Ciro had believed he made a terrible mistake. He should have left Ruka out to fend for herself, and when the others came during the capture, let them deal with her. If he hadn't been so insistent on trying to hook up with the female, his life would have been a little bit differently. Ciro growled, mad at himself more than anything. Even now, he agreed to have two cubs in his den. He couldn't care for children, so he was screwed, and they were screwed if Ruka did decide to leave the den.

All the thoughts were washed away when a familiar scent entered his nostril. Could that be...? His eyes seemed to light up a bit as a smirk was brought to his lips. Yes, it had to be. He could never forget that scent. So, she had made it through the dueling process and was a member of the pride? The reaver's eyes narrowed as he followed his nose, stalking until the view of his little vixen came into view.

Her back was to him. It made the perfect chance for a sneak attack. He moved quietly forward, his golden eyes scanned the area for her vulture companion before launching from the ground to tackle her.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Ciro said nuzzling into Njia's neck.

Njia was beginning to get her bearings of the pride, and seemed to be adapting quite well to the environment. Coming from a pride like the Aka'mleli, Njia had a certain amount of skills that would be useful to the pride. In time, she would make a fine reaver herself with Javik on her side. But, until then she was doing well to make acquaintances and familiarize herself with the pride's beliefs. Seeing thralls around was still a little unsettling, so for now Njia paid them no mind.

Javik had been gone for a few days, off on a mission to inform her mother about what she had chosen to do with her life. She couldn't abandon Elea completely, and to keep her mom from worrying she decided to tell her exactly where she had gone off and why. In time... Elea would understand. Apart from her family, Njia was thriving, and slowly becoming a strong and independent lioness.

There was potential for greatness there, she just wasn't ready to utilize it.

Which was evident in how easy it was for Ciro to sneak up on her. She was alone, making her way make towards her den when she was nearly scared right out of her own skin. A large force hit her from behind, knocking her off of her feet and causing her to land belly-first on the ground. Before a growl could leave her throat she felt a lion nuzzle into her neck. His scent filled her nostrils, distinct and sinful.

Relief followed the rush of adrenaline. She should tell him to bugger off, but she couldn't muster up the words. "Who do you think you are?" she challenged instead.

"Someone who has missed your company greatly," The lion said with a gruff whisper, nipping at her ear. He lifted himself from her form, still standing just before her. "Here I expected a little bit of a different reaction from you, but..." he purred slightly. "This would be a typical reaction from a storm born." Besides, he always loved a challenge from a pretty lady.

"I see you have made it into the pride, as a..." he paused, looking around. He didn't see any signs of a reaver or captain nearby to confirm his suspicions, "freeborn, nonetheless?" His smirk widened. Good, that meant he did not need to worry about stepping on any pride members toes if he were to have a little fun with Njia.

"How long have you been in the pride?" Maybe he should have thanked Ruka after all. If she hadn't made him upset, he wouldn't have left the den, and come across the dark pelted lioness. He'd have to thank her for that.

"No Javek around either? Tsk tsk. I was beginning to miss that bird too." The vulture probably would try to peck his eyes out for disrupting their 'perfect' life. Plus, he'd be a hindrance if Ciro wanted some action. Good thing he wasn't around.

She shivered at the feel of his teeth against her ear, and then quickly tried to shove that feeling away. Njia had thinks to do besides be wooed by the dark male, but for some reason he held a strong sway over her. He climbed off of her, and Njia rose to her feet, shaking herself to try and rid herself of not only the flood of endorphins, but the smell of him. It was always harder for her think with Ciro around. "You're lucky I remember what you smell like, or you would have gotten a swift smack," she told him with a curious frown.

"Yes, I won my challenge a while back. I've just been getting used to the pride in the meantime. I might try and go out on one of your... vikings soon. I'm just waiting for Javik to get back from a mission." She had seen what happened to lions who did not make it into the pride. The challenge was generally respected, but those that were too weak to ever pass all inevitably were captured and used as tools by the rest of the pride.

"I can tell you that he hardly missed you," Njia replied with a smirk. The bird had not taken to Ciro at all, and it only became worse the more time Njia spent with the male. She was sure it wasn't jealousy, but rather a need to be protective of her. But, she was a big girl and could take care of herself. She didn't need Javik parenting her life now that she had left behind her own mother.

"Did you just get back to the pride yourself?" she asked. It didn't really matter, but for some reason she just couldn't be satisfied with a quick meet-and-greet.

"Aww, you remember my scent. I'm flattered." His smirk widened, moving closer to the female. "Although, it would have been a smack I would have so willingly taken."

Ciro listened and nodded. "Find yourself a good Captain. One that will respect you, and then you will probably find yourself rising in ranks in no time." He advised. "I'd offer for you to join me, but...." they both probably would know how their viking outings would go if traveled together. Not that Ciro was really against that, but the Captain or the pride would not benefit from them traveling together in the slightest.

"Ah. Well, I didn't expect him to really. Let me guess, I took his little girl away from her family on an adventure he was not so willing to partake in?" He guessed. Come to think of it, Ciro had practically ruined that traveling party. He was sure Astrus probably led Umochozi away just as he had done with Njia.

Shaking his head, the lion spoke. "I have not. I've been on...pride duty." The way he said that made him sound as if he hated the job. (Which he did. He'd rather be out of the pride on a viking, than in it). "Gotta answer those challenges as they call, take care of the thralls now in my possession until they're trained." He made sure not to speak the gender, not wanting to ruin any kind of chances with Njia.

