Atl did not know what possessed her to stay within the lands, yet here she was, amongst the dried grasses, a complete one eighty from what she was born in. She had gained the rank of Poza, or healer, as Dastan had call it.

She was thankful to be welcomed by the two. And at such timing. It appeared the charcoal female had accepted the courtship of the golden male she had met, leaving the lands with a male and female ruler. There was no celebration however, at Dastan's insistence. There was still much more work needed to be done in the pride, and only when it was at a good place would they be able to celebrate.

Today though, Atl decided to wandered around the forest, lost in thought. Even thought she had taken the healer position, the mainland herbs were still new to her. The ones that grew around the water she knew, or in the salty ocean. But what new wonders could be found in the actual forest?

Of course, no one did tell her about maze the forest border held.

Not long was she in the forest did she find herself making twists and turns. "Didn't I see that rock before?" The female said out loud, frowning. "Oh no..." she sighed, sitting down. Note to self, do not enter the forest on your own again. Especially being so new! Ah, Atl could have kicked herself for such a stupid idea. All of this to look for some plants!

The wind began to rustle in the woods, a strange occurrence, Atl thought for it being under a thick canopy. She paws the cold forest floor. Atl ignored the winds. Perhaps there was an opening nearby they were coming from.

“It's not what you think it is," a voice called out, hidden in the trees. "The wind as you would call it. It's not."

Atl was taken aback by the sudden comment. "What?" Her head whipped around, trying to find the source of the voice. "What do you mean it's not the wind?"

“The wind, as you say, is not wind." The voice repeated, dropping from her perch in the canopy, landing with a quiet 'thud'. "They are the spirits that protect this land." Caia said in a hushed tone. "Listen. Can you hear them talking? They have much to say." The dark lioness told the other.

“Um... I..I don't hear anything." Was this lioness crazy? The wind was spirits, and it was talking? it wasn't. "Are you sure it's not the wind?"

Caia hmmed a bit, tilting her head as she watched the white lioness. “I can assure you, I have trekked these woods enough to know the difference between the wind and the spirits speaking” The black lioness scolded, offended by the comment. “They are talking about your arrival. And how the two that originally came with Dastan are arriving home soon. They don't say when, just what they overheard him saying.” Maybe the lioness had just overheard the male speaking. Or perhaps, she really did understand the constant gossip of the wind. It was never clear when it came to the seer.

“Sorry. I did not mean to offend you. I don't hear them. Maybe I will one day?" The former Bahari lioness asked, giving the other a hopeful look.

Shrugging slightly, Caia spoke. "You can hear them, when you choose to hear them. Sometimes, it uses more than just your ears."

“What does that mean?” Atl asked, her head tilted.

With a sly grin, the female shook her head. “It is something you will understand one day. Not now though. It will come with time." Caia hummed, her bright eyes shifting towards the trees, looking for her next perch.

“Wait. Are you leaving? Can you please help me out of here before you go? I uh...seem to have gotten lost."

“Hmm? Lost in the woods? You don't say." The dark lioness held a hint of sarcasm. "Follow me, I will lead you out to the pridelands again. I do advise next time you step foot within these terrain, to bring a guide. Befriend a bird, or smaller prey creature if you do not wish to ask a fellow member. These borders are far too large, and not enough members available to patrol it who know the way. Perhaps, you could be one of those, IF you learn to hear the spirits."

"Er...right. I think learning the land first before actually patrolling it would be the best option first... But thank you."

Nodding, Caia turned towards a fallen log. "This way.”

The dark lioness navigating the lands as if she was mapping the back of her paw. She knew every tree, where to turn. One place she had paused as was a cluster of rock formations in the dead center. "See that tall pointed rock?" There were three rocks stacked next to each other. The one on the left was rounded, the center had a flat top, and on the right was pointed.

Atl nodded at her question.

"Go in the direction of the pointed rock. From there, a vine runs through the tree top covered in white flowers. The petals end closer to the exit. You can find your way out that."

Atl nodded again, but her eyes focused on the rock formation. "Do you call this place something?"

“Sherehe’mawe.” Caia whispered. "It is where the Keepers reconvene in troubled times. Not many know about it, and those who do believe it just as stories. Perhaps you can persuade them otherwise since you have seen it." The dark shadow had learned of the rocks from Keaira, and ever since she had be fascinated with them.

"Oh...Okay. Sure." Atl was at a loss of what to really say to the other. "Thank you..." her tone drifted, not catching the other's name earlier in their conversation.

"Call me Caia, Atl." The female smiled, jumping on one of the rocks, using it as leverage to get to a branch. She was out of sight, leaving a very confused lioness below.

"....That was strange. How did she...Nevermind." Atl shook her head, following Caia's direction back into the pride. She managed to take one of the white flowers growing on the vines. She couldn't let this trip go completely to waste now, could she?
