Not all that long ago, after a particularly chilly scrub-down of her dragon, Nadry had wondered how it was that the riders of High Reaches didn't spend their winters sick, and now here they were with what seemed like most of the Weyr's population limping along in various degrees of misery. A lucky handful were enviously immune or just snuffly, while a disturbing number were dropping like flies. Actually dropping, like poor R'gan, right after lessons. She was sure he'd be alright - he had to be, right? - as long as he rested and did as the Healers bade him, but it had been frightening to see someone just collapse out of the blue like that. Though that had been the most dramatic episode so far, there was a fair amount of sniffling and coughing and worse from the rest of the class; as much time as they spent together, even if they were finally out of the barracks, it was probably inevitable that most of them would get sick. Just...hopefully not disastrously so. Even then, she'd not paid her own sniffles much attention at first, beyond being mortified by them.

A runny nose was just plain gross, and the stuffy nose that followed and occasionally necessitated a bit a of unseemly mouth-breathing was embarrassing and had her hiding behind a handkerchief. She wanted to curl up in her weyr and not leave it, though it was less because of how she felt and more because of how she looked and sounded, but she wasn't sick enough to excuse holing up and missing lessons and chores whether she wanted to or not. Those were finally, blessedly done for the day, and with dinner through as well (though she'd only choked down about half of her meal, mostly at Menankith's insistence), she now shuffled her way out of the dining hall with an uncharacteristic slouch. Up to this point, she'd forced herself through the day standing straight and pretending she didn't want to crawl into a hole, but pride or no, she just didn't have the energy for it tonight. Muzzy head intent on just getting back to Menankith and up to their weyr so that she could finally sleep, she paid little mind to anything other than not tripping over her own feet on the way.

Bad enough that she was gross and snotty, she was not going to be a gross and snotty heap on the floor. Nope.

only like a month and a half later. >>