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[PRP] Some time has passed [Jaddis x Aketch]

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Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:08 am
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The feeling was cold and hollow in the goddess's chest when she had reemerged from her stasis up in the gods haven. She had been shaky and weak when she dragged her self out from under the piles of snow that had piled on top of her. How long had she been like this and where was her family? Aketch was pretty sure she was alone here. It was a hunch that those she'd loved were now else where and here she'd stayed for many many years collecting snow on top of her. Did anyone even know she was here or now that she was awake?

The goddess stretched her vulture like wings giving them their full span. Good. The wings still worked just fine and that was all Aketch needed to know. Yeah sure gods didn't need wings to have the gift of flight but Aketch preferred to use her wings.

With a mighty leap she was off in to the sky her wings fully extended and lazily flapping once in a while like that of a vulture.

Many weeks had passed since she'd first woken up now but the need to find her father never dimmed as she hoped from withered wasteland to withered wasteland. Aketch was determined to find him but she wasn't sure why she felt this need. There was another dry spot that looked promising so Aketch dove down and landed tucking her wings in once she was safely on the ground. The goddess's yellow eyes scanned the area. Here felt right. Here felt like where she would find him. The goddess padded on the cracked ground below her looking very determined but staying very silent.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:30 am
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.The dry land had called him here, the scent of death hung in the air though he did not of course cause this, a famine had passed through this patch of land and its starved inhabitants had lead him to its doors. The scent of carrion filled the air around him and his companion was living it up. He did not of course begrudge the vulture the meals he found as he followed but seeing so many mortal souls lost always left an ache in his breast.

He had seen a small paw full of living animals from the land granting them passage, granting them a life of food and shelter a wealth if they could endure the famine they held in their bellies just for a little longer. He had sent them on their way and that was all he needed to do. Grant them a life long enough to live.

It took many days for him to leave any such area, though he could fly out of course, he felt no pressing need to move on and as such he had taken up residence here with the pale eyed vulture. The creature amused him and reminded him of another he supposed that was one of the reasons why he allowed the scavenger to tag along. The bird reminded him of times gone by and though one day he knew the creature would die a mortal death that would not be today. The bone thin god turned his stone like eyes to the sky. It seemed the bird was about to join him, the familiar black wings and distinctive face markings, of a beast he considered friend.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.“Jaddis! Jaddis the goddess comes!” The bird landed heavily, it’s massive wings beating the ground in to turmoil as he hopped over to the god. “The goddess, our goddess.” Ayunav almost skipped, there was something deep in his soul that told him the goddess that approached was something special to him, it rang in his head and made him a lot more irrational.

The slender god watched the bird buzz about, he had never seen the vulture so excited and beneath the stitches which kept his mouth shut he smiled. “She has been gone a long time Ayunav, before you were born I would say.” He choked out a breath, a sound that always echoed around his chest like the last dying breath, a rattle that hung in the air. “Which goddess did you see?” He tilted his head, perhaps it was the goddess of hazards they had spent some time with her after all, but the bird had never gotten so excited about her, so who was coming?  

Syrius Lionwing

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:52 am
An uncomfortable rattling in the air like that of a dying animal was haunting but familiar at the same time. Aketch turned her attentions to the direction she was sure she had heard the sound from and padded that way. Aketch neared the two voices and only made out the last bit of what ever the conversation was.

"That would be me," She strolled up to her father, Jaddis, and his companion looking on the vulture with a great amount of approval. She circled around the two in a very none threatening way before she took a seat and peeked at both Jaddis and his companion behind her skull mask.

"It's been ... a very long time father. I don't remember this charming companion," She gestured towards Ayunav feeling a great deal of comfort seeing her fathers choice in a companion.

"I've been... It's been... I haven't seen you in so long and I am not sure where to start or how it is that I am here with you now." Aketch lowered her head looking very lost like she wasn't fully sure what it was she wast trying to say. "I was in Stasis and forgotten." Her bright yellow eyes closed sadly. "But maybe not forgotten... What happened?" Her eyes opened back up looking at her father with a good deal of hope.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:32 am
A long silence and stillness settled over Jaddis, as was so often the case, he forgot to breath, but for once this was not because of the inconvenience of remembering, this was through shock. He often allowed himself to settle in to this pure silence, the stillness of a creature dead but untouched yet. It had been such a long time. The stillness came from disbelief. Something within him had decided that she was dead, moved on like her mother. It always pained him to think of any of his children leaving the world, by choice or otherwise but that was a gods prerogative. She had vanished not too long after her mother and he assumed, obviously incorrectly, that she had followed her female parent on to the next life.

