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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] Old, New, Hatchling, and Blue [D'mar/Alya/Drgs]

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:24 pm

The blanket snapped as it was deftly flicked up, the ends caught between long fingers to pin against their opposing corners, pulling it into a sharp, perfectly creased fold. A tuck around, another fold. The blanket ended as a neatly bundled rectangle of fabric, tucked smoothly at the end of the cot. A glance around the wide open room of the barracks...So many beds were left undone, untidy, or done sloppily. A low tsk escaped under D'mar's breath. No one had any standards these days.

Perhaps these new weyrlings will prove more mannered. I did hear that the hatching went without trouble. A pity to not count these more...settled children upon the list of my own siblings.

Out of the corner beyond the bed poked the sleek near-black head of the blue. He was really becoming far too large to fit there much longer. Another month, perhaps a bit more. We'll be free of this...commingling lifestyle. A stretch slithered down the blue's spine as he found his feet and came silently around to his rider's side. And my larger siblings need the change even more than we would like to have it. Much longer and I think poor Illiandinth will wedge himself in the door on the way to breakfast. There was a lilt of humor in the blue's mind at that thought. His bronze siblings really were growing to be far too large to be graceful any more. The change had been subtle, enough so that it had come as a surprise the day D'mar had woken to realize he had to look upwards to meet Strigonth's eyes.

A noise then near the door drew the attention of both males. A gaggle of weyrlings, both old and new, had come piling in one after the next. Twin pairs of eyes darted from one infant dragon to the next, assessing color, temper, and those at their sides. Bronze, blue...white? That was surprising. He'd known the clutch was on a beach, some young, oblivious mother gold fumbling through her first batch of eggs. That a white had survived...well. It'd chosen well enough. Western was ever more accepting than High Reaches. A point in the white's favor then.

As the new weyrlings scattered about the vast room, picking out the few vacant cots and trunks to claim, on a whim D'mar lifted a hand to catch the young lady carrying the white's attention. "There is a spare space just down the row here," And the hand moved to point out the unclaimed bed. "Though if you've a friend among the elder weyrlings," They couldn't yet be called Senior Weyrlings, but some distinction must be made, yes? "Perhaps I could point you towards their spot instead." There were two older white riders among their numbers after all. Perhaps she would prefer to bunk near them.

Over his shoulder Strigonth looked on, reaching out a gentle, polite mental touch to just brush against the white's mind. He had always been the sort to wait for an invitation, after all.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:06 pm
Ever since Impressing Baihath, Alya's whole world had been a blur. She'd held him tightly in her arms as she'd been bundled up onto the back of a dragon and taken back to Western, and even now, she'd had to hold on so he wouldn't wiggle out and run afoul of someone! The weyrling barracks were all new to her, and she tried to focus on everything she saw... but she was tired, hot, and ready to get clean after making sure her precious dragon was attended to!

She jerked to a stop when she was hailed, focusing on the young man with wide eyes. She knew him... yes, from Western's last hatching! The boy who'd been savaged by that brute of a bronze... and then Impressed his own beautiful blue! "I don't know anyone, so that works just fine!" Alya gave him a bright smile, nodding cheerfully in thanks. "I'm Alya, and this is Baihath!"

The white in question gave a small jerk when he felt the touch, happily opening his mind to the must larger blue. Hello! I'm only a little tired, so I can still play, if you wanna! "No, no, no." Alya scolded lovingly, pausing to give the dragon a smooch on his tiny head. "You are going to go to sleep! You've got a belly full of meat and you've just been nice and oiled!"

She gave D'mar an exasperated look that was spoiled by the way her lips curled up in a smile, and nodded politely at Strigonth. "Goodness, but you've grown up to be even more handsome! I didn't think that'd be possible!"



