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[PRP] Gold and Dirt (Azisa / Chausika)

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Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 7:04 am
User ImageChausika’s introduction to the Pride had been rocky at best. Unable to put a paw right since the majority of the lions arrived; she had already swung for one of the males and had hidden a lost cub in her isolated little den. When Kat had handed down the sentence she had made a promise to behave, to have her Tarnished status removed as quickly as possible so she could carry on her travels. However, it seemed that being ‘good’ was something Chausika found near impossible.

The result of growing up without any rules or structure no doubt; she never needed the validation or approval of her kin. This experience was new and the lioness often felt like she was trying to force herself into a role that she did not quite fit; If she was ever going to fit remained to be seen, but if she did not find a way she would never speak again.

A small sigh escaped her lungs, her head still sore from her truffle with Kufutwa. It was not his claw that caused damage but the way her skull bounced of the floor, leaving a gash above her eye that pulsed every so often and caused a consistent dull headache. Chausika was not allowed to duel, but found herself just as sore as those who had fought in the tournament. Her fight was not sparked by the lust of honour and title, but anger; and that is where she did not fit. There was no honour to be found for a Tarnished and without that no respect.

Silver eyes rolled, she was beginning to sound like one of them. Had Katati’s plan to indoctrinate her really began to work? Was she becoming less of a free spirit every day and rejecting her nature as a rogue? It made her pause for thought. Maybe there was hope for her sharp tongue after all if she did not find herself in another scuffle with a presumptuous male. Honestly, she still could not believe how bold he thought himself to presume she wanted to go anywhere with him. The relocation made a growl rumble in her throat, her tail flicking.

As if the ancestors had heard her thoughts; here came trouble. Katiti had been very clear that Chausika was not to taint a royals air with her presence (though, Azzan seemed exempt from that rule). And low and behold there was one walking straight towards her, or more so, she was walking in their path. Chausika felt a very sudden chill run down her spine; there was nowhere to go to avoid passing the Princess and since she was walking a tunnel, nowhere to hide. Knowing the other female had probably only seen her she knew her fate was sealed.

Maybe Kat would have her eyes for this offence? The Soul would no doubt end up with a wardrobe made up of jewellery formed from the black lionesses features. Her eyes were a lovely shade of silver, so she had been told.

Curing her luck, all the ex-rogue could do was bow her head and hope she would be ignored.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:25 am
User Image

Azisa was ashamed to admit that the tunnels still felt so strange to her. It was easy to see the difference between her stumbling through them, for instance, and watching her mother prowl their depths. The gorgeously red Azzan had even her beaten: he flowed in and out of the mounds like he owned the place.

The quirk of one lip, twitched into a little sideways smirk, was the only hint of laughter at that Azisa would allow herself.

No, the green-eyed lioness found herself missing the open skies. She was beyond glad to be home, of course. A fierce pride burned in her breast for what her mother and their pride had accomplished! But there had been something sweet about traveling under an unclaimed sun, wide open plains stretched out all around them. The scents of other lions, of other life, had been wonderfully rampant there. All hers to chase - to hunt - to consume! Here, everything was the scent of home. Here, she stood foremost. The Princess of the Outlands.

It wasn't bad, per se. Just starkly different.

Take this example. The lioness heading toward her, head down, trying to be as small as possible in an already small space: this would not have happened out there. Out there, Asiza might be bracing for a fight just now, or a tense standoff, perhaps even wary conversation. She would hardly be cowing other, perfectly capable lionesses by dint of her presence alone. The heiress could already feel herself straightening her spine, rounding out her shoulders; refining her steps with the assurance that she was not approaching this other as merely any old lioness, but as her Better.

Would that have been any different, were these the rogue-lands? Azisa was still Azisa, after all - so who could say?

"Well, hello," she purred pleasantly, head tilting as it lowered to the same level of the down-turned lioness'. "I know you. You're Katiti's little midge, aren't you?" An exact name escaped her right that second, something that annoyed the thirdborn to no end. She wanted to know everyone in the pride - she prided herself on it - even one so low as a Tarnished. Wasn't even as if she could just ask what her name was, since if this one had any sense of self-preservation at all, she wouldn't dare tell her.

Z o m b i k ii


Familiar Phantom

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:32 am

It had been some time since Chausika had found herself a prisoner of the lands and in that time she had become accustomed to the twisting tunnels and the hard to navigate structures that made up the Outlands. The black lioness had never found herself in the same place for so long but was yet to show signs of becoming stir crazy, she was not circling her den like an animal in captivity quite yet. Like Azisa, Chau missed the open skies and the feeling of grass stroking her paws; now hard from growing accustomed to the rocks and mounds. The memories of the green lands of her birth were beginning to fade and even if she wanted to, she knew she would not be able to remember the way home.

