A fine day for a Viking, if he did say so himself! Cinàed was out and about as usual, eager to spread his wings and find some more interesting things to bring home. So far he had already 'captured' himself a Thrall, even if it had been more of a spoken capture than a real battle. No matter, he was sure he'd get into a good fight sooner or later and put his skills to the test!

A heavy scent on the wind made him pause as he stood atop a small hill, overlooking a vast fertile land. This was the edge of a pride, he could tell, but which one? He hadn't come this far before and although he was with a Viking group, he had wandered far from them today and he knew he'd be alone. Hopefully it wasn't a hostile pride...although he was sure he could take on a lion or two on his own, he didn't want a whole hoard of them spilling out.

His spot was a pretty bad one, but he didn't realize this. Kweli, on the other hand, did. The red lion peered at the strange male standing just outside the edge of the pride, sheltered by the trees from his view. They just had a visit from the Mwezi, but this lion certainly didn't look like one of them. He'd have to chase him off, it seemed, before he got any ideas.

"Be gone," he said in a loud, clear voice as he emerged from the trees. "Or I shall have to force you away."

The voice startled Cinàed and he looked around for the source before the red lion emerged from the small group of trees. His eyes widened at the marking on his shoulder and rather than heed the words of the lion, he decided that he wanted that pelt for his den. What better way to decorate the den of a dragon than with dragons?

"Oh, friend, I think I'll have to stay," he said with a wide grin, his markings making it look a bit deranged. "At least until that pretty pelt of yours is mine."

Kweli's brows raised at that. The poised lion had never been called pretty before, let alone by a random rogue male, but he knew he'd be getting into a bit of a scrap with this guy. He rolled his shoulders to loosen up but kept his head high, lips curling back into a bit of a snarl.

"You are a fool to stay," he said in an even voice as Cinàed made his way down the hill at a confident trot. "With one roar a wave of lions will be upon us and you will be killed."

"Ha! There's no one around," Cinàed said as he continued to approach, confidence spurring him on. "I'd be interested to see this 'wave'. Come now, less talk, more dying!" He charged forward at that with a powerful roar, one that surprise Kweli enough to freeze him to the spot for just a moment. It was enough for Cinàed to dash in with a paw extended, raking Kweli's shoulder with his claws.

The pain shook Kweli into action, his training and poise coming in handy. Rather than reacting and running. he turned to pounce on the male now that he was off-balance on only three paws. Cinàed fell to the ground on his side, startled by the counter attack, and flailed his limbs to try to roll away. Kweli had him pinned pretty well, though, and he let his claws dig into his hide, blood pooling from the marks.

The pain made Cinàed roar and squirm harder, this time adrenaline fueled his strength enough to roll away. The movement left long gouges along his sides and both lions got to their paws bleeding, golden eyes trained on each other. Cinàed, not to be bested, snarled and charged forward again, bloody paws reaching out as he pounced. Kweli, once again relying on his training, ducked and met Cinàed halfway through the pounce, using the lion's own momentum to shove up and send him tumbling away. Before Cinàed could recover, though, Kweli was there, slashing at his unprotected stomach.

Cinàed felt claws rake along his underbelly and he rolled away quickly, gasping softly as he felt blood pool in the wounds. That wasn't good. This lion was more skilled than he looked. He needed to get back to his group and quickly unless he wanted to be the dragon pelt decorating his opponent's den.

"Fine," he spat, backing away as Kweli moved forward slowly. "I'll go."

"Then run," Kweli said, his voice still calm despite breathing heavier and bearing his teeth. He wasn't about to let some random lion trespass on their lands and threaten to skin him! He gave a little roar of his own and darted forward, sending Cinàed running back the way he had come. Kweli gave chase for a little bit before letting the other injured lion retreat in peace, but he stood atop the hill that Cinàed had once been on, tail raised and head high in defiance and pride. He watched Cinàed go, and once the Reaver was a safe distance, he turned to head back down the hill towards the pride. His shoulder stung but the blood blended well with his coat, leaving him as though he hadn't been touched at all. He'd still need to see the healers, just in case, of course.

Cinàed panted heavily and stopped to inspect his wounds, taking some time to lick them clean so they wouldn't get infected. That dragon had been a worthy opponent, to be sure, but he still felt as though he should have bested him. Grumbling to himself he got back to his feet and began limping in the direction of his Viking group. That had definitely not been worth it...although perhaps he'd scar up a little from the battle. Scars were always worthy prizes to obtain on a Viking! He'd just have to come up with a better story than one lion kicking his butt. Two lions! No, four! No, the wave that the red lion had promised him! Yessss...barely escaping, taking out three or four as he went, and living to tell the tale. Now THAT was one Geist would love!