Territorial Friend



PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:59 pm
The poor girl certainly looked like she'd been run ragged. Like she'd had the best day of her life, but was also completely wiped out. He could understand that. Looking back on his own impression day, it was...well. No. He couldn't really make that comparison. His own impression day had been sharding awful. Still, it had resulted in a fine partner for him, hadn't it? Even if adjusting tot he idea had taken him a bit of time. More time than Strigonth was happy about, but they were a solid pair now, at last. And this little white in his rider's arms seemed utterly fine. No strife in the bond there, it seemed.

He saw the flicker of recognition in her eyes (how could she not recognize him with scars like his?) but thankfully she didn't seem hesitant to approach. "I see. Well, you are welcome here. We've got a few other weyrling whites about—I'd be happy to introduce you, though I imagine you would manage just fine on your own if that was your preference." He glanced beyond her, to the others. All male dragons in this impression batch? He knew at least one of the other new riders...no matter. It wasn't important just then. "D'mar, of Strigonth," The bow he executed was less formal than had been his long-term preference. Something about this entire moment felt nicely casual, and with Strigonth's warm presence in the back of his mind, it seemed the right way to behave.

The blue for his part snaked his head closer, nostrils flaring to take in the foreign scent of the tiny white dragonet. Familiar, yet alien...how interesting! Darling child, you would not want to worry your sweet rider, would you? I'm certain you could still summon all the energy you'd need to romp and play...but perhaps later. You will have all your life to play, do not worry. the blue's eyes shifted to fix on Alya's face then, swirling with delighted greens and blues. How charming she is. And entirely correct, of course. That was for D'mar only, who let out a low breath of almost-laughter. "He says you have his thanks. And he says that your little one seems quite fetching as well. Did he have much trouble breaking shell?" The whites of his own clutch certainly had, and many more over the turns hadn't ever been able to break out.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 4:15 pm
Oh, Alya would be fine even if every last person in this Weyr decided they suddenly hated her guts! Well, besides Rio. The point being, with Baihath at her side, she suddenly felt certain of that fact. Still, his offers were kind, and her smile was a little less beaming and a bit more genuine. "Thank you, D'mar." She gave him a small curtsy in return--one of the many things that had been hounded into her as a potential bride-to-be of a many worthy of some small respect.

Baihath peeped happily when the handsome blue leaned closer, trying to paw at him. Oh... no, that wouldn't be fun! I guess I can wait... He yawned sleepily and snuggled more securely back into Alya's arms, the barest hint of blue able to been seen from his nearly lidded eyes. Try as he would to deny it, the baby was exhausted after such a day! Alya giggled at his heroic attempts, and then looked even more delighted when Strigonth reacted favorably to her honest compliments.

"He did," She agreed readily, carefully shifting so she could take a seat upon the bed that D'mar had pointed out. "But he solved that problem by rolling his egg into me, clever boy." Well, Rio. But she definitely would have been flattened if he hadn't been so heroic and dashing...


"I'm glad we're here instead of High Reaches." Alya hummed, stroking at Baihath's spine even as his little sides rose and fell with the breaths of one happily asleep. "I don't even know that they'd know what to do with a white." And, speaking of that-- "To be honest, I don't know much about them either." She admitted, not at all self-conscious of the fact. "I know they're smaller... but they flame and fly just as well as any dragon, don't they? He managed to figure out how to get his shell broken, so how would that make him lesser than any other color? That would be like saying that bronze from the last clutch was better than your Strigonth!"

She rolled her eyes openly at that. No, give her a perfect, handsome gentleman of a blue over that monster any day, thank you! Yes, yes, she knew that babies couldn't be really held responsible for what they'd done... but who wanted to be led by a dragon that had so eagerly ripped into the boys, anyway?



Territorial Friend



PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 3:26 pm
Her curtsy caught his attention, the marks of rote and practice in the movements. Alya, Alya...hm. No familiarity in his mind over that name, but clearly she'd been of some...thing. Either breeding, or training, before this. Who else would bother with such effort to perfect that sort of movement, when most these days stuck to a simple bow or salute? It would bear...investigating. "Rolled it? Really? That must have been quite the sight. It is so very nice to hear that this time things went more smoothly. And it's good that he'll have some brothers here to look out for him. I know what that can be like...being apart from family. Still, he has you. And that's more than something, isn't it?"

