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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] Songs at Dusk (Seirath, Loreleth & Riders)

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Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 2:18 am
Not only slightly infuriated, Amra was all the way there and quite far past it with her three fire lizards and her dragon that had been bickering for the oddest of all reasons across the entire day. It was quite easy for her to pick up on the source of Seirath's ire that had her struggling to upstage three fire lizards that meant in no way to outshine her. In fact they weren't even doing such a thing, they had simply stopped by from time to time with new information for their bonded and it had picked away at her delicate green's senses until the dragon was nearly as jealous as her color might have indicated. No matter how much Amra had attempted to calm the four of them it had erupted finally after Whisper had popped in place by her ear with pride swelling her little chest. Thanks in part to her giving the lizard even the slightest praise as part of training her, Amra instantly became the focus of her dragon's anger.

And OH was Seirath angry.

Upstaged by a small lizard, a scatterbrained thing that lacked any refinement and by no means could hold a tune, any inklings of fondness she'd had for the little green had immediately been swept away by the compliment she'd been paid for an image. An image! Seirath had done so much more during the course of the day than simply show Amra an image and she'd only received praise ten times. Why did that little lizard have to steal her show away? Was it because she was the newest hatchling in Amra's every growing faire of brainless lizards?

Stomping her feet as she stormed about in anger, the small green was anything but the picture of a refined lady and somewhere deep inside she knew it. Could she hear her rider's voice calling to her both mentally and aloud? Of course she could, but the girl had done nothing to earn her response, unless of course she saw fit to praise her as highly as she had that little brat. A snort came from her nose and Seirath wrinkled it up as she turned towards the water, seeking out solitude for at least the briefest of moments. Surely her Lady would come to her senses and find her, bestowing heaps of compliments and glowing praises soon enough, but the dragon was content to be annoyed and it showed.

As she came to the edge of the water it was as if all the irritation was blown out of her by the wind coming straight off the water. It was still there of course, but on the surface she suddenly felt tired, worn out from training all day and then dealing with those little... little things! A sigh pulled from Seirath and she laid down gracefully, regaining her composure the longer she was away from the source of her anger. She never liked being angry and to be angry with her Lady hurt almost as much as the fear and worry that she could feel through her connection to her rider. It was within her nature to be angry when another shone brighter, but at least as time grew on she could admit her faults, if only to herself.

Slowly, quietly at first, the small green began to sing. Mournful at first, betraying her rider's feelings as well as her own secret desires to change, it morphed into a mellow trilling dance of music. To some that lived outside of the Weyr it would likely sound discordant, but she had been highly praised for her ability to sing and for months it felt like that would never end. Would her rider forget all her wonderful skills in order to train a simple lizard? The tone of her song became angry for just a moment before she realized that her inner thoughts were reflected in it and she forcibly turned it happy. Sometimes it was a matter of appearing so on the surface to make one's self happy on the inside, Amra had told her once before that smiling could make humans feel better on the inside and make them happy even if they were upset. So it was of course reasonable that a happy song would make her happy on the inside.

She hoped.

As she sang to the darkening sky, the dragon did her best to keep her song happy and slowly the color of her faceted eyes did change from their angry red to a soft pink color that had all the beginnings of a blue somewhere in there. Music could heal after all.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 10:57 am

Everything had been quiet and peaceful. Rider and dragon had taken a long walk along the beach, letting the waves lap their feet, simply enjoying the quiet. J'lar found that time away from the near constant stream of activity helped him to collect this thoughts, and seemed to brighten Loreleth's mood. The two of them could focus on one another, talk quietly, strengthen their bond, and of course, J'lar could help better soothe any of his blue's nerves or worries. What had started out as a bonding activity during their first sevenday of Impression had turned into a daily ritual. Sometimes it was a walk on the beach, other times it was just finding a quiet corner to simply exist.

This afternoon was no exception. The sun was out, the water warm and inviting, and J'lar had even worn light enough clothing he could take a swim with his blue, if Loreleth so desired. The dragon was large, and growing bigger daily; it wouldn't be long before he'd be able to actually ride his blue, and fly together. Still, he was certain the two would continue to enjoy their quiet walks, with J'lar's hand resting lovingly on the blue's neck, and the chubby dragon waddling happily, and as close to his rider as he could.

Coming back from their walk, the man stopped when he felt a pang run through Loreleth. Quite a deviation from the blue's earlier quiet joy. "What's wrong?" He asked aloud, as well as thought, immediately concerned. His bushy brows knit, and he almost began looking his blue over, to find the source of the ache, and to immediately fix it. To say the ex-merc indulged his blue dragon, even after all these months, was a bit of an understatement. Loreleth was his soulmate, his perfect fit.

