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[PRP] Speak Up (Kufu / Chau)

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Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:51 pm
User ImageChausika found herself in one of those rare moments where she was away from the watchful eyes of the Soul; though she knew that really the case. Katiti had eyes everywhere and through Chau was not in her presence, it would be foolish not to assume that one of her creatures was lingering nearby. The rogue lived a life where she was constantly being watched in case she broke the terms of her sentencing. Many of times she felt a cold shiver down her spine and bubbling anxiety due to the constant thought, constant eyes, constant judgement.

So, what was a tarnished to do when given some free time? The black lioness was still not sure; not being able to talk cut off all possibilities so socialise and build bonds within the Pride and with it; the most accessible form of entertainment. The life of a tarnished was not as cruel as it was lonely and isolating.

So, the lioness had taken to sightseeing; she had lived in the Outlands long enough to have a good understanding of its layout, but she still enjoyed finding high places where she could look out at the lands she once travelled as a rogue. Exploring the endless caves and tunnels to see where they lead. Today Chausika found herself at one of the highest points in the Outlands, looking out at the same scene she had been when she was told the story of the Pride.

From here she could see the PrideLands over yonder and the river that set the boundary. It seemed so close; and the was lying if she said she did once dream of just running for it, escaping to a land where Katiti could not find her. However, the more days passed, the less appealing that thought become. She did not know if it was a case of; ‘better the devil you know’ or someone else that was keeping her here. Either way, it was impossible now the Pride had returned, someone would catch her, find her; and Katiti would demand more than just her tongue.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:18 pm
Z o m b i k ii

After his duel with the Monarch's Claw, Kufu had kept to himself. He would findf a spot isolated from the rest of the pride, while his small wound healed, and his voice returned. This was just a few days ago. Damn male had put just enough pressure on his neck to cause pain every time he spoke. He did not want, nor did he need anyone asking him stupid questions while the raspy-ness disappeared from his tone.

Sometimes his staying away meant going to parts of the pride he would not dare to go in the daylight. Today, that led him up towards a peak of the lands, one great for stargazing.

Unfortunately, the male was not alone. Low and behold, there was that one female...what was her name? Chausika? Tarnished his mind thought. Katiti had said she could not speak. It was an interesting thing for the redder male. How did the lioness live if she could not even mingle or make a peep?

Green eyes lit with an idea as a small smirk was placed on his maw. This would be fun.

"Oh. Looky what we got here..." Kufu's sang out, slowly approaching the darker female. "Chausika...was it not?" His voice still held the rasp, the different tone what the lioness had originally heard at the little meeting. He stopped just before the female, swaying his head in the light breeze. "So, what did you do to get Katiti all upset with you?" Sure most knew the story of the Tarnished, but he'd rather hear it from the other.  


Moonlight Hunter

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:38 pm

Pale eyes looked over her shoulder as she heard the male approach; the black lioness recognised him from the feast. Katiti was talking to him? Kufutwa? If she remembered correctly he had said he looked forward to the dance Katiti had promised him, Chau shivered at the thought. The female did not dance and was not planning to start any time soon if she could help it.

She nodded her head when he addressed her, trying to convey that was, in fact, her name. There was something about his tone that she did not like; he sounded like trouble and looked no better. Chausika remained still as he walked over, her gaze not leaving him as he stopped just in front of her.

The male had a thick, dark mane and bright eyes. His colouration not that different from the Prince's or a few other males in the Outlands; a desirable pelt she was told.

Though she had a hard time understanding why this colouration was desirable? Maybe it was another strange Outlander tradition she was yet to have explained to her. Then he asked her a question and a look of confusion came onto her face. Katiti had told him when they met she could not talk?

Instead, she just shrugged her shoulders - turning to see if she could walk around him.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:03 pm
Z o m b i k ii

He knew she couldn't speak, that didn't mean he wouldn't try to take advantage of the situation.

"It's okay you know," Kufu purred out. "I won't say a word to Katiti if you were to say something. Must be awfully hard to stay quiet twenty-four seven. Sure you are just dying to say something." He tried. When that didn't work, he did a different approach. "I have heard it's not good for someone to not use their voice for so long. If you don't, you could lose it permanently. Then you would be silent forever, instead of whatever Katiti has going for you. That wouldn't be good now, would it." Kufu tsked.

When the lioness seemed to want to leave, Kufu wasn't ready to let her go just yet.

"Hey. I'm not good enough company for you? Where are you off to?" Knowing she likely wouldn't answer, Kufu had other options. "Heading to see that male?" Azzan had appeared behind Chausika just as he had been excused from the presence of the Monarch's Soul. "...What's his name? Obviously he isn't under Katiti. Ebbe, perhaps?" Kufu wasn't the best with names, and with how he has spent most of his time being back in the pride dedicated to the Scryer work, it showed. Only if the male had been introduced to another personally would he remember the name.  


