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[PRP] Into the Dragon's Storm (Isipho & Cinàed)

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Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:01 pm
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Between the brisk wind blowing over the plains and the way the moon kept disappearing behind clouds Isipho knew that the night held many things within it's black depths and not a single one of them could be good. Had it not been for the unease she felt in her stomach at staying in one place Isipho would not even have risen to greet the night air and certainly wouldn't be out running around on the plains. But the unease had made her hungry and the worry had added a quicker hitch to her gait, so the lioness was moving swiftly between the silvery patches of light that threatened to betray her already bright coat to the eyes of the night. Nothing was running around this night to be had though, at least not in this area, another thing that put her on edge because this rarely happened lest there was some sort of natural phenomenon about to wreak havoc on the lands in the area. What natural disaster could be coming her way though?

All the hair on the ridge of her spine lifted a bit and the large lion froze as a cloud pulled back and watery moonlight betrayed her, lighting her form up for all those around to see. One paw raised and her white wing markings glowing in the silver light, Isipho's heart beat out a pattern on her chest and ribs as she waited, able to see everything from where she was. It was the safest place and also the most dangerous place, everyone could see her but she could also see anything that might be coming, but still there was nothing. Nothing at all moving around in the night, it panicked her and kept her from moving like some little gazelle that was caught by the glowing eyes of a dangerous predator. She was NOT some herd beast, she could do this, Isipho could find someplace to hide that would keep her from immediate danger, she'd been doing this for years after all! Ever since her adolescence she'd never had an issue with finding someplace to sleep or hide, never had she felt something like this though, never in her life.

Well, never in her memory anyway, there had once been a time she'd felt something close to it, but her parents had scooped her up and taken her to the edge of her pride and shoved her past it's boarder. They'd proclaimed her free, free to live her life and make friends, have experiences and learn. There were so many things to learn!

Silver moved and she was no longer lit like a beacon in the night landscape but she could still feel something in the pit of her stomach that told her danger was afoot. Was this what it felt like to be hunted?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:04 am
Danger was certainly afoot, and his name was Cinàed. He preferred tack on 'The Dragon' to make himself sound more impressive, and now that he was a Reaver he was sure it would catch on outside of his immediate family. He certainly looked the part, what with his jagged smile and burning wings. Now he just had to give his pride a reason beyond appearance to call him that.

Today he was out on a solo Viking to start his legacy. Now that his mane had come in fully and he had his title to leave the pride when he wished he had to begin collecting things to prove his prowess. Of course the young male had his mind set on one thing and one thing only: Thralls. Thralls were an important part of the pride, a status symbol to be sure, but they also kept the place running. They were personal servants of one or two Reavers or Freeborn, depending on if the pair were mated, and would do the housekeeping, hunting, and cub-minding as their masters orders. To be a successful Stormborn - in his mind, at least - one must have at least a few Thralls to mind his things while he was out and about.

And thus he found himself stalking a lioness on a cloudy night. She was clearly nervous and he was sure she could feel him watching her from the tall grass not far from where she walked, but he had yet to reveal himself. Like a dragon, he wanted to instill fear and awe in those around him. So far he seemed to only be doing the former to this lioness and that wouldn't do! She needed to see how magnificent he was, how strong and powerful!

Finally the moon was hidden by clouds once more, allowing him to approach her downwind. His coloration mostly helped him hide, his glowing markings rather eerie in the darkness. He approached with burning eyes, his snarling smile accented by the brightness along his lower jaw, his paws a splattered, fiery mess.

"Good evening," he purred once he was close enough, power in his voice despite the polite tone. "It seems you've found yourself walking into The Dragon's den, my dear. How fortunate for me."



Offensive Hero


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 2:03 pm
Fur standing on end and her tail curled up so that it was nearly above her back from fear, as if her spine were contracting just before she leapt into a full run that was never to come. Darkness shifted in the area downwind from her and Isipho could feel something watching her, something that was moving closer and closer through the shadowy section she couldn't see. Twisting to and fro, concerned that there was no one visible, the lioness, bright markings and all, felt exposed and suddenly wished that she had place she could hide that wasn't just tree limbs that just barely hid her bright coat. For however long she'd been wandering Isipho still hadn't found a pride to accept her given her coloration, a sore spot for her anyway given her history.

So it was only natural that she nearly climbed out of her own skin when a voice, dark and powerful, spoke from directly behind her. Fur standing on end she turned her wide eyes to face the creeping darkness that loomed so fully behind her and continued looking up from his chest until she was staring like a confused gazelle straight into the lion's brightly glowing eyes. Everything about this large lion glowed, wing markings, paws, eyes, tail, and the wicked looking grin on his muzzle was intimidating in a way she'd never encountered before. Briefly she thought that he might have been sent by her old pride to finally be rid of her, maybe her parents sacrifice wasn't enough and they'd discovered her at last?

Despite his looks he couldn't have been a member of that pride, it was rare for them to even leave it under desperate circumstances, usually only famine would have a hunter out so far. Who was Isipho to them anymore after all? So that meant this male was something new, something dangerous in a different manner, and she tensed all of her muscles.

