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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
{PRP} New Gold In Town {Pavari x Vosin +dergs}

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 10:12 pm

Vosin had finished her duties early which had left her a good portion of the afternoon to herself. She stretched slowly and long as she kept a leisurely stroll toward her quarters. Bending over, and crouching like that certainly couldn't be good for her back. It certainly didn't feel good!

She groaned as her back gave several loud pops. The waters are cool and the sands toasty warm Vosin. I suggest a good swim followed by a good stretch on the beach. Killakeeth lifted her head from her wallow as she heard her rider coming down the walk path. Her eyes whirled a contented blue/green. My wallow is more dappled at this time of day than I like.

Vosin grinned and automatically reached a hand out for the large golden snout that she knew would come to meet it. She caressed the smooth skin, and breathed the musky scent of her dragon. "Well then I can think of no better cure for what ails me." She ducked into her quarters and pulled out her swimsuit and a spare towel to lay on the sand. Side by side, rider and dragon headed down to the beach.

The pair picked out a spot. Killakeeth stretched out as much as possible with a contented sigh and spread her wings to catch the sun. Vosin spread her towel out then headed out into the water to enjoy a swim.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 2:50 pm
It... was... beautiful! Pavari had been dancing about the beach and painting waves and just taking everything in that she could since coming to Western Weyr and by the moons of Pern it was just beautiful! While she had spent some time on the continent it had never really been long and never this close to a Weyr by a long shot. Maybe it was that she had gotten to spend some time with her family, the girls all screaming with joy to see her once more after such a long interval, or maybe it was just that it was new and everything felt a bit like it was glowing as a result. It had been a bit hard to leave Cove Hold when she'd gotten to hug her nieces this time though, they hadn't wanted her to go somewhere that would keep her from exploring and stopping by as often as she did in the past, but she'd convinced them that it would be okay. Her own insecurities had been staunched down at that time but her brilliant gold had instantly soothed them over with her excitement and love.

Coming to a stop at the edge of the water, arms spread out wide and a great smile on her face, the tan woman let her feet get soaked by a wave and giggled out her enjoyment. Nothing she was wearing would have been good for swimming, not that she would mind getting it all wet either, she'd been in the ocean fully clothed before thanks to Susurinth once. In her defense there had been dolphins and she was just barely a turn old at the time, so still full of her excitement and child-like curiosity, still so willing to get wet. Just thinking about it made her giggle and sink her toes down into the wet sand until her feet were thoroughly buried up to her ankles.

You seem to be enjoying yourself, is it the beach or are you excited that we're finally here and settling in? the voice came into her head like a sparkling sunbeam and it took a moment for her to lift her feet up from the sand so that she could turn around, but Susurinth pressed her nose into her rider's stomach. It's so good to see you in such a wonderful mood after we left Cove Hold, I was worried you would be sad for a long time after that last meeting.

"Oh don't worry about that, we'll see them again in the next turn or so, I'm more interested in finding each one of your hatchlings that are here and painting them all up for their riders. After I paint this beach and that big gold over there." Pavari gestured over to the form of a large golden dragon that was basking in the bright sunlight. Of course she had spotted her the moment that they came here, though she hadn't quite located her rider just yet, not that she'd seen anything but the massive gold. She dwarfed even Susurinth after all and that dark stretch of color across her back made Pavari want to paint her with the blue, blue sea behind her as contrast.

Shouldn't you ask before you go painting others? Especially a gold in the same Weyr that we just joined so you don't cause any waves? the little gold was the voice of reason most of the time anyway, but it appeared at least that she was correct in holding her rider back. Pavari would paint everything and everyone if she could have her own way and was released on the world without any sort of leash. It was likely a good thing that she had impressed to the relaxed gold, but Susurinth was just as guilty of being an enabler when the situation called for it.

"I suppose so, I'll have to see if we can find her rider then!" Pavari pulled out a paintbrush from the tangle of her brown ponytail and peered around in the hopes of finding someone out in the water that might ring obvious as a goldrider.

Not that they looked a particular way, she scratched the side of her head with the end of the brush and shrugged.