"I've heard that in older times, High Reaches had a queen that was rather fond of them, actually. Insisted on every egg getting the help it needed. The current weyrwoman doesn't seem of a mind with her, though." He turned his focus back to the drowsy, tiny white. So small. "I think the heat here will do him well. A dragon can carry as much as he thinks he can, so there's no worry about him being able to lift you. He will probably tire faster than larger colors, but that's to be expected. And Western does have some mature whiteriders that I'm sure you could seek out." He rattled off what tidbits he knew of whites as an offering. Admittedly, privately, he'd never been interested in them himself. Too small, too frail. If a white had called to him from in their shell, well...It didn't much matter now, did it? He had Strigonth.

Her comment on 'that bronze' won a short, surprised chuckle from him—though it still sounded rather bitter. "Yes, well, do tell the rest of Pern that, won't you? While I, obviously, am in a position to agree," He lifted an arm to let Strigonth snake his head about his chest, rumbling contentedly, one blue-green eye still fixed on the hatchling. "Some might not see it that way. I can with confidence say though that I find him the pinnacle of his clutch."

Ever with such charming words, D'mar. Not a humble bone in your body...not that I would disagree. The blue's words were amused, gently teasing, and entirely public for both his rider and the white and his rider to hear.

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2018 5:06 pm
"Oh?" She hadn't heard that, but her thoughts warmed towards the queen in question--if it were a true tale, of course. "I'm naturally inclined to agree. They may tire faster, but they can still fight." And who were they to turn their noses up at more dragons? She stroked Baihath's silky hide with tender affection, careful not to rouse the slumbering hatchling. D'mar was being awfully kind with his information, and she fully intended to take advantage of it. "I think I'll do that!" Alya smiled brightly at him, practically glowing. Despite of her exhaustion, she didn't think she'd ever been more happy.

In truth, she had rather doubted she'd get this far--so anyone offering advice was going to be received with open arms. The young woman tucked her wavy hair behind one ear, pointedly rolling her eyes. "Yes, well, hopefully the people who matter understand that color doesn't mean much, in the end." She watched with amusement at the obvious affection between the two, her gaze soft.

A laugh pulled out of her at both D'mar and his dragon's comments, nodding. "It would seem you two are well-matched. Handsome, eloquent, kind~ The ladies of the Weyr were terribly unprepared for such silver tongues, I think." If that meant arrogance and pride were paired with it, well, there were certainly worse character flaws.

Baihath stirred at the blue dragon's touch, murmuring sleepily, but settled back down as Alya continued to stroke along his spine. "Tell me," She asked thoughtfully, her eyes fixed upon the small hatchling upon her lap. "How hard are Weyrling lessons? Any surprises?"



Territorial Friend



PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 6:37 pm
"Apparently so, but who's to say? Western keeps its own records and little more, though I think at least one of our white riders hails from there. He or she might know. They're frankly hard to miss, the ones I've seen. Fast as lightning and dazzling bright. You should check in with Miach or Isilje, from my weyrling group. They might know the names of the older white riders, at least. I'm sorry to say I don't, but then, we've honestly had little time for much beyond lessons." He rubbed at the blue's headknobs as he began to rumble, a low, purr-like sound, thankfully quiet enough to not bother the youngster. Hopefully. "The lessons aren't bad. Some might find it hard to focus—do you remember having to sit through the teaching songs as a child? It's something like that, for the hatchlings. Soon enough they grow out of it, but wrangling them to stillness and attention can be hard at the start. Then again, once they realize what it all leads up to, the flying, the fighting, they usually pay more mind. The instinct to fight, I suppose."

