The travelers had been going on for days. Somehow, they found themselves in the confines of a dense forest, unsure which way to go in order to get out.
"Where are we going boss?" The gray female asked, slightly behind the larger golden male. Her feet had begun to ache, and with that, her mood becoming equally has sour.

The white male next to her nodded as she spoke, silently asking the same question, before tagging on. "Yeah…I think we are lost." He paused his step, eyes shifting around. "I knew we should have found a different route." He muttered quietly, unheard or at least unacknowledged by his two companions.

"Perhaps…" The female began, also pausing just before the curly haired male, "we should turn back." Her gray eyes looked behind her. "If…we can figure out which way is back…" she murmured.

The gold male before the two bristled. "Will you two zip it for just a moment?" he growled, steel eyes bolting left and right. As much as he hated to admit they were lost, they were lost. But, Dastan being Dastan would not take that burden on. Instead, he would push through. There had to be light at the end of this tunnel somewhere. They had not been in the forests for that long, therefore there was still hope. His ears perked forward at a rustling amongst the trees. There was no wind; the canopy was likely blocking it.

"This isn't a place you will want to get lost in." a voice sounded, but unable to be pinpointed. "If you don't know the way, you will never get out." There was not laughter or mirth in the tone, only quietness and content.

There was one thing Dastan could pinpoint, and that was the sound was definitely female.

"Who's there?" The gray female started, "Show yourself!" She ended with a growl.

Dastan gave his gray companion a look of disgust, "Calm down Impisi," he stated, shaking his head as he spoke out to the disembodied voice. "We mean you no harm. You are right," the directed leader started, looking around, "This does not seem to be the best place to get lost in, which is the exact predicament myself and my two companions found ourselves in currently." He paused, still trying to pinpoint an exact location of the voice. Nothing yet, the rustling had since long stopped. "Perhaps, you would be able to get us out? It does seem like you have more knowledge of this area than we do."

The voice was silent. The only sounds around them was the scratching behind an ear from the curly maned lion, and the light scoffing sound from the female. Other than that, nothing.

Just as Dastan was to speak again, the words of the voice started.

"And what is your business within these worlds?"
Dastan paused to think of his statement. His ear flickered towards a whisper from his traveling companion.

"Why are you talking to the air? Why is he talking to the air?" the male asked to Impisi.

"Quiet, Tycho." The lioness countered, shoving the other lightly.

"What my compadres were trying to say," he glared at the two before returning to his previous stance. "We are just but weary travelers. The forest looked like it would provide some nice comfort from the elements, but we seem to be badly mistaken. We are also looking for a new home, as ours is no longer one we are welcomed to."

Another silence took form, causing all three of the traveling felines to shift on their paws. "Maybe we should go," one of the voices said quietly.

A shadow flashed before them, drawing all three pairs of eyes over to it. Emerging from the dense foliage, a dark lioness with piercing gold eyes watched. They were observing the three intruders, calculating their movements, their twitches and even through breaths. Finally, they settled on the lighter gold male, a look of curiosity befitting her form.

"These lands are cursed, if you didn't know." The dark female said quietly, beginning to circle the three. She noticed how uncomfortable it was making the male, for his claws were shifting in and out, digging into the softened dirt below. She stopped when the lead male cleared his throat, but did not let him talk. Instead, she spoke for him. "Out of the entire terrain you happen to settle in the Kilango'ta forests. Why?"

Two sets of eyes glanced to Dasan. The two did not have an answer, but sure their fearless leader would.

"While we were not intentionally driven to these lands, as I have said before we are mere weary travelers. It looked like an impending storm was about to hit, and what better way to take cover than through the foliage itself. What do you mean cursed?" The term caught his attention.

The shadow shook her head, sighing. "Our land was watered with the blood of its Queen. We have befallen our deity, and in turn have suffered many losses. The land just beyond this border is the Kusini'mwezi, once a prolific pride, now in mere shambles. Few stay, but most have dispersed." She explained.

"Hm…Perhaps your pride just needs a change of scenery?" Dastan thought out loud.

Shaking her head, the stranger spoke none, only settled her eyes on the three.

"My name is Dastan," he introduced, a paw lifting and pointing to the two behind him. "And this is Impisi, and Tycho."

"Caia~" The lioness introduced. "I can lead you out of these woods. You should not wish to proceed further any. You will only be matched with heartbreak." Caia said, walking behind the group to lead them the way they had come.

"Wait. Perhaps we can help. May we gain access to your pride, perhaps speak with those left and come up with a plan. We said we are looking for a place to stay. You have a pride, and although you believe cursed, maybe there is a way to make this work for all parties involved. What's say you?" Dastan flashed the shadow female a smile.

Shaking her head, the lioness paused. "I have no say really anymore. My time in the lands is coming to an end soon. I will take you to Aisu if that is what you wish. She is the last remaining ruler of the pride. If you can convince her something is worth saving in the pride, then so be it. For all of your sakes, I hope you can do something. Or else, you are in for quite an upset." Caia advised, snaking her way back towards the two sidekicks, and up to Dastan.

"Follow me. Don't bother remembering the path, for it takes years for any a seasoned pride member to understand it. Lucky for you, the river's all dried up. If you wish to continue on your journey, that way is the easiest way out of the land." Caia walked up, her form starting to blend in the shadow.

"Do we follow...boss?" Impisi asked cautiously, not wanting the other's form to get too far ahead.

"Yes. This could be the break we have been waiting for. Let's go."

The three travelers quickly moved, following the shadow so not to lose her. This was the break they needed indeed.

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