Lonely Phantom


PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:57 pm

The large gold wasn't nearly as oblivious as she might appear to what was going on around her. Killakeeth had noted the other, albeit smaller, gold and her rider as they'd approached. She'd seen others that held things in their hands and on their laps, that did stuff her rider enjoyed. It was a bit abstract for her, but she knew an admirer when she saw one. As was her wont, she invited herself into the conversation, speaking to both rider and gold.

Hello there. I'm Killakeeth. My rider, Vosin is swimming at the moment. I take it you would like to draw me? Feel free to go ahead. She addressed the gold, the sand is perfect if you wanted to stretch out beside me. Killakeeth sent a gentle thought to her own rider, we have a visitor Vosin. Perhaps you should come out and say hello. I do not recognize her.

The water was simply divine. It felt like silk as she swam among the fish. There was so many colors and patterns darting about she never tired of it. Killakeeth's gentle voice brought her attention back to the now. The tone and words were enough to catch the woman's attention. Oh indeed? I shall be right there then. Vosin made her gentle way back to shore. Killa hadn't implied there was any need to hurry. After about ten minutes, she walked out onto the shore wringing her braid of bright red hair. A quick scan of the beach showed her the reason for the prompt. She waved to the new goldrider. "Hallo!"

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2018 3:34 am
Never once in her life had another dragon than Susurinth spoken to her, as far as she was concerned most dragons didn't speak to anyone that wasn't their rider, though on occasion she knew that her gold had done it. Usually for her nieces and once or twice with the candidates during their first hatching, the gold had seen fit to speak to the children in order to either reprimand them or remind them to keep her children safe. Of all the things that had taken place there it had been that which had filled her with happiness, that her little gold knew exactly what to do in light of it being her very first clutch. But outside of knowing that Susurinth did it, Pavari had never had another dragon speak to her and all but jumped from her skin when an unknown voice entered into her head.

"So many firsts with this Weyr!" she exclaimed with a bright laugh as she gestured towards Susurinth to come forward futher as well. "It's a pleasure to meet you Killakeeth and thank you so much for the permission. I just love those colors of yours, I think they'll look great on the blue background of the sky and ocean."

Reaching out to the straps that held her easel and the small canvases that she always carried with her, Pavari loosened the straps that held them to her dragon and released them completely so that the lovely gold could bask if she so desired. She went about setting up the easel and pulling the little vials of paint off of the bag around her side as Susurinth tilted her head and regarded the much larger gold. Despite what her rider knew or didn't know, the little gold was more than respectful of the golds and the hierarchy that came with being near one so like herself. Especially one of a higher ranking.

Bowing her head to Killakeeth, Susurinth moved her bulk slowly over and stretched out happily on the sands, her eyes swirling to a content blueish purple in the process. It's an honor to meet another queen here and thank you very much for letting my small adventurer paint you, she was very excited the moment she saw you. A chuckle pulled from the gold as she laid her head down on the sand, turning into a rumble of deep enjoyment. This beach was much cooler than the one she had clutched on and the sands were actually warm instead of blistering hot.

Dampening the bristles of her brush with her tongue, Pavari twisted them together and dipped them in the brightest yellow that she had, mixing it in with the lighter orange and then started outlining the gold to begin with, keeping the outer lines dark so that she could make the inner colors much brighter by feathering it in slowly, especially over the back. This gold had such drastic colors with that deep almost orange gold on her back, it was truly lovely. Her attention was distracted from her own painting, however, with the arrival of a small redheaded woman that waded in from the ocean. Placing the brush in her hand and the one in her mouth behind her right ear, Pavari bounced in place and waved to the new arrival.

"Hey there! Is this your beautiful golden lady? I just love her colors, she gave me permission to paint her, I hope that's okay." The smile that slid over her face was easy and her eyes danced with joy at finding another gold rider out here on the beach today.



