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Ever since coming to this new place she'd felt... odd. Isipho's heart and nerves had settled down after her first introduction to the wild pride as she'd come to realize that they had rules and a structure for their pride, even if she herself happened to be in the bottom tier of it. However she'd swiftly learned that didn't mean slave, rather it could mean a variety of things depending on the Reaver or Freeborn that laid claim to her, in her case a Reaver that had at least been raised in such a way that he treated her with respect each day.

Things had mellowed considerably for her since that time, weeks passing as she settled into her daily chores and responsibilities that had come to be expected of her. No longer was she completely alone with her own schedule of hunting and lazing in the sun, in fact there was no real time for it, which suited her just fine. To have that still offered to her would make it feel as though her old life was bleeding into this new one and as far as Isipho was concerned her old life could stay well in her tracks for it had been far too lonely without any around to really talk to save the occasional passing rogue. She had met a goddess once though, even if it had been only for a few moments before she'd seen fit to leave, gods did what they wanted really.

As could she apparently, for she'd risen with the morning rain to discover that her master, Cinàed the Dragon, was gone. Or not gone exactly so much as not in the den and after a walk about the surrounding territory apparently nowhere to be found. Which meant one thing and one thing only, he was on another Viking. Isipho had laid out whatever she would need to bandage him up later, certain that he would come home with a victory even if he was wounded, for she knew that he was a strong lion, he'd captured her even if she hadn't put up a stellar fight. It was rare that Isipho was able to find a lion so much larger than herself and had almost instantly backed down in front of the glowing markings and wicked grin that Cinàed had presented himself with.

It turned out to be one of the best things she'd done, for now she had a pride to call her own even if she was at the beck and call of another. Without him here though... did that mean she was free to roam about a little and meet some of the others she'd not gotten the chance to encounter quite yet? He'd promised her the chance to meet others when they'd met, surely his absence and the impeccably clean state of the den meant that she could do just that!

Poking her head out into the fine mist of rain, Isipho cast about to see if she could find anyone close by, better to test the waters of Cinàed's patience slowly rather than go full force against his wishes, right? Not that she figured this would be against them, but without him present she couldn't very well ask him what he thought of her idea. So the large lioness proceeded with caution as she moved slowly from the den and sat on the stones before it, looking around with cautious peach eyes at her new pride. Her last pride...