It was official Erastan decided, he had somehow pissed off Liat their wyrling master. There were worse jobs out there, but none that would take him so long or be more demanding,n for the teenager stood at the end of the main food hall of the weyr. It was easily the biggest room in the place able to hold nearly all the weyr's occupants during the peek of meal time. Not only did he had to sweep and mop the floors, clean the tables and dust the walls and light fittings he had to do it all before the dinner rush.
He sighed. Aspalath peered around his riders leg surveying the task at hand.
"We should clean the floor first." he advised. "Cause that will take longest." When he was not panicking (aka most of the time) the blue had quite a neat and orderly mind.

Erastan nodded his agreement, well the less time they stood looking at it the less time they would have to get it done. Erastan turned his back on the hall itself to wonder down to the hall to find one of the cleaning closets he was becoming increasingly familiar with. The newly minted rider gathered what he needed,( mop, bucket, brush and dust pan, soap and polish) then headed outside to fill the bucket from the pump.

Aspalath took it upon himself to carry the bucket after it was full, holding the handle gently in his jaws and walking with slow considered steps to avoid spilling it. With his head held high and stiff he looked quite comical as they made their way back into the hall.

Erastan set down his things and rolled up his sleeves eyeing the rows of tables like they had just insulted his mother. The sensible action seemed to be to push the tables up against the walls so the majority of the floor was exposed for easy mopping. With this in mind he set his palms against the nearest of the heavy wooden table tops, braced his feet and pushed....nothing happened. Grunting he redouble his efforts. With a painful squeak of groaning wood on wood the table crept a half inch closer to the wall. Even Aspalath set his shoulder against it and tried to help but the progress was just as pathetic.

Erastan was stronger than he looked, but he looked like a scrawny toothpick.