A little bit of time had passed since the drunken Ruka escapade. Ciro found himself staying in the den more to keep the other company. But truth be told, he was itching to get back on a viking. However, he did not know how well Ruka would take it staying alone. (With Gwen recovered from her wing injured, she was in and out of the den more than Ciro had once been).

The male had thought of leaving Ruka with Astrid again, but with Astrus obviously protruding belly, he did not think that the best of ideas. Three females, one being pregnant, all in one area was a recipe for disaster.

It was almost as if the Gods were listening to him, when a Captain had approached him with a proposition. Apparently he had an unruly thrall with cubs of her own, and one way to break her was to take away the things she loved the most. Her cubs, were those precious items. He did not know why, but Ciro found himself agreeing to take two of the litter. He could always give them back if requested (or pawn them off elsewhere if Ruka did not want to care for them.)

He returned to the den after that meeting, spotting the white winged female. "I ---uh--- got a surprise for you?" He told her. Hell it was a surprise for him too. The cubs would be left under the large tree just outside the den area. Arwach had probably already left them there. "Want to come with me to see?"

Gwen shifted on her perch. She was getting ready to go out, when the words from the Captain caught her attention. She watched Ciro with interest. What did he get for his new thrall? She watched the two lions speak shortly, before the rose to leave. Where were they going?

A frown was hidden on her beak as she shuffled closer into her nest. She did not want to alert the lions around her that she was aware of their conversation.

It could appear as if Ruka had finally begun to adjust to her life as a thrall, but Ciro likely knew her well enough to realize it wasn't true. The solemn quiet that hung over was enough to hint at her unhappiness. She had absolutely no recollection of the night she spent with Ciro. The only thing she did remember was waking up to a slight pain in her head that wasn't attributed to an oncoming vision. It had gone away after a bit of time, with no vision to follow in its wake. Whether that was a blessing or a curse, she was not sure. She'd rather have something to show for her pain than nothing at all.

She helped around the den nowadays only because it gave her something to do. She made no friends, had never seemed to try. The lioness always hung close to Ciro's den for fear of what would happen to her if she strayed too far. Here was safer, even if she wasn't happy with her company. Her feelings for Ciro was mixed, after all, she had genuinely begun to like the lion before he had captured her. Once she had found him charming, but now those feelings were tainted by anger and regret.

There would never be a clear verdict with Ciro.

Ruka was curled up on her own set of furs, across the way from where Ciro himself slept. It seemed to be clear now that the only way Ciro would be able to enjoy Ruka's company was if she was intoxicated, but she hadn't dallied with the substances since her first pitiful venture into it. "I don't need your gifts, Ciro," she told the lion with a sigh. The two were at a standstill with one another. Ruka neither hated or enjoyed the lion's presence.
Sighing, she rose up onto her feet, and stretched her legs out in front of her. Even if she claimed to need nothing from him, her curiosity had been piqued. Quietly, she approached Ciro and slipped passed him. Once out of the den, she paused, waiting for the dark lion to lead her where ever it was that he wanted to go. It was a rare opportunity for her to get out of the den and not feel threatened.

"I know." He said quietly as the lioness passed him, taking advantage of the view before following after her.

"Part of me should have denied the request, but...I figured it would give you something to do when I am gone." Then again, she could always find someone stay with. (He felt Astrid was probably out of the question), and then his already cramped den wouldn't have the hustle and bustle of youth running around. Maybe I should start looking for something larger. Ciro thought to himself. He wasn't willing to give up Ruka, so she was here to stay. And the cubs? well, if Ruka enjoyed their company then they wouldn't go anywhere until they were older.

Ciro sighed. What a strange turn of events his life had taken.


When the lions had left the den, Gwen quickly flew after them, watching from the air. He beak clicked, letting the sound go hidden from the others, not wanting them to know she was following. She was intrigued what had managed to get the female out of the den so quickly.

Beady eyes watched a paw point in the direction of the hill. Gwen flew quickly to the site, to observe before the felines got there.

