This is a solo including :: Balthier, Joia, Miyala, and Munyu Misodzi

Miyala was on a quest for the perfect man. Well, one perfect man. There were many in the world but she needed one in particular for right now to give her children. She wasn’t interested in love or any sort of romance. Flowery words would not buy her over. Any sort of relationship besides may a friend wasn’t necessary. And she certainly didn’t want the strings of a man wanting to be a part of their cubs’ lives. No thank you.

She arrived at the crossroads hoping to meet a variety of others. There were more chances of meeting strangers there rather than wandering around in the vast emptiness. Looking around, she frowned. She didn’t know where to go. She approached the closest feline to her, which was a mostly green leopard. ”Excuse me but could you point me in the direction of a popular spot?” she asked the leopardess politely. The lioness was tiny but, being an adolescent, she wasn’t much bigger than the leopardess.

Munyu had been walking among the milling mass. And was approached by a brownish lion with beads in her hair. Blinking, she stared, before smiling. Such a young lioness. Just out of adolescence, unless Munyu was mistaken. Gesturing with her head, she silently implored if the lioness would follow her to somewhere more quiet. After all, they were in the middle of many creatures trying to get somewhere or another. It would be easier to talk a little bit away.

Miyala followed Munyu curiously, head cocked slightly. Couldn’t the woman answer her instead of having her follow? She should leave… but instead, ended up following the shorter leopardess. They stopped short next to two other lions, a male and female pair. The male was light, with a dark mane and pink lines. Very handsome. Perhaps he would have good seed for strong children. Her attention turned to the darker female, who had a soft look. Except her eyes. Her mate? Miyala decided to put them aside for now, focusing on the small leopardess.

”Now I should be able to hear you clearly,” she mused, eyes twinkling. Munyu eyed Miyala up and down. Sure, she was a young adult, but she still had that.. newness to her. Munyu half wanted to look around to see if the mother was anywhere nearby.
The outside world was amazing. And culturally shocking.

Joia had decided to take a little trip, to expand her mind before devoting her heart and body to her role as a Seasa. She wanted to know the world outside of her pride, just even a little bit. And she was glad on her decision.

Sighing happily, she entered the crossroads, unsure why there was one even existing. It was shocking to see the equality between species and between colors. Light colors were considered Sadors, where she was from. But here, they were all different. Equal but different. The personalities ranged just as much as their pelts. She was so excited, she nearly ran right into several others while trying to take everything in.

Balthier only sighed, nudging her off to the side. It was empty there. Apparently, not for long as a leopardess and lioness approached a few feet away from them, but it was privacy enough. ”Joia,” he began, eyes trained on others nearby. He didn’t trust outsiders. There were several that looked worthy enough to be taken back to the demon pride, as well. If he were a demon, that was. But since he was not, he only gave them a passing glance before settling his eyes on the young adult again. ”Haven’t we viewed the outside enough? Perhaps it is time to return to Aegnor’nini-“ he cut off at her shaking her head. Apparently, he had been speaking nonsense.

”Balthier, I didn’t bring you along to nag at me to go home again. How can I properly provide services if I’m just a simpleton with no knowledge of the world beyond our home?” Joia chided, grinning widely. Not all her clients expected things in a more… intimate manner. Some just wanted someone to talk to. And Joia was never one to half a** meeting her clients’ needs.

Miyala nearly growled but held it in. This was the reason why she was brought to the side? Ridiculous. She opened her mouth to speak again, when words reached her ears. Eyes lifting away from the leopardess, she looked over to the other pair who was currently speaking together. And not very softly, either. Clients? What sort of services did the dark lioness provide? Her eyes moved back to Munyu… and was a bit surprised to see the look of embarrassed shock that cross over Munyu’s expression.

Munyu couldn’t help to stare at the dark youth. Aegnor’hini and services. She knew of the place. Heard rumors. And because it was only rumors, maybe her facts were a little skewed. But didn’t they have a type of job there that focused on giving clients primal desires? That was the only sort of service she could imagine a demon would have. She swallowed heavily before looking at her young companion. Demons were also known to take back ‘sacrifices’, who would then be implemented into their pride.

Naturally, Munyu didn’t think very highly of it. And as a mother of several, she had that urge to protect this young lady, even if she thought of herself old enough to be out of her own mother’s eyesight. Swallowing hard, she opened her mouth to suggest to her unnamed companion about moving away from the other two… when the dark female from the demon pride approached.

Joia saw them looking over. And thought it was a perfect time. Perhaps they were locals who knew the area and could speak to her a bit. Balthier bit back a curse, following her the few feet.

He knew the look that the leopardess was giving them. It was the same a prey gave just before teeth closed on their throat. Fear. Of them. His head tilted slight, curious. His mistress would have been amused at such a look. His shoulders slumped at the remembrance of her. No… she wouldn’t be amused. He had left, with just a young sador sent to deliver her the news that he would be outside the territory with a seasa. She wouldn’t be pleased. Balthier knew it would have been better to speak to her himself. But… she tripped him up. Made him nervous. Made him on edge. He couldn’t bring himself to do it and even now, mentally berated himself over how much of a coward he had been. Well, he would reap what he sowed once he arrived back in the pride.

Joia stopped just short of the leopardess and brown lioness, eyes bright. ”Do you live here or in the general area?” she asked. Miyala blinked before envy struck through her like lightening. She wished she could have a voice like that, sultry and raspy, with a small lilt that had you craving to hear more. She eyed the dark lioness up and down and the demon laughed. ”I am sorry, forgive my rudeness. I am Joia, of the demon pride Aegnor’hini. This is Balthier, my… well, temporary my Sador,” she introduced, giving her companion a sly look. She had yet to weasel out information from Balthier but she was dying to learn about his new mistress. And what she thought about Joia stealing Balthier for her travels.

Munyu sucked in a breath. Too late to run now. Not with the fool and innocent girl next to her staring haughtily at the demon and the sador. Sador… that was pretty much a slave, right? She eyed the large man, rippled with muscles and scars. He didn’t look like a slave. She couldn’t imagine anyone bossing such a male around. Clearing her throat, she decided she would at least show the same courtesy… and hope that it was enough to keep their pelts in the roguelands, rather than hauled back. It hadn’t occurred to her that perhaps there were more demons around, to help with the manhandling of prisioners. ”I am Munyu Misodzi. Native to the roguelands,” she added on. She opened her mouth again to introduce her companion… before realizing that she didn’t even know the young lady’s name.

Her eyes moved to the brown lioness, who gave a small eye roll. ”Miyala, a dragon of Dov Strunmah,” she said in a proudful tone, chin raised high to peer down her nose at them. Munyu was a bit shocked to hear of the pride. She had also heard rumors about that place, though not as many. A strong pride. It made Munyu suddenly very conscious to be there. Now, they were just missing a firekin, a stormborn, and a nergui. The leopardess nearly laughed at that and told herself not to push her luck.

The two lioness stared at each other, one glaring, the other smiling. The sador watched with a look of boredom, though a sharp light in his eye that seemed to take in everything. And the leopardess looked on with nervousness, unsure what to do with the two young ladies and the slave. Little did any of them know, the encounter would hardly be brief or unimportant.

w.c.: 1547