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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands
[ORP] The Storm Cubs Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 6:29 pm
(( OOC Note: Figured I'd throw up a little cub orp since there are... so many cubs. |: Anyone welcome. LET THE GAMES BEGIN. ))

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Their argument could be heard from quite a distance away, which was remarkable in itself because the two engaging in the argument were little more than cubs fresh out of their den. They were both dark in coloration and bore a similar flame marking to distinguish them as siblings. While they weren't full siblings, neither were aware of it. The smaller cub, a young female named Koharu, was very intent on throwing every insult she knew at her larger brother.

Sefu for his part, was mostly trying to hold his own against the barrage of insults.

"Well, you've got birds for brains!" Koharu suddenly declared, paws stamping into the ground. Her red eyes tried to pierce into her brother's soul, but he didn't seem very phased by her insults. Perhaps it was because he was bigger, but Koharu wasn't confident that she could take him on and show him what's what.

Above them, perched in a long dead tree, Javik cleared his throat. The large vulture wanted no part in raising cubs, but he did still tend to keep a watchful eye on his bonded's children... even the unruly ones.

"Now you're just being mean to Javik!" Sefu answered, exasperated. His sisters antics were never ending, and she had been trouble from the moment her eyes opened. Now that she was mobile, he had caught her on occassion trying to bite his tail or pick on their smaller siblings. "You should apologize, Koharu, before I tell mom. Javik is mom's best friend and you shouldn't be mean to him!"

Koharu, bewildered by her brother's stupid jump in logic gave him the most dumbfounded look. "I wasn't being mean to Javik, stupid, I was being mean to you -"

"WELL YOU'RE BAD AT IT." Sefu growled, the hairs on his back raising in a threatening little 'puff'.

"You're just bad," and sticking her tongue out at her brother, the declaration of war had been made.
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 6:40 pm
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The two sisters watched their other siblings bicker. They hadn't heard the entire conversation, but it wasn't unusual for Koharu to argue. Both were complete opposites in the term of coloration. The lighter of the female bearing purple markings acquired from their mother, while the darker female had a flame similar to her other siblings, but orange markings and wings no other had. She didn't let that bother her, she just claimed them to be like Javik's wings, although she couldn't fly like the avian.

"What did Sefu do this time, Koharu?" Haruhi asked, eyeing her brother with small distaste. "Should we hold him down and feed him mud?" The winged girl asked, a smirk present on her maw.

Enkeli looked shocked at the suggestion. "Wait. You can't make him eat mud. That is not sanitary at ALL." The lighter female stated. "Javviikkk." She whined, eyes staring towards the vulture.

From the shadows of the trees, a small white cub with gold accented markings watched the debacle before her. She scoffed, her purple eyes rolling in her head. Boy were these guys noisy! Couldn't a cub just get some sleep around here? She stood, stretched, but stayed right where she was, not wanting to make her appearance to the group just yet.  


Moonlight Hunter

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 10:48 pm
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The noise was so bad that Orm could hardly handle it anymore. He'd wandered a little off from his family den to get some air away from his sisters only to have noise pollution fog up his personal time. Orm was still a very young cub but he was opinionated and hot tempered at times.

The young cub followed the source of the sounds being bellowed and was surprised to find a pretty large gathering of cubs. Who knew if they were from the same litter. Orm didn't care in the least. Angrily he approached not sure who had started what and not caring at all.

"WHY DON'T YOU ALL SHUT UP!" He roared the best he could. He kept a serious demeanor all the while which was a little strange for a cub his age. "WHO CARES! SERIOUSLY!" Okay now he was the cause of the noise. This irony was probably completely lost on Orm though as he wasn't the most light hearted and jokey cub of the bunch.  
PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 9:20 am
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So many cousins and half cousins and god's knew what else. Ernaline looked over at Melanthe and gave her a crooked grin as she whipped her tail behind her. "Should we cause any trouble?" The other female tapped a claw to her bottom lip, "I'm not sure, maybe we wait and see what happens." There were so many cubs around, many of which where related. It was a wonder that anyone was even able to breed in this pride!

They had stuck towards the edge of the group, not quite in view of the cubs in the open just yet.

