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Perched on a rock in a corner of the Scarab territory, Tsu’Tey’s eyes lightly scanned the area around him. He came to this rock to try and get away from the business of politics, and it seemed to be working - for now, at least. There were always so many things going on, and he enjoyed his position most days, but there were times when it seemed like issues could be dealt with without coming to him every single time. He wondered if his Fang felt similarly at times, since he was the barrier between Tsu’Tey and the rest of the pride.

There also seemed to be drama brewing between some of his favored females and his consort. It was usually never his beloved that started anything - some of the other girls just had a tendency to start things.

Ah. And here comes another.

Shifting his gaze, he could see the figure of a younger girl that he knew was pursuing him heading straight for him. Ayo, a recent Vulture. He had noticed her always lurking around, and she had recently started initiating conversations with him. He closed his eyes, hoping he could deter her from starting something this time.

Moving swiftly, Ayo had only lost him for a second - but apparently it was long enough for him to slip off somewhere. Luckily, she knew where he’d probably be. She had narrowed down his go-to secluded places over the past couple of weeks, mostly by getting in with his current favorites. Some of them were young, like her, but a few were more mature and sophisticated - those were the ones who had the tightest lips. While she was glad to see such loyalty, it has made for a frustrating go of trying to track the King down. Ayo was smitten, and she wanted more than anything to enter his circle of ‘favored females.’ Not only would she be able to spend time with him, but she’d also be guaranteed more privileges and respect in the Dumanne.

Coming up on him, she slowed as she came to the base of his perch, dipping her head down. “My King.” She paused, glancing up at his face; his eyes were closed, but she knew he probably heard her. “I thought you might want some company.” Her voice was meek, but she tried to drop hints about her intentions; maybe he’d finally reciprocate her feelings.

Taking in a breath, Tsu’Tey thought carefully about his next few words. He knew what Ayo was up to, and he had no intention of allowing it to progress further. Part of him hoped that he could maintain this sleeping facade, but he knew better than that. “I was actually hoping to be alone.” His voice was low, but he didn’t try to sugar-coat his words too much. It wasn’t really his style. He knew that so many other prides and coalitions had rulers that tried so hard to be perfect all of the time, but that really didn’t work in the Dumanne - a ruler had to be tough and ruthless, considering the well-being of his members more than their feelings. “Don’t you have something better to be doing?”

Ayo expected his harsh words - it was something that had drawn her to him ever since she first saw him. Ever since then, she had made it a point to frequent the Scarab clan as much as possible. “Well, I was just out checking our resources and...thought giving a personal report would be preferable.” It was a lie, honestly. She hadn’t checked on the resources in this part of the Dumanne in some time. In fact, her current assignment was to keep an eye on a recurring oasis near the Deathstalker’s territory. She had just taken an extended detour in the far end of the Scarab lands, that’s all. She would get there. Eventually.

Opening his eyes, Tsu’Tey was tired of her games. These desperate young girls never interested him; in fact, they repulsed him more than anything. He had already found his beloved, and if someone expected him to stray for carnal desires, they needed to be more than just a pretty face. “I’d prefer not.” His eyes moved to her, still head lowered. She was like a cub who had recently started eating meat - always chasing it, always begging for it. Maybe some day she’d learn the intricacies of his world.

Ayo paused; she’d really thought that he’d allow her to at least go on with her ruse. It had caused a sickening feeling in her gut, to be rejected like this. What wasn’t she bringing to the table? Or was he just overwhelmed with females right now? There must be something she had that those others didn’t…

“I, ah...I apologize, my King.” She kept her head down, now too embarrassed to raise it. Perhaps she was too eager, too obvious. “But are you sure you don’t want” A last-ditch effort, but she had to try.

Absolutely sure.” Tsu’Tey was trying to keep his cool; though he tended to be blunt, he didn’t want to completely demolish this poor misguided girl. “You really should return to your duties, Ayo. And your territory.” He knew she’d been slacking on her duties - she never completely ditched them, but the Dumanne didn’t need a Vulture who slacked off. Had she really thought that he hadn’t noticed? He had been lax thus far, but his patience was reaching an end.

“Leave me.” His tone was stern, and he wouldn’t tolerate any more words from her. The whole point of him coming out here was to get away from all of the badgerings.

Though one couldn’t see it by looking at her, Ayo’s face was hot with embarrassment. She was being turned away, without any hope. But, at least he knew her name. Perhaps he needed some time without her to make him fonder of the idea of welcoming her into his fold.

“...yes, my king. I’m sorry for intruding.” She dipped her head lower, slowly backing away. She could hear the irritation in his voice, so returning to her duties was probably the best idea. For now.