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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] A Bridge Not Too Far [Strigonth/Therianth]

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 12:46 pm
Strigonth would have found it admirable, how well and long his rider could hold a grudge, if only holding a grudge was the sort of thing he admired about D'mar. To be frank, the blue found such crass behaviors beneath them both. It was so vulgar, so plain. That didn't mean, of course, that Strigonth ever thought that those they forgave should also be forgotten—putting past slights from mind was even more the fool thing to do.

But there was a time and a place for all things and feelings, and even a knife you'd cut your hand with would work just as well against another at a later date.

Therianth, The blue called out to his green sister, late one night well after their riders had gone to sleep. Precious sister, he rose to his claws, voice whispering in the green's ear as he stepped with grace that made him seem to glide towards the rounded lump shape that was his drowsing sibling. Come to me, Therianth. Come, and walk with me, and talk with me, sweet Therianth. I need you, Therianth. His voice was placating, pleading, and demanding all in one. A honey-sweet, beguiling tune that brooked no argument. She had bent to his will before, hadn't she? And who better than the vampire to lure fair maidens off into the night to do his bidding.

Strigonth is here and ready to smooth out this tangled web of a relationship. Sorry for the delay!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:57 pm
Therianth was almost asleep when Strigonth began talking to her. She had been watching a bug fly around the room as everyone else went to bed. It was surprising to have Strigonth talking to her, saying he wanted to actually spend time with her. And Therianth was suspicious. Her rider’s thoughts on the pair were mixed and distrustful. Plus it had been months that they had not really talked. Why now?

But she was also curious and willing to indulge. Therianth did not like the way that the Hatching had broken their riders’ friendship, and as much as she found Strigonth’s arrogance annoying she didn’t like not being friends. So, she stood up. Where are we to wander? There were two questions there. Where were they going physically, and where were they going with this conversation.



Predestined Cultist



PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:35 am
He sensed her stir, lurking near the door from the barracks, peering through the dark towards his sister. It really was a shame that things had gone so poorly for their riders. His D'mar had ample contacts, but friends were ever short in supply. Not that it bothered the young man. Friends, in his opinion, were less useful than allies or resources. More emotional investment was required, and they were fickle. But Strigonth knew the benefits of being liked. He might never manage to repair the scorched remnants of the bridge Shahera had burned between them, but perhaps, maybe, he could toss the first rope across in a gesture of good will.

And he had no quarrel with Therianth herself. She could be a well-mannered thing, when pushed. He didn't mind any of those from his clutch, in truth. Some he preferred, but none of them were intolerable.

Far enough, my dear, he crooned as she crossed to him, eyes whirling a deep green-blue, nearly black in the low light, matching his skin. Your Shahera, she's well? Silent steps carried him out from the barracks, a mental tendril extending as he felt his rider shift, soothing the man back into deep slumber. The night was quiet, Western still but for the occasional shift of the watchdragon on his high perch. A waxing moon hung heavy over the bowl, lending ample light to see by. D'mar thinks of her more than he speaks of her. I know he will not ask, but I think, perhaps, that he wonders.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 9:01 pm
Therianth stepped out into the night air and looked around. Was it any different tonight? She took a moment to take in how the light played on the trees and glance up at the moon. It seemed odd to her that Strigonth would ask after Shahera. They male pair had been studiously ignoring her for all this time. And knowing what she did of D’mar from Shahera and Strigonth from shelling, she wondered what game was possibly being played. She also knew that she would not find out just standing there. She began to walk down towards the beach having no worries that Strigonth would correct her if that was not where he had intended to go.

She is well. Shahera was conflicted. She missed D’mar and was trying to respect his wishes as difficult as that was for her. Which meant she was leaving him alone. That was what the rider pair assumed D’mar and Strigonth wanted. But Therianth was not about to tell Strigonth that. She kept Shahera’s secrets. There was one thing that she could tell him. She has been visiting with Marinel recently. The poor boy is a little lost with D’mar no longer always there. Though he seems to be branching out in friends. She would never tell D’mar and she has no desire to interrupt their relationship, but Marinel is asking after him. And she is a little lost at what to say.



Predestined Cultist



PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:29 pm
Strigonth had no qualms about allowing the lady to lead the way. It was a man's place to guard the fairer gender, and so he would follow her to wherever it was she wished. As long, of course, as it wasn't where he didn't want them to go. He paced after her, cool and composed as the night air as she answered him. A low rumble of acknowledgement fluttered in his chest for her, but he did not dare to interrupt. The poor darling was nervous, or off-balance somewhat. She was certainly hiding something. That made sense, and was only right. No dragon worth their salt would spill their rider's thoughts and feelings when they might disadvantage their rider.

Of course, that she felt the need to hold back at all, that she hesitated over what to share, only highlighted that what she said was not all there was to be said. But he would not press, he was not so very gauche.

That she was meeting with Marinel was an interesting tidbit. D'mar would...not take it well. Not because he disapproved of his brother having friends, but because it made it all the more clear that it really was just D'mar himself that was being ignored. Perhaps it was a sign that she did feel some guilt over what she'd allowed to happen? Still, it was an odd way to show contrition. I am sure he is. Their hearts were very tightly twined, once. But they were not, not any more, the implication was clear. Strigonth had insinuated himself between the twins' bonds, and wrenched them apart with the loving, irresistible strength that only a dragon could exert over his chosen human.