WC: A fine day for a Viking, if he did say so himself! Cinàed was out and about as usual, eager to spread his wings and find some more interesting things to bring home. So far he had already 'captured' himself a Thrall, even if it had been more of a spoken capture than a real battle. No matter, he was sure he'd get into a good fight sooner or later and put his skills to the test!

A heavy scent on the wind made him pause as he stood atop a small hill, overlooking a vast fertile land. This was the edge of a pride, he could tell, but which one? He hadn't come this far before and although he was with a Viking group, he had wandered far from them today and he knew he'd be alone. Hopefully it wasn't a hostile pride...although he was sure he could take on a lion or two on his own, he didn't want a whole hoard of them spilling out.

His spot was a pretty bad one, but he didn't realize this. Kweli, on the other hand, did. The red lion peered at the strange male standing just outside the edge of the pride, sheltered by the trees from his view. They just had a visit from the Mwezi, but this lion certainly didn't look like one of them. He'd have to chase him off, it seemed, before he got any ideas.

"Be gone," he said in a loud, clear voice as he emerged from the trees. "Or I shall have to force you away."

The voice startled Cinàed and he looked around for the source before the red lion emerged from the small group of trees. His eyes widened at the marking on his shoulder and rather than heed the words of the lion, he decided that he wanted that pelt for his den. What better way to decorate the den of a dragon than with dragons?

"Oh, friend, I think I'll have to stay," he said with a wide grin, his markings making it look a bit deranged. "At least until that pretty pelt of yours is mine."

Kweli's brows raised at that. The poised lion had never been called pretty before, let alone by a random rogue male, but he knew he'd be getting into a bit of a scrap with this guy. He rolled his shoulders to loosen up but kept his head high, lips curling back into a bit of a snarl.

"You are a fool to stay," he said in an even voice as Cinàed made his way down the hill at a confident trot. "With one roar a wave of lions will be upon us and you will be killed."

"Ha! There's no one around," Cinàed said as he continued to approach, confidence spurring him on. "I'd be interested to see this 'wave'. Come now, less talk, more dying!" He charged forward at that with a powerful roar, one that surprise Kweli enough to freeze him to the spot for just a moment. It was enough for Cinàed to dash in with a paw extended, raking Kweli's shoulder with his claws.

The pain shook Kweli into action, his training and poise coming in handy. Rather than reacting and running. he turned to pounce on the male now that he was off-balance on only three paws. Cinàed fell to the ground on his side, startled by the counter attack, and flailed his limbs to try to roll away. Kweli had him pinned pretty well, though, and he let his claws dig into his hide, blood pooling from the marks.

The pain made Cinàed roar and squirm harder, this time adrenaline fueled his strength enough to roll away. The movement left long gouges along his sides and both lions got to their paws bleeding, golden eyes trained on each other. Cinàed, not to be bested, snarled and charged forward again, bloody paws reaching out as he pounced. Kweli, once again relying on his training, ducked and met Cinàed halfway through the pounce, using the lion's own momentum to shove up and send him tumbling away. Before Cinàed could recover, though, Kweli was there, slashing at his unprotected stomach.

Cinàed felt claws rake along his underbelly and he rolled away quickly, gasping softly as he felt blood pool in the wounds. That wasn't good. This lion was more skilled than he looked. He needed to get back to his group and quickly unless he wanted to be the dragon pelt decorating his opponent's den.

"Fine," he spat, backing away as Kweli moved forward slowly. "I'll go."

"Then run," Kweli said, his voice still calm despite breathing heavier and bearing his teeth. He wasn't about to let some random lion trespass on their lands and threaten to skin him! He gave a little roar of his own and darted forward, sending Cinàed running back the way he had come. Kweli gave chase for a little bit before letting the other injured lion retreat in peace, but he stood atop the hill that Cinàed had once been on, tail raised and head high in defiance and pride. He watched Cinàed go, and once the Reaver was a safe distance, he turned to head back down the hill towards the pride. His shoulder stung but the blood blended well with his coat, leaving him as though he hadn't been touched at all. He'd still need to see the healers, just in case, of course.

Cinàed panted heavily and stopped to inspect his wounds, taking some time to lick them clean so they wouldn't get infected. That dragon had been a worthy opponent, to be sure, but he still felt as though he should have bested him. Grumbling to himself he got back to his feet and began limping in the direction of his Viking group. That had definitely not been worth it...although perhaps he'd scar up a little from the battle. Scars were always worthy prizes to obtain on a Viking! He'd just have to come up with a better story than one lion kicking his butt. Two lions! No, four! No, the wave that the red lion had promised him! Yessss...barely escaping, taking out three or four as he went, and living to tell the tale. Now THAT was one Geist would love!