Raksha on the other paw was saddled between the two females with an odd look on his face. They had sorta 'claimed' him as their own and just sat there, silently. Melanthe turned her paler orange gaze upon the black and blue male. "Isn't that your sister over there?" Perhaps they should all go say hello.

"It is." He said raising a brow, what was she getting at?

Ernaline grinned wider. It would seem she didn't want to be noticed by the cubs in the open but the cubs in the shadows had seen her just fine. Her white pelt dancing against the darkness easily enough.

Creeping along she came up behind the white pelted female. "Why don't you join us." It wasn't a question, more of a statement, a wicked grin upon her face as she motioned towards the shadows where her cousin and the white females brother was.

Kasai Loki



Winter Wolf


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 10:26 am
User ImageThe Stormborn was always a place that was hopping with adventure and new things to explore. Kafele liked being first to do such things, learning as much as he could about whatever was new and exciting and cool so he could claim it as his own. Unfortunately the 'new exciting' thing was that there had been a lot of litters born recently, flooding the pride with cubs. More cubs weren't particularly up Kafele's alley as they really weren't things he could take as his own, but he was older than them and, thanks to his goddess mother, much larger to boot. It was time to show the new pipsqueaks who was boss.

He strolled over to a rather rambunctious group, some bearing the same markings, others hiding off to the side a bit, but still fairly close together. He cleared his throat before hopping up on a rock, overlooking the squabbling, shouting cubs. Oh my...what a sight!

"Listen up, little wrigglers," he called out to the group at large, a grin on his face as he did so. They were all fresh from the den - probably hadn't even lost their milk teeth yet, ha! - and were definitely learning about balance and where their limbs were, so wrigglers was a good nickname.

"I'm Kafele and I'm your Captain." Just like his dad, Vidar would be so proud! "Because I'm older and bigger and stronger and I've been here a whole two moons longer than you guys. There's a whole lot of you here but I'm gonna tell you all about this place you call home! You're all my Reavers now," he added, not wanting them to feel like they were Thralls or simple Freeborn. If he could excite them they'd probably go along with his unhostile takeover.


Alpaca Chobi


PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 3:22 pm
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Hila made her way over to the ever-growing group of cubs, curiosity at what she had been able to hear of the initial argument drawing her like a moth to a flame.

She had yet to spot the parties involved when their voices were overridden by a far more familiar one. Now, that voice prompted a slight eyeroll from her, even as it was apparently attrmpting to roar the others into silence. I wonder if that will work as planned? she couldn't help the small smirk that curled her mouth upwards. Siblings were not particularly intimidating, in her opinion.

Finally getting close enough to see just how many cubs were present (and involved?), she blinked, having arrived just in time for Kafele's 'recruitment' speech.

"Being older doesn't mean you should be Captain," she observed, looking at him with irritation at being referred to as a "wriggler". It didn't matter to her that he'd used the term for the whole group, or that she hadn't even had time to speak to any of the other cubs...or even, for that matter, that the word itself wasn't an insult...although something about his tone did rub her the wrong way.

She wasn't averse to being part of a band, and being a reaver sounded exciting and fun...she just wasn't sure she was willing to take someone bossing her around for it.



Alpaca Chobi




Tipsy Hoarder


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 5:19 pm
Kafele glanced over the cubs as he spotted another making her way to the group. Ah, wonderful! More Reavers to join his game! He expected some dissent in the ranks and he laughed at her comment. Not mocking, just in the way someone who knows more - or thinks they know more - might laugh at someone pointing out a mistake that clearly isn't one.

"I'm bigger, stronger, and been here longer than all of you, too. I'm not just older. You wouldn't want a Captain who had no idea what his own pride was like leadin' you around, right? Besides, just 'cause I'm the Captain now doesn't mean you all can't be later." When he wasn't around, that is. He was gracious in his bossiness.

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 5:28 pm
K'i-lin almost jumped at the voice behind her, not realizing others were sneaking up on her. Purple eyes narrowed at the suggestion, eyes falling on the two female cubs with her brother Raksha.

"Sod off." K'i growled, more interested in watching the scene of the siblings unfold before them. Then more joined. She blinked, looking around to see if more were coming.


Haruhi's gold eyes turned to glare at all the newcomers. Who were all these cubs?! The darker sister glanced at her siblings, then to the vulture above before settling on the male that had begun shouting. "What are you going to do, make us?" The female asked, challenging Orm.


