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now that their duel was finished and he had proven himself worthy enough to sir kids with her, she wanted to double check that he would have no regrets with the possibility that he would have cubs that he would never get to know. not only that he would never know if their one night stand would actually end up with cubs at all. there was always that chance that this one night stand would end up with no cubs happening. " I want to make sure that you are really ok with this Bone Marrow." she couldn't help but want to make sure that he was going to be 100 percent ok with their deal and that he understood completely. it really would make her feel better about their deal to make sure he had no regrets with this.

Bone Marrow was amused that she seemed so concerned with his feels and that he understood the deal. which he felt he knew exactly what he was doing and had no problems with it. though he was sure his friends and family would have a thing or two to say if they found out about what he decided as an adult to do. but in the end their opinions on what he decided to do were of no concern of his. "you realize your giving me a chance to walk away from this deal." laughing, he shook his head with amusement and flashed a grin at her. " if you want this deal to happen so bad you really shouldn't give the other a chance to back out." he really felt her slightly foolish for giving him a chance to back out of their deal.

"yeah well I like feeling like I didn't push something upon another." she rolled her eyes at him and a small part of her did wish he was part of the pride as she was finding him rather interesting in the short time she had gotten to know him. " I just like making sure the both of us are good with this deal and have no regrets late." though she was more concerned with him than her, even though she really should of put more deep thought into this herself. also she felt that anyone else probably wouldn't have given him another chance to back out but she didn't want to feel like she pushed him into this or trapped him into it. but that was because she wanted this to be a mutual agreement that they both were ok with and not something one or the other got manipulated.

"don't worry your pretty head about my feels. I know exactly what I am agreeing too." at lest he felt he understood and knew what he was agreeing too. to him it was an easy agreement between to adults to have a one night stand that might end up with cubs that she wanted to raise by herself in her pride. he was completely fine with a one night stand that held no strings attached to him what so ever. " I think its you more so than I that should be more than ok with this agreement. after all you said you plan to raise whatever cubs that might come from out agreement in your pride alone with your family." at lest to him it seemed she had more to be concerned about than he did. after all he was getting a one night stand with no strings attached while she pretty much get to deal with anything that happened afterwards.

"that might be true but I have already accepted the fact that I would be raising them alone with my family." though she knew there would be some problems to work out sine there probably would be some disproval of he actions but she was preparing for that. " but you realize that you will never know if I do end up with cubs and if I do that you will never know them ever." it was clear it baffled her that a male could be so quick to be ok with this kind of agreement but then again she came from a tightknit family unit. sighing, she really felt she was being a little weird about this but it didn't seem to bother bone marrow.

"that is very true and I can tell you right now that I have no regrets with this decision to help you bare cubs. for most males unless they truly want a family or came from a tightknit family group, they are more than ok with one night stands with no strings attached. " he couldn't help but be amused with her but if this gave her piece of mind to double check than so be it. "ether way if it gives you piece of mind knowing I will have no regrets then so be it. trust me when I say I will have none." though he knew it would be hard for her to trust him when she knew very little about him.

"well I guess even though I don't ever trust someone I hardly know, I am forced into trusting your words." Houri shook her head and then gave him a light smack across the head. "I suppose my concerns are no more. but do make sure you don't try to follow me home like a little lost cub." grinning she knew he wouldn't even try it. at lest from what she knew she felt he wasn't the type to be that kind of male to follow after a female like a little weakling.

"glad we can get this out of the way." he took a swat at her for the smack across the head and gave a huff. "don't you worry, you are very attractive but I couldn't degrade myself but doing that." Bone Marrow had no intentions of ruining their agreement by being a fool. he had some pride in himself so he would never allow himself to act like that no matter how might he might be attracted to her. "though I might have to worry about you following me instead." smirking he knew she would never do that since it seemed she was loyal to her family and pride.