Lonely Phantom


PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 8:10 pm

Killakeeth knew not many expected her to speak to them, and that was one of the reasons she did. Just to see the reactions amused her. This one was just as delightful. She hummed with pleasure as her eyes whirled a bright blue. I would love to see how you render the view. Of course she could see the sky, and the ocean, but unless she looked through her rider's eyes she wouldn't have the same view as this woman. Vosin this woman knows real beauty when she sees it. Hurry come and meet her Vos.

She stretched out to her full, impressive almost 50 foot length to give her artist the best view. Killakketh was perhaps a bit vain. She nodded as the smaller gold joined her. My pleasure! She hummed. Are you by chance the mother of those cute little new weyrlings I've heard about and seen scampering about the weyr now? She thought she recalled this gold sitting behind the clutch during the hatching, but she'd been distracted.

I'm coming, I'm coming. She wanted to laugh at her dragon. Another admirer in the bag. "Hai! I'm afraid she is. I hope she hasn't scared you off yet." Vosin laughed. "I'm Vosin. That's Killakeeth if she hasn't introduced herself yet." She knew very well of her dragon's tendency to speak to practically anyone. "If she says its ok, then it's ok by me." She wandered closer. "Do you mind if I watch you paint?" Vos nodded to the markedly smaller gold, "who's your lady? Quite a pair they make hm? Are you going to be staying awhile?"

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2018 5:02 pm
Already on to the soft yellow of her head and sides, Pavari paused for just a brief moment while painting to cast a grin up at the large gold. She had adjusted, stretched herself to a length that she had never seen before, not even Susurinth's mother had been quite that large and she was smaller than her own dainty gold. For all that she was large she seemed very well relaxed which fit the tone of everything that she'd been experiencing at this Weyr on the wildest of all continents. To say that Pavari was smitten with it would be an understatement, she rather loved this place and it's warm beaches and relaxed locals, on the northern continent there wasn't enough of this, but as far as the rider was concerned they had so few beaches that it made sense they should be less than here.

"I think that you'll love it, or your rider will, or somebody I hope!" Pavari said with a laugh, waving her arms at the smaller redhead that appeared from the water. "Oh she introduced herself right away, never had a dragon other than Susurinth talk to me before, but then I was never in a Weyr before this either. You're more than welcome to watch if you like, Vosin, though hopefully it won't be too boring, painting can take a little bit of time." The smile spread over the woman's face was wide and bright as she gestured over towards the large expanse of gold dragon that was posing so beautifully for her. "Oh that little lady is my Susurinth, she and I just joined up after her clutch just hatched on a random island, scared the shells right out of both of us when it happened so suddenly! Then again there weren't a lot that could teach us at the little watchpoint Weyr that I impressed to her at, so really there's a lot to learn. Honestly I think that giant girl of yours could just about cover her with her wing if she wanted to!"

I sincerely doubt that. came the response that Susurinth leveled straight at her rider alone, her tone was laced with amusement but for all that she spoke it she looked up at Killakeeth and was deeply impressed by the gold's size. Western Weyr certainly had some healthy dragons, her only hope being that her own children would grow up healthy and relaxed at the lovely place. Good eye you have, I noticed you come to the hatching bearing Candidates, it was so good of both Weyrs to accommodate such a surprise so quickly. I was worried for a moment that my children would have none to greet. Even with her desperate call out she'd been deeply worried, though her lovely Cordrath had helped to ease her fears with his wonderful words and calm presence. It is my hope that those who came to Western will grow up just as strong and confident as they can, as you yourself are.

If a dragon could wink the small gold would have, but she was completely serious with her statement, for there would be no greater hope to her than seeing Khamaith and the rest of her beautiful children grow up strong and healthy. With that thought she sent images over to her gentleman bronze, images that she had saved of all her children that were with her. They were getting so big so quickly and he deserved to see their growth just as much as she did, for good measure she sent a surge of affection his way as well.


Just a sweet reminder. lol


Lonely Phantom


PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:48 pm

Killakeeth was proud of herself. Her size, her length, her wingspan, everything. She was also immaculately groomed; bathed and oiled to dragon perfection. She was more than happy to show off how perfect she was to any admirer. That this admirer could put down that perfection upon a piece of hide or parchment, was a double bonus. That way when she wasn't around, those could still gawk at her beauty.