The blue's eyes deepened their whirling colors as his man spoke. They personally had had few troubles, and Strigonth had been mannerly from the start. Some more rambunctious types might have a stern word or two given them though. Hopefully not Baihath. He seemed charming, even if he was a bit over-energetic, from the looks of things. Why can I see this one falling asleep mid-lesson after romping about all night? He wondered to D'mar, who's mouth twitched just a bit, a barely-smothered smile at the thought of the white face-planting mid-run. "Strigonth makes a good point. The Weyrlingmaster and assistants are very used to handling all types, so I'm sure if Baihath is better suited for lessons on the go, they'll abide it. For a while at least. I expect by the end they'd want us all in rank and file. Though again, perhaps not so much as at High Reaches." And that was something he felt he would have preferred about the other weyr. Some of Strigonth's siblings could do with being broken a bit more to heel. Ah well.

"The first time they fly, it'll take your breath away. And then all you want to do is be up there with them. You'd think, being land-bound ourselves, it would be nerve-wracking, but it isn't. It's just natural to them, and then when you go too, that's how it feels." He glanced down again at the snoozing white, an almost-fond softness entering his expression. "And be ready to be tired. They wind down very fast at first, and it'll knock you out too. There's no shame in needing a nap, that's for sure."

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 5:30 pm
Alya's dark eyes lit up when she recognized one of those names. Isilje--of course! She'd befriended the girl all those months ago... during that terrifying Hatching. The thought made her shiver subtly, and Baihath stirred at once. "I'll do that! Isilje Impressed the sweetest girl... and Micah's boy was so brave!" And had nearly died on the sands, due to that monster of a bronze. The sound of Strigonth's rumbles brought a smile to her face, hidden behind her fingers as she watched the pair with open warmth. "I imagine I'll have to find a way to turn them into games, to keep Baihath's attention." There was no doubt that he would be one of those hatchlings that had his attention wander!

"I'm sure he'll get better, once he's a little older!" She said enthusiastically. "Right now, he just wants to do nothing but play... but, like you said, once they realize what they're working towards..." Her words faded for a moment. Threadfall. She certainly didn't feel like she was a soldier--and it was hard to imagine this sweet, tiny baby of hers flaming Thread. But he'd picked her, and dragons knew best... so maybe she had some hidden qualities after all?

A soft, longing sigh slipped from her when D'mar mentioned flying, and she couldn't help the way her chin nestled in her hands. Flying. Just being right up in the air among the clouds, seeing everything from... well, a dragon's-eye view... "That sounds amazing." She admitted, smiling to herself. Of course, the mention of naps had her lift her hand a bit dramatically to her brow. "I can already tell that I'm going to need several."



Territorial Friend



PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:31 pm
D'mar nodded, his own thoughts casting back to specific moments spent with the young whiteriders of his own class. Most were in larger group settings...but he'd had a moment alone here or there with them. "Isilje's dragon can be a bit standoffish, but I think she'd rather like you," He added, recalling the white's indifference towards himself and Strigonth. Isilje really had been a lovely woman though, kind and patient.

"I'll tell you what," he cocked a brow at her dramatics, the pulse of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "I'll ask around with several of my class. There were some playful little dragonets among the more...aggressive ones, and I'm sure they'd have good advice on how to formulate games to keep the attention of a young one. Though who knows! Once you get to drills, I imagine he'll put the rest all to shame. All that energy and enthusiasm, hm?" His amused expression softened slightly, the hand that was against Strigonth stroking the dry hide gently. "I am certain no one would begrudge you a rest, though, if you wanted one. We can be sure that food is saved for you...not that the Weyr would let a hatchling go hungry...but I recall more than once waking up to find what'd been set aside while we dozed was...less enjoyable than a proper platter from dinner."

The blue at that point fixed a whirling eye on Alya, the inner lid flicking shut, then open again, rather like batting one's eyelashes. If you've any favorites, I can assure you that my D'mar will see them set aside for you, should we notice your absence come mealtimes. It was not so large a promise to make, though it was one that hadn't been offered to them, even when D'mar was still recovering from his injuries. But they, they were better than their peers. They, at least, were ready to prove it too.

[IC RP] Western Weyr

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