Moonlight Hunter

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:19 pm

The black lioness was not used to being around other lions, never mind males as pushy as this one. A small growl resonated in her throat as he tried to stop her from leaving; she was far from in the mood to be toyed with. Scryer or not, Katiti had not broken the rogue's spirit enough to have her be docile. Chausika was a fiery soul; as the male was about to find out.

It was Outlanders like him that made silence hard. Her brow arched curiously; not sure at all if she would lose her voice if she did not talk for a prolonged period of time. Still, speaking was not worth risking her tongue and the opportunity to talk forever. If her voice faded because of her silence, then so be it. What she knew for sure was; scolding this male was not worth the consequences.

Hey. Am I not good enough company for you? Where are you off to? Pale eyes found him again, her hair standing on end; making her appear a lot fluffier than she normally was. For a female so slender, it was hard for Chausika to look more threatening than an angry cub. Heading to see that male? His words reached her ears and she bore her teeth. Azzan was the last thing she needed bringing up when she was agitated already.

How did Kufu not know who Azzan was? Had his loyalty to the Pride gone that unnoticed; that he could sacrifice years of his life to solitude in these borders and not be recognised when they returned. At one time he was heir, and here she thought disrespect was a sin.

Her claws began to show as she tried to get passed him once more.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 4:49 pm
Z o m b i k ii

There was a little reaction from Chausika Kufu had been expecting, but he was sure hoping to here more than just a growl from her. He quirked an eyebrow, the smirk widening on his maw. He was amused.

"Oh, don't you look adorable, all flustered," the lion purred out, watching her fur fluff out. He let his dark eyes roam her form, before they focused back towards her face and the scowl she bore.

"You know, you are so anxious to leave. Perhaps we could head somewhere a little more...secluded? Where no one could hear our voices, since you are obviously so worried about someone listening in." His gaze flickered down, notating the claws. "I do like my ladies on the feisty side." Kufu was not a true fighter, that was the career path his brother had taken. However, he was an Outlander, and had learned to fight if needed. He just...wasn't good at it.

His own claws extended however, digging into the soft dirt on the peak. He pawed the ground, little rifts of dust floating upwards, mingling with the orange glow casted by the sun.  


Moonlight Hunter

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:09 pm
I will tag someone in after my next post to break them up~ <3 unless you want them to fight for a while.

Chausika’s mouth hung open; her face a perfect picture of disbelief. The lioness had met her fair share of sleazy males in the Roguelands; and if the male before her thought this was her first rodeo, he would be terribly mistaken. Still, his bold proposal was amongst put himself alongside some of the worst she had ever had the misfortune of hearing.

Her dark skin flushed, but even she was unsure if the blood rushed to her face out of embarrassment or rage. She was almost visibly shaking. Azzan though he had seen her angry; but even he had not seen a reaction like this. Even though she had submitted to her fate as a Tarnished, even though she had accepted the humiliation and servitude that came with it; she refused to be treated like this.

To hell with the consequences. The black lioness hissed at his words, baring fangs and pink flesh in an otherwise pitch-black face. Sharp silver eyes peeking through long strands of red hair.

She swiped for the male, her claws aiming for the soft flesh around his eye. There was no restraint in the action, she was trying to blind him.
KasaiLoki rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:23 pm
[odd hit, even miss]
Z o m b i k ii

Kufutwa chuckled as her jaw seemed to drop. Still, no words from the darker female. It was a shame. Kufu wanted to hear what this other sounded like. Today, and the foreseeable future, would not be that time.

His ears perked when she hissed, her teeth bared. So, it was a fight she wanted?

The red male did not particular enjoy the fighting. If he did, he would have chosen the path of a Scar and not Scryer. However, he wasn't one to back down from a challenge, and right now Chausika was giving him one. His eyes widened only slightly as he found a paw aimed right for his face. He managed to swing his head away from the offending attack, feeling the wind from the swipe against his cheek. Luckily, nothing else was snagged.

"I think someone is interested in extending their Tarnished sentence." Kufu snarled. "Katiti will not be pleased." Just as Chau did, he aimed his own paw towards the darker female. If she wanted to fight, then a fight he would be happy to do.  


Moonlight Hunter

Z o m b i k ii rolled 1 4-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-4)

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:35 pm


Chausika had never in her life being so disappointed she missed. The black lioness was not a seasoned warrior and relied on sneak attacks to get by; having fallen at the first hurdle she doubted she would be able to regain an advantage. She did not care though, as short-sighted as her anger made her; she swore on Durga she was going to draw blood before this meeting was over.

And be damned, if Kat was going to punish her for this; she would make sure that this time she earned those consequences.

Kufu did not mirror her mistake though, his paw made contact with her and literally knocked her off her feet. The female let out a yelp, sucking air between her teeth at the sharp pain that burned on her face.

