She had been blessed with a wonderful litter of beautiful cubs and honestly couldn't have asked for more. Gwarredd was so supportive and was raising them as if they were his own and this pleased her very much. Now Saf had the option to be involved with them if he so wanted to be, she wouldn't question it. They were his after all. But as far as she was concerned, Gwarredd was their father and they called him as such.

Today she had decided to take Viherminttu and show him around for a little bit. They were old enough now to actually walk around and explore and she wanted to show him the wonderful home in which they lived. It was safe, secluded and full of healers, what more could a new mother ask for. She honestly hadn't been sure she would have been up to the task of being a mother, that she would fail miserably, but here she was. Cub in toe, showing him their home.

Viherminttu was excited. He was going to get to go with momma alone! None of the other siblings. He was very pleased with this. Though he had a very strong connection to his siblings and would only miss them temporarily. His mind would soon be preoccupied with the splendors of the world around him. The excitement that he felt was engulfing and he sorta wished one of his siblings was there to enjoy this time with him. Oh well, he was having his one on one with mother and he really did value this time together with her.