Thankfully, the blue turned to nuzzle his rider ever so fondly, giving him as much reassurance as he could muster. Though his eyes whirled a worried grey-yellow, he gave a small creel. It isn't me. It's Seirath. Don't you hear her singing such a sad song? They were far enough away that the strong ocean breezes whipped most of the song away. Still, now that Loreleth had mentioned it, he strained his ears to hear.

"Did you want to go to her?" He asked, giving his blue an affectionate pat.

...Do you... Do you think she'd want me to visit? I'm not very good company. The blue confessed, drooping ever so slightly.

J'lar gave a snort. "Nonsense. You are perfectly kind, and sweet, and wonderfully caring company. If they can't see it, then they're all blind." He spoke firmly, certain without a doubt that this was the case. His blue might have self-doubt, but he J'lar wasn't going to let Loreleth believe he needed to stay apart and distanced. The man had isolated himself enough back at High Reaches Weyr. He wasn't going to let his blue do the same, or at least believe he had to keep himself far apart. There was no shame for caring so much, and without a doubt, Loreleth loved his clutchmates and weyrmates deeply.

...Do you think so?

"I know so. Come on, baby. Let's go see if she wants company, and if not, we can leave her be and find a place to bathe elsewhere. Who knows? Maybe you're just the dragon she needs right now."

This seemed to do the trick, and the blue brightened considerably. Still, his eyes whirled yellow, and he picked up his waddling to quicker approach Seirath. Though her song had turned to a happier melody by the time they got within a respectable distance, Loreleth wasn't convinced. Instead of waddling over to interrupt, though, the blue dragon did pause along the beach. Quietly, almost nervously, the blue joined in on her song. He did not overwhelm it, as it was Seirath's song to sing, but he did add his own voice to it; to support it, to encourage it, and to let the green know that he was near.

To J'lar, he found it pleasing to the ear...in a sad sort of way. But then, Loreleth almost always sang songs that were always laced with dissonance and minor melodies. He sang beautifully, as far as J'lar was concerned, but there was always a cloud of grief, mourning, and pain in his songs. Joy just wasn't something the blue dragon seemed to experience.


Shy Mage


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:37 am
Claws crossed as she sat in the sand, her head was tilted back and her form was darkening even further as the sun went down, only her bright freckles seeming to glow in the slight reflection coming off of the lapping water. Seirath was the picture of grace in everything that she managed to do, but even she had her indelicate moments as as she thought further about how she had acted her song turned slightly sad again, lilting into a ringing creel in spots until she heard another voice echo over the beach along with hers. Eyes spinning a deep purple for a moment as she recognized the owner, they eventually turned pink once more and she adjusted to meet Loreleth's tone.

Even in her own anger and sadness she felt a love thread through her for the large blue brother that she cared so much about. Normally, under the correct circumstances, she would have done everything she could to keep his spirits up but her own were dampened as she felt her rider reaching out to her in the distance. Both of her hearts were hammering a bit, sadness ran through her once more but now that her lovely brother was here she needed to try and curb it so that it didn't hurt him as well. Of all her siblings he was by far her favorite and the one that she was the closest to, his sweet personality made her happy and the fact that he liked to sing touched to her soft spot.

Spinning her song into a gentle refrain, Seirath sent a wave of love to her brother and stood gracefully as she tilted her head towards him. My lovely brother, I hope I didn't distress you. Thank you for your beautiful song, it's still so sad and I feel bad if my own was the cause of that.

Slowly the little green walked up the beach towards her brother and his rider, though she stopped a few paces off lest she bother them, her movements smooth and her eyes shining with love and concern, Seirath tried to ignore that Amra's voice was getting a bit closer. It was concerning her that her rider might come and scare away her brother and his calm rider though, but she knew that her Lady was actually smarter than that and decided against sending her any warnings to leave be.

Were you and yours out for a walk? It's turning into a nice evening and though I certainly am happy to see you, I didn't disturb you did I? Seirath offered, keeping her tone gentle and her thoughts even as she'd been taught by her rider. As she'd grown older and was no longer the small hyper dragon she had been as a hatchling, the green had come to mellow and accept the quieter grace that her rider employed. Her body language gave her away though and her inability to keep herself from flirting with every male that passed her and sometimes the ladies. Loreleth was special though and likely always would be.