He watched her stalk, no, circle, she had always reminded him of a vulture, for all of their apparent ugliness to many, he thought of them as beautiful, he had never really thought of them as beautiful until she had been born. A single child, a true part of the circle of life. “Aketch.” He breathed her name so carefully as if saying the word would make her vanish. “I have never forgotten you daughter.. I thought.. I thought perhaps you had joined your mother.” His eyes flashed for a moment a glimmer within them as they turned from stone gray soulless eyes to sight filled eyes, blue as the sky.

The vulture spread his wings “I told you Jaddis, I told you she was here. The goddess.” He yammered his pale eyes admiring. Of course when the god, whom he always accompanied, said daughter, the massive vulture almost fell over. “Daughter? Daughter? She is the goddess!” He clicked his bright beak and looked up in delight though his head lowered in reverence.

The bone thin god looked down at the black winged bird his lips turning in a smile which caused the stitches to stretch and plucked tiny droplets of blood to fall from his mouth. “Yes my friend, a daughter, long lost.” he breathed, past those tightened lips, his eyes slowly dimming returning to their stone emptiness. The eerie stillness of a body that looked like it should be dead returning as his eyes shadowed.  

Syrius Lionwing

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 5:26 pm
Syrius Lionwing

Aketch was taken aback by the fact Jaddis had thought she'd joined her mother. There was something fuzzy and distorted about her mother that she could not fully remember as if the Goddess had never existed. Like her domain and name had been erased and now she was hard to recall exact features. Aketch remembered her warmth and her love but not any specific memories right now. This could have also been that the Goddess just came to after a very long rest. Her powers seemed to not be working as of right now and Aketch was sure it was because she was still recovering.

"I... I don't remember," Aketch admitted, "I am not sure what happened. I suppose I .." Something flashed in to her mind before she could finish her sentence. A feeling and some one lying next to her in her slumber. Aketch tried desperately to hold on to that feeling for more information but she couldn't find the strength and it vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

"Was she beside me the whole time I was asleep? I remember feeling some form of warmth but its faded now. I was really hoping you might have answers."

Her fathers eyes were softer some how and Aketch felt compelled to stare in to them. Seeing Jaddis again was a form of comfort that Aketch knew she had needed for a long time.

Ayunav's excitement was infectious though so she chose not to get too down about not remembering and instead focused her energy on the Vulture. The goddess lowered her self to eye level with Ayunav and smiled.

"What is your name?" The two hadn't been introduced properly yet, "My name is Aketch." Her father had already spoken her name but the goddess felt the need to formerly introduce her self to such a lovely companion.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 2:26 am
Alpaca Chobi

The skeleton thin god looked at his daughter and for the first time in a long time his brow muscles moved in a frown. He knew some where that the goddess was gone and that much time had passed, how much time, he did not know. Time moved so fluidly for him he had been alive for far too long to notice life times of mortals. Other gods even came in and out of existence as he had lived, or survived, so though he had grieved those gone he had continued onwards.

Still here she was before him, the goddess of scavengers one of his daughters, alive and well in a fashion. “The bird reminded me of you.” He admitted watching her interact with the vulture was a pleasant thing to see, she had been gone for so long, he forgot how full of life she was. He was lucky, his children had all been blessed with domains that harboured life.

The bright faced vulture spread his wings happily, his long sharp beak clicked as he preformed a sort of bow before the goddess. “My name is Ayunav, and you are the goddess, I could not speak your name so freely.” He croaked his pale eyes fixed upon the lady.

A chuckle arose from behind the black winged bird, laughter wasn;t something that often uttered form the body of bones and skin and it sounded echoey, rattling around inside his rib cage seemingly pinging off each of his visible bones. “I have never seen him so humbled.” The god uttered, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips though the effort of performing this task caused small droplets of blood to rise around his maw.  

Syrius Lionwing

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:01 pm
Syrius Lionwing

"I love you too father. Thank you for keeping such a companion," She truly was feeling a swelling in her heart from the gesture that her father would keep such a companion. She hadn't been forgotten all these years she'd been gone. Maybe it had been because of creatures like Ayunav that she hadn't faded in to obscurity like some of the older gods.