"Did you get a den placement yet?" He asked, looking around the small huddle of nearby locations. "These aren't too far from my own."

"You're about to get a smack," Njia answered dryly. She rose her paw, showing off perfect white claws. It was an empty threat - Njia was fairly certain that she wouldn't use those claws on him. Fairly.

"I'm not good enough to join your band?" she finished with an arch of her brow. It took her a few seconds too late to realize what it was that he was hinting at. Her cheeks flushed, and with an uncomfortable cough she glanced to the side. Yeah, maybe he was right about that. There wouldn't be much reaving done if her and Ciro were together. She had no idea what it was about the lion that drove her crazy, chased away her good senses and aroused things in her that had never surfaced before. He was a bad influence, but she had such trouble resisting him.

Njia shrugged her dark shoulders, and sat down, tail curling around her feet. "He was used to it just being me and him, I don't think he was ready for me to decide stuff on my own and do things that I alone wanted to do."

The lioness still wasn't ready to tackle the idea of a thrall. She had none of her own, but knew that many in the pride did. In time she could come around to the idea, but as of now she didn't even pursue that line of conversation. What Ciro kept in his posession was his decision alone to make, for whatever use he had of them. If she had been taken as a thrall herself, she would only hope to land in Ciro's paws. At least with him it would be fun. But, she was a freeborn, she could choose whomever she wanted and do as she pleased. More freedom was promised as a reaver, and so in time she would chase after that rank.
"Yeah, mine's just..." she paused, wondering if that was really what she wanted to do. It was, but she needed to break this sick addiction she had to Ciro. If she kept circling back for him, she could never move forward herself. The hesitation was clear in her expression, "nearby." The train of thought was finished belatedly. "They must have known how terrible we would be together if they placed me so close by."

Ciro could not help but snort at the hesitation in Njia's voice. "Just nearby? You don't want to show me around a little bit? Get reacquainted? It has been an...awfully long time since we have seen each other after all," he said, trying to persuade her a little bit. "We obviously won't make these little visits a habit," his voice lowered, "unless you want to that is."

He straightened up, knowing when to take a hint. "Probably. But that wouldn't stop us really," taking a step back, the lion was about to pivot on his paws, leaving the female to her own. "My den is just over the hill here. You are welcomed to visit it at any time." He didn't care if Ruka was present or those cubs. In his mind, the lioness did not want anything to do with him, so why should he for her.

"You will need to let me know when you go out on your first Viking. Make sure you have all the necessary things to take with you, traveling with the right group, all that stuff. Got it?" So far Njia had listened to his words, and here she was an actual member of the pride. If she continued to adhere to what he had to say, he had no doubt in his mind she would be the same rank as him in no time.

That was the entire problem. She wanted to get reacquainted with him, and she was beginning to realize just how impossible it was for her to resist him. Njia had never felt such a dark pull towards another, an irresistable draw. The black and violet lioness watched as Ciro began to turn away from her. If she resisted now, she'd be able to set a secure boundary between them. She had some self control, and she was completely on her own now, free to do as she pleased.

Njia started to let him turn away, and then her resolve suddenly crumbled at her feet. She stood up, strolling over to rub the length of her body against his'. It felt good to be near him now, the very source behind all the change in her life. Ciro was like a black hole, sucking her in, tearing her apart, and then spitting her out the other side only wanting more. "It probably wouldn't, so why fight it?" she finally admitted. "You should be the one to take me out on my first Viking, because as you said yourself, nothing will stop us anyways."

Her mother would be ashamed of her, but all of Njia's instincts pointed towards Ciro. So be it. "I don't think I should need much anyways, I just have to end up with the right group of lions, and it will be a success. Don't worry, I've got this. I always have." She was capable on her own, had made it into the pride by her own skill. He had not helped her with that, had only pointed her in the right direction. Everything that happened from that point on was her own doing.

"I'll make a deal with you. If I get my Captaincy by the time you are ready for your first Viking, then I will let you join my band for your first Viking. You can decide then if you wish to stay with me group, or find something else. " He offered, the feel of her body against his making his mind muddled.

There was a primal look in his eyes for Njia, one that only she could satiated right now. His paw reached up, a single claw unsheathed as it dragged lightly across her back, before making its way back to her face. He turned her chin towards him, so their eyes met, gold bearing into her own lightly colored orbs. "Now - Would you like to show me your den, unless we are still going to say it is nearby?" His paw released her chin, losing the fight to resist her anymore. "Or are you okay with having an audience?" The blasted smirked returned back to his maw, letting her know he was fine with either of the two options presented.

This was what made Ciro so dangerous. The moment he turned on his charms she was done for her. Her back arched under the slight draw of his claw, igniting the hot coals that had remained warm for him after their first union. When their gaze met, it was over. Her eyes glazed over with primal desire, dark and twisted but undeniable. She turned into him, rubbing her head underneath his chin, slowly passing under him. Her tail trailed behind her, tickling under his chin. It was a sight he probably enjoyed seeing, a female completely enraptured by him.

"Deal," Njia agreed to his prior terms belatedly. He already knew that she would. Now, the real question was if she would push back rising through the ranks until Ciro made Captain.

She tried to think, then. In the long run it was better if he didn't know where she laid down at night, otherwise she would never be rid of him, or want to be rid of him. An audience, on the other hand, was not exactly welcome... nor was it offputting. Was she that crazy for him that she didn't care who bore witness to her desire? She shook her head, trying to weaken the hold he had over her, but it seemed to only tighten like a vice grip. "An audience is no hindrance," she purred. He had her, no matter what obstacle laid out before them.