Tiny paws carried the lithe frame of the young female forward and eyes darted around as she made sure no one was watching as she snuck away. While she was one for following the rules, she had her moments where she also liked to break them. Like now.

She wanted to go explore and she wasn't about to let her mother try and stop her, not today anyway. She was sleeping last she had checked anyway, but that didn't mean none of her siblings were resting. Risa flicked her delicated tail behind her and gave a victory smile.

She had done it, she had successfully gotten away without notice. Or so she had thought. The fact she had left without waking their mother or most of the siblings had been a feat to the youngster and she beamed with pride as she stood triumphantly outside of the den, unaware that someone was close behind her.

Urlo was never really a heavy sleeper, and tonight was no different as his ears flicked towards the sound of his sister's sneaking. Eyes still closed, he stifled a grin until she passed him, before quietly getting up to follow her out of the den.

Once the two of them were just out of earshot from the rest of their siblings and their mother, he whispered, "Whatcha doing, Risa?"

She had been so lost in her thoughts of triumph that she failed to hear him and his sudden whisper made her spine lurch and fur go crazy as she quickly turned to glare at her brother. "Don't startle me like that" She said in a rather fussy hushed tone. Quickly adjusting herself so as to act as though the 'scare' had never happened she gave a nod of her head once satisfied and turned to look at him before speaking.

"But, if you must know, I'm going exploring." She looked around and glanced back at him now that she was all settled. "Care to come?" If he didn't want to she understood, but still it would be much more fun if he came along. She didn't MIND doing stuff alone but having someone to do things with her wouldn't be bad at all. Especially since she particularly liked this brother.

He chuckled awkwardly, doing his best to keep quiet, and bounded over to Risa's side.

"You're not scared you'll get in trouble?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or what if I go back into the den right now and tell on you?"

He grinned mischievously, waiting for a response.

She shook her head, she wasn't afraid at all. "If you go back then you'll get in trouble too, because you're out here just as much as I am right now. So now you have to go with me." She said with a coy smile and a wink. Not that they'd get in trouble for going outside the den, she was sort of coercing him into staying with her out of fear of possibly getting into trouble. Was she bad for doing that? She didn't think so.

She really wasn't sure where they might go though, she hadn't really given it that much thought. Just that she wanted to be out of the den. It got so stuffy in there sometimes especially with so many brothers lounging around all the time. She had an adventure bug that was dying to be sated.

Urlo grumbled, clearly outsmarted. He ambled after his sister, adding "Well, if we -do- get in trouble, I only came out here to keep an eye on you. Got it?"

That being said, he ended up in front of her, sniffing every leaf, stick, and rock they passed. It all smelled so -different- out here. Then he began to notice all the sounds of the night, as his eyes dilated to adjust to the darkness and his ears flicked all around him.

"How far did you say we were gonna go?"

She gave a small nod, that sounded fine to her. Giving a small flick of her tail she grinned, "I never said." She really just wanted to see how far they could get before she got tired and wanted to go back. "What do you want to look for?" She wanted to try and see if she could find some stashes or something to dig through. "Also, I like your cover story, I'm sure I can think of something for myself should we be questioned by any adults." She commented as she raked her brain for a possible reason as to why she had come out of the den.

Urlo flicked his ears behind him before calling back over his shoulder. "I...I dunno!"

His eyes remained forward, darting at every rustling leaf or skittering bug. He thought of what he'd want to see, but his mind only wandered to wild beasts or dark ravines. As much as he would love to go toe-to-toe with vicious creatures or explore dangerous places....he'd rather not do so as a cub...or at night.

Shaking the thoughts from his head, he turned to his sister, more cheerfully. "I'll be happy just to see something I've never seen before!" He grinned.

"Don't be a chicken." She teased him with a grin, she knew he'd come with her regardless, at least she had a hunch he would. "I think one of our family members has a mint garden somewhere near here. We can go there first!" She said, there were plenty of other things they could do or see on the way.

Giving the idea one more thought she figured going to raid their sister's stash was a fine idea. It was crazy to think they had adult siblings in the pride already but she never thought it as weird, they just had a large extended family. If anything they could at least go visit and see how everyone was. But first to the mint! "I know the way, follow me!" And she led the way for them and prayed to the God's they didn't get into too much trouble.