I will enjoy it and I know my rider will also enjoy it. She will probably wish to hang it in her wallow and show it off to any who visit. The gold considered thoughtfully. Vosin chuckled at the new gold rider's slight fluster at being spoken to. "I thought as much. She's not one to wait around or beat around the bush." She shook her head to reassure the painter. "When the subject matter is so interesting, it's not boring. Plus I love to see it all come together." The red headed woman moved into a position where she could observe without being in the light.

"A pleasure to meet the both of you and welcome to the weyr. We really hope you enjoy your stay." She nodded with understanding. So much had been skipped recently. Vosin was sure that the circumstances that had brought it around wouldn't likely to be occurring again soon. In fact she bet that those little outposts and old neglected weyrs would soon be seeing new activity and being refurbished. "If you have any questions, my door is always open."

She eyed the two dragons and chuckled. "Possibly." It might be a stretch, but she wouldn't tell her dragon that. It is rather hard to miss new dragonets creeling around the weyr, Killakeeth commented with droll amusement. Babies, particularly loud dragon babies, were hard to miss. I did. Since I'd Searched some of them, I wanted to be sure they got their chance. What weyr in its right mind would turn down hatchlings? She sounded miffed that anyone might consider such a thing. We will see to it that they are raised properly. In truth it was the weyrling master and assistants that did so. Killakeeth tended to loose interest in hatchlings after they'd hatched unless she directly interacted with them regularly.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:30 am
Letting a smile slide over her features, thrilled that for even one second that another might enjoy one of her paintings enough to actually hod onto it and hang it somewhere, Pavari started back in again with the brush. Her fingers flicked just a bit to add some texture against it so that she could blend another level of yellow with it once she was done. There was so much to enjoy with this large gold that everywhere she could look on her was another flash of glittering beauty. With a happy giggle she sent a rush of reassurance to her Susurinth who had muttered something silently to her for her admiration, though it was only a tinge of jealousy that swirled around her amusement. Never once had her own small gold shown much of a dislike for those of her own color or even a twinge of jealousy. Surely she might think a bit different if Cordrath should ever chase after another, but for now at least she was extremely welcoming of other golds and didn't truly possess much of a territorial streak.

"Well if anyone will enjoy it for even a second I'm glad to paint it and have you watch. Usually when I took commissions for paintings in the past they were never around to watch it happen. Just poke me if I end up getting in the way of your view." while she spoke she was continuously painting, never taking much of a break and edging in the different colors. Pavari's focus could be pulled in more than one direction very easily without affecting the quality of her interests, but when it came to painting she would always give it the most attention of all. There was a time and place for all others. "I'm so glad that Western Weyr was willing to bring us in knowing that we had no experience with much, probably helped that Susurinth's hatchlings were split between here and High Reaches when they Impressed to their kids. Such a beautiful event."

It was even more exciting than her own Impression really, since she had gotten to paint her own dragon's babies and witness even more beautiful moments than just her own one. There hadn't been near as many tears as she'd seen at her own, but then she hadn't really planned on Impressing.

Life couldn't be any other way though, Pavari wouldn't accept it and she knew that Susurinth wouldn't hear of it, because there had never been a moment that she hadn't been looking exactly for her.

"You're really nice Vosin, so is everyone here I love it so much. Hopefully with the weyrlingmaster they can train us up quickly enough to be of some use to you and the other golds and riders soon, I feel like a heel not knowing enough to jump right up there with you now. Really all we could do was play catch though, which is important in it's own way!" Pavari and Susurinth had learned a little already since coming and that was one of the things she'd known from before at the watch weyr. They'd taught her SOME basics at least. Not many.

Oh with how many of my children came here I'm just glad that you all took them in still, no matter how odd that sounds. I imagine if circumstances had been a bit different there wouldn't have been so much concern in my hearts about the whole affair, but it was rather sudden and startling all the same. The next time I'll know exactly what's happening though. Susurinth gave a soft chuckle and sighed. All of those you provided were lovely and I certainly hope some lucky enough to have been searched by a gold actually found their soul mates out there. Maybe it was that she'd been outside of a Weyr for her entire life up until this point, but Susurinth had never once seen a gold on Search, it was something to behold surely and meant that Killakeeth had quite an eye.