Enkeli shifted on her feet, ears pinned back at the new male that had joined him. Sure enough, right after were other cubs coming from what seemed to be nowhere. The reddish lion, claiming he was a captain, made the female roll her eyes.

"You're not a captain. My daddy's a Captain and he is much bigger than you. You don't ever have a mane like him." Enkeli added, rolling her eyes at Kafele. "You're probably just a thrall, wanting to be Captain." the female stated, shaking her head towards the male.  


Moonlight Hunter


Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 5:41 pm
Her sisters arrived just in time to witness Sefu's atrocious behavior. Looking to her winged sister for back up, Koharu explained the series of events that led to this dramatic fight between siblings. "He told me no bird will ever be my best friend! Well, guess what I don't want one!"

"I didn't even say it like that, stupid!" Sefu interjected, only to be cut off himself by Koharu's sharp-pitched voice.

"I don't care!"

Above, the vulture Javik carefully pretended not to hear Enkeli's pleas. Instead, he preened his feathers. Cleaniness was a virtue! All he had agreed to was keeping an eye on them. He wasn't about to try and parent the tykes.

The siblings' fight was broken up by Orm's even impossibly louder yelling. Both stopped what they were doing and stared at him, wide-eyed from shock that someone else wanted a piece of the action. "You can't yell at my sister!" Sefu declared, marching up to Orm and puffing out his chest. Behind him, Koharu pranced over and stepped beside her brother. She tilted her head at him and arched a high brow.

"Who do you think you are? You can't tell us what to do, loud mouth." When it came down to it, the two would act like outright gangsters. It was the two of them against one silly cub, right? They even had their sisters here to back them up!

Rising above the others, Kafele seemed to try and place himself in charge of the ragtag group of cubs... which understandably did not sit well with Sefu. He was the smartest, and he clearly had the biggest following here (three of them were his sisters after all). "You deal with this punk, sis. I got OH CAPTAAAINNN -"

Sefu wouldn't win this fight by brawling. He'd use his amazing credentials to discredit the brown cub! "You're not my captain. You don't even have a bird bonded to you! I don't care if you're bigger or older, I got more cubs on my side than you!" A whole three.
PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 6:34 pm
"At least you knew better than say you were the smartest," Hila retorted, narrowing her eyes at Kafele. When other cubs joined her expressions of doubt as to his...eligibility as "Captain", she couldn't help but smirk at him. He had really gotten under her fur with his condescending tone.

As far as she was concerned, experience was the only point in his favor, and she wasn't sure it outweighed her dislike of being told what to do...especially by him. She did, however, roll her eyes at Enkeli's statement about a captain needing a mane.

Turning to look at her, Hila couldn't resist saying "I don't think a Captain has to have a mane," with a stubborn look on her face, thinking that, as far as she was concerned, a lioness could make a good Captain, too. Maybe not now, but when she grew up..."but you may be right about the rest," she finished.

When Sehu spoke up as to his own thoughts on the matter, she looked thoughtful. "You may have more cubs on your side, but it was your arguing that got all of our attention to begin with, which doesn't make me really want to follow your lead, either." She looked at the other cubs expectantly, rather enjoying this.



Tipsy Hoarder


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 6:53 pm
Oh dear, they were all rather stubborn, it seemed. Kafele knew better than to let some resistance get to him, though. Stubbornness was a quality that ran rampant in this pride and he had a healthy dose of it as well. What he had that all these cubs lacked was patience. They were all raging balls of riled fur, but that wasn't their fault. They were still so young it was almost adorable to see them all shouting at one another.

He sat on his rock with the smile still on his face as they all told him he wasn't qualified to be the Captain for one reason or another. There was one who actually seemed to be smart enough to play the roll of Captain herself, the one who had shown up last, but she couldn't just jump into it right out of the gate. Maybe she could be the next Captain to take over when he grew bored with playing with them.

"My dad's a Captain, too," he informed them as if that somehow upped his credentials. Perhaps in their eyes it did. "And my mom's a goddess," he added smugly. Those were pretty damn good ones in his mind. "If you and the cubs on your side don't want to be my Reavers, that's fine. Quality over quantity."

