Despite the lingering chill, dawn was always Zula favorite time. The fog hung heavy in the air as dew still lingered on the ground. The world was still sleeping but just beginning to stir with life once more. Yes, it was the perfect time as far as she was concerned.

Her lavander eyes closed for a moment as a smile curled the ends of her maw. She breathed in deep, letting the rich scent of cool earth, clean mountain air, and distantly her new kin fill her senses before letting the breath out in a pleasure rumbling purr. Yes indeed, everything was looking up in her world.

Sagonigei gave a yawn and a large shake of his mane. It was incredibly early, and the large lion hadn't yet shaken the sleep from his bones. Morning was probably his favorite time of day, particularly before the sun rose; when he didn't have to worry about the blazing heat, the flies, or the pressures of the day. No, dawn was a time of renewal for Sagonigei, and a time he enjoyed often on his own.

His family was still asleep, which the blue eyed lion intended to take full advantage of. He considered stretching out his limbs with a run, or perhaps parching his thirst with a trip to the local watering hole. Or maybe he'd just roam, check a few of the nearby hunting trails, and see if any of the herds had moved. The day was full of possibilities!

Trotting through the morning fog, the dark maned lion felt as if he was truly in isolation and well alone. A strange feeling indeed for a lion with such a large extended family. He truly could have been the only lion in Africa . . . but the figure that appeared before him quickly reminded him that he was far from alone. Sagonigei's walk slowed, and he gave a flick of his tail in curiosity. Ah, he recognized her . . . Sort of. "Good morning," he called out, his voice a bit rough from the early hour.

Glancing back over her shoulder, Zula smiled warmly as she nodded her head in greeting her voice hushed as if to avoid disturbing the early morning, "Greetings brother. I thought I was the only lover of the dawn." Her smile was infectious as she scooted a bit to give him room to sit beside her and look out over their home. "Beautiful isn't it?"

Sagonigei's tail gave a small flick as the lioness spoke. He had to p***k his ears a bit to catch her soft-spoken words, and was quick to adjust his own tone of voice. Apparently they were to speak in whispers, or at least hushed tones. Perhaps that was for the best given the early hour -- others might be still be sleeping, and there was a heaviness to the air that seemed to encourage peace. Thankfully, the lioness seemed happy enough to see him, and even scooted over in invitation to sit. It was an invitation the lion happily took. "It's a special time of day" he confessed, stifling a large yawn. "It's a nice change to have the sun and the flies off our backs, and there's something pleasant about the peace." The peace he was breaking by bursting into conversation.


Maybe he should try to sit quietly and wait for the sun to more fully rise. So it was, Sagonigei tried very hard to be quiet, and reserved, and to feel as dignified as part of him felt Zula might expect.Unfortunately, sitting still and quiet wasn't always the young males strong suit.

Smiling again warmly, Zula hummed gently as she enjoyed the slowly rising sun. When he spoke again, she chuckled softly "It's as if the world is still slumbering and at peace even if it is just an illusion. I didn't catch your name by the way. I am Zula, I recently joined the family."