Lonely Phantom


PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:31 pm

Vosin was pleased when the rider seemed to be enjoying her painting and subject matter quite a bit. As the subject's rider, it went without saying she was probably a bit biased. For her, it was a simple pleasure to watch the image take place, to see the golds appear on the paper as they were laying there before them. This is a good likeness of you Killakeeth. I can't wait to see it finished. Vosin wondered if she'd be able to finish it here, or if she'd need to do finishing touches elsewhere. The vain gold gave a pleased rumble and commented to the tiny gold beside her. Mine says yours does well.

"We will most certainly enjoy this for a long time to come! Do you have an idea how many marks you want?" She was more than happy to pay for work well done. "I certainly think they missed out by not watching. You bring it to life so well, if it wasn't so tiny and the real thing so big, I'd swear she was right there on your easel. No no, do what you need to. Let me know if I'm in your way." Vos grinned.

"We all have to learn sometime. You just happen to be learning it a bit later than usual, that's all. It's easy once you get the hang of it, honest." She nodded thoughtfully, forgetting the woman wouldn't be able to see her from her position behind her shoulder. Hatchings were magical moments. Each one the same, and yet each was different. She loved watching them. "It's hard to describe hatchings in words," she murmured softly.

The red-headed blushed at the compliment. "Ah well...." Be careful mine, I believe you're getting sunburned. Killakeeth teased. Oh hush you. "I'm glad you think so Pavari. I'd hate for Western to put a bad foot forward. Don't worry about it, but if you do have questions I'm more than happy to help. It helps the others to know there is someone to catch them if they fall." She didn't mention the tiny gold could probably only catch greens and blues safely, but still that would be helpful.

Pish posh Susurinth. Turn away hatchling dragons? Why, the Weyr wouldn't be worth it's knots or tithes if it did that. We are pleased to have those of your clutch that came to us here. Indeed, a little experience goes a long way. Plus you'll be clutching in our sands from now on and won't ever be put into that position again.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 5:26 am
Faceted eyes swirled purple hues melded with blues and greens when the gold spoke of her rider's skill, even if it was just to relay what her own rider had commented. Susurinth was proud and wonderfully pleased as could be that she'd found such a creative and loving soul amongst those that had seemed so lacking at her own Impression and it could very well have been those feelings that had driven her to look outward at other options, something that she was glad her children had not had to do at their own hatching. Each one had found a wonderful candidate on the sands that day and to her vast amusement her own rider had sought to paint as many of them as she could, missing a few of the more active ones. There were many paintings of her own smaller form that were rolled and kept safe among Pavari's more treasured belongings and Susurinth wasn't the least bit fussed that another gold was being painted in her rider's wonderful hand. I would certainly hope so, she's painted nearly everything on Pern by now if I hazard a guess towards it. Everything interesting she's found anyway. There was some cheek to that statement of course, but the gold truly did admire her rider's eye for details and the way her entire body would all but glow when she found something or someone that she was interested in. Sure most of those interests came out in the form of painting but there were other ways as well.

"Oh thank goodness she's much smaller on here too! Look at the size of her! That's glorious, I don't know how you kept up with all that washing and oiling, just oiling all of Susurinth can take half a day at times and when she was growing?! Hoo! Even worse, always itchy!" Pavari paused for a moment as she sized up how she was going to blend the darker orange with the paler yellow colors this gold bore down her back. Then that sheen! Usually there was something that she could do for that metallic shine but she wondered if she had enough left for such a large dragon as she turned to lift an eyebrow at the shorter redhead. "Marks? Enjoy it for turns to come and that's payment enough for me! Honestly, I imposed upon the pair of you just wanting to paint this towering lady, so if you like the painting feel free to keep it."