Wow, he had said it right! His father had said that to him and his siblings multiple times and Kafele had only recently asked what it meant, and this was the first time he had managed to say 'quantity' properly. Turning to the female who was discrediting all those that had discredited him, he gave her a little wave.

"If you want I can show you how to be Captain for next time," he called to her. "Some of these Reavers will never make the cut but you've got potential."



PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 6:59 pm
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"Oh please, God Blood isn't anything these days." Erna said as she moved forward from the shadows. My Great Grandpa is a God, so who cares if your mother is one?" She said with a crooked grin as she advanced towards the would be captain with sauntering steps. "Same here." Her cousin approached the male already ignoring Raksha's sister for now. They could always poke fun with her later. "So aside God blood and your father being a captain what else do you HAVE to offer?" They said speaking in turn when they said some of the words. "I'll duel you if you want to prove yourself so bad." Erna said, eye's flashing.

Mel couldn't help but smirk. This was good.

Raksha decided to move close to his sister then. "Do you think we should head out there?"

Where any of his siblings here? The pale male looked about curiously from where he was. He didn't see any of them yet and he actually hoped one or two of them might show up though it might be that he was the long male standing here and likely the only thrall. Tecwyn moved through the small bits of foliage the pride had to offer.  



Winter Wolf



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 10:35 pm
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While he was almost into his teens he still grew curious when cubs gathered and his stark white pelt definitely made him stand out in a crowd. Staying back he wasn't really sure how he felt about the aggression most where showing, he wasn't that type of a lion and decided to hang back a bit.  
PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 11:02 pm
Kafele sighed softly as he turned to address the female cub that was moving closer to his rock. Why did it always have to be about fighting? Did no one want to play Captain and Reavers? How dull.

"If you don't care about your god blood, however much is actually in you, that's fine. I know better than to toss it aside like that," he said with a little sniff. He had a few memories of his mother, fiery and splendid and warm and kind, and he wasn't going to say half of who he was 'wasn't anything'. His father told him and his siblings all about their mother so they would remember her since she did drop them off when they were about as young as those gathered before him.

"I told you," he went on, tapping his paw with each reason he had previously listed. "I'm older, bigger, stronger, and I know the area. And fighting you would be like fighting a soggy piece of seaweed," he added with a laugh. "You're fresh from the den. I'm surprised you're walking as well as you are."

Although he was still a cub he had started a bit of training with his father in preparation of going a-Viking with him the following moon once his mane began to grow in a bit more. He wasn't a bully despite his cocky and overbearing attitude, though, and his father had taught him the importance of never thinking someone was too small or weak to take him down. As it stood, he could wipe the floor with any of the cubs here one on one, but if the lot of them somehow managed to coordinate and swarm him he wouldn't have a chance. That very scenario had happened to his father when he had been an adolescent.

"If no one wants to play then I suppose I'll go," he said with a little sigh, not terribly disappointed, just amused that all of the cubs gathered were more interested in shouting and arguing than anything else.



Offensive Hero

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 11:18 pm
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"Who is shouting?"

The tubby, wing marked, pale cub had clearly been napping somewhere nearby the sudden loud event. He hadn't seen a single cub all day. Where had they all come from? Surely the lot of them had been shuffled off by annoyed parents to find ways to burn off the excess energy. Was shouting going to do that? "No." He responded to his own little thought. The thoughts weren't even his own, no, they were that of his mothers who had been speaking with is grandmother just moments before they had been shoved from the den to seek out companions.
Of course he could see his mother from where he now stood looking disheaveled. Fur going this way and that, eyes half-lidded, and a pudgy well fed belly extended while he stretched forward.

Uncaring to how he may look he let himself drape over the grounds, pale belly hitting the dusty ground with a small thud. "Oof." He quietly exclaimed to himself as he realized the action hadn't been worth it.

If there was such a thing as to much food this would have been a moment to discover it.


The sound disturbed the ears of his mother, but otherwise she didn't say a word at the distance she was. But, Eykt could picture the look he was likely shot. "That's rude." He mocked the tone of his mother and grandmother alike. Added a roll of the eyes for good measure, but then dropped his chin to the ground to watch the crowd of gathered cubs. He was bewildered to find that many of them were fighting, truly fighting. His head tilted a bit and tossed what little bit of mane he had over a single piercing green eye. Then he watched, silent, as they carried on.
[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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