"It should...just be over the hill here, right by that tree," He assumed the cubs would be there. Seeing small movements underneath it confirmed his suspicions. Ciro turned to look at Ruka, watching her expression. "They...could have ended elsewhere," he said, watching her before back to the cubs. There were two cubs, rather large in size. One white, one dark. He couldn't tell from the distance of their genders, but he was sure they would find out shortly. "Apparently their mother was captured while pregnant and has not been very...friendly with the Captain. This was his punishment to her." Ciro did not like the idea, but it was not his decision of what others did with their thralls.

"I do not need anything to do while you are gone. I've kept myself plenty busy." There was only so much one could do when self-confined into a den. Ruka had the option to walk out and explore the pride, but she rarely did so. Ciro wasn't imprisoning her, and she imagined it would make the lion happy to have Ruka out of the den. She suspected the male had a few females he would enjoy filling it with while Ruka was gone.

Ruka stopped just before the tree, and froze. Her eyes landed on the shapes of two defenseless cubs and her heart broke. They were so small, hardly weaned from their mother. In the wild, they would have surely died. But, they weren't in the wild. They were within a pride, their mother was here, and the poor things had been cruelly snatched from her. Where her heart had shattered, those pieces were brought back together by a cold anger. Her head whipped to the side, her dark eyes reflecting a torrent of emotion.

"Who would rip a child from their mother? Why punish these babies?" The cruelty of this pride knew no bounds. While Ruka was aware that Ciro was not the one casting down punishment, she had no place else to direct her anger towards. Ciro had agreed to take the whelps, knowing that they were being separated from their mother.

It brought back memories. Her own mother had dumped her off within the Outlands when she wasn't even old enough to defend or take care of herself. She knew what it was like to grow up without a mother, and though their circumstances were different, they still rested upon that same sad note. Abandonment. "Ciro, how is this acceptable?" her voice was pleading. She couldn't understand the nature of this action. How did the poor mother feel now that her children were taken from her? If Ruka had cubs of her own, she would break from seeing them parted from her.

"I don't agree with the punishment." Ciro said quietly, stepping past Ruka to approach the youngsters. "But, I have no say of what others choose to do with their..." he wanted to say property. That was what thralls were to most. But he refrained, knowing the term would likely set Ruka off. "with their thralls..." He finalized.

"It's not. But once again, would you turn them away and have them end up elsewhere not knowing what their future could hold." Ciro asked. "If you do not wish to assist in taking care of them, I can surely let the Captain know. He would find someone else for them." Or he would leave them to fend for themselves. He did not know Arwach all too well, so what would actually happen to the cubs if Ciro did not take them in was a mystery.

"Our pride does not tolerate disobedience from thralls. Some...punishments can be harsher than others." He found himself staring at the female, turning his head to focus on the cubs. A little girl, and a little boy. This probably one of those harsher punishments, for both mother and child.

"Can you squirts talk?" Ciro asked the two. He obviously did not have the parent speech down.


The small female looked up with wide eyes. Where was their mom? Lilac eyes turned towards her brother. "Taradhipati. What do we do?" She asked quietly, watching the two adults move towards them. When the adult spoke, Lua felt herself shrinking into her brother, ears pinned back.


Gwen sighed. What in blazes did Ciro get himself into this time? Were those...were those children?! No, he could not be bringing children back to the den. Gwen would not allow it! She chirped angrily, glaring from the sky.

She wanted to dive bomb the lion, to tell him what an idiot he was. But she resisted. Maybe Ciro would do something differently than she thought? Hopefully?

"This shouldn't be allowed as punishment," Ruka reiterated with a pained sigh. There had to be limits set within the pride, but from what she had seen of the Stormborn there was none. They were a rowdy pride that took what they wanted and did as they pleased. Lives had been destroyed by them, lions killed, children torn away from their mothers. It was a savage pride. What kindness Ciro showed to her would never be enough to wash away the stain of the Stormborn's atrocities.

She looked back to the two younglings, and knew in that moment she could not turn them away. "I can't abandon them too," she answered softly. Ruka had no idea where the cubs would end up if she did not take them in, and so she had no choice. Their best chance at having a decent life was with her for now. Ruka was no mother - she had no cubs of her own, and where she came from the land had never been sprawling with offspring. She had no idea how to take care of them or raise them, but she would try.