Born a daughter of Durga, the dark feline was no stranger to the attitude she was subjected to by the other lions. As a cub, it was her fate never to be acknowledged by her father or the members of the Pride, exiled as soon as she was strong enough to scavenge for food. There was a stark difference though, whereas before nobody would do as much as glance at her, here they did acknowledge her life; even it is was worthless to them. In all honesty, she did not know which one she would prefer if given the choice.

The way the Princess visibly composed herself almost earned a groan; at that moment Chausika knew all attempts to be ignored were futile. She now knew better than to let her displeasure show on her face. So instead of letting out another deep sigh, she bowed her head to Azisa. In the Roguelands it would have been different; there Chausika had never kneeled to anyone. There she was the writer of her own destiny, a strong, free lioness who had survived against all odds. Despite how the Pride saw her now, she was a fighter and that fire still burned in her chest.

The red lionesses words made silver eyes snap upwards. Midge? That was a new title. Her lips twisted upwards, amused by her own damned luck. Chausika straightened her neck, still small even stood upright. Waiting to receive instruction or be excused.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 11:01 am
Acidic green eyes briefly widened as the other lioness' gaze snapped up to meet hers. Such a lovely silver, Azisa couldn't help thinking. It also occurred to her that such a strong reaction to her words should, possibly, be something she considered offensive... Seemed that Katiti or the Queen might have reacted that way. The Princess, on the other claw, found herself thinking quite the opposite. The merest glimpse of the fire present inside this Tarnished was gratifying - as was her obvious obeisance to her sentence, and her place in the pride.

At least, her current place. Azisa still could not tell how thoroughly she had resolved to apply that fire to the benefit of the Outlands. Perhaps, instead, she still harbored some fruitless desire to escape?

Only one way to find out. Acknowledging her bow with a nod, she straightened along with the other. Still, though, the red lioness sized her up with a steady gaze that seemed almost as amused as her smirk. "Yes, I think you are." A breath of laughter punctuated the words. "Well, well! It's a pleasure to meet you, little midge. And I mean that, despite what you may have encountered before." Those judging eyes paused, lingering just a moment on the gash just visible through berry-red hair. Azisa's lip curled ever-so-slightly, a sharp tutting of her tongue all the evidence of her dissatisfaction that she would allow. "Seems you've 'encountered' quite a bit already, my dear. Step lively, this way." She had a number of herbs that would help with that back in her den. Couldn't let Kat's plaything get an infection, now could she? And if it gave her some time to see what the Soul found so interesting about her, so much the better.

The red lioness backed up a few steps, just enough to turn around on herself, slipping sinuously around until she was leading the way back down the path she'd come. So assured was the royal that Chau would follow that she didn't even bother turning around to check. When it came right down to it, after all, this wasn't the rogue-lands. Azisa had the weight of the pride behind her, and that lent the thirdborn a certain...assurance. Hopefully, it was the kind of burden the lioness behind her could learn to bear proudly - without being crushed by it.

Z o m b i k ii


Familiar Phantom

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 11:41 am

Escape? Would the little rogue even dare to dream of such a thing? When her every move was being analysed by Katiti’s winged messengers? No, Azzan had been right all along; there was no escape for her here, there never was. This was home now and the sooner she came to fully accept that fact the easier life would be. In many ways, there was some comfort in having a place. Even if her place was servitude, for now.

Life was easier in a way, now that she did not have to worry about her sharp tongue. The temper was still an issue; but even that was becoming easier to control. Learning to live in the company of others was challenging, especially when one did not have the luxury of sharing words to build connections. Maybe she should have followed Kufutwa to that quiet place; she could sure use someone in her corner, even if it was just because they using her.

Her nose twitched, the thought making her gut twist by its mere existence. No, she was nobody's toy; not even Katiti’s.

A brow frowned at Azisa’s words, a look of confusion coming over the females dark features. Chausika had not had the chance to interact with many of the Pride, especially because Katiti was so determined to keep her busy. The few brief encounters she had were far from pleasant and the black lioness had become accustomed to that treatment. It is what she expected. More so, on multiple occasions, she had been told not to dishonour the royal family by making them endure her company.

So when the Princess told her to follow, Chausika was far from ready to receive such a command. She had been caught with her guard down and she could feel herself panic.