Warmth radiated from her smile and from her voice as she spoke it, exclamation in her delivery even as she was relaxing into the finer nuances of blending and painting the larger gold before she tried to add in anything else. "Hatchings are a warm moment, a chance to see what you and I have already experienced personally from a different perspective and it's wonderful. Every one of them is different and yet at their core, they're all the same. Impression by love and understanding and trust, a melding of three hearts." She had friends among the Harpers that likely could have turned her phrase into a much more clever sort but Pavari was straight and honest. When she'd Impressed Susurinth it had been amidst her own self-created storm of rainbow and love had been the rain that soaked into her courtesy of the small gold. "Believe-you-me, there will be questions had and advice sought as the two of us continue this particular adventure. That's a new sort of adventure for us as well! Reaching out to others to learn rather than to travel and explore."

Not so different though, this is just a different type of learning than what we experienced with travel. There were things to learn there as well. the small gold offered to her rider pleasantly, for she had always enjoyed learning new things about areas as the pair of them had traveled far and wide over Pern. Each place visited was different than the last for reasons differing from the place even before that. There were some that never left a Hold in their lives, never saw life outside of those stone walls, those that never left a particular Weyr but to fight thread, some that hadn't even left a forest or swamp. Then there were those like she and Pavari that had traveled far and wide, could share information over drinks and food and good times. With travel she had experienced and with experience she had learned, that was what the situation involving her first clutch had been, an experience that had lead to learning.

Western is lovely, as are all those here in for taking us in and training us to help with Thread. After Fort Weyr protected us for so long it only feels right to give back to those that defend Pern and you are correct, there will never be a clutch of mine that will run the risk of going without candidates again. Not if she could help it, and Susurinth had seen the way to help it.



Lonely Phantom


PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 9:51 pm

Every rider and dragon have unique talents. Killakeeth about to move and stretch as she loved to do in hot sands, caught herself just in time, remembering that she had to hold still to be painted. She'd wait a little long then she would roll.

Vosin groaned. "Don't remind me!" She joked. "I started recruiting candidates to help after the first Turn I think? I was almost afraid she'd never stop growing." While it made her back ache thinking about her next washing, which Killakeeth would never let her skimp on, nor would she out of pride, Vos was rather proud with her dragon's size. Now if she could only get the baby fat the gold seemed to insist upon carrying all would be perfect.

"Susurinth is a well proportioned gold, and sleek. I'm a bit envious actually." Vosin watched the golds as she frowned slightly as her marks were politely turned down. She didn't mind paying for good work. "Are you sure? I know you'll start earning your stipend here soon too, but I wouldn't want you think I expect things for free just because I ride gold." Some people who rode metallics were arrogant in their rights, and Vosin had never liked that.

She sent a wordless burst to Killakeeth who understood. Susurinth, is there anything your rider needs that she may not ask for? Dragons were some of the worst gossips, and Killakeeth loved a good surprise. Vosin hummed softly as the woman described hatchings. "Aye that. And all the broken ones of candidates left on the sands," she added sadly. She always felt bad for the ones left standing.

"I should bring you with me someday, when your more settled in. I am quite familiar with most of the area around here. Perhaps I can find you something you haven't seen before."

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:56 am
One indigo eye watched the slight shift in the larger gold and withheld a chuckle, she herself had moved many a time when Pavari was painting her and that lead to the rider actually painting her dragon. There were swirls on her back legs where that exact thing had happened the day before and her rider issued her revenge for the loss of the pose. In Susurinth's defense she had been sleeping at the time, so it wasn't as if she'd known, but that didn't keep her from being amused and showing her love. She surely has some very unique talents, all the reasons that I love her of course, that imagination and drive to see more and more. Every dragon chooses something unique in their rider after all, I'm positive your wonderful redheaded rider has some brilliant talents as well. Of that the smaller gold had no doubt and she took that moment to stretch her glittering wings lazily and fold them to her sides, sending a rib to her rider gently.

"It's those great big wings of hers that took the longest, she's a little short and long but I love all that long gold, I've learned every bit of her, every glittering angle after all this time and no matter how much of a pain in the back it can be to oil her it's always been worth it. Still, all that extra dragon! No wonder you were afraid she'd never stop growing, I'd have worried the same thing as she grew upward into the sky. I've seen some large metallic dragons in my time but she's the largest I've ever seen." Pavari winked playfully as she began to paint the sand about her swifly, streaks and taps of grains, little circles of indented sand and then sweeping blue sky, paint staining her hair where she placed each different paint brush as she switched up.