Aketch was taken aback when the vulture bowed before her. She felt a special kind of connection to creatures like the vultures. Those who mostly survived as scavengers were the reason she was even able to exist so she instinctively shook her head from side to side when he humbly would not speak her name.

"Oh please Ayunav. It would be such an honor if you were to know me by my name. I exist because of you and your kind. It is I who should be so humble." She bowed her head toward the vulture, "I am honored to be in your presence. I swear to you and your kind I am here to stay."

Jaddis's comment had Aketch smile, "It is I who should be so humble father."

There was a small pause.

"I was sure I had been forgotten. Everything was so cold and dark. I was sure..." She shook her head.  
PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 6:37 am
Jaddis rose to his paws and move towards the female, the effort of movement seemed pained but he was used to the ache caused by moving. This movement was worth the effort though as he closed in to his child and pulled her in to an embrace. “Welcome home child.” He whispered his voice cracked and for once this was not because of the pain in his chest but because of happiness.

“We are travelling, this bird and I, will you spend some time with us?” The thin god released the female and settled himself on to his haunches. It had been a long, long time since he felt this happy. It was a very welcome feeling.

The vulture clicked his back, he was still a little taken aback. He had no idea that the goddess who meant so much to every scavenger in the land was his companions daughter. “The goddess will come with us?” He croaked his voice cracking with surprise.

Jaddis chuckled glancing at the bird “If she wishes to Ayunav.”

Alpaca Chobi

Syrius Lionwing

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 11:20 am
Syrius Lionwing

The labored sounds of her fathers voice made the goddess feel a tinge of guilt about him having to put forth so much effort. But there was a little bit of sweetness to the way he talked and selfishly Aketch loved hearing her father talk.

Being offered a chance to travel some with her father and his companion and Aketch found her self a little speechless. It would make sense that her domain would follow closely after her father to help clean up the mess it some times caused but was she ready to settle down. This decision weighed heavy on her heart with her selfish needs of wanting to stretch her wings again and the selfish need of wanting to be close to her father.

She shook her head before she spoke a 'no' before she fully knew what it was that she was doing.

"I...I've been asleep for so long. I'm not ready to be a good travel companion just yet. There is so much I need to see for my self but I swear I'll come back and follow you one day. Not today though." It pained her so much to admit that but it was true. She needed to experience things for her self first.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 4:53 am
Alpaca Chobi

Jaddis watched his daughter as she went through doubts and questioned herself. He didn’t want her to feel guilty about exploring on her own. She had been asleep for a long time, she had been away for such a long stint and she was still so young, at least by his standards.

“You should enjoy the world daughter. Do not feel guilty.” he smiled briefly his lips pulling tight against the thread that held them shut. “If you need me, I will be here for you.” He approached the clawed lioness, slowly, his bones creaking as he did so, he reached forward and wrapped his head around her shoulders embracing her for a moment before pulling away. “You can find your own place in the world child. If you ever feel like travelling aimlessly, come back to us, we will be waiting.” He chuckled his frame moving uncomfortably.

Ayunav flapped his wings, if a bird could pout, he would have done it. There was an attraction to the goddess, she was his goddess, the goddess of all true scavengers. The vultures. He would tell anyone who would listen that she was here,s he as back, he had met her. The goddess. He listened to the sickly looking god he travelled with though and huffed, flapping to the elder gods back he perched there. Maybe she would return within his life time. He hoped so.

The skinny god nodded to his daughter. “We should be on our way Aketch.” He took a long rattling breath, his brow furrowed sadly. She wouldn’t be coming but he knew he would see her again. “Be safe my child.” He breathed taking a slow, steady step away from her, returning to his ambling, returning to his calling, there was always a famine some where.

Syrius Lionwing

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 9:03 pm
Syrius Lionwing
FIN <3

There was a sinking in Aketch's heart as she couldn't help but wonder if her decision was the correct one now that her father was on his way with his charming vulture companion. She sat there and tilted her head allowing the reality and weight of her decision to crash over her.

This was the right move but she would miss her father.

"Fair well father..." She stretched her own wings and allowed them to fold back beside her back as she watched the two go off.  
[IC] Rogue Lands

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