Malas was good and tuckered out. Stretching out lazily in the field of grass, his eyes flickered briefly to the grazing herd before drifting close. Just a few minutes of shut eye. Of course, he knew he couldn't good and well fall asleep. He had to remain alert and at least listen to his surroundings. His job was very important, after all. But a long night of drinking and celebrating had left him with quite the headache and surely a few moments of closing his eyes wouldn't be amiss.

Kianzi sat like a sentinel on a rock, overlooking the grasslands and the herds off in the distance. The scarf she wore around her head fluttered in the breeze and she tilted her nose up to sniff the air, a little smile curling her lip. She loved being out in the fields of North Farthing. They were so open and wide they reminded her of her life as a rogue. Although she missed the life she used to lead, she was grateful for the safety and plenty her new pride offered.

Spotting Malas not far from where she sat, she hopped from her perch and trotted over to the sleepy lion. "Napping already, Malas?" she teased as she approached. "You just began your watch."

Malas squinted an eye open to look at the herder that approached him. Kianzi. Joined them from the rogue lands, if he could recall. Giving a lazy grin, he raised a paw in a shooing motion. "I'm old, I get tired easily," he playfully lied. Sure, he was up there in years, but he could hardly be called old yet. And his love for the brew was certainly no secret, either. "That's why I have young and capable sprouts like yourself to keep watch."

But, he stretched lazily and rolled over onto his belly, peering up at her with tired, hooded eyes. The sun was too bright today. Perhaps he should have seeked shade, though it would have been a bit too far from the herd. "Plans tonight, sprout?" he asked, giving a quick but studying glance over the herd. All seemed to be accounted for.

Kianzi scoffed as Malas gave excuses for his sleepiness. He was hardly old! A better excuse was partying the night before. He hadn't been on the job then so it was fine and he wasn't the Master Herder for no reason. Still, she found it amusing that he was ready to nap his shift away.

"Oh, not much. Just keeping an eye on the herds. Someone said yesterday that they spotted some hyena packs roaming near the rogue lands so I'll probably head that way later on."

Malas perked up a bit. He had heard of the hyena pack and had nearly forgotten, since it was told to him in his drunken state last night. Stretching once more, he got to his paws. "Why don't we go have a look right now?" he suggested before giving out a loud yawn.

He moved past her a bit before looking over his shoulder. "It will only be for a bit and the other herders will keep things calm," he reassured. Sure, he could trust the herders with all the jobs, since he had personally trained them. But... if there was dispute or possible dangers, he should personally be there. Looking for the direction of the hyenas, considering their intentions... and he certainly didn't want any of his herders injured when he could be there to prevent it.

The lioness titled her head slightly as Malas shifted to get up, surprised he was moving at all when he had looked so ready to sleep. Despite his laid back and easy going way of going about things he still took his job seriously when it came down to it. The herders were not only in charge of watching over the herds but protecting them as well, and she knew he had earned his spot by merit.

"All right. Might be good to let them know we're there now rather than waiting for nightfall," she agreed, stepping after Malas.

Malas sighed as he began picking his way across the field, pace unhurried. As he went, he counted the herd, filing them away in his mind, before finally looking over his shoulder at Kianzi.

"Are you always so hardworking, sprout? I would have thought you would have a lovely little hobbit back home for you," he mused, thinking back on her comment about taking the night shift. Oh, how he did not miss those days. But his hard work had paid off in the long run.

Kianzi followed Malas, taking note of how he glanced over the herds as they went. Even though they were predators and the preybeasts weren't far off, they didn't look at them with fear or concern. It was well-known that the lions of the Suzat helped keep the herds healthy by taking those that weakened the herds, making them more vunlerable to attack from outside sources. Often times elderly or ill preybeasts would move away from the herds as if to offer themselves to the lions to take them from their misery.

Malas' words brought her back to the present and she laughed softly, a light and airy sound. "Oh no, not yet anyway," she said with a fond smile. "Perhaps someday. But I like having a den to myself right now."

Malas nodded along, yawning widely. A den to herself. That's what he liked as well. His den was his sanctuary, where no one could bother him about work or other things. Except... apparently being the master herder didn't actually grant him privacy during his personal time. In fact, it seemed less the case. If there was a problem with the herd, he was the first that was gotten. Pity.

"Do you drink?" he asked suddenly, glancing over. Maybe he saw her sipping at a brew before. Maybe. He honestly couldn't remember. Perhaps he could invite her to drink after the shift. Wait... wasn't she also working the night watch?

The question made Kianzi laugh, amused at the suggestion that she didn't. "What self-respecting hobbit /doesn't/?" she asked with a grin. Although it was true she had joined in her adulthood, she had been here long enough to build up a decent tolerance to the brew that the hobbits were so fond of. Iboga she was still working her way up to, but brew was something she could handle.

"Although I do make sure I don't have any shifts scheduled before indulging too much. Come on," she added, quickening her pace as she led the way, her scarf fluttering behind her a bit. "Best get a move on, it's a good distance to the edge of the pride!"

She set off with purpose, the center of the pride to her back as she trotted off towards the rogue lands.