It was getting closer to the point Ciro would be able to start his Viking missions again. His pride duty was almost done. The last thing he needed to do, was speak with the War Lord regarding his status in the pride. Ciro was ready to move up, to do things on his own. Then, he would not need to be dictated on what type of raids he would go on, and what he needed to bring back (living or otherwise)

He would do that tonight, if the War Lord wasn't busy.

For now, Ciro decided he should go check up on his thrall and those two cubs. He hadn't been staying in the den, not particularly enjoying the sight and sounds of the younger charges in his den. It definitely put him in a mood, and it wasn't the one he enjoyed being in. More alone time with Ruka meant more ways to try and woo her.

The lion entered his den, scanning the area. The cubs seemed to be sleeping perhaps? They were quiet at least. Gwen was out, typical. And Ruka? Now...where was sure? Golden eyes landed on the female's form, still beautiful as ever. There she was.

"Miss me?" the lion said sarcastically. Their last conversation hadn't ended the best.

Ruka hated this. She had been stuck in the den for most of the days with cubs that weren't even her's. No matter how hard she tried to reach out to them, she just couldn't feel that motherly connection between herself and the cubs. There was no instinct in her to raise and take care of these creatures. She could tell them what to do and how to behave, but it was like ordering around a bunch of rocks. It was probably a good thing she did not have cubs of her own, because she was sure that she would treat them the same.

The cubs were sleeping now, and for once the boy didn't seem to be having any nightmares. Ciro didn't stay within the den - he had no idea how much that boy kept her up at night. There was no rest, no reprieve. In fact, she suspected in a while that the boy would wake up from another nightmare, and wake up his sister as well. Her peace would not last, and to make matters worse Ciro was finally back now to make it harder for Ruka to relax.

"You've been gone a while," Ruka pointed out dryly. She was exhausted and at her wit's end with the cubs. The lioness needed a break, but she knew for a fact that Ciro would not stay here with the cubs. The bird, Gwen, had flown the coop too at the suggestion of keeping an eye on the babies.

"What brings you back home?"

"I decided to keep some company to one of my Reaver pals thrall. He just upped and left her while he went on a viking and well, I did not think it appropriate to leave her on her own." While Ciro did not give up the information what he had done with said thrall, it was probably obvious being who the lion was. Always looking, never satisfied.

"Since you do not seem to enjoy my company, I figured it would be beneficial for both of us if I stayed away." Aka, she wasn't willing to sleep with him, so he would find someone else.

"This is my home, so I can come back whenever." He retorted, refraining from an eye roll.

Looking around, he scanned the den. Everything seemed in place still. "At least the den is still standing. And the children are asleep. Enjoying their company?" Ciro asked with a smirk. He could tell she was tired, but unsure exactly the source. It was probably the children. She was no mother, and cubs were rambunctious even when they weren't taken from their parents.

They both knew what he meant when he said he had visited a 'pal's' thrall. It made her stomach churn, and Ruka did not bother to hide the look of disapproval from her face. The pale lioness rose onto her feet, careful not to wake the little cubs. If they stirred now, she would run as far as possible from the den and leave them in Ciro's care. She'd shack up with some other reaver who was just as disgusting, but at the very least they wouldn't be directly responsible for her capture.

The male oozed with smugness and superiority, and Ruka was in no mood to tolerate it. Ciro knew she wasn't taking to the cubs, and he had to know by the look of her that she wasn't getting much rest. He was talking down to her on purpose, tormenting her for the sheer pleasure of it. Every passing day, she found his company less and less enjoyable. Bitterness creeped into her soul for the lion who had stolen her freedom.

"No," she spoke the word, a flat truth. There was no mercy or love in her tone. "The boy cannot sleep at night, so I cannot sleep. I know I should feel something for them, but I feel nothing. I've felt nothing but disgust for a while. How nice it must be for you to walk away from your burdens and shack up with some thrall that'll give you just what you want." The words were biting, edged with anger and exhaustion. Tempers were flaring, and she didn't have enough sleep to keep her sensibilities about.

“Hmph.” The reaver said, a small frown evident on his maw. “Maybe I should just give the cubs back to the Captain then. Tell him they are too much for even my own thrall to handle. Not sure how he would handle that, or what he would do with them at that point.” It was a truthful statement. Ciro did not know Arwach, so what could happen if the cubs returned back to the Captain was questionable.

“You need to be a true mother then to know the feelings for other.” He didn’t insinuate anything just yet, but her next words caused his ears to pin backwards.

“You know, it is quite funny you say that.” The lion purred, eyes narrowed as he walk towards Ruka. I take it you do not remember our little…how would you say it…rendezvous… just after your little visit with Astrid.” His eyes flickered to her stomach, then back to her eyes. “Who knows, maybe you will learn that motherly instinct real quickly. It might be something I would keep an eye on.” It really wasn’t a threat, because what was done was done.

If she wanted to cop an attitude with him though, he would be happy to give it right back. He would even be happy to go into every little detail so Ruka would be able to relive the moment she either didn’t remember by choice or by other reasons. His tail thrashed behind him, his agitation beginning to rise.

"You would doom them before rising to help them yourself. How callous a lion you've revealed yourself to be," Ruka replied, barely holding back a snarl. While she struggled with the cubs, she refused to let them be abandoned or thrust elsewhere. At least she was not cruel - in here the cubs were safe, tucked away from the horrors of the world. Sure, she was turning out to be a shitty mother, but at least she tried. At least, up until now, she had not run from them as it seemed like so many others would.