As Ciro tried to talk to the cubs, Ruka rolled her eyes. He obviously had no experience as a parent either. "I hope you don't have cubs," she told him with a slight, disapproving frown. She raised a paw, pressing it against his chest to let him know to stay back. The cubs were scared and confused, the last thing they needed was an intimidating male talking down to them.

She approached the two, stopping just short of the tree, giving the cubs some space. "It's okay, little ones. Would you two like to get out of the cold?"

Radhi was a timid cub to begin with, but now with his mother and brothers gone he was even moreso. All he had left was Lua, and he was supposed to be the good big brother and protect her. He couldn't even do that. The cub cowered with his sister, burying his face into the comfort of her dark pelt. The two lions were speaking, but their words couldn't break through to him now. "Don't worry," he reassured his sister, trying to sound strong for her. "Mom'll come get us soon." That was a lie, but he wasn't ready to accept the truth yet.

Ciro snorted. As many females as he had been with, he was quite surprised he didn't have little mini-mes running around. At least, that he knew of. He had never really followed up with some of his rogue flings, so perhaps his bloodline had been extended out there. A shrug rolled off his shoulders at the comment.

"Fine, you try then," the reaver countered, taking a step away from the cubs to let Ruka attempt to speak with them. He watched the pair. They were huddled amongst themselves, but they seemed to be talking quietly amongst each other. He sat, listening and watching the interaction between his thrall and the cubs. Did this mean he would have more thralls?

...No, he would just have them be Ruka's thralls. Good.


"She will?" Lua asked, ears perking up. "Promise?" The female asked, watching the two. The male backed away slightly, and the female seemed to try speaking to them.

"I wanna get out of the cold Radhi...do we go with her?" Her voice was quiet, but loud enough to be carried so Ruka could hear her. To prove her point, she shivered a little. Maybe it was from nerves, or maybe it was from the outside elements. It was hard to tell.

"Can you take us back to mommy?" Lua asked.


Yes. Take them back to Mother Ciro. Please take them back! Gwen pleased in her mind, wanted to swoop closer to hear, but fear she would get caught. Then she would have questions to answer such as, why was she snooping in the first place. She didn't want to answer that just yet.

Ruka felt the weight of a frown tugging at the corners of her mouth. How sad. Most of the members of the pride gave no care towards thralls. She knew that most of them were viewed as mere posessions, and that she was lucky to some degree not to be treated as such. It surprised her that Ciro didn't follow in his comrade's footsteps. It was also a contradiction. He would treat her well and go against the pride's beliefs by allowing her to do and say as she pleased, but he would also not stand up against something as terrible as this.

"I can't, little ones. Your mother isn't allowed to have you right now, but I've agreed to watch over you two until she can again." There was no real way to explain to cubs so young that they had been stolen from their mother as punishment for her actions. They wouldn't understand. It would be the hardest on them, because they still had memories of her and were clearly loved and cared for. There was no mercy in this situation.

She tried to exercise patience and understanding, but she knew she'd need to get the little ones out of the cold soon and get them warmed up. They had no choice but to trust her, and yet she knew it was unlikely they would understand that much.


"Promise," Radhi assured his sister. Their mother had to come back for them - she wouldn't just let them be left alone like this. He looked up at the pale lioness, and realized just how uncertain he was of the stranger. He cowered down, trying to make himself look as small and invisible as possible. "Mom has to come back for us," he mumbled, trying to convince himself that she really would be there soon.

It was wet and cold, and Radhi didn't want to be out in the elements much longer. But, he didn't want to go home with some strange lioness that told them they couldn't see their mother. "I-I don't know, Lua. She won't take us back to mom."

Ciro shook his head. "I don't think this is going to work." he commented, shaking his head.


Before Gwen could see what Ciro was doing, she sighed. This wasn't going to end well. If she lingered, she would just be caught. She would ask questions later. With a heavy sigh, the female flew off, a flight feather falling from the sky, landing just off to the side of the huddled cubs. Any closer, and Ciro would recognize it.


"It's best to just take them now and then explain everything later. They are young, maybe they will even forget the situation at hand." He said quietly to Ruka, taking a small step towards the cubs, watching them shrink away. He huffed, not having the patience that the white thrall had.

