✪ Guild Open Source Format

Below is the coding for a post format which covers all of your basic posting and data tracking needs. Put together in a neatly coded format provided by Naomi Tenshu it covers things like basic data about your RPC, your activations used in a post, passives, and quotes. This code is open to modification and reuse open endedly. Additional credit goes to Rocket Punches and I Tortured Sleep I for providing some of the coding.. In the future more modules for specific add ons such as pets or demons may be added depending on demand. Until then, please enjoy the current version.

[size=9][color=black][b]✘[/b]║ CHAKRA[/color][color=white]x[/color] 0,000/ [color=black][b]0,000[/b][/color] [color=white]x[/color] [color=black][b]✘[/b]║ STAMINA[/color][color=white]x[/color] 0,000/ [color=black][b]0,000[/b][/color] [color=white]x[/color] [color=black][b]✘[/b]║ AC[/color][color=white]x[/color] 0,000 [color=white]x[/color] [color=black][b]✘[/b]║ RYO[/color][color=white]x[/color] 0,000
[color=black][b]✘[/b]║ [/color] VILLAGE[color=white]x[/color] [color=black][b]✘[/b]║ [/color] TITLE [color=white]x[/color] [color=black][b]✘[/b]║ [/color] X-RANK[color=white]x[/color] [color=black][b]✘[/b]║ [/color] CLASS ONE / CLASS TWO[color=white]x[/color][/size][color=white]xxxxx[/color][/align]

[align=center][size=9][url=http://insertprofilelink][ Profile Link ][/url][/size][/align]
[size=9]COMBAT DATA[/size]
✘ [b][i][color=black]Base D.R.[/color][/i][/b] ✘
+0 Strength || +0 Speed || +0 Reflex || +0 Fortitude
[list][size=11][color=black]✘║ Activations Used[/color][/size]
[list][size=9][b]Activation One [ Rank ] [/b]
[i]Activation Details[/i]
[b]Activation DR: [/b][ +0 Strength || + 0 Speed || +0 Reflex || +0 Fortitude ] ↵

[b]Activation Two [ Rank ] [/b]
[i]Activation Details[/i]
[b]Activation DR: [/b][ +0 Strength || + 0 Speed || +0 Reflex || +0 Fortitude ] ↵

[b]Activation Three [ Rank ] [/b]
[i]Activation Details[/i]
[b]Activation DR: [/b][ +0 Strength || + 0 Speed || +0 Reflex || +0 Fortitude ] ↵[/size][/list][/list]

[list][size=11][color=black]✘║ Ongoing Techniques[/color][/size]
[list][size=9][b]Active Tech One [ Rank ] [/b]
[i]Technique Details[/i]
[b]Activation DR: [/b][ +0 Strength || + 0 Speed || +0 Reflex || +0 Fortitude ] ↵

[b]Active Tech Two [ Rank ] [/b]
[i]Technique Details[/i]
[b]Activation DR: [/b][ +0 Strength || + 0 Speed || +0 Reflex || +0 Fortitude ] ↵

[b]Active Tech Three [ Rank ] [/b]
[i]Technique Details[/i]
[b]Activation DR: [/b][ +0 Strength || + 0 Speed || +0 Reflex || +0 Fortitude ] ↵[/size][/list][/list]

[list][size=11][color=black]✘║ Combat Passives[/color][/size]
[list][size=9][color=black]● [/color] Text Here
[color=black]● [/color] Text Here
[color=black]● [/color] Text Here
[color=black]● [/color] Text Here[/size][/list][/list]

[size=9]NON-COMBAT DATA[/size]
[list][size=11][color=black]✘║ Mission Information[/color][/size]
[list][size=9][b]Mission Title [ Rank ] [/b]
[i]Mission Details[/i]

[b]Mission Title [ Rank ] [/b]
[i]Mission Details[/i]

[b]Mission Title [ Rank ] [/b]
[i]Mission Details[/i][/size][/list][/list]

[list][size=11][color=black]✘║ Non-Combat Passives[/color][/size]
[list][size=9][color=black]● [/color] Text Here
[color=black]● [/color] Text Here
[color=black]● [/color] Text Here
[color=black]● [/color] Text Here[/size][/list][/list]

[list][size=11][color=black]✘║ Jutsu Learned[/color][/size]
[list][size=9][color=black]● [/color] Text Here
[color=black]● [/color] Text Here
[color=black]● [/color] Text Here
[color=black]● [/color] Text Here [/size][/list][/list] [/spoiler]

[list][size=11][color=black]✘║ OOC[/color][/size]
