Perseus could not wait to leave for her first official adventure outside the family group. She had gone out for short times on her own before, but not very far from the family. She did not want to get herself into unnecessary trouble or such just for curiosity. She was not stupid, just a bit too curious for some tastes. Some like her father perhaps, but at least he would not hold her from going. He knew the value of letting her learn and make mistakes herself

She, of course, was aware of how much danger there was in traveling alone, but she still was excited. There was so much to do yet in life, like finding a mate, and maybe having cubs. And it would all start with that first adventure away from her family’s protection. It had to start there, right? She was certain that it had to, and she really would hate to be wrong.

Perseus smiled happily as she thought of what she was going to be doing once she was on her own. She thought she might start out sticking close but not WITH the family group so that she could get used to the idea of being alone but still have back up if needed. That might be a good plan, but it would still be exciting to fend for herself and try to survive on her own.

Perseus purred to herself and stretched her paws in anticipation. One day she would travel all over by herself and perhaps find a pride to settle in. Perhaps that pride by the sea! Or maybe one of the others that she had encountered members from while growing up. She could think of a lot of possibilities, the problem was finding one that she wanted to settle on. Then again, why start looking to settle so soon?

It was certainly something to keep in mind afterall, but perhaps she should look more at figuring out how to do for herself and make her own way first. She would never do well in a pride if she was not useful, so she better focus on learning life skills before she went running off to one of the prides to join up. She also had to keep in mind that what she was, was not always looked upon kindly by others.

She had to keep logic and practicality in mind here. Logic was her friend in this. Logically the she had to focus on learning to survive first, and then expand to things like pride seeking and a mate later when she had proven herself capable. She needed to really prove herself if she wanted others to take a hybrid seriously. If she did prove unable to have cubs, she really needed skills to make her useful! It was unlikely she would find a mate, but she held out on that dream.

Perseus bent her head down to take a drink from the little stream in front of her and thinks a bit about her past. Time alone in the roguelands could lead to many things. There were many things she would like it to lead to, and most of them she knew it would not. She would hold out false hope, though, just because it made her feel better to think there was a slight chance, no matter how small and unlikely, that someone good would come to her in spite of her hybrid status.

Perseus knew that Athena would not approve of her negative thoughts, and that was all the more reason not to speak of it. Her father did not want his cubs to be sad, and had it in his mind that every one of them was going to find someone special, or more than one someone, with which to have a family. He would try his best to convince Perseus of the impossible if she let him know she doubted things. The leopon knew that she had a slim chance of having cubs, so she had to keep in mind how that would look to a possible mate.

Perseus's thoughts seemed to stick on the idea of getting a mate of her own and having cubs in spite of her efforts to convince herself of the practical and logical realities. The leopon gave a sigh of both frustration and resignation. She could not get her mind off being too idealistic for the time being, so perhaps she should just embrace it with her normal enthusiasm and see what it brought?

Perseus did know one thing. She was not the only one of her siblings thinking about striking out on their own away from her family. She had four sisters in her litter, and one brother. Of the six of them, she knew at least one was going to stay with their father forever, or so the sister claimed. Others were like Perseus and thinking about a place where either they did not travel all the time, or thinking they would be happier having their own group like Athena.

Perseus lifted her head from her drink and padded over to a rock near where her family slept tonight. She did not usually stray far even when she wanted to be alone. She would lounge on this rock and maybe get some sleep, but with as much as she was thinking about the future, it was not very likely that sleep would be quickly achieved..

Perseus sighed to herself as she got comfortable on the rock that was now her perch. She really hoped she could find someone to love her one day. It was an important to her, even if others would think her silly for thinking it was possible. The young leopon knew that she was silly for it, but she also hoped and cared about having that romantic ideal some day. Maybe she would find another as romantic as she? She could hope.

It was not a the most practical thing to want to have ties to someone outside blood that one could rely on and to have their love. Depending on what happened in one's life, those ties could mean a difference between life and death. The pride could do great things for the leopon some day, but she really hoped it would come with a mate and a chance to raise cubs, even if they were not her own..

((OCC: Another RP that was started and unfinished in my word documents until now))