The day after their meeting with Dastan, Impisi found herself traveling east, looking for recruits that would follow the ways of her own leader. The land was growing, yet it was still littered with lions that were with Aisu and the old ways, instead of those that wished to followed the new set the gold male had tried to establish. Sure, the charcoal female had spoken up for Dastan, but the male leader needed to know he would have the backing of the pride without the Queen's presence around.

Impisi wanted to prove her honor to Dastan, and she also wanted to beat out Tycho in returning members. Hopefully she would be able to find someone out here in these next few days, and return before the deadline.

The gray-wolf colored female shook her head, beady eyes scanning the area. It was a rather warm day. Lucky Tycho was heading to the mountains, which meant cooler weather for him.

"Good morning! Well...it's a bit late in the morning but still..." A warm voice called from off to the left. Moments later the bushes parted to reveal short, slender lioness. Her white and blue spotted pelt was rather bright in the sunshine. From her tiny build she could be either an adolescent or an adult.

"It's been some time since I have had a stranger pass through. I am Kai."

Impisi observed the other before nodding in silent approval. She wasn't expecting to meet someone so fast just beyond the Kusini borders, yet here they were, maybe half a day's trek from the old dried up river border.

"Good morning," her voice was pleasant, an act she had perfected many years ago. It was easier to catch more flies with honey than vinegar, even if it pained her sometimes to be the a kind gal.

"A long time eh? Far from home, or were you once part of a place that no longer exists?" The lioness questioned, sitting before Kai as she watched her. It seemed there were many lions about that were once a part of something great, that no longer existed. Maybe this was the case too?

"My name is Impisi."

"Far, far from home" Gold eyes turned sad for a moment before shaking herself and offering a chuckle, "Grandmother always said I had too much gypsy blood in me. "

Cocking her head she studied the larger lioness for a moment before offering her own name in turn, "I am Kai."

"Hmm." Impisi hummed, listening to the other. "Where was it you came from before, if you don't mind me asking. I, too, am very far from my homelands. But rather recently have found home within another land that I feel I am able to call home in such the short time of being in it." The gray lioness explained.

"Gypsy blood?" Her ears perked in curiosity. "You aren't from that...gypsy pride then, are you?" She questioned. What was the name...She had come across it a few times in her travels with Dastan. "The...Kizingo'zaa?" That sounded right. And if it wasn't, well, it was close enough.

She nodded at the name introduction. "Forgive all my questions. I wasn't expecting to find someone out here so soon."

Laughing softly Kai shook her head "No, at least not that I know of. No I was born the mountains amongst those that once called themselves the Jimi (...and oh jesus I forgot the full name). " She shrugged a bit.

"When it came time to leave and find my adult name...I never felt the call to return so I wander now. And you? Where is it you come from?"

The mountains?

Hmm...what prides were that of the mountains. There was the tattooed lions. Gray eyes looked over the pelt of the female. Nope, that definitely wasn't it. They wouldn't leave the pelt unmarked even if they were to leave...did she say find an adult name?

"Ah, I have heard of that tradition before. The Jini-msemi lands, was it not? Always sending their adolescents on their own to fend for themselves, and find a name that beckons to them is when they are allowed to return. I've heard what happened to that land. Former swamps, terrible fire. I remember smoke in the Southlands for days after that." Impisi made a small tsking sound as she shook her head.

"Oh, my home? It is way beyond the mountains, just before the shore. A pride where we befriended the maned wolf as our companions. If we were to lose our companion without a replacement, we were ousted from the pride. My friend passed during a hunt." Her ears flickered down, a memory she did not bring up a lot. "And there were no pups around to take her place, so I was exiled." It was a dog-eat-dog kind of pride, Impisi learned from her mistake and vowed an oath of protection to the next creature she befriended. Dastan, just so happened to be that face.

Kai's eyes went dark again as she murmured faintly "Yes..my grandmother was lost in that fire. It broke my father and my kin." Heaving a sigh she gave Impisi a sad look "I am sorry you lost your friend."

Impisi's ears flattened at the words. Oh. Those were definitely not the right ones to say. Quick to think, the wolf-marked lioness backtracked her thoughts.

"My condolences for your grandmother." She said softly. Maybe this meeting wasn't going the best way. "Well...if your gypsy soul ever finds its way just west of here, there is a pride that will welcome you with open arms. They---We," the lioness corrected, "have gone through hardships as well, and are finally finding life with the thanks to the leader Dastan." She smiled. "If you ever find yourself that way looking for a place to rest your weary paws, just say Impisi sent you."

She did not know if Kai was looking to join a pride or not, but Impisi could not wait around and make small talk with the small competition a foot with Tycho in the North.

"Perhaps I will see you around, Kai." She said with a nod and a smile.

"I have made a sort of home around here so I am sure our paths will cross once more Impisi. May the Gods watch over you until then." Kai smiled gently