The man managed on his own, without his twin, for ample time before. And this time he has the blessing of knowing that his twin is alive and well. It will be good for him to grow into his own, become more than my D'mar's shadow...honorable as such a position would otherwise be for anyone to hold. If it eases your Shahera's mind, she is welcome to remind Marinel that his brother is being well-minded. Why, it is a rare night now that nightmares wake him anymore, and his bones have all mended. He is fine when he is by my side, though of course he would apologize for his lack of attention to his twin...were he aware of it, perhaps.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 1:47 pm
Therianth slowed her pace to be beside Strigonth, trying to be polite. Shahera said politeness mattered…for all that Hers wasn’t all that polite more than half the time. What she heard made her feel better until…Nightmares?! … Mine had said they might happen but I thought…he always seems so strong and together when I see him. I am sad he has to deal with that. The “alone” part was not said. Both she and Shahera had noticed how separated from the rest of the Weyrlings the male pair had become. It wasn’t right and it wasn’t fair to either of the females.

We are glad…I am glad…he has you. lliandinth is a fine dragon…but not the right one for your D’mar even if you hadn’t been there. The use of “we” was a slip that she regretted correcting instantly. Shahera always made the deception look so easy…



Predestined Cultist



PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:19 pm
Ahhh, Therianth. He let her slip pass uncommented upon, though he couldn't imagine her to be foolish enough to think he'd not noticed. For all her...excitable, emotional nature, she was not quite the subtle claw that her rider could be. He did not think less of her for it—she was as she was, and she was splendid enough being just that. But still, he of course had noticed the 'we', and filed it mentally away.

Indeed, though as I said, he suffers them less now. Thankfully he is not the type to cry out in his sleep, as he would rather keep his struggles private, and spare the rest the burden of them. Mostly they are of his brother, of course, and not himself. Our brother and sister both were quite...expressive in their distaste, and sometimes in his dreams they are not as easily dissuaded from their aggression. The blue shrugged a shoulder as he confided in the green, the ring of truth giving his words weight, despite the off-hand way he relayed the details of his rider's foul dreams.

That you and yours have not noticed is a good thing, I assure you. The day that my D'mar lets such suffering show is the day he truly is in need of aid. He would not want any of our clutch turned from their lessons on his behalf. The suffering of all of Pern must be put above his own personal struggles. It was perhaps more...altruistic to put it that way, but it was close enough to truth. D'mar had suffered the pain of losing his Hold, his people, before, and that pain and this current one were as different as night and day. These dreams only woke him up at night—those from before, the ones he'd glimpsed in the dark recesses of his rider's mind, had left him wanting to walk out into threadfall to join his family beyond between. No, comparatively, this was nothing.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:39 pm
Therianth’s steps faulted a little. That wasn’t right. That isn’t right. They are our clutch mates and he should be able to lean on them when needed. It isn’t right to hold it all in. There was a clear mental frown going on here. Therianth was most displeased. This wasn’t how the relationships were supposed to work. Was her rider at fault for some of this? Shahera had worked so hard to not say anything to influence the other Weyrlings against D’mar, but…Therianth mentally frowned some more thinking.

Do you think he needs to talk to someone? She eventually asked cautiously. Was that the reason for this walk?



Predestined Cultist



PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:24 pm
Strigonth could not help but feel somewhat pleased that he was so easily winning the green's sympathies. She could be a vicious thing, he knew, but Therianth wasn't all bad. Hardly, even! He talks to me. And I, well. I am talking to you. He placed that tidbit out like a fisherman laid a line. A well-baited one, he hoped, but it was hard to know without a few test casts. I do not think he fears our siblings in his waking hours. He has had ample time to see them nearer to their better than he has at their worst. It is simply that their worst was so much more...drastically worse, if that makes sense. His claws clacked along the packed earth as he stepped along in her wake. It is Suwayeth that vexes him most, of course. His own pain is well past, and mostly forgotten. But...she did kill that boy. And it could easily have been Marinel. It was a cruel thing to have done, and a cruel thing to remind Therianth of. But it was the truth.

I suppose it is my worry that he will continue to drift apart from the rest. As you said, we are siblings, you and I. And the rest. We ought to be able to rely upon each other, support each other. But he has become so very isolated that I fear...I fear a stray breeze may steal him away, to be smashed upon the rocks of his fears without anyone there to catch him. Was that too dramatic? He always had had a flair for the theatrical. I would go with him, of course. I know he trusts me. Loves me. But I would see that he could come to trust others again.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 7:55 pm
Therianth stopped and peered at Strigonth. Why are you talking to me? I know perfectly well that Yours wants nothing to do with Mine. I doubt he would be happy that you are telling me these things. She huffed. If you expect me to go try and make Mine feel guilty for something that could have but didn’t happen, you are addled in the brain. A lot of things could have happened that day. A lot of things can happen everyday. If you live your life on the could haves and the might have beens you will forever be miserable. Therinath glared at Strigonth for a long moment.

That is a lot of pretty words to say he needs to learn to trust others. Pretty words aren’t going to teach him. What exactly are you hoping for from this talk? Pausing, she considered not asking the next, but… I have to ask, why has he pulled away from his twin as well? It has hurt Marinel deeply.



Predestined Cultist

[IC RP] Western Weyr

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