Turning to look at Vosin as she offered and asked once again all she could do was lift an eyebrow and wave a hand playfully again. "Marks have never meant all that much to me honestly, I've never really needed to rely on them all these turns since we always were able to make friends where we went or hunt when we needed. Earning a stipend alone is still so odd to me..." Pavari's eyebrows pulled together in something like befuddlement. "Also color on dragons doesn't mean much to either of us. Sure, Susurinth is a gold and I love all of her glittering body, but I'd never really realized what that meant until she first rose and then laid eggs, she was just like freedom to me, not a responsibility or a status symbol. Wind on wings and the chance to leave the land behind in an uprush that feels like joy and sun that bursts from the inside. Truly I just wanted to paint Killakeeth because she's glorious in all that size and the way her colors are interacting with the sands and the sky. I can't make you pay for that selfish desire." The smile came back and wiped away her confused look as she explained what her gold was to her, as she explained how Susurinth was her soul glowing in draconic form. There wasn't a part of Pavari that wasn't melded into her dragon anymore.

They were the same being.

Just from hearing the description of Pavari's love for her, of how much she loved her and what she meant all these turns, Susurinth began to glow a bit with joy. It wasn't the same glow she had when she'd risen but it was pure love that made her shine brighter for a few moments and her eyes turn the most brilliant of purples. Drawn from her spilling of love that she was pushing towards her rider, Susurinth pondered Killakeeth's words carefully and searched about her mind for something that the painter might need, something that might be important and she wouldn't think to ask for? What would... instantly she remembered hearing the woman complain about her clear coat... what had she called it.... she had wasted it on all her paintings of her so the little gold was certain that it would be needed. I'm not certain that it's easy to come by but she calls it 'gloss' or 'clear coat'? It makes things shiny and she uses it often for metallic paintings. Makes the subject shine on the canvas. I think she might have used most of it the other day when she was painting me, but then she always does, but she mentioned being low on it.

Hearing that about candidates, remembering seeing the pained looks on the faces of the many that hadn't Impressed to the eggs that Susurinth had laid, Pavari had to pause and think back to her own. Had there been girls standing on the sand with tears in their eyes like that little one that Khamaith had passed by when Susurinth chose her? How many children hadn't impressed at that small hatching on the Southern Continent so many turns ago. Not that many turns ago my love. A chuckle, sad, escaped her. "Just because they didn't find their dragon that time doesn't mean that they won't later, so much better than finding a dragon that doesn't match you well." But it was with a little less pep that she added a different shade of bright blue to the sky. "I'm always ready to learn and explore, you've been here for a while, if you know some hidden part of Western you would share, wouldn't you?" It was a little impish despite the saddening thoughts of despaired Candidates on sands



Lonely Phantom


PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 6:41 pm

Killakeeth rumbled. Mine loves to see new places too. That she does Susurinth, just as yours clearly does. Every rider and dragon were unique and special, but together they were simply awesome.

"She's so well taken care of, that nothing looks out of place on her." Vosin smiled. Every rider she'd ever met adored their dragon and thought them to be the most perfect specimen. Herself included of course. Despite her complaints, jokes about her dragon's weight, and worries, Vosin was pleased with the size of her gold. Not that it mattered. Killakeeth was perfect as she was, even if she'd come out skinny and lanky. The fact she could keep such a large dragon in good health was a point of pride for her. "We thank you."

Vosin admired the swift skill Pavari used to get the background into being. She made it look so easy, but Vos knew she'd never be able to match it. "Being self reliable is so admirable!" She gave a soft sigh of understanding. "I was a bit jealous when my sister impressed and I didn't. Knowing she'd be able to fly off whenever she wanted to see whatever she wanted. I really enjoy living in Western and I'm so glad we're here and not at High Reaches. I never wanted to be known for the color of my dragon. It makes me so happy to do my job here."