The hesitation was brief, but would have probably been noted. Where were they going? Chausika did not trust this lioness; her mind was weaving theories together, trying to work out the game Azisa was playing. Pale eyes were watching the Princess closely, her heart beating slightly faster within her chest with every step of her paws. Still, she had no option but to follow, she had to obey her orders even is doing so would get her in trouble later.

The Outlands were a Pride with so many strange rules, traditions and social expectations to follow; she often found herself stuck in situations that made the ideals contradict each other. At this moment she was obeying the Princess, but doing so went against orders given by Katiti. She supposed Azisa’s word trumped her mistresses, and so she followed.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 6:05 pm
The sound of pawsteps behind her took just a moment too long to begin. Azisa's ears flicked backward, her brow momentarily furrowing. Had she overestimated the pride's punished outsider? No, not quite - as the princess hoped, she did have sense enough to follow commands. Her timing could use some work, but there would be opportunity enough to fix that.

It hadn't even occurred to Azisa that perhaps this strange lioness would not want to follow her directives. Why should it? She was a Scion of Taka. That other was Tarnished. Any reluctance on the black lioness' part to learn at her paws could be chalked up a lack of knowledge about their pride. To learn their customs, and what made them strong. That was what got her into this mess, after all - at least, according to what Azisa had heard. Maybe an insult to Scar would have passed unmarked, out there in the rogue-lands. But here, in front of one of the Outlanders' blood? Here, on their own ground? The princess almost felt sorry for their permanent guest: she had unwittingly surrendered her place under that unclaimed sun forever.

"I hope you don't hold your punishment against Azzan." What else were they going to do while trudging through the tunnels? It wasn't like the other lioness could carry the conversation. So Azisa did, breezy and casual despite the contents of her speech. "I hear that you spent some time together before Katiti arrived. Perhaps in that time, you gained an inkling of understanding for why your words were untenable to him. A glimpse of why he did what he did." On the surface, she could see how the lion's actions may have seemed overly aggressive at first, and later like a betrayal. Grasping why they were not, however, was paramount to figuring out who the Outlanders were as a pride.

Z o m b i k ii


Familiar Phantom

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:14 am

Bright eyes narrowed slightly as the Princess spoke Azzan’s name. It was not surprising the topic kept coming up; he was after all the root of her current situation. Still, she wished she could have one interaction with a Pride member where his name was not mentioned. The truth was that she held no resentment to the orange male; in fact out of everyone she had met so far he seemed the most agreeable. The one that made sure she was alright and not getting herself into more trouble. They had a lot in common really and the weeks they had spent together had brought them closer together.

When Katiti returned she had felt hurt; she thought they had made some progress. At the time his actions felt like a betrayal. That was the reason she got so angry that day; it was not until she calmed down that she saw the situation for what it was. Azzan did not hold any resentment towards her, he just held the values of his Pride above his own wants. It was a shame, if she had realised that earlier the last words she spoke to him probably would not have been so venomous. The black female sighed; knowing that it would be a long time until she could make things right.

The lioness furrowed her brows some; many had taken note that the two spent time in each other's company. Enough for Kufutwa to taunt her about it, enough for Katiti to taunt her about it. The fact made her jaw clench a little tighter, wondering if she should be concerned. It seemed that reputation meant a great deal in the outlands and she doubted socialising with her was doing anything to help his. He had already been denied his title; she did not want to make the situation worse. Maybe that meant she should start avoiding him? A look of displeasure came onto her face, wondering if she would put distance between her and the only ‘friend’ she had.

Chau shook off the thoughts, lifting her head higher and quickening her passe to stand closer to the Princess, though Azisa’s front paws were still ahead, their bodies were parallel as they walked. The only reply she could give was a small shrug and a shake of her head.
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 7:32 pm
Azisa was very careful to keep the surprise out of her eyes and, hopefully, unreadable to the silent lioness - but as she looked over at the female drawing even with her, it was there. Given the time they'd spent together, and what she had heard so far of Kat's ward, she had thought that the invocation of Azzan's name would carry more weight. That the invalidation of whatever time they had spent together before her punishment would, at the least, nudge the girl into irritation. To be honest, Azisa had expected to witness some amusing display of sullen, unspoken fury.

