Kati was miserable in the Myrsky Syntynyt. Her master was an absolute idiot, and she was tired of being stuck under his thumb. He wasn't even really all that good at being a 'master', Kati decided. Kristanf was like a child with something new to play with. Once she wore out her use, she was sure he'd just find something new to play with it. Even after trying to escape him once, he didn't seem to catch onto the hint that she wanted nothing to do with him.

The idiot was off somewhere, and Kati took the opportunity to escape from his den. She had been confined there for too long, and had suffered enough 'hussy' comments from other females to last a lifetime. The little lioness needed to stretch her legs. It was easy to tell Kati was a thrall. The lioness was very small, delicate in appearance. Her coastal upbringing had an effect on her size, making her smaller than most other lions. There were even leopards that were larger than her.

She had no idea where to go within the pride, but she knew that one thing was for certain... she could not escape. Kati also needed to make sure that she got back before Kristanf realized she was gone, which would probably be a while. He hardly noticed when she was there except for when he wanted her for something. Maybe he went on a viking, and would be gone for a long while. It'd give Kati time to settle into the pride and come to terms with her predictament.

The lioness came to a stop under a tree, pouting at the ground. Her vibrant markings stood out against the cold rainy background. If Kristanf ever actually lost her, she'd be easy to find.

Ciro was...actually happy. Finding out his toy from the Rogueland rendezvous was in the pride meant he could up and leave his den at any time. He knew the game he had with Njia would end one day, but right now that lioness was so wound up around his paw he would use it to the most of his advantage.

He decided he wouldn't visit the row of dens to decipher which one belonged to her. He may be lusty, but he was not a stalker. No, he'd stay away from his prize, and let her come to him. He had told her where he lived, and it was only a matter of time before she made her way into his own bed.

Instead, Ciro was being a good pride member, listening for the calls of any challengers. He hated the duels. Most lions did not know what they were getting themselves into, and it was Ciro's job to run them off when they could not prove their worth. Some were able to, but others the lion found should not have even attempted the fight. They weren't ready or they weren't destined to be part of the pride. It was repetitive, quite a bore, actually.

While he scanned the area, his sight fell on a pretty little lioness pouting under a tree. A smirk befell his lips as he stalked over to her. Small in stature, no muscle tone really. A thrall most likely.

"That face does not suit a pretty little lady like yourself," Ciro said, flashing a bright smile towards the other. "Why the glum face there?"

Kati looked up from the ground to see a dark lion approaching her with a smile. His pelt was only a shade lighter than her own, but it wasn't displeasing. She hadn't been born in a pride where lack of color was a restriction. The little lioness straightened up, showing off a belly of oceanic blues and greens. Her eyes were a gentle orange, her tail tuft and little bit of hair-fluff a bright yellow. She looked like a creature that ought to be happy, but she definitely was not. She had the worst reaver in the entire pride to call as a master.

This was the first time she had spoken to a male that wasn't Kristanf, and she wasn't sure how to exactly... talk to him. She was sure every male wasn't like Kristanf, but she didn't exactly meet many males to compare her owner with. For a few silent moments, she observed him, unusually wary for a creature normally so carefree. There was a time in her life when she was free-spirited, and free-loving. That time had been stolen from her.

"I... don't like the lion who captured me," she admitted, her ears pressed back to the flat of her head. She expected to be scolded, it was what any lion in the pride would do to her if they heard her badmouth her master. "He's not very smart, and I would have gotten away if he didn't have help. That, and he's a liar. I suppose I could forgive all of that, but he really is dumb." That was a lie itself. She wasn't sure she could forgive a fool like Kristanf for ruining her carefree life.

"Not that I... mean to unload on you or anything. I just haven't gotten to talk to anyone lately, really." Kati paused, waiting for the scolding that she knew would be coming.

"Ah, I see," Ciro frowned a little bit. "Sadly sometimes you can't pick who er...captures you?" God that statement sounded weird. "I mean, I'm sure if you annoy him enough he could always try pawning you off somewhere else, but that's a bad risk I'm not sure I would advise many to take." The reaver shrugged. "Depending on who he is, it just may make him angry?" See, this was why he didn't take thralls. He'd probably have so much back talk about him to other thralls or reavers that he would be known ALL over the pride.