"Spoken like a true artist," Vosin laughed. Killakeeth listened closely to the description, interesting. I didn't know they could do that. I will pass it along to my rider. She will enjoy the challenge of looking for it. Perhaps she can surprise Yours with it for a Naming Day or Turn Over celebration. The exchanging of gifts at certain times between people fascinated the gold time and again.

"I know and they know. It's just the moment of crushing defeat I see time and time again as they are left standing." No matter how some tried to hide it, there was always a hint of it there. To get their hopes up that maybe this time would be the one and then realizing it wasn't. Vosin gave herself a shake to get rid of the gloomies. Now wasn't the time. "Hahha I know a lot of hidden parts." She gave a conspiring wink at her fellow gold rider.

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2019 8:39 pm
Of course she'd heard that Western Weyr had it's very own golden Search rider pair, but she never imagined that she'd have met them quite so quickly. Where other golds were fairly territorial, Susurinth had never had those exact same hang ups or inclinations, so it was with amusement that she realized exactly which gold it was that she was laying near. The same gold that had brought quite a few candidates to see if they would impress to the clutch she'd laid on the beach not so long ago. While she realized she should have recognized her straight away, there had been other concerns on her mind that day and her own lack of general care about the approach of another gold just didn't even register.

I would hope that most love to see new places, or else they're doing things quite wrong. Susurinth offered, a smile in her tone as her eyes sparkled with purples and blues of every shade in her amusement for her realization. But you and yours seem to do that quite well, seeing parts of the world in Search. It was her hope that many others would wish to see the world on the wings of dragons, to experience Pern as she and Pavari had been doing.

Switching to yet another paint brush, the younger woman paused to grin over at the redhead where she sat, watching the look of pride that had passed over Vosin's face as she complimented her gold. And certainly she was a gold worth complimenting, though each rider was far more biased towards their own dragon, she had to admit that she could at the very least appreciate everything that must have gone into Killakeeth. Care wise anyway. That thought made her giggle a little, but only quietly to herself. "Of course! I'm just so glad that you're letting me paint her!" She twirled the little brush of hers, darkened to give the sand some grains and textures as she pondered everything said.

"Honestly, it was hard to say goodbye to being able to fly wherever we wanted whenever we wanted to go. Hard to see the opportunity disappear. I had to make my peace with simply disappearing on adventures on rest days alone, but that's Pern with Thread returned. It would have been too dangerous to continue on as we had I think." Her face had lost it's grin a bit as she spoke, but it was still there, somewhere. Despite the dangers, the things given up and the chances possibly missed, Pavari loved being a dragon rider and knew it was time to step into a new role even if she'd wanted to remain a free spirit forever. "So it'll be quite an adventure to learn how everything works in a Weyr rather than out in the skies."

That would be quite the surprise for her, as she's usually the one to give the gifts rather than receive them. Susurinth commented in return, chuckling at the thought of the expression she just knew Pavari would make if someone so much as mentioned giving her a gift. She was a gift giving machine, Vosin wouldn't scarcely knew what hit her when her rider decided to pay such a gift back twofold. I should love to see the poor thing try and give her a gift all the same, if only there were someone to paint her expression when it happened.

"You just have to remember that there are as many rainbows out there on the sands as there is heartache, that not everyone might impress is a given, but there are so many lives that change." Pavari said quietly, remembering the face of the boy who had inspired her to paint rainbows, the rainbows that had brought her Susurinth, drawn in by how open she'd been in that moment. Life would have been much different without her beloved golden dragon and while she wouldn't change anything that had happened, she often wondered where on Pern she'd be. But now wasn't the time for reflection, she watched as Vosin shook herself clear a bit and sunshine soared back into her once more. "Oh I'll pick your brain for all of them Vosin, you better believe that much! All the hidden places that Western has to offer, plenty of turns left on this to find them all!"

Her grin was almost like the sun itself and it had her little gold give a bugle of her own delight in response, as if unable to contain all that brightness between their bond.



Lonely Phantom

[IC RP] Western Weyr

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