His next words bit into her like the old bite of ice upon one's extremities. She froze, dark eyes focused on him for what turned out to be an uncomfortably long silence from the female. It took a moment for his words to sink in, for Ruka to pick out what he was insinuating and look inside herself to know it was true.

When it did, that ice melted - rather, it was consumed by the flames of anger. The pit of her stomach tightened, the heart in her chest seized as if the air and very life of her was being constricted out of her body. The shackles of her refined demeanor were released. It was all just a show, anyways. In the core of her being, she was an Outlander. She had been wronged. Her ears pressed back, lips curled to reveal the white shine of canines.

She was not only mad at him, but also at herself. Not that she'd admit it. Right now she was done with the games, done trying to tolerate his presence. She loathed him, and hiding it had only made her hate fester. Ciro had never done her any favors, no matter if he had convinced himself otherwise. "It didn't take you long to reveal what a slimey coward you are," she snarled, not caring if she woke the cubs up now.

Ruka was done with him. She was done with all of this. "I suppose that was the only way to get what you wanted, huh? Because I will never let you have me again, and I dare you to ******** try, Ciro."

"I did nothing that you, or your body, did not want me to do. Would you like me to recollect that evening? How you threw yourself on my own bed, practically begging me to be with you. You want to call me a slimey coward, but at least I am not some hussy thrall who can't handle her own mind and have to have it covered with the taste of a drink." Ciro hissed, his own tone rising. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the slight rustle. The cubs were waking, but that did nothing to quiet the male.

"One thing you are forgetting there, Ruka. I own you. You are my thrall, and while I was fine with letting you leave in the past, this is something that I don't think will change any time soon. You want me to be the creature you have always thought I would be? Welcome, congratulations, you have brought it out."

Ciro took a step towards the white female, his own lip curling to show his pearly fangs. "You dare me, as if those words are to intimidate me. You are wrong, Thrall. When I want you, I will have you." his eyes narrowed. "and that is a promise I intend on keeping."

The last thing she wanted to hear was how she had given herself up to him. She had been unprepared for the effects of whatever it was that she had consumed, and searching back through her memories she couldn't really recollect the evening. It was a blur of time, but she had no reason to doubt the truth of Ciro's words. The pale lioness winced, "You know nothing of me or what I have endured - and I can promise you that you are the least troublesome thing I've put up with yet." She'd rather take the cubs over his presence.

Claws were unsheathed, a silently threat that if Ciro came too close they would come to blows. She did not care if she was supposed to be some submissive thrall. Ruka could not act as if she were, not when she still believed herself to be better than just a 'thrall'. "I am your's, huh?" the pale lioness challenged. This time she stepped up to him, a threat of claws and teeth that dared him to try and strike at her.

"I don't think so." He had no power over her. He could speak mighty words but never act on them.

"You will not," she told him bluntly. He could try, but Ruka would not allow him to claim her again. She was not his'. She would belong to whomever she chose, and he was not that lion. Daring it, she stepped pass him and to the entrance of the den. Cold eyes glanced over her shoulder, back to the dark male. "I hope your gods strike you down, it is the least you deserve."

"That's right. You are mine." His voice was low, leaving no room for argument.

"You don't think so? Heh." Although he stopped moving towards her. "Are you sure about that?" He asked with an arched brow. "You know, you did seem to enjoy it so much last time. In fact," as she stepped passed him, he followed, eyes hungry on the prize. "I remember certain spots that had your melting beneath me. I would be more than happy to show them to you again," he purred out, grabbing her tail quickly before she could move any further.

"It'd be a nice little show for the kids too." His gaze shot over his shoulder to a pair of wide light eyes. The girl was awake. He shook his head. "Show them that this is what they get to look forward to, once their older and have a master of their own. The girl especially. The boy, well, who knows what his future holds."

He let go of the female's tail. "I expect you back by supper time." He said with a roll of his eyes, retreating back to the comforts of his pelt. "I will come looking for you if you aren't. You can count on that. You can try running Ruka, but you will be found. The longer you stay out, the deeper your punishment will be. Mark my words."

The hold on her tail froze her in place. A turmoil of emotions rolled through her. Anger, disgust, fear... and something else? Before she could think too hard on what she was experiencing, she lifted a paw, making a false swipe at Ciro's face to try and get him to back off of her. "Let go of me!" For some reason, she knew well enough to hold back from actually hitting the male. The attempt was still there, and she stared at him now with a passionate fury.

He would dare mess with her in front of the cubs? His sickness was deeper than she had thought. Ruka did not care for what he claimed to know of her body. That was in the past, and she would not have it tainted now in front of the children. "Are you demented? What kind of lion would torment innocent cubs with something they never need to see?" The girl was just a cub! To introduce her to this kind of life was a cruelty unimaginable.

She would not let the babes witness anything. Ruka could not love them, but she would protect them.

"You do not control me," she warned, voice contorted by blind anger. "I will do as I please, and you will tolerate it as I tolerate you doing whatever you want to whomever's thralls. Don't threaten me, Ciro, when I know your threats to be shallow." She had turned to face him now, snarling her threats. Ruka would not let him grab her again, though she did not think he would try now.

"Rot, Ciro," she cursed him, and backed out of the den.