The pale colored male with red accents bounded along after his father, a gleeful bounce in every step. "What are we doing today father?" He was informed early that once he reached adolescence he would be forced to leave the pride or stay and never have children of his own so he figured he'd go off and see the big world, at least once he was old enough to.

The Adult looked down towards his son and chuckled. "We're going to practice hunting with a few other's." Of course Balu grew excited about this, while the females did most of the hunting the males did have to learn given they were supposed to leave the pride once old enough. They had to learn how to hunt right?

"You want to tell Sibu that he's coming with you can." With that Balu darted over towards where Sibu was asleep with some of his family and pounced on him. "Hey!" The red male shouted, opening eyes wide to see who had pounced on him. "Oh, it's you Balu, what do you want?" The male said glaring at him curiously since he had just been having quite a nice nap. Yimvelo smiled and gave a chuckle as she watched the two boys and she got up and gave a shake to dislodge the dust from her body. "Is it time already?" She asked Budek looking towards the sky and sure enough it was. She had talked with him earlier about taking some out to practice hunting, especially the young males that were getting close to leaving.

While her heart ached for her son that would be leaving her soon she knew he'd be in good paws no matter where he wound up. He was a fighter and she had no doubts he'd do great things. The rest of the cubs were going to be staying here with their Aunts and some of the other females while Yimvelo went out with Budek, Sibu, Balu and Inkedama.

They were just waiting on the cream colored female to show up and like clockwork there she came, pale eyes dancing as she smiled warmly at the two other adults.

"I'm not late am I?"

"Not at all, Budek and his son Balukile just got here so you're right on time."

"Oh good! I was afraid I had been keeping everyone up." The pale female said looking at everyone.

The two cubs were currently scuffling around, chewing on one another. "Boys, come on and let's go." Budek said and the two young cubs snapped to attention and ran over towards the three adults. "Are we going now?" Sibu asked looking at his mother.

"Yes we are. Remember, the two of you need to be on your best behavior." While she wasn't Balus mother she knew he'd listen to her regardless or give him a swift swat to the behind and Balu knew that.

"Yes ma'am." The two boys said in unison.

Budek chuckled, these females meant business didn't they. It made him sad that he'd be leaving soon. It was like a hidden paradise that only few got to stay in forever.

"Is the Vulture in place?" Budek was curious to see how this would turn out. Since they were limited on training subjects one of the vultures had volunteered to be bait, in this case, Avani. Liyana had graciously let them take her for the day, much against the brown birds wishes.

Essentially it was pouncing practice. So if you're thinking like Mufasa and Simba then you're thoughts are likely correct because the boys would be working on that today.

"She sure is." Yimvelo laughed knowing the bird was likely not pleased at all by this.

"Are we there yet?" Balu said looking up at the adults.

"We're almost there." Budek replied.

"Are we going to eat after?" Sibu asked.

"Yes we can get you some food." The brown female said looking at her son with a warm smile.

Inkedama beamed as she spotted Avani not too far ahead in some medium length grass. "Are you boys ready?"

"Wait already?"

"I'm too young to die!"

The adult male was almost rolling as the two youngsters seemed super nervous all of a sudden.

"It's nothing like that." Yimvelo said giving her son a good lick on the top of his head much to his disgust.

"Each of you will take turns stalking Avani and pouncing on her. Remember! Do not hurt her or Liyana will have your hides as a rug for her den."

The two boys gulped at Sibus mother and gave a nod.

Avani let out a sigh as she heard the boys approaching. They had better not use their claws or this momma would be one angry bird and things would get ugly. Or at least some fur would fly, she had no problem attacking anyone, let alone swatting a child with her strong wings.

So it began the adults sat back and walked the boys through some crouching techniques and each took turns stalking avani from different angles or even having her go to different locations and see if the boys were smart enough of agile enough to get to her. After about an hour of this everyone was pretty much worn out. The cubs were at least and the Adults were in their own mental anguish because trying to teach boys how to do things was never easy and Budek could even attest to that. "Avani, thank you so much for spending time with us today. Tell Liyana that we are thankful and hopefully we won't have to use you again anytime soon."

"It was a pleasure, you all do so much for us avians anyway. So it's the least I could do." The female said to them as she beat her wings and took off into the air.

"Alright, now who's hungry?" Budek asked as he turned to look at everyone and of course the boys seemed to get energy almost instantly. "ME!"


"Alright, first one home get's to pick what we have!" With that the cubs took off with the adults chuckling as they trailed behind the two boys.

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