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He'd been running for what felt like all day, but he wanted to put as much distance between himself and that crazy lioness as possible. He was probably safe by now... but you could never be too sure.

Roku was exhausted though. Bone-weary and hungry, the cheetah slowed to a stop under a low-hanging tree. Another sign that he was far from that pride - there was actual plant life around him. Perhaps he was fine now. Blue eyes stared back the way he'd come, eyeing the land with unsure eyes before sighing and plopping himself down into a sitting position.

What a mess of a day. He still wasn't sure what he had done to provoke that lioness into attacking. Nothing! How rude, he thought with a huff.

Well, he had apparently wandered past their borders... but she had acted as if he were vermin! Lower than her! He petulantly stuck his tongue out, and then grimaced as his stomach decided to inform him of his lack of dinner. He was so hungry.... but it was night time now, and a cloudy one at that. No prey would be out and about.

The cheetah slid down onto his stomach in a dejected manner. Today was a horrible day, and if it weren't for his hunger, he would have just curled up and gone to sleep. Honestly, that's probably what he should do regardless.

He wasn't entirely alone though. Sitting on the hill a ways away from him, the hyena watched with a steady gaze as the cheetah came bounding out of that god-forsaken land. His head cocked to the side in curiosity. The Outlands were in that direction. What had that cheetah been doing there? It was a terrible place for anyone non-lion, even for some who were lion.

Though perhaps that's why he'd been running. Nuru gave a sympathetic whine, shaking his head. Some lessons were best learned through experience, and at least it had ended well for this one.

Should he check on him? Now THAT left Nuru unsure. Maybe this cheetah was just as unfriendly as the Outlanders, and he didn't have his siblings here to help him if he ran into trouble. Not that he was entirely sure they could help, he thought with a snort. Apomat, especially, was questionable in regards to that. Not that he wouldn't try, but... Nuru was pretty sure he wouldn't be much help.

But the black and white cheetah had flopped to the ground, and Nuru couldn't help the worry that he needed aid.

So, with nervous paws, the hyena padded down the hill and approached the cheetah carefully. As he got close, he made sure that his paws were making enough noise to not startle the other, and he nodded as blue eyes swiveled over to him.

"Are you alright?"

When he heard someone approaching him, Roku's first thought was that it was the lioness from before, and it left him swerving his head around to glare at her. Only, it wasn't her. And now he felt like a jerk, especially after the soft-spoken inquiry.


Gaze immediately softening out, but not entirely becoming unguarded, he eyed the hyena for a second before nodding slowly. "Yeah, I'm fine." His pride was a little hurt, but it was nothing that couldn't be brushed off. "I, uhm.... I'm just kind of tired from running." As if on cue, his stomach gave an almighty growl, and the cheetah cringed again. "... And I'm kind of hungry."

Nuru raised an eyebrow at the growling, and then let out a chuckle. "Well, I'm not too surprised, considering where you came from." He cast a wary look in the direction of the Outlands. "What were you doing out there, anyway? The Outlands is no place for anyone."

Roku snorted, "I noticed." And then he paused with a curious look at the hyena. 'Considering where he'd come from'? That was a strange statement, and maybe didn't bode well for that area. It left him with an uneasy shiver down his spine, and he proceeded to give himself a shake to try and ward it off. He wasn't scared of some uppity lions.

... But it didn't hurt to ask.

"What do you mean? What are the Outlands?" His ears flattened against his head, "I was just... passing through it, before I was attacked. I didn't stop running until now."

Nuru hummed and looked out again, this time with a gaze that seemed to look far ahead of them. "The Outlands.... They're a pride that you don't want to run across. Lions are the only thing that's valued to them, and even then, they'll still attack you if you show yourself as a threat." He paused, "... There is a history behind them, but truth be told, it doesn't really concern us non-lions." And honestly, he didn't want to talk about it. "I recommend steering clear of it from here on out."

Deciding to move the conversation onto different topics, the hyena glanced back at the cheetah, "I can't guarantee that you'll find food anytime soon, but there is a river nearby. Perhaps you can catch a fish there."

Well, that was ominous. If he'd been entertaining any thoughts of returning before, which he hadn't, it was well and truly gone now.

With a slow nod, Roku lifted himself up to his paws once more, muscles already aching from all the running he had done, and rotated his shoulders around to pop them. "Thanks, I'll try that." Although, he has never tried fishing before. He knew it was possible, and he knew what fish tasted like (courtesy of Aislin), but he had no idea how to actually catch one.

... No time like the present though. He always was a fast learner, and he could learn by doing.

Standing, the cheetah turned to address the hyena straight on, "My name is Roku. Or Roxas. I've been called both." He looked around, "What direction is it in?"

Nuru watched the cheetah process his words, hoping that his cautions were taken to heart, and nodded in response, "Mine's Nuru, and it's this way." With that, the hyena turned and began walking away.