Lua shook her head, tears piling at the corner of her eyes. "I wanna go home." she sniffed, snuggling next to Radhi. She swiped a paw at Ciro when he took a step forward, warning him not to come any closer.

"Oh for heaven's sake." The lion was now over the cubs, grabbing the female by her scruff. "Grab the other, let's go." Ciro said with his mouth full. His patience had run dry, and the cubs would not agree to go willingly by the looks of it.

The cub squealed as she was lifted. "Let me go! Radhi! Help me!"

"Ciro!" Ruka scolded the male. The last thing these cubs needed was to be further traumatized, which was something Ciro seemed set on doing. "They won't forget if you scare them half to death." She could have smacked the male for the way he was man-handling the young cubs. Ruka was still mindful of their setting, however, and knew if she did anything to Ciro she would likely have to pay for it in some way or another. While Ciro was a decent enough lion, Ruka suspected that if she became too unruly his true colors would show.

Deep down, he was as bad and twisted as the rest of them. If he was anything but that, Ruka wouldn't feel the need to hold herself back around him.

She watched as Ciro picked up a squirming cub, and knew she'd have to go along with it now since the two would be too distressed to talk any sense into. She walked up to the boy cub, placing a paw at his back to keep him from squirming away. "Let my sister go! Leave her alone!" he was crying pitifully at Ciro. The white cub was shaking with fear and anger that his sister was so cruelly torn from him.

Ruka swiftly picked the cub up mid-protest, carrying him gently in her mouth. The little creature went limp, either from instinct or from a sense of dread. Ruka walked ahed of Ciro, passing him without so much as looking at the male. His actions reflected deeply on the nature of his being, and she found it sickening.


Gwen quickly flew back, landing in the her nest a few minutes before Ciro and Ruka entered. Her eyes immediately went to the cubs, one carried (manly) by Ciro, the other a little bit more gingerly by Ruka. The avian shook her head. This was not the way to get others to cooperate with you.

She wanted to speak, but kept silent. The tension was already thick in the air with these two, the Goddess did not need to get in the way.

Ciro refrained from rolling his eyes at the scold, walking after Ruka with the squirming cub in his maw. Weren't cubs suppose to be still when scruffed? He was going to have a sore jab with all the wiggling the cub was doing.

Should've grabbed the boy.

Ruka had arrived at the den just a few steps before Ciro. He quickly dropped the cub to the ground, stepping over her as he headed to his bed. He was regretting his decision more and more to accept these cubs. One would have probably been easier than two. Huffing, he plopped onto his bed, watching the two quietly.

"You are a meany!" Lua hissed when she was put down, running quickly over to Radhi nearby. "Take us home please. We don't want to be here." Lua pleaded to Ruka. "We will be good if we are taken back there." Lua and Radhi hadn't been bad but in her mind, that was the only reason they were split up from their mom.

"Do what Ruka says, and I'll see about bringing you two back." Ciro said out loud for the cubs to hear.

Ruka gingerly placed Radhi on the ground, and immediately grimaced when the boy cub started to cry loudly. Her ears pinned to the back of her skull, trying to block out the sound that was decidedly obnoxious. She sympathized for the babies, but like her mother, she had absolutely no maternal instincts to act on. Ruka had no idea how to calm either of them, and the predicament that Ciro had put her in was frustrating. If he had only given her some time, she could have calmed them both and then neither of them would have to deal with two upset cubs.

"I can't, babies." She had no idea what to call the two, and getting names out of them now was a struggle. She reached out to pet the boy cub's heads, watching that fat tears roll down his face. For a little cub, he sure did cry loud. "You are already good cubs, your mother just isn't allowed to take care of you right now, so I have to." Ruka explained to the female, who at least had enough sense to not spend her entire life crying. She was a feisty thing, too, so Ruka had high hopes she'd give Ciro hell.

"B-but I want to go back!" Radhi cried pitifully. The moment his sister was back at his side, he had curled up with her again, seeking the protection of her more independent presence.