Sorry it's a little small! Writer's block. XD;;;
PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 3:46 pm

Loreleth couldn't hide his pleasure at seeing Seirath. The graceful green was one of his favorites, and if his grey eyes turned a bit bright blue upon her approach, it could not be helped. She could lift his spirits in ways others could not, and never seemed to find him to be a burden, even with all his sadness and pain. They were as different as night and day, but somehow, they always seemed to work once they were together. I was simply worried on your behalf. Your song sounded strained today, and I could not help but worry, sister. Are you... are you quite all right? He gave a small, anxious creel, his eyes taking on a more yellow-white as he waited in earnest.

The dark blue dragon bridged the distance between Seirath and himself, reaching out with his neck so he might gently give the green an affection boop with his nose. J'lar hung back a few paces, letting the siblings bond. The water roared, and he casually glanced around, curious to know if Amra was also at the beach, or if it were simply a solo day for a beach outing.

When Seirath asked about His, the blue gave a happier sounding trill.
We were enjoying some time together, yes, the blue explained. I heard your song, and worried. You sounded . . . as if you could use a little company. So I came, to make sure you're all right. Is Yours not here? He asked, looking worried once more. Loreleth never liked to be without His for long. Was that part of it? The little blue was perfectly prepared to send out a search party if that was a source of her pain!


Shy Mage


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 9:27 pm
Just seeing her beautiful brother with eyes so yellow, so white, he felt so deeply and she herself could never hope to experience love and affection and even sadness in the same ways that he did. Though others might view that as a good thing Seirath found that she loved to experience the world through her brother's song, through his gentle words and affections. He was precious and anything she could do to help him feel better was within her best interests, as Loreleth was one of the very few that got to see her at both her best and her worst through no allowances of her own. Song, where others simply heard a song and nothing more the lovely blue could sense the entire range of her emotions and it affected him in ways that she couldn't understand but that her rider was attempting to teach her keep close to her. Never would there be a day that her movements didn't betray her, but as she had grown and experienced more and more, the little green could at least be said to have gained an understanding of her own emotional range.

Which was why it caused her such grave embarrassment to have them laid bare before her brother, the only one that even could get her to outside of her rider. Hanging her head a little bit after she accepted the small touch to her nose that sparked purple hues to dance through her eyes, Seirath's own eyes changed rapidly to a graying yellow color in her own self destructive thoughts. All is well, I am simply a fool my brother and not a very nice one. I wish I could tell you it was not true, but when one should fight with their very partner... with my beloved Lady, what should I even do but express my own disapproval with my feelings. I should know better than to have them but they are there just the same, waiting to flare up again. The honest truth is that I could very much use some company, as my own Lady is searching but nowhere nearby.

A sigh pulled from the small green dragon and she gave a croon for him to show that she wasn't truly hurting physically, just a mental pain that had been self inflicted and felt foolish the longer she thought on it. It pulled at both of her hearts to know that she caused such distress in others with her callous and rather unladylike fit of jealousy and she had no clue how to start repairing any damage that she had caused her rider or her brother with her sad song. Only patience she supposed, patience and time to talk frankly of her issues, for she surely had them.

Some distance back, though not close enough to hear any words spoken, the dark rider that Seirath had chosen so few months before it seemed now, pulled up her search and stood with a hand to her chest and slightly bent over for her efforts. Breathing came hard for she'd been running and running to find her, naturally finding her in the one place she'd thought to check last, which made Amra feel completely erratic despite herself, she knew very well how her dragon was and the things she sought out when upset or angry. Water was the most common one of all, but it had appeared that she had flown off somewhere else in her huff. Swallowing and trying to calm her breathing down enough that she could at least not be heard, the former spy slid into the shadows of a rather large tree further back the beach and watched in silence, carefully. Of course she knew J'lar, it would be all but impossible for her not to with her dragon's fondness for her brother that had chosen him, but she hadn't known a single thing about him before that hatching and it had taken quite some time to piece everything she needed together in her mind. He would never know how much she knew, how many contacts she'd spoken to but she had a fondness for him herself, as he was kind enough to indulge her little green's affections towards his.

While she never had taken to reaching out she had at least worked side by side with him in the training that Liat had placed for them, Amra wasn't exactly one for reaching out anyway. The one time she had tried had been fortunate, considering Vennodren could have simply shoved her off and told her no for her awkward words. But the woman respected and admired J'lar's silence and quiet, having still found so little of it among the other sometimes rowdy bunch that she trained beside.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 6:54 pm
Sorry for the super late reply! << We don't need to keep this one going long if you'd like something more uh...recent. But I'm happy with whatever you'd prefer! I know sometimes muses die when it take ages for a partner to post.

