When your king summoned you, you answered.

Lifa learned that very young, both for poor reasons and good. To not answer was an affront and depending on the ruler, it meant pain... Or shame. Today, in Doma, it was entirely dishonorable, noit just because of who it was but because of Lifa's feelings.

Hien was ever Lifa's brother. Although she was a foundling brought into the royal house, Lifa was only afforded that love given one born to it -- a sign from the kami that she was found by the crown prince. Even now, the lioness felt at home in Doma, instead of in some other land. Drawing before Hien, now the king of Doma, the lioness still felt loved and wanted by her brother, the male offering a soft smile seeing her.

Hien returned to Doma only recently, a move marked by no fanfare -- Hien needed to think, and now, he hyad.

Doma still hungered for new life. For her people, and Hien.. He sighed, nodding as "Lifa drew near, and closed the gap between them, nuzzling his sister-by-choice softly.

"Sister, I'm afraid I have to ask a difficult task of you." Hien said. He wasted no breath, and "Lifa listened promptly, nodding slowly.

"Of course, brother. What is it?" Lifa watched Hien, and the male sighed, looking towards the horizon.

"Did you ever find your kin? Your blood kin?" He asked softly. Lifa blinked, then shook her head.

"No, brother. I did not. I found traces, but not a trail." Lifa sighed, and Hien shut his eyes.

"Know you any seers?" The next question was asked with a trembling voice, and Lifa flicked her ears, before shaking her head.

"No, but a group I stayed with said their neighbors had many among their ranks. I considered asking after them but decided to visit, and well. You know the rest."

Hien nodded, and sighed. It wasn't the answer he wanted, but something -- and that helped. Lifa watched Hien, then, before shutting her eyes. So he noticed. Doma was still weak. Their numbers, few, and with Hien home, he needed someone to search for new blood -- and what better start than her blood? Though not of the Royal House they would obviously be afforded comfort and luxury -- treated well, especially the baby.... Ah. If Hien only knew the baby was a sweet girl, if hurt. He'd bring her in surely to protect her. Lifa sighed, looking to her king then, and smiled a faint smile.

"I know what's weighing on your heart, Hien. I've known you long enough, and I noticed too. Doma wants for life again." Lifa moved, looking into Hien's eyes, and smiled further at the surprise with a sort of sad fondness. "Well, I can do what I can, brother. I can hunt for who I can bring home with me -- blood kin, or otherwise. I'll do everything I can -- even ask other lands' aid but I can help Doma without being away as many seasons."

Lifa's smile shook, and Hien breathed, reaching to her.

"I know a rogue band that may come, but any you can find are welcome, sister. But I know Doma will miss the one that found her ill."

And now, only now, did Hien breathe, motioning for Lifa to follow. The pair walked in a surpriosing, but amiable silence for the shrines, the male looking over claw marks and ancient pawprints before guiding Lifa into a den.It was old, dusty, and nearly forgotten, but it was something, and the male slowly bowed, before pulling an old fur from the shadows, placing it on his sister carefully. Lifaq gasped, blinking.

"Brother, the Cloak of the Traveller?" She murmured. "Only the king or queen was ever allowed this. Father said--"

"Father said you were my sister." Hien said quietly. "We can't afford to let a tradition hurt our kingdom, not now. Not qwhen Doma is in dire Need. That fur has always lead heroes to success, and I know you will find it as well, my sister. So that you might return home swiftly, please. For me."

Hien's eyes were soft, and Lifa sniffed, the female rubbing against her brother firmly. Hien raised a paw, drawing Lifa close to hug her tightly, and rumbled, the female rumbling back before she smiled. It was a sad smile, the sort saved for parting ways, but she tried.

"I'mgoing to seek the baby. Knowing my brothers, she must be free and lost by now. She needs a home and father ever wanted to meet her. If I'mto succeed, it will be to find the baby, my brother." Lifa nodded, and Hien smiled softly.

"I trust you, sister. May you find her for the Lantern Festival. Perrhaps if so, you'll be able to give us cause to celebrate."

"The lantern.. Brother?" Lifa paused, Hien closing his eyes.

"For those killed in this senselessness. We will capture fireflies and send them with our rayers to those passed on. Bring the baby.. Then.. We have a good story for father. Together."

"I'd like that." Lifa responded, then paused. "But what would I call her to the pride? She would be no fighter."

Hien then laughed.

"Samurai. A ceremonial role. Or Retainer, if you prefer. Fight, no, but I know your sister means much to you, little sister. And I know she'd been greatly hurt. So, until she finds peace with herself, we'll mark her as either. A little self confidence never hurt anybody." The lion winked, Lifa laughing as she shook her head, shifting to adjust the fur he'd placed on her carefully.

"Truthfully, Hien, I'll be happy she's safe." Lifa noted. Hien nodded, again, then motioined.

"If you can bring more, please, do. But for now little sister the life of even one might help more than none at all." The male smiled, and Lifa returned it, the lioness then looking forwards.

"I suppose that is true. I just hope the pride can handle things." Lifa sighed, and Hien chuckled.

"We will. I will be here, after all." Hien smiled, a warm smile meant to reassure, and Lifa nodded, sighing.

"I hope so. I want to come home, not start wandering a third time. So you'd better keep track of everyone, or else!" Lifa huffed, earning a laugh from Hien before he nuzzled his sibling by adopton gently, and nosed her along towards the pass leading into Doma.

"You won't. Go, sister. We'll wait. Find who you can." The masle bowed his head, and Lifa nodded, turning and moving to leave Doma once more as Hien hummed, and turned, moving to his den, and both seemed to sigh. Hopefully, this was a temporary seperation.