Suspiro had decided to go after Halia. Sure, he could trust her to take care of herself. And she wouldn’t normally take off without explanation if she didn’t already have a good reason for it. But Suspiro decided that he was quite alone without his mate. And therefore, he wanted to be with her.

And what luck he had, too! He had been following her trail quite easily and had come across some company. He looked to the side, grinning at his company. His son, Penjaga.

Penjaga sighed, shaking his mane ruefully. He had thought he saw his parents to Mirilli’tavari. So, imagine his surprise when he stumbled upon his father not a few hours ago, several days from that pride they had joined. What should he have expected? His sister and brother certainly didn’t stay in one place. There was no telling where those two were now. He had just left the Bahari to get a few rare medicinal herbs. And there was no better place to get these herbs than at the crossroads, where a variety of merchants passed through or even set up shop.

”Why did mother come this far?” he asked dryly, following the lake around.

Suspiro rolled his shoulders and laughed. ”There never needs to be a reason for Halia to do what she wants to do,” he remarked in a jest.

They were almost there. The crossroads hugged up against this lake.

Halia saw the green lion and just knew that he was a part of the seeing. Her heart swelled with relief, glad it wasn’t just a misplaced feeling. They usually weren’t but she had been known to be wrong from time to time.

Funnily enough… his resonance seemed to be similar to several females she had met in the past. Her face fell flat. He was one of those, was he? Well, she certainly wouldn’t be bewitched by his charms. ”Hello,” she greeted cordially. She really didn’t know what else to say. She didn’t know his name and it would have sounded crazy if she told him she needed to be near him.

Lijen looked up at the very pretty lady who came up beside him. He had stopped by the lake, looking for the Leopardess named Munyu. Of course, there was no where to be seen of the smaller feline and, though he should continue his search, he found himself stalling. A lazy grin stretched across his maw. ”Hello,” he practically purred.

Halia cringed inwardly. But… she couldn’t quite tell the player off, not yet. What if he left, uninterested in an unwinnable game? So… she would have to play along. She cleared her throat. ”I… Would you keep me company?” she decided. Let him think what he would about that.

His eyes brightened, brows climbing. Well, wasn’t she the forward one? He lifted his head, mane fluffing out just a bit more. ”Well, probably not here, miss. But… I’m sure there was a spot along the coast line that would offer some privacy-“ he was cut off by a male voice speaking up to the side of them. Two males had approached.

”Mother??” Penjaga asked, voice close to bewilderment. Well, as close as a stone would sound to bewilderment. Had he just walked in… on the wrong thing? He gave a calculating glance towards his father, unsure how he was reacting. From what it sounded like, his mother had left to go to the crossroads to meet up with another male. To do things that could only be done in privacy. She had travelled quite a bit of ways to meet up with this male. Penjaga turned his gaze to the male, uncertainty on his face. Who was he? Was this all really as it sounded like?

Suspiro was in shock. Not his gentle, sweet Halia. She wouldn’t possibly commit adultery. And it was that faith that he had in his mate that allowed the grin to come easily, moving up to nuzzle his cheek against hers. He would trust her. She hadn’t given him a reason not to trust her. He would not doubt her now, not after so long together. Not after raising three children together.

Despite trusting her, he couldn’t help the small ember of jealousy burning within his belly as he gave a glance towards the green lion. Had he known that Halia was a mated woman?

Halia jumped at the sound of Penjaga’s voice, turning around to look at not only her son but her mate too. Why were they here?! Recalling what bit of conversation they must have walked up on, she felt her cheeks heat and she turned to address Lijen after returning the nuzzle from her mate. She took in a deep breath. Now how was she going to keep this scoundrel of a lion nearby? ”This is my mate, Suspiro. And my son, Penjaga,” she politely introduced, nodding to each in turn.

”I do not yet have the pleasure of knowing your name,” she added, hoping it would drive the point home to her mate that she had just met the stranger.

Lijen was thoroughly amused. It wouldn’t have been the first time to mess around with a lady who was already mated or promised. Nor the first time he had been caught by the mate. Fortunately, nothing had happened. And this Suspiro didn’t look in need of his blood. Still, it was a rather… strange situation to be in, considering he had just met the lady.

”My name is Lijen,” he replied coolly, inclining his head ever so slightly. ”I am a hard-to-find-artifacts merchant for the Nchi’mahadhi,” he formally told them.

Halia nodded, filing his name away, but was studying her family under her lashes. They hadn’t been part of the vision. Why? Surely, things were predestined. Perhaps… her visions had variables that just could not be predicted. Or perhaps she was too close to the two? Though, it hardly made sense. She was able to have visions of Sorra and Cinta easily enough.