Loreleth relaxed a bit when Seirath finally assured him that she was physically well; though the knowledge that she was upset kept enough alarm to keep his eyes a wash of grey-yellow. The chubby blue dragon moved as close to Seirath as she allowed, trying his best to soothe, even as his worries kept him a partial-mess. He was young, though, and trying his best. The world was a hard place for such a sensitive soul as Loreleth, and he wanted nothing more than his sweetest sister to be happy.

So, he nuzzled where he could, and even went so far as to lift a wing in case she needed a little more comfort. You shouldn't be unkind to yourself, Sistermine. You may have been upset with Yours, but that isn't so unusual... You are a passionate soul. If I would I'd... I'd like to be as you are! Fearless, and brave, and so clever, and talented.... The blue almost heaved a wistful sigh, each word dripping with sincerity. Mine says that sometimes we all have things to improve upon, and it doesn't make us less perfect or less loved. I am quite sure Yours feels the same; or at least, will love you no matter what. I'm sure it will be well... The blue wasn't sure if Seirath would wish to hear such words, but he felt they were wise.

He was far from perfect, and J'lar loved him. Even when His tried to encourage him to try new things, or to be more resilient, there was never a doubt that any challenge would be met together. Surely, Seirath's rider felt the same... Even if they'd had a fight.

Well, I am happy to stay near, if you don't mind Mine with us, too. The water is soothing--perhaps it will soothe your hearts, too? Especially as Loreleth very much so doubted he would be very good at it.

J'lar, for his part, simply stood quietly. He was in no rush to return, and wasn't going to interrupt the two. He didn't much care where Seirath's rider happened to be, nor did he have any intention of looking for her; he figured the two would reunite when the time was right. He wasn't one to meddle, after all, and so long as his blue was happy that's all he cared about. So he remained quiet, looking between the comfort of the water, and his beloved blue. Now and then, he quietly sent assurance and support, particularly when Loreleth seemed unsure of himself.

You're doing fine, love. And it was true. J'lar hoped Loreleth would at least put his worries less into anxiety, and more into assurance--both for himself, and others. His loving hearts made him ideal for that sort of thing, if only the blue were to be less sad.


Shy Mage


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 2:57 am
Passionate soul, that was an accurate description for her, one that had she been in a better state of mind or mood she would have lapped that praise up gratefully. Really it just served to have Seirath remember the passionate soul she'd chosen on those sands not long ago and the small green tucked herself under her brother's wing just a bit. Loreleth was the sweetest of all her brothers, a gentle soul who generally liked solitude and while she knew that she was encroaching upon that, the green couldn't quite bring herself to scamper away from the sweet blue and ignore his offer.

Oh sweetest brother, I'm not truly any of those things. It's very easy to appear that way when you want to, but it's not something that I would wish for you to be. Gently Seirath used the tips of her tail to tickle at his stomach playfully despite her mood. Loreleth seemed to never fail to turn her mood about. Though it generally meant she was also worried about him. No sighing wishing to be any different than you are right now lovely one. I'm sure your own bonded would want you no other way than you are now. Maybe with just a bit less worries but you are my lovely brother.

It was just as he had spoken before after all, she knew that her Lady would always love her regardless of whatever happened. Neither had ever shied away from calling the other perfect, in fact Amra did it on quite the regular basis. Enough so that really by now Seirath should have been all but intolerable to deal with, but somehow the woman managed to keep her in check. Could have been through situations like what the little green was feeling now, but this had really been their first situation...

A small wave of gentle acknowledgement came her way from her bonded and it took everything the green had to not shoot it down. You could be right Loreleth, water is always soothing and lovely. Seirath's scale patterned tail flicked back and forth as she turned emotional eyes towards the water. It drew a quiet hum out of her that all but wrapped around the pair of dragonets.

Hearing that hum Amra heaved a silent sigh and slid down into a seated position. It wouldn't exactly be much longer until her sweet green was ready to go back and that they'd make up. There was no way that they wouldn't, she was her other half and the hearts that she'd been missing for nineteen turns of her short life already as it was. Something so trivial... it was good that she learned it early she supposed but at least now she knew of Seirath's jealousy and it was something that they could work on together to overcome or at least live with.

There were going to be a lot of things to clear up in her room tonight, lots of new things learned and frustrations that needed kicked away for both of them.

You're good! XD I'm not much better right now. lol It's probably only another couple of posts as it is right now. Let's do it up unless your muses have crashed! <3
[IC RP] Western Weyr

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