Ciro spoke up then, and Ruka's head snapped towards him. There were so many things she wanted to say, but couldn't in the presence of the youth. She ached to tear into him, let him know exactly what she thought and what she felt. Holding back now was almost physically painful. Ruka gritted her teeth, and tried to calm herself for the cubs. "We are going to talk," she promised Ciro, even if she had no right to do so.

Lua sighed, turning her back towards Ruka as she curled up with her brother. She did not want to hear it. "We will just need to find momma on our own when they aren't looking," the young cub said quietly, ears flicking as a small tingling sensation tickled the back of her head. She raised a paw, brushing at it, before nuzzling back to with Radhi. Even though they were out in the cold and rain drizzle, being next to her brother at least brought her a little comfort.

Ciro turned her attention to Ruka, a questioning look on his face. "What?" He was so confused. Children were not his strong suit. He was more of a ladies lion...and then if cubs were to happen from the union the lioness would take care of them.

"Anything you have to say I am sure you can say right here, right now. They seem to be settling down. And look, they are no longer out in the cold." By Ciro's logic, they had done well with bringing the kids inside quickly.

"But, by all means, if you need to speak to me a little bit more...privately, we can leave the two here by themselves. I can see that going all so well." There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Yeah, we will," Radhi promised his sister softly. He shrunk a little when he felt a large weight blanket over him and his sister. He looked up to see Ruka - the lioness had dragged a pelt over from her own bed to drape over the cubs. They were still wet and cold, and while Radhi didn't trust these two strange lions, he desperately needed that warmth. Sniffling away his tears, he curled up under the fur with his sister.

Tending to the cubs took all of Ruka's willpower, because the way Ciro spoke to her now was pressing all the wrong buttons with the female. Ruka had always retained a cool visage, had always been calm and collected. Underneath her outside appearance was a great inner turmoil she had been trying to keep quiet. If she stayed silent, her life would be better, but she wouldn't always be able to hold back.

There was Outlander blood in her veins, a fierceness she hadn't shown Ciro before because she had never needed to. "You don't have to get sassy with me," she snapped at him. Ruka could practically feel the sarcasm dripping from his voice, and it only incited her towards anger. Even with the cubs here, it was hard for her to hold herself back.

"If you weren't such a by-the-gods a** who only thought about what's between his legs, maybe you would know how to treat others with kindness. You've done no one any favors here, Ciro." Ah, well, she had tried to hold back.

He hadn't done anyone any favors? Was this lioness blind?

"Last I checked, I did you a favor by taking you into my den instead of being a nice bed warmer for my Captain. There was also the time that I stayed with you after one of your...episodes, to make sure that you were safe. Let's not forget this time too, where I so graciously accepted to take these two cubs in, figuring they would be better cared for by you instead of another stranger." He retorted, eyes narrowing.

"My offer from when you first arrived here still stands. There is the exit. You may leave at ANY time. Don't let me hold you back." He growled. "But make sure you take these two with you when you go. I won't hesitate to leave them on the border for others to grab at. I guess since I am do not know how to treat others with kindness, then my cruel heart would even separate them." His shoulders lifted in a shrug, before rising to his feet.

He didn't speak anymore to Ruka or the two cubs as he exited his den. Damn, second time the female had made him leave without actually telling him to go.

"No, you did yourself that favor," Ruka snarled. The only reason she wasn't warming some other lion's bed was because Ciro wanted her. She had known it by their second meeting, and she took some satisfaction in not giving anything to him. Ciro's kindness was always laced by cruelty. The two came hand in hand in this pride. Ciro would never truly be a good lion because he was a Stormborn. He only took the cubs in because it would inevitably have some sort of benefit to him. There was not a selfless act the lion had committed.

"How easily you shrug off responsibility," she finished snidely, watching as Ciro marched out of the den. Badly she wanted to leave too, abandon these cubs, find some other lion to claim her. Now, it didn't sound so bad to throw away everything she knew and cherished about herself. It surely would be better than staying here, raising two cubs for Ciro that were not even her own.

She stepped towards the entrance of the den and cursed, realizing that she couldn't quite abandon the babies here alone. With a growl the lioness doubled back, stubbornly laying down on her spread of furs, ignoring the itch she had to just run and abandon everything.