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Ever since he was a cub, Kuruka had always looked up to Glacio as a father figure. That may have been because it was originally Glacio who had found him stranded in the rogue lands. Kuruka didn't remember the whole of it, he was so little at the time. All he really remembered was the night he was found. It was so cold it seemed to sting his fur like a bite wound. He was alone and there was the distant sound of howling, which had frightened him. He felt very scared and then there was the group coming towards him. They were all shadowy figures and he was certain that they had meant him harm, but at the groups head was almost a blindingly bright leopard at its front, so he didn't run.

Glacio had approached him, looked him up and down and then ushered him to the group, where it felt considerably warmer. He had been with the group ever since.

Glacio had changed much since that time, no longer the leopard solely focused on the pursuit of knowledge. Now he carried himself with more respect and the emotion was echoed in the faces of those who looked upon him. Kuruka had a great deal of respect for the leopard as well. He had taken on a mate and had children of his own, but he was also dedicated to the well-being of the colony, something that it seemed was lacking in many others.

Kuruka had made it apparent that should Glacio try to take on a position of the Council, that he would back him. He was certain others would too, for the older leopard had been in the colony for so long and had done well by others. He had even found the current Council's runaway cubs. Surely that deserved some recognition on its own.

Initially, Glacio had seemed like he wasn't interested in the position, but things had changed once again and it had spread through the colony that Glacio was looking to be promoted. Asking Deker would be the hard part, Kuruka suspected. For the purple leopard had been going at it solo for so long. What if he refused because he liked the power it gave him, even if he never used it? Kuruka tried not to think of thoughts so dreadful. Besides, things had always ended in some form of election. Surely Deker wouldn't come in between that law, right?

What had prompted today's outing with his friend was that Kuruka had seen the weariness in Glacio's usually strong features. Seeing that he was under considerable stress, Kuruka had mentioned the two going out to walk through the forest together. They didn't need to speak, just to enjoy the outing. There was no point in having the other wear himself to the bone working, was there?

Yet how was he to predict that when he suggested they stop in a small grove to take a break that Glacio would fall asleep under the trees. Kuruka had no intention of waking him just yet, he obviously needed the sleep. So, Kuruka contented himself to laying nearby and keeping his ears perked for the sounds of anyone who may approach the two. Yet for the time being, he was just happy to be with his father.

Glacio didn't have much time for recreational activities these days. The most recreation he got in his day was when he was spending time with his children or Nishati and if he was honest, even that could be exhausting sometimes.