Njord had his daughter Bris with him while Valka sat a little distance away. They had been aware for some time that they had a half sister within the pride and had decided to meet up with her. Bris was currently practicing her pouncing skills on her fathers tail, her little paws darting quickly to tap it and grab it as she gnawed on it gently. She didn't want to hurt him after-all. Grimacing a little bit as her tiny teeth dug into his tail regardless he allowed the young female to do what she wanted. Growing bored of her fathers tail she decided it would be best to stalk her favorite Aunt.

Crouching low to the ground she slunk towards her Aunt, her tail whipping wildly behind her as she crept closer to her, pupils large as she watched the large female. She had always admired the dark female with orange wings and looked up to her almost as much as she looked up to her mother. Watching as her Aunt's tail slid across the ground like a snake slithering in the grass she slowly inched closer and closer until she finally pounced, catching the tail in her paws, a look of triumph on her face.

Njord watched his daughter with pride and couldn't help but wait as he looked on to see what she might do and how Valka might respond. Bris was a brilliant girl with a sharp mind and he couldn't be more proud. He was proud of all his children, not just her, she just had something about her and he wanted nothing but the best for her. That was all he wanted for any of his kids, Gods let them have at least that in their lives. He would die a happy lion if that was the only thing that they had going for them.

Valka turned her head ever so slightly to gaze upon the small female as she pounced upon her tail. A smirk spread across her features and she jerked her tail a little bit so that the cub swatted at it in an attempt to calm it. She watched as Bris's eyes got larger and she clung to the limb as if her life depended on it and she couldn't help but laugh. Standing up she reached over and pulled the cub close to her and rubbed the top of her head, disrupting the fur in an unruly sort of way. Bris gave a small grumble and attempted to get away from her Aunt when she was suddenly bombarded by the fur disheveling. "Auntie Vaaaaalkaaaaaaa!" She squirmed against the larger females grasp, "You're making my fur look all yucky. I don't want to look like a heathen for when my other Auntie arrives." She finally squirmed her way out of her aunt's grasp and reassessed her looks to make sure her fur was all in the right place. She wasn't completely obsessed with her appearances but she also didn't want to look like a bum. She was proud of who she was.

Looking over at his daughter her smiled as she groomed herself and he got up and gave a good stretch. Bris darted over towards him with an excited look upon her face. "I think she's coming!" She could spot the tan female approaching, she had familiar markings upon her belly. Other than that she wouldn't think they were related, but it seemed to her that everyone with similar markings was related in this place. Which wasn't a bad thing, it just meant she had a lot more family than she could have ever thought. She was quite pleased with that spot of knowledge.

Risa had left Umo not too long before given she had talked to her mother about meeting some of her extended family. Not that she had really known too much about them, just that they all had familiar markings. It hadn't been hard to figure out who they were so she had arranged to meet a couple of them. She wasn't entirely sure how she felt about them all, she was rather indifferent given they hadn't met when they were all cubs. She wasn't much younger than her half siblings, but still. They were estranged so it was possible they wouldn't even connect, that's what this meeting was about really. To see how things might go.

She looked upon the two adults and the youngster that was with them and smiled, this wasn't going to go as awkwardly as she would have thought. She had left Umo in a bit of a hurry and knew the male would be fine. While she liked teasing him she knew he was just a means to an end and she knew that end would happen sooner or later so she probably shouldn't draw it out any longer.

Valka stood up as the female got closer and Bris leaned against her fathers leg. "You're Risa?" Valka asked, flicking her tail behind her. "I am, though I'm not familiar with your names." She wasn't as in the loop apparently. "I'm Brisingr!" The cub spoke up with a wide grin and Njord chuckled. "I'm Njord, her father and-" Valka cut him off, "And I'm Valka." She was pleased to see there was more family, even if it was half siblings. She had met their father while out a couple of times so she was able to at least tell the others about him. "I'm glad we're finally able to meet." Risa added as she finally got a good look at them. You could see the resemblances but if you met them all separate you might not put it together.

"Perhaps we can all walk and get to know each other better?" Njord offered given staying in one spot might make everyone antsy. "I think that sounds like a good plan." Risa agreed," and bris seemed to really like that. "Yes, I can show you some of my favorite spots!" She chimed in. Valka nodded and the group began their walk to get to know each other more.