Book of Bug

Bug, a type which represents a very specific type of Pokemon; things with armored shells, multiple legs, translucent wings, and so forth. The Bug type is composed of some of the oldest species of Pokemon as well as some of the most numerous and as such history has seen many Bug hybrids, however very few Bug Channelers, for whatever reason. While not the most powerful the Bug type has still earned its place in history, however mostly as a story of despair.

-L'Ordre du Papillon and La Ruche-

Long ago during the 'feudal era' of Kalos there existed many hybrids which co-existed alongside the human populace. Kalos was renowned at this point in time as a cosmopolitan region, with not only a diverse array of hybrids but also of various Channeler types. During this era the Kingdom of Kalos was divided in numerous counties and duchies, usually divided along hybrid and Channeler type lines with the king being the final authority over them all. With so many powerful individuals existing Kalos the king needed a powerful force of his own to subjugate his subjects and keep them in line, and the various kings would find this power in the L'Ordre du Papillon.

L'Ordre du Papillon was an order of Bug type hybrid knights which served the royal family and answered only to the king himself. The order was renowned for its exceptionally powerful and astoundingly loyal hybrids. It is claimed that never once in the history of the order has a single knight ever failed in their duties nor betrayed the king. The various counts and dukes feared the order just as much as foreign adversaries did.

The exact reason why the king only used Bug type hybrids for his personal guard is unknown though one reason may be because Kalos had an unusually large amount of such hybrids, some believing the region is the birthplace of Bug type hybrids. Regardless knight candidates were chosen from the Bug hybrid populace of the Duchy of Santalune, the ancestral home of the hybrids. Even those who did not make the cut to join the order would join the army as regular soldiers or bodyguards for other royals, the duchy almost exclusively producing instruments of war and protection for the kingdom and royals.

This stability and mutual respect would not last forever as one xenophobic king would rise to the throne and upturn the co-existence of hybrids and humans. The Pokemon Yveltal would appear and spread its wings across Kalos, bringing death in its wake as it prepared for its slumber, absorbing the lifeless over countless humans, hybrids, and Pokemon alike. Channelers were particularly devastated as those that did survive usually found their partner Pokemon dead. The kingdom was devastated by Yveltal's appearance and the social structure collapsed over night. Already a paranoid and bigoted man the king found himself in a position of extreme weakness, with the region looking for who to blame for the death that engulfed the region, many looking at the king himself who was suppose to protect them.

With his position threatened the king would scapegoat the hybrids of the region, blaming them for the rise of Yveltal, claiming that it was punishment for allowing such monstrosities of nature to exist. The people of the region would echo this sentiment and the Great Purge would commence. Much fighting broke out throughout the region and even more death followed. Entire communities of hybrids were killed and coupled with Yveltal's wake the population of Kalos was reduced by over half with almost all hybrids wiped out except for most of L'Ordre du Papillon surviving.

The surviving Bug type hybrids would flee to the wilderness where they would establish a new home for themselves in the forest, a village that would come to be known as La Ruche. Here the Bug hybrids would go on to survive all the way up to modern day, the descendants of the once loyal knights who had given so much to their king to only be betrayed and discriminated, of which still are today. The Kingdom of Kalos barely tolerates La Ruche, routinely making raids against the village to keep them in line but always stops short of full scale invasion and destruction, either because they deem it too risky or perhaps historical respect, the answer may never be known.