WC: A fine day for a Viking, if he did say so himself! Cinàed was out and about as usual, eager to spread his wings and find some more interesting things to bring home. So far he had already 'captured' himself a Thrall, even if it had been more of a spoken capture than a real battle. No matter, he was sure he'd get into a good fight sooner or later and put his skills to the test!

A heavy scent on the wind made him pause as he stood atop a small hill, overlooking a vast fertile land. This was the edge of a pride, he could tell, but which one? He hadn't come this far before and although he was with a Viking group, he had wandered far from them today and he knew he'd be alone. Hopefully it wasn't a hostile pride...although he was sure he could take on a lion or two on his own, he didn't want a whole hoard of them spilling out.

His spot was a pretty bad one, but he didn't realize this. Kweli, on the other hand, did. The red lion peered at the strange male standing just outside the edge of the pride, sheltered by the trees from his view. They just had a visit from the Mwezi, but this lion certainly didn't look like one of them. He'd have to chase him off, it seemed, before he got any ideas.

"Be gone," he said in a loud, clear voice as he emerged from the trees. "Or I shall have to force you away."

The voice startled Cinàed and he looked around for the source before the red lion emerged from the small group of trees. His eyes widened at the marking on his shoulder and rather than heed the words of the lion, he decided that he wanted that pelt for his den. What better way to decorate the den of a dragon than with dragons?

"Oh, friend, I think I'll have to stay," he said with a wide grin, his markings making it look a bit deranged. "At least until that pretty pelt of yours is mine."

Kweli's brows raised at that. The poised lion had never been called pretty before, let alone by a random rogue male, but he knew he'd be getting into a bit of a scrap with this guy. He rolled his shoulders to loosen up but kept his head high, lips curling back into a bit of a snarl.

"You are a fool to stay," he said in an even voice as Cinàed made his way down the hill at a confident trot. "With one roar a wave of lions will be upon us and you will be killed."

"Ha! There's no one around," Cinàed said as he continued to approach, confidence spurring him on. "I'd be interested to see this 'wave'. Come now, less talk, more dying!" He charged forward at that with a powerful roar, one that surprise Kweli enough to freeze him to the spot for just a moment. It was enough for Cinàed to dash in with a paw extended, raking Kweli's shoulder with his claws.

The pain shook Kweli into action, his training and poise coming in handy. Rather than reacting and running. he turned to pounce on the male now that he was off-balance on only three paws. Cinàed fell to the ground on his side, startled by the counter attack, and flailed his limbs to try to roll away. Kweli had him pinned pretty well, though, and he let his claws dig into his hide, blood pooling from the marks.

The pain made Cinàed roar and squirm harder, this time adrenaline fueled his strength enough to roll away. The movement left long gouges along his sides and both lions got to their paws bleeding, golden eyes trained on each other. Cinàed, not to be bested, snarled and charged forward again, bloody paws reaching out as he pounced. Kweli, once again relying on his training, ducked and met Cinàed halfway through the pounce, using the lion's own momentum to shove up and send him tumbling away. Before Cinàed could recover, though, Kweli was there, slashing at his unprotected stomach.

Cinàed felt claws rake along his underbelly and he rolled away quickly, gasping softly as he felt blood pool in the wounds. That wasn't good. This lion was more skilled than he looked. He needed to get back to his group and quickly unless he wanted to be the dragon pelt decorating his opponent's den.

"Fine," he spat, backing away as Kweli moved forward slowly. "I'll go."

"Then run," Kweli said, his voice still calm despite breathing heavier and bearing his teeth. He wasn't about to let some random lion trespass on their lands and threaten to skin him! He gave a little roar of his own and darted forward, sending Cinàed running back the way he had come. Kweli gave chase for a little bit before letting the other injured lion retreat in peace, but he stood atop the hill that Cinàed had once been on, tail raised and head high in defiance and pride. He watched Cinàed go, and once the Reaver was a safe distance, he turned to head back down the hill towards the pride. His shoulder stung but the blood blended well with his coat, leaving him as though he hadn't been touched at all. He'd still need to see the healers, just in case, of course.

Cinàed panted heavily and stopped to inspect his wounds, taking some time to lick them clean so they wouldn't get infected. That dragon had been a worthy opponent, to be sure, but he still felt as though he should have bested him. Grumbling to himself he got back to his feet and began limping in the direction of his Viking group. That had definitely not been worth it...although perhaps he'd scar up a little from the battle. Scars were always worthy prizes to obtain on a Viking! He'd just have to come up with a better story than one lion kicking his butt. Two lions! No, four! No, the wave that the red lion had promised him! Yessss...barely escaping, taking out three or four as he went, and living to tell the tale. Now THAT was one Geist would love!

WC: 1053