"If I've done so, it was unintentional... Usually at night I can find someplace to hide or sleep. This night is uneasy though and I cannot bring myself to settle down, so hunting seemed appropriate." Isipho offered to the male, hoping that words might distract him or pull out his true purpose for approaching her in such darkness. "Is there a way I can help you?"

Deep under it all, far below the fear at the moment, Isipho really only wanted to help everyone. That included lions that appeared from the darkness and glowed with a wicked grin. Maybe she would have to adjust her thoughts in the future.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 4:40 pm
The lioness before him was a textbook description of terrified which was both pleasing and unsatisfying to Cinàed. He wanted to instill fear, yes, but not make those around him completely terrified. He wanted them to be in awe, to see how majestic and wonderful he was! He'd certainly have to teach this lioness the error of her ways.

"Actually," he purred as he circled the smaller feline, "there is! How kind of you to offer." Cinàed was a lion of action to be sure, but he did enjoy hearing himself talk. He'd always take the verbal route before the physical if only to hear his own voice more often.

"You see, my dear, I'm looking for someone who will come back with me to my pride and assist in the daily doings concerning me and my den. I need someone to clean, to hunt, and to ensure my treasures are well protected." He didn't want a Thrall that would cower and hide, he wanted one that would defend what was his should the need arise.

"And in return would you have the safety I would give you, as well as many other lions to interact with." The lives of Thralls had changed quite drastically over the past few generations and many more families were treating their Thralls kinder and with greater respect than before.

"It seems a fair trade, right?" he added, grinning naturally. It made the already jagged markings on his face seem to stretch unnaturally wide which he had found was rather intimidating, but there wasn't much he could do about that.



Offensive Hero


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 4:47 pm
To hear protection and safety offered on the heels of something that sounded roughly akin to slavery caused the fur on her back to bristle straight up, white wings appearing to fluff up despite being nothing more than markings across her shoulders. Isipho had been nothing more than a stain on her pride once and though a part of her wanted to be of service to all this male, this truly imposing male with his jaggedly marked muzzle and glowing markings, was offering to drag her back into a world much like that. Protection... something she had never known as long as she'd been alive, even her own parents had let her down, only redeeming themselves when they pulled her from her would be assassins to her freedom. After that she had promised herself to help those in need, her own way of honoring her parents even if their memories were not fond ones to her, the pair had only changed their opinions of her as she grew older and even then just before she was to be assassinated.

In her mind this male was asking her to a pride that would keep her as nothing more than a slave, what did he have to offer her outside of protection and work? Hovering at the back of her mind was the chance to meet other lions, the silence of her loneliness had been bottled and held tightly to her chest for years as she wandered almost always without interaction. It was nearly enough for her to agree immediately, but he had claimed that he needed help with his things, with his living space. What exactly that entailed, or the lack of knowledge about it, had Isipho's bright peach eyes narrowing at him.

"Is that help, or is that servitude?" the lioness was not interested in complete servitude and her body language changed as she pulled herself together and squared her shoulders, muscles tensing up tightly as he circled her in a way that might have come across as menacing to another creature. He was large and he glowed in the darkness but he wasn't sure who she was other than that he had been chasing her, the male had no idea how strong she was or how well she could fight.

And Isipho could fight.

Claws extended into the ground, sinking into the dirt as if to ground herself and appear immovable. With her warm colors and markings she was the type of lioness that got underestimated all the time, a mistake that was often made by males who thought that because she was a bit smaller that she was far weaker. They were wrong and often didn't know just how wrong they were until it was far too late for them to do anything about it. While Isipho wasn't a lioness that held a grudge or even sought out revenge, she certainly wouldn't be pushed around by males that acted as if they knew everything.

Rolling her shoulders a bit, holding her head arched back and high, she looked up to him and set her expression to stern, "If it's help you need I can certainly give it, but do not treat me like some canine below your feet, I've traveled these lands long enough to know how to handle myself."

If a small part of her way deep down had concern for her own safety she silenced it when she squared herself up with him.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:25 am
Cinàed could tell the lioness was getting agitated by the way she turned to keep her front to him, how her fur fluffed up, and her claws digging into the ground. He felt no fear, of course, and he continued to circle her slowly. He had her right where he wanted her and, as malicious as that sounded, it really was with hardly any ill intent.

Her question made him laugh, a deep, hearty sound that was far more friendly than his appearance let on. "I suppose that depends on the Thrall," he said, his grin widening. "Some consider it slavery, others are quite happy with their station. It's certainly a low rank but that doesn't mean you have to suffer." Indeed, Cinàed had seen Reavers and Freeborns alike treat their Thralls like coveted prizes, like just another member of the family, or like worthless laborers. He felt that to prevent an uprising and to keep them satisfied it was best to walk a line between the first two. To let them have some freedoms but to understand that other lions within the pride might not treat them as kindly.

"And of that I have no doubt, miss," he said, finally stopping in his circling to stand before her. He gave a low bow, completely exposing the back of his neck even if it was covered in thick, curly fur. It both showed his own confidence that even if she did attack him them it would do little, but also respect.