"Really dumb you say? Sounds like some lions I know in the pride." He chuckled, shaking his head.

"You're fine. I hate to see someone upset." He took a step towards Kati. "What's your name darling, and who is this master of yours?" He questioned, sitting down just before the smaller lioness, watching her. Whoever he was definitely needed to work with her some more. A thrall that was such an open book at this girl was could be quite the trouble.

"I am not sure if it would be worse to stay with him, or worse to try and have him drive me out." Kristanf had turned immediately into a different lion when Kati gave him too much trouble. She didn't want to deal with the male who had threatened to remove her tail from her body. Kati had a very pretty tail - she would miss it. The little lioness frowned and dug into the ground with her claws, lamenting silently over her position in life. "I don't know. I was taught to try and see the brighter side of life, but I don't see anything at all with him."

Her gaze was a little wary as Ciro stepped up to her, but she didn't back away from him. Perhaps there was still a bit of her optimistic attitude locked within her. She wanted to have someone to trust, but knew that there really was no one she could trust within the pride. "My name is Kati." It was an easy answer to give, and the lioness perked up just a little bit.

"His name is Kristanf. He's young, pretty dumb. I don't know where he is now, I think he gets bored a little easily." Kati did make a point of trying to be boring for him. She had hoped for a time that it would get him to leave her alone.


Ciro barked out laughing. So, that little tyke managed to get the thrall his always wanted to have. Oh, this was rich. "I know exactly who that lion is. I agree with you, he's quite dumb. Offer him food and he will probably leave you alone." Ciro grinned. "Or help him find another thrall. You're right, Kris is quite young. He likes shiny new toys so to speak. Once he finds one, he will probably release you to the thrall's den for others to claim." The reaver knew the young charge too well. He was not responsible, and could see him going through thralls as if they were just another meal.

"Kati, though, that's a lovely name," he turned back to her. "Seeing the bright side of life is definitely a good lesson to keep with you." If only he could teach that to his own thrall. "Not everyone in this pride is like Kristanf. When he gets older I'm sure he will mellow out. He's really just a kid still playing in the sandbox." He snorted. That boy needed a lot more life lessons to be thrown at him.

"But enough about him. Tell me about yourself, Kati."

Kati arched a brow, wondering just what was so funny about Kristanf having captured her. It was decided that he found it so funny because he knew the lion personally. At least, someone would understand where it was she was coming from. The lioness listened to his advice, eyes focused raptly on him. If any of what he said worked, it seemed like Kati could be rid of Kristanf easily enough. If she somehow got him another thrall to focus on, then maybe she would fall to the back of his mind. She could disappear from his life, and have general freedom from him.

That was something to hope for.

"Thank you," she answered sweetly. How nice it was to have someone pleasant to talk to. Ciro was turning out to be a much more pleasant lion than her own master. She even bet that he wouldn't go back on a promise if she made one with him. "I am trying, it's just hard when I have to deal with Kristanf every day. I keep hoping he'll change, but he really just drives me so crazy all the time."

She paused, turning her curious gaze onto Ciro. It was surprising that he was interested in her, but she was happy for the companionship. "I grew up in the Kizingo'zaa. Once upon the time, the land used to talk to us. The ocean, the trees, the sand, even a shell. We all had muses, someone to talk to, confide in. Mine was... wonderful, always with me, always whispering soft reassurances and questions of the world." The smile from her face disappeared, "But then they disappeared. All the sudden, all of them were gone, not just for me, but for everyone. We lost them, and I couldn't... deal with that loss for a long time. So I ran from home. The silence sometimes still, to this day, bothers me." She was an open book, deeply honest. Kati had no idea why she went so far to tell these things to Ciro.

She just needed someone to talk to.

There was always a reason for Ciro doing or acting the way he did. He liked gathering information to use as a later time. It worked well when he confront Umochozi with some personal information regarding Njia's mother. What may seem like trivial information presented to him could always be used in the future when the time called for it.

