Nvwati for the Sky Clan, but that was yet to come to pass. Right now he was just a young cub with his future laid out before him and if he was being truly honest, he was excited. Excited to be a part of this unique journey that so few had taken before him.

The nervousness that coursed through him was good, it meant he wasn't just a puppet. It was good to have feelings and doubts that he might fail or do something to screw up. Giving a small shake of his head he had training to get done. He'd likely ask Samira later if he could actually have a day off to just be with his family. Just for a day, that was all he needed.



Winter Wolf


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 4:28 am
And this is closed! I’ll pick a winner later today when I get home from work.  
PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 7:44 pm
Thanks for entering, guys! After much deliberation I've decided to go with Vashtya's entry! Congrats! Syrius will get him certed once the rest of the family customs come in but feel free to play him now.



Offensive Hero


Tipsy Hoarder

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 8:06 pm
ahhh, thank you so much!! heart heart  
PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 8:08 pm



Winter Wolf

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 2:45 am
Yay congrats <3! I will get him certed with his siblings when his brother and sister show up. Let me know if you want to rp with the family ^^!  
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