Instead, there was...a shrug. About as noncommittal a one as the princess could think of; she'd gotten more rise out of the rogue by calling her midge just moments ago! "Perhaps...you do understand," the red lioness murmured, plying all her finesse to make the hesitation in her voice come off as concern instead of confusion. It wouldn't do for her to seem baffled in front of one of the Tarnished, no matter how terribly they had caught her off-guard. "I certainly hope so, anyway. Your connection means that he is very likely the best one to teach you the ways and customs of the Outlanders. A pity he had to start with the most unpleasant first, but..." Azisa shrugged, a smile twitching at the corner of her muzzle. "Ironically, although he was the one that 'turned you in', you might say? He is one of the best qualified to help you fulfill the...conditions of your punishment, and ensure your freedom."

Her half-smile favored the other lioness for only a moment, before a crumbled ridge forced the lithe female to turn away. She hefted herself silkily up the ledge, awaiting her companion at the top, expression unchanged. It wasn't quite gentle, nor mocking - at best it was imperious (although that could very well have just been her natural demeanor), curious, and a touch speculative. The pride talked, of course. Azisa had found herself paying special attention to any gossip that happened to mention the Tarnished and Azzan. The princess had her own opinions on whatever strange gravity drew her cousin and the black lioness together - it only remained to see how the pull would mold them both.

Z o m b i k ii


Familiar Phantom

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2018 3:51 am

Do you even know what you are talking about Princess? Or as you as full of hot air as Katiti? Ancestors above; the women in this Pride.

Chausika looked at the royal curiously, wondering if she had even talked to her cousin since she had arrived to claim her throne. The red lioness was certainly talking about the situation like she had just heard rumours and whisperings instead of going to the source. In all honesty, Chausika had only seen Azzan a vague few fleeting moments since she came into the service of Katiti and despite the whole damn pride being adamant on bringing up his name every time they could; the two rarely crossed paths. When they did the meetings were brief and to the point, it was not like they could talk? What did everybody think they were doing?

It was not his place to teach her and he had long since given up his right to rule over her punishment, he had effectively given her to the Soul and wiped his paws with her the second she had returned to the lands. Had their shenanigans at the feast really caused this much of a stir? Had word got out that Azzan had broken up the scuffle between herself and Kufutwa? Certainly, a Princess of all cats should have better things to concern herself with than folly and small touches between two strangers. Even if she was trying to pursue the rusty male, who actually cared?

They certainly did not care about him before. The thought almost made a growl bubble in her throat and she could not help but wonder; why she was acting so defensive towards the cause of her current situation. The black lioness followed the other female up onto the ridge with the elegance expected from a feline in her prime. What she lacked in strength she made up for in agile movements and motions, used to climbing rock faces and trees since she was young. In the Roguelands it was often best to run rather than fight, those leg muscles were building though; slowly.

In was about time too, if she was to stay here; her strength was something she would have to actively work on. Especially if she wanted to grind Kufu’s face into the dirt and give him a scar to match her own. Standing next to the Princess, Chausika could do nothing but raise a brow; her words for now, still under lock and key. There was a smugness to her, like she was suggesting that she was very much aware of the fact the Azisa was not. As for what exactly what that was - well, she was sure the royal’s imagination would do the work for her.
PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2018 11:26 pm
Spoken to Azzan? If the thought occurred to the young royal - and that was a substantial if - to be perfectly honest, she wouldn't know where to begin. It seemed improper to Azisa to just rock up to the brilliantly colored male with a smile and a smug hello, especially given that her brother's birth was responsible of robbing him of everything one could hope for. If anything, she was all the more keen to avoid her dear cousin. Awkwardness was not something the princess was fond of feeling, and she had the uncomfortable feeling that a meeting with Azzan would be full of just that. Perhaps with an even more miserable sensation of guilt thrown into the mix. The very idea gave her the shudders - it was absolutely unacceptable.

Although spending time with his crush might not be much better. There was something distinctly unnerving about the silent lioness - much more so than Azisa had been expecting. Worse was the way that it seemed to be growing the longer she was around. Just look at her now; was that contempt on the Tarnished's face? Some sort of hidden knowledge...? She scowled at the idea of it. Totally preposterous, obviously. Yet... Azisa was beginning to understand just how this female had managed to get under Azzan's fur. Even though she hated to consider it, she was kind of regretting whatever-it-was that made her wonder why Katiti cared.

"Here we are." The mouth of her den was narrow, tilted away from the ledge they had just ascended. It was hard to see what lie beyond that bug-bitten aperture, but the scent coming from within was distinctly aromatic and just a touch woody. The red lioness turned to face her escort, purposely schooling her expression as she did so, before vanishing into her den. The look was cautiously blank, even professional. Let the other lioness think that she merely took her herbs and treatments seriously - not that she was getting the uncomfortable feeling she was being had.

Z o m b i k ii


Familiar Phantom

[IC] Deserted...

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