She pushed herself off the ground, one eye wincing due to to the warm liquid that was dripping slowly down her eyelid and into her eyeball. Well, she had sworn that blood would be drawn. A small laugh resonated in her throat, barely audible as her vision snapped back to him.

Her body low to the ground she was ready to pounce.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 8:48 am
It was luck, really, that had Azzan crossing paths with those two. It was true that his den was close by but in reality he had been up with the dawn, restless and pacing. Instead of sitting around and waiting for some chatty new pride member to find him he had chosen to venture out to the borders and perform a quick patrol. Just because there were more lions here to protect the lands didn't mean that security protocol had changed.

The rusty orange male was on his way back to the pride heart when he saw them at a distance - at first it seemed like nothing too out of the ordinary, just Chau and whomever Katiti had dumped her on for the day. He was certain that the dark former rogue had her share of odd chores that she had to do if he knew Katiti half as well as he thought he did. It was only as he drew closer that he realized something was a bit.. amiss. He saw Chau swipe at the male and picked up his pace, storming into view just in time to see the return blow that hit the mark with quite a bit more accuracy.

"That's enough." His words were loud and clipped, bellow from his chest and full of all the authority that he had been raised with. He was no longer the Queen's heir but he was still a Claw and Taka's bloodline.

Azzan came into full view with a scowl on his face, reserving no sympathy for Chau despite the blood pooling over her dark face. The Claw was clearly annoyed by both of them even without knowing what had caused this.

"Chau, I would suggest you heel." His dual eyes flicked from her to the male and narrowed, sizing him up and trying his best to place what branch he belonged to. It was a lost cause though, there were too many returning at once to keep track of. He could only be certain that his rank outweighed this male's and that was really all that mattered. "And you should leave the punishment to her mistress. I'm sure you have better duties to see to today than bullying a Tarnished for sport."


Z o m b i k ii


Eloquent Lunatic


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:19 am

Z o m b i k ii


Although, it was short lived as a deep voice from behind him spoke. "That's enough.". Kufutwa whirled his head, spotting the same male that had sat just behind Chausika in their first meeting. His eyes narrowed before they turned back towards the bleeding female. He shrugged, backing away from the other.

His ears flickered as Azzan spoke to the other. Using a nickname, eh. he thought to himself, an amused smirk still eloquently placed on his maw. "Bullying? I was doing nothing of the sort." Kufu stated, offended. "She's the one that attacked me. I was merely just putting her in her place for doing such an act." The lion shrugged. "But I will see to it Katiti knows about her actions."

Well. Maybe he would.

"Ah, but I guess you are right. I should go tend to my other duties. I'll leave you two here alone then." Kufu chanced a look at Chau, giving her a small wink before passing Azzan. "Later." he chuckled, leaving the area.  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:45 am


As soon as she heard Azzan’s voice her body tensed, she went from ready to pounce to laying on the floor in a second flat, her chin resting on the dirt. Every muscle in her body was tensed tight, so firmly; that she did not know if she could unwind herself. Still, she was shaking with frustration, her pale eyes keenly fixed on the male that they never faltered from; her eyes did not even stray when Azzan stood with them.

The growl in her throat took a second to disperse but after a moment it did, if only because it was drowned out by the boom of the voice from the rusty male.

Kufu’s words saw the return the growl, a white fang visible out of the corner of her maw, dark lips twitched and nose wrinkled. Despite her best efforts to be docile, she could not help the instinct. Out of character maybe, for someone so reluctant to fight Azzan to throw the first claw against someone else. There was nothing to be done now though; either he would tell Katiti or she would find out from one of her little birds. There was no changing it.

She did not even get a hit; it was just not FAIR.

All the black lioness could do was stick out her tongue in a rather childish manner as he walked off; she could not yell, she could not scream or tell her side of the story. She could not even cry at how frustrating it was not to be able to do those things. Instead, she just felt the sharp intake of air fill her lungs, releasing it with a sharp exhale before she pushed herself to her feet harshly; tail flicking behind her.

She passed around in a circle for a second like an animal in a cage, shaking her head to try and banish the dull ache from her temple and let off some steam. A paw came up to stroke the wound, move the blood from around her eye. It was superficial, but the wound did seem determined to drip and cause a mess.

It was then that she looked at Azzan; for the first time since his arrival, her heart was beating so fast inside her rib cage that she might have swiped for him too in another situation. But behind pale eyes was a glimmer of recognition, saving him from her blind rage.

Instead, she just waited, with her head held low; so he could shout at her or tell her to leave or say whatever he was going to so she could go hide somewhere until she calmed down. In the meantime she seemed to visibly deflate, her fur flattening against her skin as her ears and tail dropped.

Damn it.

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

[IC] Deserted...

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