"I don't think I have heard of the Kizingo'zaa before." He thought out loud, noting the name in his mind. If Kristanf could con a lioness from the pride to go with him, sure there had to be more that could fall for the same tricks. He couldn't help but blink as he stared with a confused expression on his features. "The land talked to you?" That didn't sound right. He frowned. Well, no one said all lions were sane?

"Ah, that...must've been hard for you. Losing the ability to speak to the land, your pride, all at once." He did not know the feeling. "And then to be captured on top of that, must make everything rough for you. Sorry to hear about it." He said, a small sigh emitting from his maw.

"Is there anything that I could do to perhaps make your time here a bit more comfortable. I can't take Kristanf away from you, sadly," he said, "but, I could perhaps offer a more...adult companionship when asked that would be better suited for you. More meaningful conversations and actions that you will probably never get with Kristanf."

"It's a small pride, but it was my home. I cherished it a great deal before it all went quiet." Kati was an easy lioness to pry information from. Even after having been betrayed and captured, she simply longed for someone to connect to. All she could hope for was that there was someone in the pride that she could be friends with. Anyone in her position just needed an outlet, another lion to speak to. "Well, not to me. Everyone had their own muse, their own special something that spoke to them and guided them through life." That seemed to be one thing she was unwilling to give up, her own muse.

Kati's brows furrowed, "It was stupid of me to be captured. I would have gotten away, but Kristanf got lucky and had some friends nearby who helped him." Kati was a quick little lioness, and she had given Kristanf exactly what he wanted. Despite doing that, he had still captured her, still stole her freedom away. It was perhaps stupid of her, too, to try and make a deal with him. But... it had been her best shot to get away. She didn't think she could be blamed for that.

The lioness tilted her head at Ciro, getting a good look of the male. Somehow she felt like she wasn't supposed to associate with other males, but quite frankly she didn't care. Kristanf was stupid enough to let her wander, so she'd do what she liked. "I would appreciate that," Kati answered brightly. "You're a breath of fresh air compared to Kristanf. I think I would like to talk to you more." Perhaps hanging out with a more mature lion was all that she needed to renew some happiness in her life.

Ciro was curious who was traveling with Kristanf on this latest viking. He'd have to meet up with the boy one day to find out some more answers. In the mean time, he continued to give his ear to Kati. Boy was she an open book.

"Yeah we kind of travel in groups, most don't realize it." Unless you could become a second in command to persuade the captain to let you go off on your own like Ciro normally did.

Rising to his feet, the lion flashed one of his trademark smirks to the female. "I probably should let you go. Not that I know Kristanf would do anything if he caught sight of us conversing. Don't stay out too long from him, you don't want a search party to be formed." If Kristanf was into his thrall as much as Ciro thought he was, it would probably happen. Good resources put to waste to find something that he should never have lost in the first place.

"Why thank you, I take that as a compliment." SEE. He could be kind. Granted, he was doing it more so to benefit himself, but still. KIND. "Let's make a plan to meet again, maybe in the next few nights with Kristanf is asleep. I can show you around, maybe get to know each other on a bit more personal level?"

"I won't," Kati promised Ciro with a bright smile. She stood up as well, dark tail swaying behind her. Kristanf would probably begin to question where she was now, but he also could be completely oblivious at times. Still... it was better not to risk such things. She knew when Kristanf would be sleeping, or even when he went out on a viking. There would be plenty of more opportunities to socialize with the dark male.

"That sounds wonderful. How will I know where to find you?" she asked him then, taking a half-step towards him. "Or better yet, I bet you know where to find me." With that question put to ease so simply, she had no reason to linger. Kristanf really would be looking for her soon, but at least she had something pleasant to think about now when she returned home.

"Good bye, then," she told him with a quick flash of a smile. The little lioness closed the gap between them, departing from Ciro after giving him a bold and overly friendly nuzzle. All the lioness needed, apparently, was someone to genuinely try to listen to her. She didn't have to know that his reasons and intentions weren't exactly pure.