"I'm Cinàed the Dragon, and should you wish to join me, I would ensure you'd be the happiest Thrall the pride has ever seen." And if she didn't wish to join him, he'd just take her by force. He was giving her a choice, though, and her answer would either make her life easier or harder depending on what answer she gave.



Offensive Hero


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 7:49 pm
Ears flattening backwards with his laughter, her peach eyes flared once more and Isipho arched her head back as if she were debating trying to run once more. Between the laughter and the description of life as a 'Thrall' she felt her heart begin to hammer a bit faster and she realized quickly that there was no running away and there was no fighting, the dragon had caught her and she was his whether she wanted to be or not. It took a great amount of courage to swallow the lump in her throat, but the tan lioness managed it and slowly bowed her head to Cinàed until she was looking down at his feet and the back of her neck was bared. It had been the position she'd been forced into as a cub and spent most of her years assuming until she was finally freed, though it felt wrong to do so now he had offered the position to her first and that had eased her fears more than anything.

No one had ever bowed to her, no one had ever even bothered to show her the smallest amount of respect outside of nodding their head or acknowledging that she was indeed even alive. Not knowing what it was like to have real friends or even knowing what it felt like to have others spare her a kind glance, Isipho had taken these as any kind of acknowledgement she could and it had been that which had kept her going even alone. To have another offering to make her happy, even if she was some sort of servant or slave to him, was a completely new feeling that she was attempting to wrap her brain around.

Keeping her head as low as she could still, eyes gazing at this burning paws, Isipho took a deep breath, "My name is Isipho, I was born a slave sentenced to death in my last pride. After my parents released me they were killed and I've been alone until I met you." Slowly she lifted her head and looked him directly in the eyes, wanting to know that he was not lying to her, that he wouldn't kill her where she stood rather than take her with him. "If it's assistance I'll give it in almost any way you need happily. But as I said, I'm not one that will allow you to harm me, even if it kills me I'll fight back."

Her voice shook a bit as she spoke but she kept going until it all came out in a rush of breath at once and left her taking another deep breath as she watched him carefully for his response, knowing already that she was his no matter what he said. While death was not the option that she wished for and she knew that it would come if she fought, Isipho would not let another harm her or go down without a fight if they did.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:54 am
Cinàed lifted his head as the introduction was returned, although it seemed his prize hadn't had the best of lives. He cocked his head to one side as she lifted her gaze to meet his again, her 'threat' making him grin again. He liked that she had fire in her belly, although he wouldn't stand of insubordination. He hoped it wouldn't come to that because, if push came to shove and she didn't obey him, it seemed they'd be fighting to the death.


"I think those are fairly decent terms," he said with a thoughtful tone of voice. "So long as you realize the only reason I'd lift a paw to you is if you disobey me so severely there's no alternative to punishment." He had the feeling she'd be pretty quick to jump at his beck and call, and so long as she served him well, he would serve her well too.

"Come on then, Isipho! Let's go home," he said, turning to strut off in the direction of home, fully confident that she'd follow without trying to run. "You're going to love it. It's on the sea, there's lots of lions to meet and befriend, maybe you'll even meet a future mate there!" He had no issues with her finding another Thrall to love, or even perhaps another Freeborn so long as they didn't try to steal him from her completely.



Offensive Hero


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 6:56 pm
Disobey... the word marked her as his, something she could have done without but it was happening, she was caught. Really she'd been fortunate all the years she'd been wandering the Savannah alone, all those years that she had thought that she knew how to handle herself failed her now in the face of this.. this "Dragon". A sigh pulled from her, ears pinning back slightly as she submitted herself to her fate, but the ever optimistic part of her, the part she cursed some nights when she was so alone, actually looked forward to being a part of a pride that would want her. Even as a slave, she wasn't going to be murdered in her sleep and it seemed that this male was intent upon treating her with some small amount of kindness, though that would remain to be seen how honest that truly was.

"The sea... I've never seen a 'sea'." Isipho felt the word 'mate' down in her stomach and ignored it, who could ever love her? For now she would settle for being welcomed even as a servant or slave. Later... that would play out as life played out. She was no adolescent youngling with stars for eyes, the future was coming but she would see what it brought with realistic views and go from there. "I don't suppose you'd like to share some stories of this pride of yours while we travel?"

Slowly she moved to follow him, her steps not near as lively a strut as his own but there was excitement there, even under the dread.

Fin ~
PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 7:05 pm
"You'll love it," Cinàed insisted as he walked, strutting proudly. He had captured his first Thrall and not a drop of blood had been spilled! There were some that would scoff at his tactics, but he knew that sometimes it was wiser to use words and persuasion than force.

"Oh, sure. I'm no bard, but I can tell you a bit," he said as they walked along. He dove into glorious stories of captains and reavers gone by, of battles and treasure, and then of the home life that she had to look forward to. The life of a Freeborn and a Thrall weren't boring either, so it wasn't as if she'd be missing out on all the fun.

He led the way off to the east, eager to return home with his prize and show off a bit. What a great way to start his Reaving career!



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[IC] Rogue Lands

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